HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947-11-17NOVEMBER 17, 1947- continued Mr. Carry explained that the streets need gravel and oil and must have a. surface drain. Joseph Sambataro said that the state wanted four manholes to ta~e care of the water on Holbrook and Hamilton Roads and plans were made and the state accepted them. The water can go on to Mass. Ave. and the state wont dc anything. He stated that they had spent thousands of dollars and had paid for the building of these four manholes. Mr. Thomson said that the matter of accepting a street lies with the Town Meeting. Prior to having an article in the warrant, the rules must he complied with. The Board cf Selectmen has the legal authority.to adjudicate these street~and they musz be advised before the town meeting. The primary problem is to satisfy Mr. Carty that the street is in condZtion. We will cooperate and then the town meeting will vo~e on the matter. The Advisory Board wants these rules complied with and Ira Carry as Highway Surveyor has to take care of them and has to ask the town to raise money to keep these. streets in condition. Mr. Salisbury inquired if the people concerned could tell the board J~st. what they require and can you specify how many drains are required. Mr. Sambataro said they had put four drains in and asked what more was. required. He said that ditches are dug by the Water Department, Gas Company and they do not leave the street in the condition in which they found it. If not taken care, he said the town would have plenty of mud. He had the streets in condition twice and he couldn't do anymore. He stated that the town.receives the money paid for taxes by these sixteen residents and he feels that the ~own should ~e something. ... Mrs. Keefe explained that the road was in condition several times .... Mr. Thomson informed Mr. Samba~aro that. he sold the houses to these owners and asked what he told them at that time of sale. He asked Mr. Cartyif he would approve the street if the state were to say that the catch basins ,were satisfactory.-Mr. Carry said he would not approve. Mr. Carty said it would costS8,000 to$10,000 to put drains in. Mr. Reinhold asked whatwould happen if all owners signed a paper stating that they did not want surface drains. : Mr. Thomson felt that as.taxpayers.they were entitled to all that.others.get. He stated that if Mr. Carry would certify that drainage was o k, the board would adjudicate and put an article in the town warrant. Mr. Carry asked the Selectmen to ride over the streets with him and they would see that they were not ready for acceptance. Mr. Salisbury then said that this board is not qualified to pass on ~treets and that Mr. Carty is the person to decide~this matter. He felt that we should not be ~oo hard on Mr. Carry and asked that he write to this board and tell them about the road surface and give us a complete ~itten report on it. He then made a motion that the Selectmen request Highway Surveyor, Ira Carty to give a written.repor~ on the surface and drain, one way-or, another to this board by next Monday on the condition of Putnam and Holbrook Roads and Hamilton Street and make it a definite yes or nc. M~t~on seconded by Mr. Finneran and voted unanimously. COMPLAINT-SMOKEAND ODORS: ~r. Finneran received a complaint from Suttons Mills about the smoke and odors which come from the fires at theMarston Street Dump. It has beenmost annoying the past two weeks and they would like to know what can be done about it, The Board has written to Alderman Carney severaltimes about this matter and..~nothing has been done. The board voted to again write to him and if no results are obtained it will be taken up with the State Department of Health. '- ~ RECREATIONAL COUNCIL: : Rev. Ralph D. York came before the board and presented a report of his council on the skating rinks which they had discussed. He reported that they recommended four locations which are t. -Thompson school yard, preEiously used for ice skating; 2-Drummond Field 'rink which is not likely ~o need flooding; 3-Becky's Pond on town land adjacent to Peter Streets; no flooding.needed and the Bradstreet School yard which can be flooded in partby the placement'of a low sand bank.about thirty feet long from the retaining wall to the sidewalk at the corner of ,the~ilding. The council feels that these facilities are inddequate but because of lack of time could be used for this year until some definite plans are made. Mr. York stated that they had considered the other ponds but the safety angle has to be ascertained. The cost of flooding will amount to about $75 et $100 which would pay for the man-handling of the hose and this water should be sprayed with a spray nozzle. The f&rement are willing to do this spraying but Mr. York feels that if a 9au is paid he wilI be more willing to cooperate. The Council agrees to see how the work is done and will defend the firemenrela~ive to results obtained.. NOVEMBER 17, 1947:6 continued Rev. York said the Bradstreet School can be cleaned off with a tractor and Mr. ~artywill be willing to have this work done by his department. There will be no difficulty a~ the Thompson School and the other two mentioned locations will not have ~o be sprayed. Mr. York said the coUncil will give their time and'cooperate in every way. Mr; Thomson said the board would take the matter under consideration and notify the council as to their de~ision. POLICE DEPARTMENT: NommanFleming came befcre~the board to see if there were anyhOW developments in the matter of a list. Mr~ Salisbury informed him that the Civil Service Commissioner.is not able ~o give any information on the examination until he gets reports from all towns. If only one or two towns want~examination then the CiNi~ serVice Division will give separate' examination and if there is any great number requiring an examination, then a s~ate wide examination will be l~ld. Until that is determined, there is nothing further that can be done. P~EMIT TO' MOVE BUILDING: Mr~Fred'Doyte of Andover wants permission to move a buildingl6by20feet on'Routes 11~ and 125 om Turnpike Street and Salem Street from the Lawrence line to the Andover~lin6. Mr. Salisbury m~de a motion tha~ permission be givento Mr~fDoyle to move the building-mentioned on suchdate as he may indicate. Mo~ion seconded and Vote was unanimous. LAWRENCE GAS & F~ECTRIC COMPANY: · Notice received that the followingchanges have been made inmtreet lights: ~ ~56b~ lumen light installed on Pole #757 at Davis Street. installed 11/6/1947; 2500 lumen light installedon Pole #546Elm Street, installed 11/6/1947 Two l%ghts .(1000 lumen) were removed on Davis and Elm Streets on Same dar? LETTER OFAPPRECIATION - FIRE DEPARTMENT: A ~etter from the Board of'Selectmen atNorth Reading was received stating_ , i,J~..~i%hey wish;go-convey deep apgreciation of the service given by this Fire "~"~artment 'in'North 'Aadover during their recent emergency. Mr. Salisbury ''?"~!i'suggested that this letter be sent to the Fire Engineers.' (copy) ' .'~hg board again discussed'the matter of raising money for'skating rinks and ??"~ed to ask the Fire 'Engineers if they would have .'any money left overwhich 'c~lR be used for this purpoge and if not' t° {nform' Mr; York that they could; .... go-a ead wi h the projectand'the money would be taken from some other source, Reserve or'Oont~ngentFund. " ~:"~lfirel~aseand .indemnification covenan~ was received from RobertM~Murray ~./-iindemnifying and holdihg harmless the town of North'Andover 'against any '.~'.,~al~"claims demands.or actions ~hich may be inStit~ted,byMr. McMurray or his. '.'.'~i~i~0n'~ The town paid a claim for ~amages caused by the town truck when it struck · '.. -.,.-,, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WE~FARE,.STATE BOARD OF HOUSING: ' '" ~:'?:l'~6~nference willbe held onNovember 21, 1947 at IO:30A.M. in the hearing · '~obmat.'2OSomerset Street, Bo~ton'to'discuss the status and'results of existin ., !$state housing legislation and to examine proposals for state housing legislation 't0ibe' submitted in the 1948.session. ~HEAETNA CASUALTY A~DSURETY COMPANY: '..,~N~tice received that the premium term'of the bond of the J.J. Duca~ Construction .'"'i"C~mPany#6S;32242, Blanket blasting permit,' ll/19/1947, has expire~ and the ~d is'no longer required. Letter. to be.accepted as a notice of cancellation ~respects any liability subsequent to the above date and adjust the town :~ "recordsaccordingly. Mr. Thomson then suggested that we check with the town clerk on this bond and report at ~he next meeting before acknowledgment of this cancellatiun;' Meeting adjourned to hold a meeting of the By-Laws committee.