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The regular weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at.~:O0
P.M. with all members present. Weekly bills and payrolls were approved.
Mr. Thomson opened the meeting by stating that there were. two nominations
before the board for the chairman' e appointment, and neither had been
Mr. Fi~aran stated at this point that he believes the board functioned
very well last year' and he would like to go along with the same chairman:.'"
He then made a' motion-that the present chairman be appointed and the .."'
motion was 'seconded by Mr. Salisbury and the vote was a .majority vote.
Mr. Fi~neren was then. appointed Clerk of the Board .by. majority vote.
A hearing was'held at 7:15 P.M. on the petition of Lester C. Perkins,',, V :,,:,
of 23 Richardson Avenue for the removal of a large tree. Tree Warden '~
John J. Conners appeared at the hearing and stated that he believed that
the tree should he removed as it was in the middle of .the. sidewalk~ and'the
roots were growing into the cellar. The board voted un~mimously ~c.'grant'
this request~and instructed Mr. Conners to remove, the tree. .. .:. - ..
-A hearing was'held, at 7:30 P.M. on the petitions of the above'companies. '.
Andover Street, southwest of Oegood Street, 1 pole ~' ~-'
Great Pond"Road, s.w. 'from.a point 2107 geet a.w. of E. Boxf~rd"Road,' :2,!poles.
Andovar .By-Pas~, west of Hillside Road, 1 pole. ·. ,,
Mr. Barry 'and ~r;. Flanagen were .present, ~epresenting their' 'compemies'and'.,;?
- no opposition was present. Board .voted unanimously to grant request.. ~''
A 'petition for pole and wire locations was received from the:above compo~y'
anda public hearing will be hald-on AprilY, at 7~15 P.M. Abugtere'.wtll.,[ -~'' '
be 'notified. Andover Street, 2~2 sw of Dufton 'Court,' 1. pole '. ' Andovar~,w. '
Street, 95 :nw of:Salem Turnpike, 1 pole. '~
· ~A request for 'the removal of a tree:in front of'the property of Trifon"/~'-,
Michelchuk of 12 Lexington Street was received. Mr. Conners ,had already
looked at the tree and agreed that it would .be in the way when Mr. Mieh~Ichuk
builds his house. The board referred this to Mr. Conners for.posting. :o
A hearing will be held on April 7, 19&7 at 7:20 P.M. . . ~ j ..'~d~,:~J::
POLICE ,DF~AR~ENT: . -. - ':
Mr. McKee, 'Chief, reported that two blankets 'and a :fLrs{' aid kit 'had .been
ordered for the police car and would be available at all times. This ~'aa,~
at the suggestion of Mr. Thomson a: e previous meeting.
' CO~rmINT-~'DU~PING~ ' ' - · . . ~
John;Malek' Of 13'Concord Street came '.in. to complain about dumping on hi~:
property end"asked that something he done hbout it. He':mentioned ~the:.Humihick
family and 'said there were also others. :',
Mr, Thomson' said this may he a hea~th menace and again, it may he our pr~oblem~ 'if.
apublic nuisance.
Mr. Salisbury' said he had received ~a.repgrt that thoro'was: conetd~rsble.,dumping
at the end'of Dewey Street;Re suggested that both matters be called to the
attention of the Police and also ;have ~r. carry go down.end.ese'if the~dumping.
is of a~y large a2eunt and post etgues, .if necessary.
Mr. Thomson'informed th hoard~that William Fo=d :has asked .that:'additional' ~
time be given him 'in regard to-the cellar. He. does.no.~]~ish'to maintain.'
anything that'~i's-'dangerous but he has;s~en~ money there' and.hopes to sell'~: -'
or build in the near future. Ne suggested that the wa~er main. he opened, and
allow any water' there to run into the sewer. Mr. Catty could fix up the snow
fence and then Mr. Ford'will sell.as soon as possible.. The'board agree~)~o
have Mr..Carry' check tha drain and also fix the fence.
A communication from Mr. Mahoney informed the board that the following members
were appointed .to the Advisory Board for this year and.are: Francis Kittredge,
Chairman, S. Forbes Rockwell,Jr., Kenneth Crawford, Arthur E. Sunderland, John
J. Fitzgerald, Earl Foster and John ~. Phalan, the last named replacing Charles
Wentworth who resigned. S. Forbes Rockwell has Seen named as the board's represent-
ative on the committee for the. purchase of the new amhulande for the Fire Dept.
MARC~ 24, 1947=
A commutation was received from the ~erican Legion. Post 219 relative
~ t~e use of~the Union Sc~ol if a~ when it is vacant. The Legion 'asked
· ~' ~'~' be recorde~ as appl~ng for the U~on School or the Bradstreet School
-~:~uil~ as a P~OE ~<~ for~ the per~nent home of the North A~over Post 219
a~d its A~ili~.
~Mr. Salisb~y ma~e a motion that the letter be placed, on file a~ a reply
sent'to fha Legion indicating that t~s board will be glad to consider the
. ~ttar when'the occasion arises. ~ote was u~mous.
'A request for 'the transfer of '$500 ~om' the Rese~e ~nd to the-Po~e Dep~
sent appropriation was received from C~ef McKee and the board approved
,upon·the presentation of the approval forms signed by the Adviso~ Board
Members who ~felt that this amour ~s deducted t~ough an e~or when the
appropriations· were considered.
,f:~oseph Fi=eran ~ew the ~me of 3o~ McDonald
' '~ seven'as a' travers J~or at New~ort, Suppler Co~t, 'on April' 2~,1947.:~
~- SPEC~ .POLICE' ~IC~ ~P0~NT~=
."The m~tter bf ap~in~ing c0ns~les was ~rought ~efore the ~oard~'~;
j.,salisb~ who~ e~lained a ~i~ w~ was given'to t~s Bo~d'B~ C. '~.':
· Mahoney and Mr. SalisB~' e~lained'that the'selectmen have been
"congeries ~t f~ tha~ ~he7
C°mes ~?rC~pter ~, 's~ction 96 wh~le the appointing of cb~bles'eomes
~,'~der C~pter ~, section
) .tow~- may 'a~oint as
Ur~ exceeding" on~'~ ye~.
y:~ v~ew of:~th[s i~o~ation.~the board appointed the men listed last year as
~, BOnstables'and~ho will now he,listed'as spemi~ 'poi[ce officers,
Walter S~,p"~r. '25 ~oh~on St. ~land ~bie~,
U~ry Binns " 3 Clarendon St. O~rles
~ .~o~ Donovan '283 Mid~esex St.~ ~c~e Go,lay' 100 Main St.
~.,.:,Malco~ Hamilton 105 Pleasant St. P~lip-Mi~ley 73 Davis"St.
:':' Frank Howard:~ · 17 Union St.
· '~' ~ Gustave 'Nausbaum 59 Church. St.
Albert Schofield 16 Bixby Ave. '
28 Harold St.
"' Everett R;' '.Woodhous, e 65 Maple Ave.
hugh SteWart '.' · :62 Elm St'.
33: Saunders St.
· ' MurPhy, 61 park St~.
; F~~' ~ . .
Alexander Ness · 11 Dewey St.
Fred Salo[s · 60 Main' St. "
Waltar Stamp~S~'. 32 Johnson StJ
Edward E.Towne'. ~9~.~ '~St.
Charles Zuill" ' ~'732 Furber~Ave.'
JGhn' A.Sullivan : 18,'sargent- St.'
John T. ;Dolan ;~': % 12~ Ashland St.
Gilbert E; Calvert '892+' Gt,Pond Rd.
Darrell: .BrittAn 23/SGcGnd St.~ ' Thomas J' MCG~il 8& Pleasant St.
· Robert F. Leslie .... 43' Pl'e~sant St.
":'i i. The. board :voted ',m,~imously~to. lappoint J~n H. Fenton of 65 Marblehead Street~'
: ' '~;as a Constable"upon presentation of the proper application.
~ Edwa~.d ~.,, McCarty of' 169 Water S~reet was appointed unanimously as a'~'fence
· ' (~ J 'iewex* upon motion of Mr. Salisbury and 'William':'A. Barrell and Joseph Gill,
!', '~it.?;were ~apP°i~nted previously in this same capacity4 '
-:~i.~.~,,: .REVALUATioN.PROJECT. DIScussioN=
.... ;!,~;Ralph' Brasseur and Clinton Go~dwin appeared before the board to iscuss this
· project. Mr;'~Ol' Goodwin"eXPlained that they have 'formulated a contract,and
the town"'has' appropriated .a certain amount of m6ney. ' They will, state Just
· ,~ what work they plan to,do and what section of the tgwn and will present, four
· '""%%;oep%es to' t~s 'board robe revised if necessary,r' MF. 6oodwi2
~".~:~ he had sugge'sted a Committee of about ten person~, a member of this board,
planning'hoard, assessors and maya bank clerk and others who might he
-'-~ ~.,really interes'ted in this work. Mr. Goodwin would make suggestions to the
-committae'ax~' after land valumand method of procedure is determined the
· ~ ~ rest will be a ,'routine.
Mr. Salisbury asked that ~hny speci£y rates of pay and the ~arious bran'-has
· of work and then the s~tectmen may make any changes ~chey wish and have the
final contract drawn up.
Mr. Goodwin suggested that some persons he appointed as assistant assessors
to eliminate trouble between tenants and persons performing their work on
property of others. It was agreed that another meeting would he held in t
the near future but that the contracts would be sent by next Monday so
that the board may go over them carefully and make any changes necessary.
MARCH 24, 1947~ continued
Mr. Salisbury opened the discussion by calling attention of ~he board to
the apprppriation which is combined for both Agent and Director~and suggested
~hat;:~pe~aps Boxford would.not like the arrangementof having.the Veterans,
Agent ~ficl~ded in their appropriation for services of Director but did
state that the matter should be left tS the~chairman ~f the hoard to
· he appointment of Veterans, Ament and D~-A-- ....... make
Mr. Thomson them su~e~t~ ~ho~ ~- ._~uu~ o: veterans., Services...
............ we couA~ aAmow the Director of Veterans'
Services have the whole amoun~ of appropriation and he could them-serve
as Veterans, Agent without*a 'salary. Mr. Thomson talked with the Bingham
boy and feels that he is very deserving of this appointment if he is able
to perform the duties. His wife' ~ill be in a position %o help him and
perhaps arrangements can be made to have an office in the fire station .
so that he canm~p~late hiswhael chair in and out of the building.
Mr. Salisbury presented a letter of appliqation which he received last
~une from Ralph Cromptom for the position of Director of Veterans, Services.
This is'~obe filed along with the applications of Albert D. Hutton of .
261 Railroad Avenue and ~ohn Donovan of 283 Middlesex Street until some
~ecision is' ~ade about Mr. Bingham.
_M~s. Flora McCubbia's.~e~uest t~-. .........
from 'in front of 9 :C~'~;~--~ c~+'a --ree~ ~n~ w~ch ~d beem removed
1935. TMs' wilI be ~ken .up on Apr~ 7, when ~. Frost mee~s ~th t~s :.
~eaves be contacted and have ~
~s..'a list,of....-.,~..~s ideas a~out the ~o~ance and presemt them to this'bo~.
This ma~ter was .discussed and Mr. Fi~eran told the board and Mr.
~d ~a~ed'With 'Mr. ~tar and that ~here Is ~thing t~t can be done at;.
~'" S~lis~'~gggst that a d~ect appeal be made ~o home o~ers giving~
i~o~tion-about those in need of homes but ~. Finneran felt that the.
ve~an~'.Wo~ld n0t ~ant this ~ormatio~ given out and he s~at~d tha~ at)
least dne Of the two acute cases ~d been taken ~e, of. .
' r O ama ~gges~ed t~t ~. Mahone b
:' ' ~. Thomson suggested th.*. ~e ~,+ .... ', : wo, ye~s wt~,,be,permansnt:.. ,
~ Appeals they s~a~ a~,'~: ~' ~'Tc~ ~ats ~e permitted by the Board o~;
He felt t~t this bo~d sh6~d insist o _ , hey are veterans. '~",
P~ ~ ~OR~
Mr. 'Salisb~y ~r~ught up' ~e matter of the re~t of the Permanent War
Memorial' co~ittee a~ asked ~ it is up to t~s board to get ~he co~ttoe
~der way. Ra ~said it: wo~d seem .that .the memori~ shoed be .- a ~High School.
or somet~ng ~o :~.~effect since nobo~ ~ows whem t
will go' t~ough.~ :~ ~h~ught it wo~d be' ~ .... ~- h~ war memorial project
a s*~a.maea if the c~a~ of the
school b~lding committe~ wa's contacted and find. out what ~ilding is ~O'.be
erec~. ~e said t~t co~ttae ~F ~ow 'soon and the - ..
~. Salis~ also mentioned the retards names on the hoards in front of the
~ ~ b~l~ng a~ felt that they were nothing o~ which we co~d or ~ho~d be' proud.~
~e felt that the W~ Memorial Co~ittee ~y ~ve something in mind and .suggested
P p ~e~ may ~n ~ne money o~e~g~;..'.t~ ~:~ memori~
comities, .~. Maker stated that the~ ~e a balance o~ ~;X~,' He ~so
memtioned that the honor rolls were in ~ch ~or condition t~t the co~ttae
~d them removed,