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JULY 28_1 --7- continued
Mr. Thomson informad Mr. Carry that it was the thought of this board that
this fill would completely fill in the sandbank and that Mr. Salisbury felt
that this bill should be held upuntil it was made clear ~o the board Just
what the intention was. Mr. Thomson said that inview of the fact that Mr.
Salisbury was out of state, he felt %hat we should continue to hold up the
bill until he gave his approval that it should be paid.
Mr. Catty informed the board that he had ordered two ~attle crossing signs
for Mr. Wilcox's property as requeste~ by this board.
Mr; Osrty informed the board that his department had nothing to do with painting
the roads or installing safety signs and felt that this came under the police
department. Mr. Thomson inquired if he had not worked in conjunction with the
police department in the past regarding the~rec~ion of signs. Mr. Carry stated
that he had, regarding railroad signs but that is all.
Mr.L.Thomson and Mr. Finneran discussed this matter and decided that the Police
Department should be instructed to paint the saftey line on Sutton Street,
near High and also erect a new warning signal.
CHAPTER 90 work:
Mr.. Carry asked the Selectmen to write a letter to Mr. Fritz at Beverly to
ask permission to use some of the money still available under chapter 90 ~o
use on the sidewalk on ElmStreet, from Watar to Main Street. The board
agreed to write this letter.
A letterto the board from Vahan Gulian, 60 Herrick Road, asking that something
bedone about the condition existing at the corner of Saltonstall and Herrtck
Roads. Mr. Gu~lian stated that it looks like s "dump" or a forest of wild grass,
and the condition should be corrected; Mr. Thomson tooE this matter up with
Mr~ Carry who informed the board'that he bad taken care of this corner during
the past~week and Mr. Gulian will be so informed.
A hearing on the petition ofchristopher'of 316 Middlesex Street for ~he
removal of a tree at the corner of Railroad Avenue and Herrick Rogd was held
at 7:25 p.m. No opposition was offered and Mr, Connors felt that this tree
should, be removed as it is in'~he middle of what would be the sidewalk. The
board voted to instruct the tree warden to remove this tree.
Petition for permission tO'locate poles, wires, otc onthe northerly side of
Railroad Avenue from a point approximately 210 feet easterly from Turnpike Street
easterly, 9 poles. Abutters were notified and no opposition was presented. The
Board voted unanimously to grant this petition. Hearing was held at 7:30 P.M.
Hearing was held at 7:30 PM. on the petition of the Lawrence Gas & Electri~ Co,pa
Company for permission to locate poles, wires and fixtures'on the easterly
side. of Turnpike Street, approximately325 feet northerly from Brook Street,
1 pole.. Noopposition was offered and the'board voted to. grant permission to
dothis work.
The Board granted permission to excavate to repair leak in gas main at 28 Holbro
Road, to the. Lawrence Gas & Electric Company.
Mr. Calabrese of 59 Mass. Avenue came before the board to inform them tha~
~here had been no let up on the dumping of garbage around his property~ He
told the boardhe had talked with Mr. Carry and also the the police department
and no results had been obtained. Mr. Thomson inquired if a sign had been erect
"and he replied that it had but it did not help matters. Mr. Thomson informed
Mr;-Calabrese that until it .becomes a public nuisance the Selectsen can do
· nothing about the matter since it is on private property. He told him that he
could bring a bill of equity against.the ~erson who did the dumping there but
felt that perhaps the police chief could help him to some extent. No further
action was taken on the matter and Mr. Calabrese left the meeting.
This matter had been brought before the board on April 2, 1947.
A discuss~on was held between the members of the Appeal Board and the Selectmen
on the rulings of the Appeal board with respect to accepting an application.
for s change in the zoning by-laws. No minutes were taken of this discussion.
Mr. Thomson opened the hearing and informed those present that due to the
JTJLg 28~ 19~?-con:inued
resignation of James Dunn as a member of the Planning Boardand Board
Appeals, it is necessary that the Selectmen act ~th the PlanaingB~a~e-.-
on the appointment of a new member. Mr. Ritchie stated that he hadn~
one in particular in mind but felt that it was a hard position to fill.
He said that Mr. Dunn was a very capable person for this.position and
he will be hard to Yeplace. '.
Mr. Thomson mandtioned that the name of Gregory B. Moora~kanian of 25
Third Street had been suggested as e possible' appointee.
Mr. Trombly nominated Mr. Mooradkanian to be appointed to serve for the~:.
unexpired ~erm of Mr. Dunn and motion was seconded and Vote wa~ unanimous.
Mr. Thomson then said that"the Selectmen would"'V6te toflll the vacancyI
in the Board of Appeals and the vote was unanimous that Mr. Moora~kanian
be appointed~to this board.
The boardvot6d to request a transfer fromthe Reserve Fund for thefamount
of $82.29 to.cover the towns share of a deficit due to. the original
being under-estimated on Chapter 90 work on Main and Water Street. Total.
value of work completed was $17,573. '
under-estimated was $1-080 ~ =- ,40, ~he bid was $16.Z93and th, =~
Mr. Coughlin,,State Autidor, advised that the ~orrectoway to pay this'
wn s .... ~ u~ ~nms amount tss$82~29..
amount was by a transfer from the Reserve Fund. ' -
The board also Voted to request $17~Z0 from the Res.tv, Fund to ~
to Article #11~ Painting Stevens Hall to cover.the cost over;.the ~ropriatio
which was $400. The beams and moulding around the ceiling had to he painted
an~ this was not figure,'in the estimate lasti.:fall... ~! ..... ..
Both requests will he sent to the Advisory Board with a letter o~'e~pla~t~on.
Sergeant'Rilton gave the Select~en a'repor: on the "complaints made a~0ut::
late bathing at the Bathing Be~ch and re
making regulsr .trips u t~ere ' ported, that tha='uis&r has 'b
have w~ed"hather p . __ after eleven o'cmock in th ~4~~.,.~n
s that they are not all^-~ - .... e ~j,s. ~ney
in the evening. Sergeant~ilton suggested ~hat.it might be a good"~ar'tC
~-~ ~u swmm~t~ere a~t~r nine;,0'clock
have some. signs erected there so that the police
?rk on and i~ wil~'also ~arn peg le ~ho would have~.somethingto.,
he rules of the , ~ . drive, in ,who.
.... beach, that the sho ~, are, not. familiar.with,
Y old not .swim after :ee~tatn hou~s.>~.
The board approved an insurance Premium.. for. $2186.58 which .was received~fr0m' ~"':
Andrew Coffin, Agent, Great Pond I~suranae:,Company. Mr. eoffin'~explai~ed:..that
thai increase' in premium ~as [due to the' ~ates having beeni increased, pa~lls
:have been increased and their experience ra:ing had, gone ~ut. They have
no aredit rating due to so many injuries receive~.-
The Precinct Officers for the coming year were appointed. 0~e. change was made
in the present list. Rose McEvoy was appointedto fill the vacanc~ caused~'~
~when Olive Morton moved out of PreclnctTw
,u press, one to'tm~a ,,.+,,+ __= --T-~ ,u unms page, one.in file
. COO... ..... uno one ~c town clerk. ~ o~e
Mr. Thomson informed the board ~hat Mrs. Richardson at the corner of Third and
Main Streets-had
requested that a large branch of a:tree:.be removed as ii, is
thehangingattention°Ver herof Johngarage aud"is very. annoying.. This ~attar will be calied:~to
Connote with th. request tha~ he remove it. .,: .
Mr. Thomson informed Mr. ~Finneran that Ralph had requested that he he"supplied
with several letters of authorization from the Selectmen so that they may,.be
available for persons employed by Mr. Brasseur and Mr.
when they have to ~o onto private property. The Ooodwin,, on this project,
. , board Voted to have these.
letters prepared for Mr. Brass.ur.
- The regular by-monthly meeting of the Boaqd of Selectmen washeld wn this day
at ?:30 P.M. with all members present. Weekly bills and payrolls'were