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Mr. Salisbury ~hen made a motion, on the recommendation of the Chairman,
that the V~taran~' Housing bereferred to this committee for further ~'.-
investigatio~ and make a report to this board at their earliest convenience.
The vote wgs seconded and declared unanimous.
The Hoard informed William MaAloon that he would be allowed to advertis~
and inform the veterans what houses are for sale or for rent, the cost
of advertising to be p&id hy the town.
Letter from Civil Service callin~ attention of the hoard ~o the requir~men{s
of the General Laws, Chapter 31, section 15C, which requires that each
department or each appointing officer shall submit to the 'director of ·
civil service a list of the officers or employees who are civil' service ·
employees and to be submitted on a fonm which is made under the
of perjury. Each~ department under civil service will submit their
names to the appointing authorities. "
Notice received that a public hearing will be held 'on February 26, 19
at 10:30 A. M. at the hearing~ room, 166 State House, Bo~ton on the petition
of Senator William D. Fleming of Worcester that the.railroads~ make the
called Z6 ride students commutation tickets'~availab!e to veterans cf 3~
World War II who are attendin~ instittttionsoSf!tea~ing._ ~ . ~ -~'~...
Copies of House Bills No. 539 and No. 556 which were introduced in theJ
Legislature'this year at the request of John B. Atkinson~ City. Manageri~'~'~,
relative to support .b~ children of their parents' and the budget for ~,/~
Aid to Dependent- Children, cases. The letter asksdthat the selectmen
notify their senators and representatives 'fl 'they feel that thes~e ..... ~
taws should be repealed.
Meeting adjourned.
The Board of Selectmen held their regular weekly meeting
all members present. Weekly bills and payrolls were approved.
Cheirman'Thomson opened the meeting bx ststing that'the board r~
'~he pas~ing away of an esteemed citizen ofour community, that
severe shock to all of us and suggested that we adopt the
~ God in his infinite wisdom saw fit, 6n Eebruary 22, !947~ ~
from our~mids~, our esteemed fellow citizen, Hax~y C~ Foster, and'
~' the'said Harry C. Foster served his Community asa member o~he',
Advisory. Hoard, and as a Selectman end'member of the Board of Public Welfa~eJ-.'
from'192~'to 1936~ ahd ' o $ I
from 1940 to March of 1,46, havmng served on said
Boards as a member and as Chairman~thereof,' and
WHEREAS~ the said Barry C. Foster performed his official duties in'a .... 1~..
conscientious~, efficient, And courteous manner and his services were '~.f~L~.
inestimable v~lue to his Community,
BE IT THEREFORE NOW RESOLVED that we, Arth~rA.' Thomson, Joseph'M.'Finneran,
andArnold H. Salisbury, present members of the Board of'Selectmen a~d~-Bo~rd
of PublicWelfare individually and as representatives ortho town of North
Andover, for,ourselves .and the whole community~he~b~ express our's~h6e~e~./
regret and sorrow at the passing of thesaid' Harry C, Foster and e~tend~ur
sincere sympathy.to his surviving widow and sonaandthat this re'S~l%~
be spread'upon the official Selectmen's records and a 'copy thereof be 's~nt
~o the widow and son of the said Harry C. Foster.
Mr. Sa!isburymade a motion that the board adopt the resolution and the
vote was unanimous.
Commander Edward Garvey of the V. F. W. Post 2104 asked if a street
could be installed in front of their home enPark Street.~ He stated:that
it was very dark there and there are a large number'of people coming and
going there. He also asked that a protective shade be put on so that'~
people across the street would not be disturbed.
Mr. Thomson informed Mr. Garvey that no lights would be installed until,
after the town meeting when the money is raised for this purpose and this
request will be considered at a later date.
A letter received informing the board that the Commissioners'had voted
to install and maintain a 4-way f!sshing beacon as the Junction of
Route 125, Chickering Road and ~lain Street, North Andover with the
understanding that the mown of North Andover will pay for the power
consumed as agreed in their !ether of January30, 1947 to the Department
of Public Works.
Petition received for the abandonment of 16 Telephone poles on Brook
'and Winter Streets in North Andover as shown on Plan No. 1100. No
hearing is required and the board voted unanimously so grant this request.
A request for the removal of a tree at 15 Richardson Avenue was received
f~om Mrs. Catherine McI~ann of the same address. The tree has large
spreading rooms which cause the wn~er to back up into the cellar.
The board referred this mo the Tree Warden and if approved, a hearing
~ill be held on ~arch !0, 1047 in the Selectmen,s Office at 7:30 P.~.
An invitation to the board to attend the annual banque~ of the Cardinal
O'Connell Division 20, L.A.A.O.H. to be held on March 15, 1947 in St.
~ichael's Hall. The Board voted to accept the invitation with pleasure
and have a representative present and so notify Mrs. Julia K. Moynihan,
A claim for $46.00 for doctor,s services was received from Mrs. Mary A.
Donovan and Daniel J. Donovan of 23 Maple Ave. Mrs. Donovan fell on an
icy unsanded sidewalk and broke her arm. The board voted unanimously to
pay this bill and obtain a husband a'nd wife release.
The mat%er of reimbursement for the Janitors who have to work during
registration periods was discussed and the board voted to pay them
$4.00 per night for their services and the vote was unanimous. Inthe
matter of reimbursement for setting up booths on election day, it was
voted to make no change as there are ten single booths to be set up in
the High and Merrimack Schools and eight singles in the Union School while
there are eighteen single booths in the Fire Station.
A list of employees as required by General Laws, Chapter 31, Sec. 150,
and signed by the appointing officer was mailed to the Director of Civil
Service for the Welfare, Police and Fire Department employees.
The board'discussed the recent accident on Sutton Street in which a young
'veteran was killed (Douglas Lee) and decided to check on this particular
spot and find out who owns the smripof land and if the trees there are
causing a hazardous condition. This will also be checked with Mr. Carty
to see what he thinks about the condition existing. The matter wi!l'be
'discussed at a later date.
Mr. Car{y Came before the board and informed them that the bill which was
discussed !asm week for the amount of $628.65 which amount was paid by the
insurance company for damage to the ~actor by fire, would have ~o be paid
through an article in the town warrant as it was dated 1946~ ~This will
be taken up at the next special town meeting and an article inserted.
~Meeting adjourned.
FEBRUARy 25, 1947:
Mr. Thomson 'called to ~,y that he hsd received information from the
~no~e~~ ~O~pa~4~...~AT the following bus schedule would go into
c , Pmilrosd Ave. and High Street: Buses will
leave High Street at 9:35, 10:35 and 11:35 in the morning and at 8:35.
9:35 and 10:35 In the evening and will leave Essex Street a~ 10:05,
11:O5 tn'~bhe morning and at 12:05 at noon and at 9:05, 10:05 and 11:05
P.~{. This schedule is for SURCOATS ONLy.