HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947-02-17274 ~-eonttnued JANITORS-REGISTRATION AT SCHOOLS: GecrgaEverson appeared before the board and discussedthe matter of working at registrations periods in the schools. The Janitors feel that this,is extra wmrk and they should receive some remuneration. Mr. Everson explained that he hod to be there early and keep the fires going and after the registration was over he had to stay and bank the fires. Ail the other Janitors feel the same way about this'matter. They feel. that they should receive $5.00 for each night as they work about three hours .... Mr. Thomson inquired if Mr. Everson intended that this money should be, paid retroactive or as of this date and he said as cfthis date. The matter of the difference paid at the fire station.for setting up booths and that at the schools was also discussed. The Janitors feel that the~ should also receive'S10.00 which is the amount received by the firemen. ~r. Thomson mentioned that Mr. Rivet had called this to'his attention and that he felt that they shou!dalao receive $10.00 The board voted to take this matter under advisement and in the meantime check on the number of booths in each precinct. If this money ~s allowed, {t will be ~aken'from election expenses. · HIGHWAY SURVEYER: Highway Surveyer Ira D. Catty came before the board and presented a che~k for~ $625165 to cover the repairs on the town.tractor which was burnedsome months ago and which wasrepaired by theDsvis Tractor~Company .... Mr. Thomson suggested that the chedk be turned over to TownTreasurer Maker and that Mr. Carty pay the bill out of his departmental~ppropria~ionY~"~ ~r. Csrty then suggested that he be allowed ~o pay this sum from his snow removal appropriation and no special town meeting would have tc~b~held to reimburse the Highway Department for this amount. The bosrd-agreed, that this would be the best procedurel. INSURANCE: A letter was received from the North Andover Insursnce'Agents' Association informing the board of some changes made in the town's coverage. They,.,' have discontinued the coverage on the Franklin School Building since it.has' been sold and have placed $200 coverage on the temporary pump ho~se at the corher Marblehead Street. ~hnoth~r correction was that of transfer~i~g"$800?. coverage from a separate policy into the schedule in connection with .the b!eacherslat 'Grogan's Field. A return premium is. $29.50 .and check for t~is amoun~ was given to Mr. Maker, Treasurer. ~,~ RAILROAD AVE. & HIGH BUS SERVICE: .. The petition sent to the Eastern Mas~ Railway C~m-~any f~r additional service on this route, a copy of which was. sent to this board, was discussed.~Mr; Gaston Owril had been contacted and ihformedthis office .that he felt~sUr% the service would be grantedbut asked that weawait an official letteE,~from Boston on this matter. .... HISTORIC BACKGROUND OF THE TOWN: ,.- ¥~ requestS.received from Raymond HI Sa%her of 20 Woodbine:Street, Brooklyn,- New York for information o the historic background of the ~own was referred to the NorthAndnver Historical Society, Mrs. Harriet F. Russell, Secretary. RECREATIONAL INF0t,~ATION REQUEST. ~ A request from Shir!eyM. Hawkes of Thatcher Hall, Mass. Stat~College~for information onrecreationat sites in the town and other information~o~this same 'line was referred to Rev. Ralph.D. York, chairman of theRecreationa~ ~' Committee. " ,,~,. FIRE DEPARTMENT: A letter of thanks was. received from Rev. Leo A. Reilly, S. J. Director of Campion Hall through this board to the Chief Engineer and the firemen who 'so' kindly went'up to the hall and burned a building down, which was. considered a germ breeder. Fire Department was notified of this letter~ BUILDING LAWS AND ZONING LAWS: A copy of the building laws and'zoning by-laws was requested by RogerB. Haszard of Larch Row, Wenham, Mass. and request was granted. FOP~ST'WARDEN: Approval of the appointment of Hames Hargreaves as ForestWsrden was r'eceived from the Department of Conservation, Division of Forestry. PRECINCT OFFICER: The board appointed Mary B. Burke of 14 Chicksring Road as Ballot Clerk in - Precinct Four to fill the vacancy caused by the'resignation of James Dillon. 275. continued LAND COURT: A lend court petition in the names of Nannine Pervere and Lewis B~g~low was referred to C. J. Mshoney for his decision. STEVF/~S HALL: Commander Edward Garvey of the Veterans' of Foreign Wars 'requested the use of Stevens Hall for April ll, 1947' for'the purpose of holding a bridge party. The Bpard granted this requested pending the approval of Mr. Hayes for the availability of the hall at that time. VETERANS' HOUSING PROJECT: Mr. Thomson, Chairman, opened the meeting byinforming those present that this was a continued hearing with reference to Veterans' Housing and Go discuss .~.a,jsrobable solution for the veterans who were found to be in need when the ~ Veterans Housing Committeemads'a survey. Mr. Thomson aske~ that any vezerans who cared to be heard wou!d be welcome to speak at this time. Frank Broadhead stated that he was fivlng in two rooms and had three children and was in.dire need of a home. John Campbell mentioned the fact that the boys should be enlightened as'to the ? financial ~nd of building or buying a home. John Willis presented figures /which he received from the Andover Savings Bank but which covered~only the principle and interest and taxes and otb'er expenses would be .Mr. Willis informed those present that the government would allow $4, an $8,000 home ~n~ the bank would take care of the balance. Various prices were quoted by Mr. Willis. Mr;'Salisburythen expleifled the{ there were 18 veterans present and that 16 .~w~re in need accordi~g~o a nell that was taken. He stated that at the last meeting when the State Board'of Housing held theirhearing, their decision~ made it possible for the town to do ~he of three things; first, To sell lots~ ~tc veterans a~ reasonable ra~es, on condition ~hata dwelling be erected upon each such house lot by the veteran purchasing th~ same, for his own use, and ~ithin a specified time; · Second, To sell parcels ~o corporations:and/or individuals, on condition that& dwelling be erected upon each such house lot, within a specified time,~'l~ ,~ and then sold or rented to a veterans ate reasonable price or rent; 'Third, To construct a dwelling on each such house lot , and rent the same ?~to'a veteran at a reasonable rate; provided, that within one year after the termination ofthe emergency, each such~dwelling shall be offered for sale at its fai~ market v~lue, Some of the veterans suggested that the town build the homes and have the · Vet~rans~ pay rent to the town, which seemed to be most favorable than any other '~i~!an. ~er Ritchie was presentand stated that he had been designated to getfigUres as ~to.the cost of the rolling and filling of the sandbank on Railroad Avenue ~Fbut~ Mr.'~Cyr, contractor, came tothe meeting andmentioned~the figure which ~' ' i~He~.~huld charge. ~ He said it~90uldcost $2~000~ and he mentioned'Ghat'there Could be ten duplex houses built there at atcoslt of approxima{e!Y$14,000 for: e~ch duple~ house or $7,000 p~r single dwelling. Mr. Cyr explained that'the · ':..~ ~ill would be rolled and compacted. Mr. WillAam Duffy, Supt. of'Public Works,~ ~tated that the cost of water there would be $2350 and for the 'sewerage,~ $2200. The Selectmen informed those present that they had requested lots from ~peogle~· thrbughout the town an~had received single an~ double lots ss well as two t~cts oftand. ~r..C.J. Mahoney read various sections of the statute and explained that the i~6Wn w~s bound to precede bythe statute. ~'~ MrV John &lter was then asked to make a statement asto what he would consider ~'bsst for the veterans. Mr. Alter said he' felt that first there should be an :Li~f0rmation center which would be a tremendous help to theboys and for the Veterans who. could and wouldbuild a home and the town can give lots, that is a guodplan. He said his committee would like to talk .to the boys.more privately and they could then get e better idea of what they are in a position %o do. M~. Salisbury stated that they musthave information as to the status of the v~terans in order to have some idea fen an article and until they know Just wH~t is wanted, they are unable to do that. Mr. Thomson then explained that this board is require~ to appoint a Veterans' Director who will also work with the veterans of Boxford and in any other ..matter which will be of some help. to the veterans. Mr. Thomson felt that it might be a good idea to.have William A"McAloon act in this capacity for the tim~ being to help and assistJthe veterans. Mr..Thomson then suggested that the ~oard appoint Mr. Alter and his committee ~o interview the boys and make a report to this board in tim~ to insert an article at a special town meeting to be held on the same day as the regular %own meeting. Fr&rmis Kittredge informed those present that he felt that every member of the Veterans Housing committee would be.more than willing to do g .pwith this