HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947-03-31 ~CH~7
The regular weekly meeting of the Hoard of Selectmen was held at 7:00 P.M. with
all. :members present. Wee .kly hills and payrolls were approved.
James Maker, treasurer of this committee submitted a report to this board
'.which' states that there were 986 men and women on the honor roll located
in front,of the town building and the cost for constructing this honor roll
was-S113.70. The balance remaining is $186.17 and nothing has been done about
re-painting or re-newing the roll for Memorial Day. Mr. Salisbury had mentioned
that perhaps it-could be fixed up for Memorial hut Mr. Maker said there was not
tim~ for this. Mr. Salisbury also stated that previously the list was changing
constantly but that it is pretty well established now. Mr. Maker informed the
board that Mr. Heym is the chairman and should be consulted about this.
Mr'.-.'Thomson felt that this committee had functioned very well and that .this
board ought not to interfere. Mr. Salisbury agreed that this was so but felt .that
it would look better if it were fixed up for Memorial Day.
Mr. ~Maker informed the board that they had removed the honor roll temporarily as
it was in such poor condition. No further action was taken.
Mr.,Maker informed the board that he will have to borrow $13,500 fro Chapter 90
work for this new Job. He stated that' some town use this money from available
.. funds and there is no interest to be paid. He will look into, this matter' for
next year.
& r~p0rt was received from Chief McKee on' the dumping on Concord Street in
reply to a request from this board. He stated that the dumping, is not on Mr.
Malek's property but on tawn owned land and that Mr. Garry will erect a.sign
· -"No Dumpihg". The Huminick family was contacted and stated that they did not
dump'any refuse there.
On' Dewey Street, the Chief said there is very liftle dumping but Mr. Carry will
also'erect a "No Dumping" sign there also.
~Mr; Carry accompanied Chief Mcgee to Lincoln Street and the cellar oWned by
William Ford is free from water but is half full of rocks, s.ticks, etc. Mr. Garry
said it would he difficult to reach any drain for letting out the water and he
is upset about the snow fence which has .been practically ruined by children. He ~
ha~,'~fixed it up for the time being.
Chief. McKee mentioned another cellar on Faulkner,R~oad, owned by Raymond Jenson,
Which is very deep and half full of water, cre~ting anhazardous and dangerous
'condition and there is no way of draining this water off. 'Mr..Harry' who lives
in Shat vicinity and has' children made the complaint to the Chief.
Mr,.~Salisbury definitely felt tha~ something should be done about these two
~ellars and it was decided to,contact Mr. Jenson ,by letter and Mr. Thomson will
tak~ the matter of the cellar oh Lincoln Street,, up with Mr. Ford.
Approval of the nomination of Robert J. Burke was received ~rom the Department
of.~griculture and the Board-unanimously appointed him for thayear.
Aipetition covering two~ telephone pole locations on Andover St. which are existant~
but the. company, is unable to locate valid gran~s. The hoard accepted~the petition
and~'~set a hearing for April ?, 1947at ?:15 P.M.
A~lpetition for permission to locate poleS, wires and fixtures necessary on the
norZh~rly side of Sutton Street~ at a point approximately 29 ~eet easterly from
Th0rndikeStreet, 1 pole. One existing light compan~ location to be abandoned.
A hearing was set for April 14, 1947 at 7:30 P.M,
~Mr.'~Oalahrese of 59Mass. Ave. came before the board toco~plain about the
~dumping of garbage cn or near his proper~yand he would like to have it stopped.
He,went before the Board of Health and they sent a note to this board stating
that. the condition is bad hut there is not enough garbage for the Hoard of Health
to'take acticnAThe Hoard of~Selectmen voted to refer this matter to the Chief
of Police and also the note from the Hoard of Health and have him contact the
owner of the property and have a "No Dumping" sign erected.
Mr. Thomson brought up the matter of the applicant for Director of Veterans'
Services and Hernard Hingham was the one selected for this position. Mr. Harry
Cole of Hoxfcrd and Mr. Thomson, chairmen of theboardof selectmen in Hoxford
And~NorthAndover met at a conference on S~turday and discussed the appointment.
MARC}{ · _ 1 ~ :'7- continua
Both agreed that Mr. Bin~ham would qualify for the Job. Mr. Bingham
a physical impediment and it is essential that he have an office on the
ground floor of the fire station to successfullR.~erform his duties.
The Board of Fire engineers came before the board at Mr. Thomson's requ~s~L
and discussed the possibility of having this office in.the fire station-
ground floor. There is considerable equipment in this room hut after,a
discussion the engineers .agreed to do all they could to assist Mr. Bingh~m.
Mr. Maker was requested to see what he could do about moving the equipment~
'of the Sealer of Weights and Measures of which Mr. Maker is custodian. ·
No great change will ,be made for the present until' they fimd out how ,
things work out for Mr. Bingham. William Mcaloon will .work ,with him_
a few weeks and help ~him get adjusted-to his new duties.
Mr. Salisbury made a motion that Mr. Bingham be appointgd as Veterans'i~-,,
Agent and the vote was unanimous
:Mr. Cole and Mr. Thomson Joined in voting Mr. Bingham as the Director, cfi-
Veterans"Services. ,
Ohief Hargreaves explai~ed to the hoard that the men are no: satisfied:..
with the insurance coverage and would like to meet with the Selectmen,'and~
the Insurance Agents to discuss 'this matter.
The board voted to hold a meeting on April 7, 1947 at 7:15 P.M. and ask".
Mr. Dehullu, Mr. Coffin and the committee of Call Firemen and the Boa~d
of Fire Engineers to attend and come to some decision about this matter.~
;N~w ~ULANCE: INFORMATION:. ' ,- ; ~,.~,,.~
Mr. Hargreaves gave the Board :some pamphlets and figures on the, new','9,
ambulance from the Buick and Cadillac Companies. 'Bebelieves 'that ,~"-
these are all the figure~ he can obtain and a meeting will be arranged .:~.,
in the near future and Mr. Rockwell, representative of the Advisory
Board will. be invited to attend and arrive at.some decision'.
.William Lafond of 53' Beverly 'Stree~ Raymond Broadhead of Robinson' c0ur.t~.
,and John Earrington of '155 Water Street were ,appOinted Special Police%
0fficers.,by u~-uimous vote. :, ' ' ~ , ~..
SWORN WEIGHEP~: · . ,,.,,~, . ..~.
F_~lward J. F~sey and A~ber~ E. Eo,,qe were appointed Sworn Weighers
unanimous vote' upon the r, equest of Forbes, Rockwe~_~ of Davis & Furber::C0~':~
· MOTE' SUPEEINTENDENT~ : ..........
'Approval of, the appointment of John J. Connors as Moth,Superintendent'~)':,',.,
was' receSved fl~om the Department of Conservation~for.the yeer,1947.'~
Chief McKee requested'that 'the 'Selectmen appoint two 'm'en 'on provisional~.
appointments .as patrolmen until such time as ,the examination is' heldl,in'%,~
North Andover. Chief ~McKee mentioned Everett Woodhouse and Frank Dusl~me,~:
. who are veterans and: who are, available for .duty at this time. - ~'~
The matter of salaries 'was left to the descretion of the chief. The[boar'd
felt that the provision, Z 'appointees could receive the full'salary ,and~.when "
permanent appointments are made the salary could ,be started in accordance',
with a plan which went into 'effect 'some years ago in the Bolice Department~/
Mr. Thomson made ,it clear that~ the provisional appointments of these two.~t
men would not allow them any preference over others who may take the .~,~ ..
examimation. Chief McKee informed the hoard that/he had sufficient .money
which was appropriated at' th8 town meeting to take care of two men rom
the balance of ,the'year.
The Board voted unanimously to request the provisional appointments of
these two men, -"' '
Mr. Thomson appointed Mr; Arnold Salisbury and ~....~To~ph M. Finneran as ' ,:'
the two tther members of the Advisory Committee-and appointed James J. Maker
to he treasurer of the district and he will file s ~ond with a Surety C0npany.
Vouchers must be approved by the District Board, Mr. Thomson and Mr. Cole.
MARCH ~1. 1947- continued
James J. Maker was appoimted as the third member of the Advisory Board and a
meeting will be held in the Fire Station, Mr~ Bingham's Office, at two o'clock
~o~ Saturday, April 5, 194?for a general discussion. WilliamMcAl~on, Mr. Maker
and the selectmen will attend.
Mr. Finneran informed the board that the internal revenue office would be glad
to~%end one of their men to North Andover each week if office'apace could be
provided for the agent. Mr. Thomson stated that this might be a service which
'the townspeople would appreciate and asked Mr. Finnaran to check further on it.
Mr.,Salisbury brought the matter up of widening Sutton Street and~ stated that
~,according to the ruling cftC. J. Mah0ney, this board can instruct Mrl ~onhurs
to remove the publicshade trees and Mr. Catty to widen the street~ and he
felt that. this work should be done as. soon aa possible.
"~M~.~ ~homsonbronght up the question of money for thiswork and sta~ed thatMr.
_ ,~,l~,C~had given a,figure previously cf $2,000 to widen the street at this point
. end, put in good condition, He thought this matter shbuld be discussed with
'.'( ~t~eQAdvisoryBoard.
?.,j/r,i~' Salisbury felt that' it wo~ld h~ beneficial l;o have the trees removed at
_thi~i.time while Mr. Finneran felt that it might be e~,~lly dangerous.
'.,?M~. Salisbury then made a motion that the trees'on the plan Of'Ralph Brasseur
he '~osted and a hearing set' for' April 14, 1947 at 8:00 P.M. Motion was seconded
.~,~and-votedunanimously. Mr; Thomson ~uggested that we have the Advisory Board
.:. members and Mr. O~rtymeet with this board to discuss this matter.
'[~M~i~alisburytalked with Mr. Mahoney about'Dubch flats and was informed that
an~,~odification of the zoning by-laws would be permanent and this should be
;, "ch~ed With Mr. Alter. The board agreed that Mr. Salisbury sh0ul'd contact
'J,/'Mr. A~ter and have this matter straight,nod'out.
Mr; 'Salisburybronght up the matter of the dump in the center near the ~emetery
an[ stated that although there is a noticeable improvement the condition of
': .,dumping is still continuing. ~elalso inquired if Mr. Wilcox had paid the
?:~,$25~00 which he promised to pay. ~He felt that we should contact the cemetery
:~:.,ib~icials and see if'they are satisfied with condi~ionj His recollectio~is
~tha~ ~there are no dumping signs' near the road.
iiMr~,Thomson said that his recollection of the last oc~gsion was that it involved
')'.tO~ land. '~ '
:':~.,.~r'~/Salisbury suggested that we contact M~. carry and get a~ informal r~port
~,.,~,.and~see if the moneyed been paid to the.town by Mr. WXlcox.,
./~'..::.~POLICE DEPARTmeNT:
...,Mr.. Salishur~rought.up the'matter of the policeworking outside of their
-r~gular working hours and informed the board thatthere is a petition going
~,aFpund which,will be presented to thi§ board ate later date. This matter
~l~,~was.tdiscussed,for some timeandMr. Thomson stated'that he personally did not
see anything wrong Sut that there were tw~ police rules. The rule made
,]"war./~ime should be suspended or the original rulecould he revoked; Mr.
~.men%iond ~r. Daniel Shine, Sgt. Hilton and ChiefMcKee. He felt 'that
~,. ,d~board, should talke to McKee and Hilton and explain that they sro dGing to themselves.
Mr..~Thomson expressed, the thought that perhaps this board canno~ insist that
they ~efrain~om outside work;" .It was finally agreed that this boqrd hold
an executive session with Chief McKee a~d Sgt. Hilton and discuss this whole
matter. The meeting Will be heId on Monday April 7, at 8:30 P.M.
George Sanford inquired about the increase for par~-time work in the town
%uilding and informed theboard that he believes that he should receive #3.00
weekly increase for this work and that. it should be retro-active. The beard
-discussed this at some length and voted that he should 'be increased'to $14.00.
Mr. Thomson stated that this applied to the Selectmen's.clerk for work outside
of regular hours.