HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947-03-17280. MARCH ~.0, 1947: COMPLAINT: OPEN CELLAR: A complaint wasmade to this,bcsrd by Mrs. Perry Cranston of Lincoln Street, regarding an open cellar on Lincoln Street which is considered very dangerous and un~ealth~ ss there is always water in it and lots of ~lies. The children knock the snow fence over and Mrs. Cranstonb;b~2ieves that something should be done before some child ge~s hurt or drowned. The board discussed this for some time and Mz. Salisbury suggested that.the owner be contacted and asked to fill!it in and if no action is taken, then take the matter up with Judge Mahoney. Mr. Thomson asked the' board if it was agreeable with them to have the c~ef of Police contact the owner and determine what he .will do voluntary and,,,make a report to this board on March 17~ 1947~and then the beard could take further action. This was agreeable to all members. FIRE DEPART;~ENT INSURANCE POLICY: Mr. Finneran spoke ~to the board abouttthe insurance policy coverin~ the fife station employees. He said Mr. Bisson had talked with him and stated~tha{' ff the call firs men go out ~o rescue'a cat, or ~o on th~ ambulance, they are not covered by this insurance. They are.p!annins to have Mr..DeHu~u attend one of their meetings and go over this policy and asked if they take the policy. Mr. Thomson felt that they co~d see the policy~in.~this ~ office at any time and that perhaps a sample policy Co~d be obtained for/~ j~ Mr.' Deh~!u. ' - ' - ' BO~ OF S~EC~EN " The board of Selectmen did~ not re-organize on this dayin view of the factg, that ~,~.j there was to be a recount this week and Mr. Salisbury prefaced to wait ~il: the outcome of the re-count was known. This ~s agreeable %0 the boa~d~a~d no appointments were made. The~-appointment of a Veter~s Age~ was a!s~ held over. ~TING ADJO~D: at: ~:00 P.M. ~th' ~1 members present.~ Wee~y bi~s a~ pa~o~s w~re approved. 'Qeorge ,Deloge of 12 Minute Avenue appe=ed before the bo~d ~ ~ecuest a street light at ~ Minute Avenue as it is very ~k and .they.need~a light ve~~ much. Mr. &~s..Tromb~ accompa~ed ~. Delcge and,,~hey i~ormed. Jthe, ;Bo~d,, ~t :one pole and possib~ one f~e ~o~d~be ne~ed. ,The de~ided to ~ke, this matter.up,~thMr. Frost.when~he appear~ ~efore ,bo~d to ~s~S s~eet ~ghts. Mr. Thomson'~ormed the hoard t~ Wi~iam Ford, who ,'ow~ .,the la~ wh~e ~he cedar is ·located' on Linco~'S~eet, asked if he might'have .~ day ~r,'~' two to~ consider 'this~ttar. ~e said he wo~d cooperate in:eve~, way. ,~This' ·, was a~eeable ~,the~.bo~d and-Mr.~ Salis~.suggested t~t with the bo~d at;~he, ne~; meeti~. . ,~ ~'O~I~TION OF,-BO~ . .~. '~omson aske~:~he;~o~d~if they were reaa~ to.~org~ze, a~ ~, made ,a mo~iom:t~t"~ A.' Thomson ~e ao~tea for. chai~an~for ~,,c~ming year. Mr. Sa~s :'stated that he felt that ~. Fi~eran-sho~d,be chair~n',as received the'~hest.~ber cf,.votes and he ~s'~d:sevar~, pe~le:mention' t~s ~ ~m.."' ~. Salisb~..s~ted that the positioa .was an hon~one;-~t t~t the sal~, bf eaah membar was' the Same. ~i '$~is~ rhea, ~mi~ ' ~oseph M. Fi~eran to be ~e c~i~an of the ~oar~ of" Selectmen for theicomi~ year. . . , ,. ..~ ~. F~eran asked ~. Sa~s~ ~: he did not thi~, that %he ~esent d~ fitted in~ the pict, s be~t~ a~ ~. S~isb~. s~d t~t ~. H~ Fos~er~ was c~n for some ye~s and he ~d no legal ba~und.. ~. Thomson s~ted ~that ~ ~. Fi~eran would wit~aw ~s nomi~tion he, Thomson, would asses that ~. Fi~eran wanted to be the c~m a~ he would. seco~ the no~tion. ~, Salisb~ said that he thought ~. ~omson was makeing it very emb~as~i~ for ~. Fi~er~, to which ~ Thomson replied that he had ~de the situation emba~assing. Mr. ~omson stated that in view of ~. Salisbury's rem~ks the only co~teous thing to do was to ~low Mr. Finnaran to with~aw the nomi~tion of ~. Thomson. ' ." · 'The: regular weekly meeting of the ,Board of Selectmen.was held on this ~GH 1__~: continued Mr; Salisbury informed Mr. Finneran that he could second his own nomination -if he so desired, and Mr. Thomson agreed that this was sc. Mr. Finmeran stated that be would, not do this. Mr;~ Salisbury, after some period of silence, stated that he ~elt that this matter should be held over until the next meeting but Mr. Thomson said he did not thi~k there was an~ reason for this action. · Mr~ Thomson inquired of Mr. Finneran if he would like ~o have the matter held over and Mr. Finneran said that he would. The board agreed to hold the matter over until the next 'meeting. 2he board took nc action on appointing chairmen for~the other boards and 'this 'will also be held over until, next week. ' APPOINTMENTS MADE-. The following appointments were made by the board with Mr. Thomson acting as, ~hairman~ John J. Conners, Moth Superintendent by unanimous vote on motion of · J~mes T. Poor, Board of Appeals, Associate member until 1952, motion of Mr. Finnoraa and voted unanimously. ~ames J; Ragan, Board of Appeals, Associate member until 1949-Unanimous vote. ~'Hirrold Barrington, Burial Agent, Unanimous vote on motion of Mr. Firmeran. .Public 'Weighers, James J. Dooley, Harold Ratcliffe and Byron Benjamin by ~,,.l,unanimous Vote on motion 'of Mr. Finaeran. · , (~ ,., S~m~eyars of Wood, Bark and Lumbarz ~ohn ¢.' Farnami Angus Cross, Ira D., Oar:y; "Arthur Farnham, 0harles Paul and Ernest'.Smith-'unanimous vote. . ~ ;, , .Sealer: of W$ights :and, Measures-- .... ?;MI~,. ,Salisbury nominated'the present:eneumbent, A~th~r ~enkins. Mr.' Thomson' stated that he knew a veteran who was unemployed,and had a family and he ' cbuld use tbs? money and ,would do a good Job if ;'the board cared to make a nomination ,he would present his name. :Mr. ,Thomson ,~uggested that this position ': did not require an~ specific capability and he was, mentioning the maiter simply '~because a needy' veteran maybe supplied.. ' . t:/.mr. Sali v, said,, he-ba ;vsd a vetar . hould, be conaidsred first -. he .did not 'favor' replacing public servants. Mr. Salisbury than made a motion, :~,to appoint*Arthur ~enkins as Sealer of Weights and Measures,seconded by Mr. declared a maJority.vo~e. Mr~ ,Thomson was recorded as not Was ,that' of,,a~imal inspector. Mr. Thomson read'a letter 0. Bulgar, veterinarian, who stated in his lsttar; that he .felt ,~ 'that'. he was'~qualified for this position 'through his .training., "Mr.,Salisbury made a motion that both'the names of,Dr.,Edward 0~ Bulgar amd /'i '~?t~t of Rohart-'~., BUrke,~ the incumbent;- be sent to' t~e' Department of live- ~:'fatock contrcl?for approval. He stated that the board could send in~ She or more., ,?abes for,approval and after 'the state' department' has aPProved One ~r more of: : ,the nOminees ~the board may make 'an appointment. ~ was no need of s~nding in two names as one cmlY~ '; approved' f~r appointment.· He, then:made: a. motion, that ,.the ,name of.' ~: ~. Burke 'be sent in ,for. approval and, the board v0tad unanimouel~ · ' '" J. McDuffi~' was' appointed to the Board of registrars upon motion of /Mr, Salisbury and vote was umanimoma. . :., ~ '~., Maker' was appointed 0ust0dian' of Tax .Titles',and .Custodian of tax :~. ~?i !.?~roparty~byJ~mous.,vote...- ,, ': ~,i " '. i', . ~', ':.',' ~.,;~'The ~eCreati~nal Council was reappointed for the Coming year-.' Rev~ Ralph ~ ,. , ~uD.,~. lork,~ Mrs.· . Florence MoGuire,~ Mrs~ ~. Edmond Elliot, iMr~.'. ~ames Macklin. , : ~',William Smith ,and M. ~oseph Lumenello .by,unanimous vote.!~ ' · it, Oonstables, .The appointment of eonstable~a_s held, oval in order that , : Thomson might ~take time to ,study an opinion from Attorney 0., J. Mahoney, in :,~:regard to the applications and.appointments of.,nonatableso ::!CHIEF ENGINEER'S,SALARYz . · ,, . · 'Mr. Salisbury made a:motion that the salary of lianas Ha~greavee, Oh~ef Engineer be net at the same amount as the Ohief cf Police ~nd th'at he Start his dutiss as full time smployee on March 24, 1947. The amount of the Chief of Police · salary'for the year 1947 is.$3a~a. SO. Mr. Sa~es Hargreaves will be 'paid ~$62.5~ weekly ~for the balance of the year. ' ~Forbes Rockwell came before the board and.gave the board the salaries of :the call firemen which is to be $310 for the year .at,I-,the two enginesrs~ $400. will rsceive $400 each; Spare drivers, ~0 and Oall captains $3~0. Mr. Salisbury made s motion that %~is board set the salaries cf ths two .engineers at $400 which is retroactive to ~anuary 1, 1947. 282 ~ oontinued P~EQUEST FOR TREE RF~IOVAL= A request for the removal of a large tree om Richardson Avenne was made by LesterC. Perkins, of 23 Richardson Ave. gr. Perkins informed us that this tree is located on the public side-walk in front of 'his property· and the roots have grown into the sewer and caused btockagel ' It is also a hazard to the electric lines. Mr. Connors looked at this ~ree and agrees that it should Be removed. SUPERINTENDENT FOR SUPPRESSION OF GYPSY ~ BROWN*TAIL MOTHS: The appointment of Joh~ J. Connors for this position was sent to the Department of Conservation, .Division of Forestry for approval By the State Forester. PETITION TO REPLACE LIGHT ON CLEVELA~ STREET: A letter was received from Flora H. McCubbin of 22 Cleveland Street ,requesting that a light be installed at 9 O~eveland Street. This light and the fixture has Been removed and there is no light on-the. ' street. T~e' board voted to have this matter taken up with Mr. Frost at the Lawrence G & E CompanY. POLICE DEPARTMENT: Chief McEee left:~a reminder to-the Board'.to contact Civil Service ,about' an..1. · examination to be held for two. new men. Mr. Salisbury 'ma~e a motion that we write to the Director of Civil Service and ask if there is any, list availabl'e"for North Andover and when it .can be provided, als0 how. soon.an examination can he held' or is a special one is to be'held, wh~ it can be arranged. In view of' the past history of Everett Woodhmuse]j' who is a veteran,-Mr, .Salisbury also suggested that we request Civil Service to ,a}lo~:hi~',,to be'appointed on a ,provisional Basis until the examination is held. Chief McKee has already used $577.00 ,of his appropriation.for pay for Mr; 'Woodhouse and now he Jill not have sufficient to carry on for-: the balance of the year. SAFETY RULES AT SCB00LS: - Mr.' Thcms6n. made the suggestion that the following information Be passed' along to the Chief- of Police"for' his consideration; Mr. Thomson has talked with Mr. Keefe, Manager of. the ~awrence Automobile Club on~" Lawrence Street and he believes ,~that it- would be very appropriate~ to have· the Police t~lketo the school children about-'~affic rules and regulations; Mr, Thomson felt that a person in civilian clothes would not he as effective' as unif~vmad officers. Mr. Xeefe will be glad to cooperate with the ~oli'ce department. POLICE CAR: Mr. Thomson also made a statement as to, the equipment of the police car~' Be stated that nothing is carried in the car in case of an accident when the police car might Be the first to arrive on the scene. Re suggested · that the 'Chief be instructed to carry at least two' blankets and a first aid kit at alltimes. The board agreed with this suggestion and:' the chief will he notified. BURNS & EENERSoN-CONSULTING ENGINEERS: A letter was received from this firm asking thatconaideration be given~t~ them inconnection,with the designand layout of the contemplated memorial' park. References were also enclosed, as well as qualification andexPerience' of Mr. Burns and Mr. Kenerson. Mr, Salisbury.suggested that we write to the engineers and thank them:for the information and keep copies on file of both the letter and their~ correspondence. APPLICATION- DIRECTOR OF VETERANS' SERVICE~: ~ application for this position was received from Albert D. Hutton o~261 Railroad Avenue and asking for consideration when the appointment ismade. Mr. Salisbury made a motion that the application Be accepted and placed on file at this time, ~lttorne~ C. R, Mahoney: ,_ Mr. Salisbury made the suggestion that Mrs. Dearden contact 0; J. Mahomay in regard to the article for the purchase of the American Legion B~thing Beach. He suggested that Mr. Mahcney get in touch with Mr. Xittredge',s attorney and see that everything is in order. Mr. Salisbury also suggested that M~.Mahoney be asked to appoint the new Advisory Board members as soon as possible 'and find out 'which member is to ' be on the committee who will purchase the new ambulance. MARCH 17, 1947~ continued CORNELIUS C. H. 5~JtONEY: -SUTTON STREET: Mr. Salisbury also suggested that Mr. Mahonay be contacted to see what progress has been made about chbcking Sutton Street titles and ask .that.a report be made to this hoard. ~1 suggestions were accepted by the board and Mr. Mahoney will he so informed. RET~LUATIONARTICLE FOR DISCUSSION: Mr. Salisbury suggested that we contact ~alph Hrasseur and Clinton F. Goodwin and'request them to come in to discuss more fully the recent article on a su~v. ey for which $5,000 was appropriatedl The board agreed with this .suggestion and Mr. Brasseur and Mr. Goodwin will he asked to come,afore the board on March,24, 1947 at $:00 P.M. LAWRENC~ GAS'&ELECTRIC COMPANY:. STREET LIGBTING: The beard voted to request George Frost of the Lawrence Gas & Flectric Comapny to meet with this board on April 7, 1947 at 7:30 P.M. to discus~ the suggestions which were made for.improved street lighting. UNION SCHOOL~ Mr. Salisbury made the Sug~estiun that although iris a bit.premature the town will have the Old UNION SCHOOL ~n their hands in the near future and it seems ~hat it could be used for a recreation center for adults. Mr. Salisbury suggested that the Rocreational Council be contacted and perhaps they will be :able to give some suggestions as to what .we can do wihh it. He said that normally.this hoard has the Jurisdiction of all .buildings in the town except the school departmenZ.when they.are.using the building mainly for.a,school. Although it may, be unsafe for young-children, adults maEbe able to use it..: The board agreed with this suggestion and a letter will be sent to Rev. York, Chairman of the.R~creatiomal Council. ' ~ETERANS' HOUSING: The:Board voted to have Mr. Finneran and~e~eran, s Agent William McAlcon Join:in an effort.to secure housing accommodations for the .two veterans who were listed as acute cases in a recent survey. Mr. Salisbury s~ggested that they do some advertising and make personal appeals for assistance in solving this problem." Mr; ThOmson suggested that the Board of Appeals be contacted in regard ~o Dutch Flats which many peoplemight'be interested in building and ask that they give all the assistance they can in helping, mo provide shelter for thesetwo families at ,least. RELE~E(GEFERAt) A release was received ~r~m Fred DiPrima of 27 Brook Street, Lawrence in consideration of the sum of $68.00 to be paid by this town for repairs to his car~.which was struck'hy-the Fire Department truck on April 16, 19~. The :~oard approved the payment of .this amount. SEEESLOCAL ~ORRESPONDENTS: A letter was received from Staff Sergeant Norman G. Smith, who is_in Palestine as a glider pilot with the British Armyand who wishes to have some male or ?~ffemale from North Andover correspond with him. Mr. Cullen will make a special note of this in his column. LAEECOCHICHEWICE: A letter received from Rita.$1iter asking for information.~bout Lake Cochichewick and recreation facilities are available for a. vacationist. Letter will he sent to.Miss Sliter.informing her that we hase no facilities, etc. PLANNING BOARD: Letter from this board informing this board that they voted favorably on the article of William McAloonto change the by-law from a residential to a business 'area~classificatiom of his property at.thecorner of Pleasant Street and Chickering Road. This proposed amendmmnt is set forth in article 46 of the town warrant. RULING ON DAMAGE CLAIMS ANDTHE'POWEROF SELECTMEN TO PAY THF~ FROM TOWN~IDS: Mr. Mahoney reported to the board on this question on November. 23, 19~6 and no further request was made to Mr. Mahoney. Ruling filed mi~er folder of C. J. Mahoney in Selectmen's file. MEETING ADJOUrnED: