HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947-09-15SEPTEMBER15, 1947-continued sturdFjand will last a long time. Rev. York also discussed the matter of sewing grass seed at this time and Mr. Thomson again suggested that Mr. Oonnors would probably know more about this and it will taken up with Mr. Connors at the October first meeting. Rev. York informed the board that the council would be glad to work on anything else the board had in mind and the council is very wall pleased with the support of the Selectmen. The~board then voted to pay for the tables and to take cars of the' bill when presented to this office. NEWAMBULANCE: ~ChiefJames Hargreaves came before the board and reported that the new ambulance ~w0uld. be delivered ina few weeks. He stated that there is an additional charge of $6Z2 due to additional laborcosts but that the contract was subject' to change. He stated that a fluid drive transmission was included in the new ambulance which will-cost $186 and the increased labor costs abount to ~456. The total cost of the ambulance will be $5800, the amount of the appropriation .and the company wilI deduct the-additional cost of $2.43 over the appropriation. The Board discussed .this:matter for some time and decided that we hadbetter buy the ~mbu~lanca while it is available and do away with another long wait. · ~ LA~ENCE GAS:& ELECTRIC O0~ANY= ' Letter received informing the board ~hat the two lights requested for Turnpike Street:will-be investigated to see what can be done. The two lights requested ':.4' 2 ~some,~.time .ago for Prescott Street and Beacon Hill Blvd..will be installed as soon' -~' as ,poss'ible. Another communication' informed the board that the following 2500 lumen lights have been installed at Railroad Ave. Poles ~?,2: and 449, Water Street, pole 438,. Greene Street,,-poles 180, 183, 1303, and 2272 and on Mass. Ave. on pole 1139, and the IO0'O~lumen~s~reet lights have been removed. ~.STREET ,LIGHT REQUESTS: r .A~ip~t~'tibn signed by.twenty-eight residents of Rosedale Avenue section have' reques,ted that two street lights be installed on Rosedale Avenue as it is a 'very '~ dark section, and there ara no lights at' all. The board voted ~o refer this .matter ' to the Lawr. ance GAs & Electri.c' C?mpany for their' consideration. . ~ BUILDING INSPECTOR: .~. .Peter Ritchie, ~John Alter and Building inspector Martin Lawlor-came before the board:-to discuss the building laws. There was a general discussion about v~rious ~..locations and the board c~uestioned Mr. Alter as to What'would be the proper procedure,in his Op.~nion, for~ the building inspector, to make his decision.. Mr~ Altei-.~felt' that ~e whould insist on accurate markings and accurate bounds. Mr. ,Thomson stated that Mr. Lawlor was .not an engineer and could not be ~t0'J~o']anything not in his line. There ~was~a lengthy discussio~ on this th~b~ard finally instructed Mr. Lawlor that in the future any engineer's survey of.::the property indicating %hat all-bounds have'been properly installed must. ·be pr~sented..to Mr.. Lawlor when a building permit is requested. Mr. Lawlor will. then ~e'.:able to make his decision ustc the question of~.whethsr or not the' -. ,', ~di'.~t~-nc~s are being allowed. . 'Mr~"~;Thomson's thought was .that Mr. Lawlor could request a definite plan or written ~,~, . 'certification 'from.~the engineer that markers are in'accordance with the plan of ~' .. ,the Pranning Board. ~ - ~Mr~Lawlor agreed'to do as the.board requested. .~. INSURANCE-ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION: HIGH SCHOOL PUPILS Oscar' Soucy came before the board ,and presented a petition signed by more than 100 ~rsons throughout the town to .provide funds for insurance to protect the - %..~ ~'athi'etes of the High School who may be injured while playing any of the sports a~,'th'e High Scho61. Mr. Soucy explained to tbs board that in previous years th~ high school athletic fun~ had been us~.d to pay for expenses for the students. The fund is .very low at this time and the students have been given cards to be signed' by. their parents indicating that they will, be responsible for any medical expsnse for their children who might be injured p!ayi~g sports. Mr. Thomson stated tha.t' he would like .to hear what the feeling of the school committee is concerning,this matter and suggested that Mr. Soucy go before the school committee and explain this situation to them. Arnold Salisbury remarked that at least one town in the state petitioned the star'?legiSlature for legislation to permit the appropri~tion,~_~, money to secure in~u~A~e for high school athletes.. He felt that perhaps this 'town would .have to ~0..the same. Mr. Thomson said he doubted if the town could iegally appropriate money for this insurance but he personally, felt that the boys should be protected. Mr. Soucy left the meeting after ststing that he would attend the next meeting of the School Committee. SPEEDING ON SUTTOI{ STREET: Chief MeKee reported that his men had checked on speeding on Sutton Street timeseach day found no unusual there. They will check again