HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947-09-08316  :: continued Approval of the planning bosrd for favorable action to be taken on the petition of Anthony Rogers of Clark Street to change dfrom an Agricultural to a business distrt:t and ~o change from s residential area to a business, area as requested in the petition of George Schruender andothar, was received by this'board. STREETLIGHT PETITION: Apetitton signed by 19 residents of Chestnut street district was received asking that two street lights be installed, one at the Junction of Mill Road and l~rnpike Street and the other a~ the intersection of Ohestnut. Street and Turnpike Street. These ara both .principal stops on the busline:and .with new road completed, difficult crossings. The hoard Votedto refer this. to 'the Lawrence Gas & Electric Company to see what can be done a~out erecting these lights. Mr. Finneran also mentioned,thelight at Prescott Street, near the North'Andover Rest Home and one at Beacon Hill'Boulevard which was to have been and was included in the list' sent to the Gas Company.- A check will be?~ade e~ see if t~ey are to installed at an early date. HOUSE 0FREPRESF~TATIVES: Letter'informing hhe board that a list of laws passed at this'session of~e ' Legislatur~isto~be sent. toqffectingthis board.~eterins' members of the. armed forces and'their(d~p~dents DEPARTf~ENT 0FLABORA~D INDUSTRIES: -~..~ ~ . Retail 'Price index cf specific goods and servicesreached an'' all time,high.:' in Au~St 1947. Food~ clothing, fuel and light, and sundries increased .... .fur~n~the month of August. FOREST F~REAPPROPR~ATION: ' " · Mr.' 'Thomson informed the board that the moneyfor forest fire protectiogiis.. - b2ing:.g~e&tly reduced and it ma~ be necessary to request a transfer f~bm,;tbe 'Rbs~ve Fund, in thenear'future. ' I~SECT PESTS~ ': John"Ir~ia of 68 Sutton Stree~ came before the boardto ask if anything~ould be done to prevent repetition of ,the enormous number of caterpillars whi~ ar~"~gvading Sutton Street at the present time. are,millions 'of them and although it is. too late do anything this,y~a~r,,,:. ~he~thought that perhaps next year the Department'of Agriculture mightbe ~°'~'C°°p~ratewitH-the tree' warden and see if thi's can,be eliminated asbeen d~wn tocheck on this mat:er butthere is nothing he can .' t0spray in the early spring and this ~0es not he ~ ' , ~';:~ sufficientmone~ +k'~ ~ ...... lp the situation. ..-, ~ -~ ~A ~u~ work required out if there was a he would be able to curb this pest. The matter was ~eferred to Mr ~ do what he,can~to prevent repetition next year. -SPEEDING COMPLAINT: i.'.. a~socalled to the attention of the board, the matter,of · ! alongSut~0~ Street from the Msadowbrook Laund 'to . ~, ~iketo .ha~e"thi~ checked o~ ~- ~o+~*~ _.r7 , the Station and h -. -= ~-~ ~ns~ ~nere .are ~ 'large numher~o~..~hildre~ in that vicinityand it is quite dangerous& This matter will ba,re~er~ed~it6 .Chief M~ee and a report will be expected a~.the next meeting. ,MEETING ADJOURNED: ~ The regular weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was hald. at~:00 P~M. with all members present. Weekly billsand payrolls were approved. REGREAT:ONALC0~NCIL: ' , ev. hlphO. ork ca e befora,the hoard to d acuaa tha=aaraa ional aai;it se for the past season at the playgrounds. He informed the board that th&re:were reports on file ~rom the :nstructors if they wishadto see them. He statedthat skating rinks are to he considered at the next meeting-of the board. Rev. York informed the board that there was considerable brush to be cleared'aw~y at Grogan,s Fleldto make a more attractive appearance and the board referred this mitter ~ohn Connote, tree warden, who would be glad to do what he could. Thairnext'"'"~ meeting will be held on October 1, at 7:00 o'clock P.M. in the to~n building and Mr.. Thomson suggested that Mr. Connote sit in with the committee. · The matter of wading pools was discussed and Rev. York informed the b~d that he expects :o ~et complete information on the pool-in the So~th Common in thenear future.. He explained that Mr. Duffr had obtained four large tables for them, ~'ne at the Common and three at Grogans. Mr. Duffy had them painted and he paid for one table ($14.00) and the Recreational will. try :o psy for the other three. Re~.,York aske~ the board if they would consider them essential to the playgrounds. They are very