HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947-12-08DECEMBER 8, 1947:- continued
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-A'$1,000 bond from Albert Fritchyand Carol Morrell of the ~ain Line Restaurant
was filed with the town clerk after approval by this board. The bond is made
out by the Commercial Insurance Company ~o the Town of North Andover and is
signed byEdward Comtois, 33 Hawley Street)'Lawrence. This is required when
a sign overlapps the sidewalk.
Letter received from David M. Kimel of New Hampshire, requesting that his name
he'removed from the Jury List as he is now making his legal residence in the
state of New Hampshire.
A letter of appreciation for kindness and cooperation shown by this board
the American Legion Post and to the men of the Navy whb helped in any way during
'the recent dry weather. Letter was signed by Charlotte M. Foster,~Becretary.
Approval forthe transfer of $52.87from the Reserve Fund to the Bathing Beach
Committee appropriation to take care of unpaid bills.
Notice received that the request of this board regarding M~in Street for Chapter
90,~work will be' considered at the Joint meeting' of the' County Commissioners
and ~the Department of Public Works.
'C6rnelius:J. Maheney submitted a report which has made 'to date on the request
~Of!the School.Committee to the Selectmen to'clear the title and'eliminate
~restrictions contained in the deed of. June 18,1908, Book 316, Page157g, North~
Essex Registry cf Deeds. The report is. a progressive one and a complete repor~
,,..will be .:sent~ to the~board at a later date..
"]~:?A~Thearing was held a% 7:30 P.M. on the'request of John Xulick for the removal
'o~"~I tree' in frontier Lot #8 on Parker Street and which 'is i~' the 'middle'
what will be' the driveway. John Conners, tree warden felt that thetree ~ho~l~
~be~lremoved and thabcardvoted unanimou~l~ %o instruct Mr. Conners to remove :
th~ tree~
~,Re7.'~.Ralph York came beforethe board with reference to the'safe%y of childre~
On the ponds. The Council stressed four facts and, asked that the board, of
[,'i.,,~.:v',,selectmen instruct the Chie.f 1of Police 'to check on the pondsand keep the'
children .off dangerously ,thin ice and to ask that the school prinicpals coo
to encourage the youth to use lmhe rinks and to uaderstand their purpose.
l.,~Mr~ ,York feltthat, the Selectmen would get good,results if they made these ,'
r~quest~ on hehalf0f the 'council. Tha.,board.voted to refer this matter to~
''..~'%he Chief of Policeand send?a letter to Mr. 0'Brien, Superintendent of schools
Asking him to have.the.teachers talk to the children ,and'instruct ~hem
'M~J.:,Salisbury felt .that it .would'be wise to have the polic'e'caremake frequent
· ~ ~trips to.the ponds to see 'if ~he iceis g~fe.
~h~,imatter of the fence around~the pondswas discussed and there was some
~f~2ing that the.~fence was not completely around Buttons Mill pond, and that
~the~e~were. not gates at the railroad track.. Mr.~ Thomson suggested that the
C~ief of Police be asked'to,chock this~matter for the n~xt meeting and that
~i~dt is not completethan we should contact Buttons Mill and see,when they
!~plan'to finish the work.
Chairman F. Milton Howard came before the board and presented the members with
~copies,shc~ing the setup of~the committee for disaster' relief~ if we should
ever needit. The list is a very complete~and Mr. Howard said the facilities
wo~ld be available in case cf flood or other ~isaster. He informed the board
that in such cases of disaster thattha Red C~oss pays for all expenses until the
Red Cross actually comes in.
'.MrJThomson thanked Mr.,Howard for coming before the board and stated that he
fe~t that itwas good to know that such acommittee existed and would be invalu-
~a~le in time of disaster. Mr. Howard plans ~te senda report of committee ~o
th~ Chief of Police and to the Chief of the Fire Department.
~Approvalwho ~ takingreCeiVeda course°n thein theapplicati°nLaw ofStephenind. A.' LoveJoy, 3rd. 10 Annis St.
DECEMBER 8, 1947: continued
Approval received on the applications of Roma Calabrese, 59 Masm. Ave.
taking dressmaking course, Mrs. Margaret Drummey, 380 North Main St.
taking dressmaking, Mrs. Elsie Lambert, 74 Prospect St. dressmaking and
Betty Lawton, 42 Water St. taking a food course.
Mrs. Geraldine HegarSy, 11 Cleveland St. Dressmaking.
Index of specific goods and services in large Mass. cities was received.
Eood showed a very slight downward trend in over-all retail good prices
and clothing rose 0.4%.
Mr.' Thomson read a letter which was received from Civil Service which
terminated the emp~6yment of Frank H. Dushame and Everett Woodhouse and
stated that Everett Woodhouse failed to pass the re-examination in smrength.
Authorization was given however ~o continue their provisional employment
until December.9,1947. The letter asked for a report, of the appoihtment
of Mr. Fleming or a report made on the certiffsation of his name, action
will then be taken to fill the remaining vacancy.
Mr. Thomson said that Mr. Fleming had called on him in the prescribed~
time given on his notice.
Mr. Salisbury then said that he assumed that Mr. Fleming is availahle for
the position to which Mr. Fleming replied that he~wa~. ~'
Mr. Salisbury said he didn't know if the board had changed its mind"about
this police appointment hut the majority of the board felt that we should
find out if more than one name is required to constitute a list fo=.~filling
~wo positions. I decided that I would not make e decision until~ILfound
out fr~m Mr. ~reehan informed us. in'regard to an examination to beheld for
North Andover.
Mr. Salisbury inquired of Mr. Fleming if. he would.be interested i~p~ovisional
work until a list which is suitable to this b$ard, is received. ·
Mr. Fleming said that he had been down to Civi~ Service and they told him
that he could not take provisional work as he,as certified for permanent
work. He received this information from Miss Campbell at the Civil Service
Office and he stated that the eligible list is for atwo year period.
Mr. Salisbdry stated that if they rejected the present list then the~e ' ~
would be no~ eligible lis~.Mr. Fleming still maintained that he could
not accept provisional work.
Mr. Edward Garvey inquired as ~o what would be done after to-mor~ew, since
the two provisional men were unable to continue after that date. ~Mr.
Salisbury replied that something would have to be done ~onight to take care
cf that situation.
Mr. Garvey asked if he might read the letter from Civil Service~ and after
reading it he said he thought that'Mr. Greehan made it pretty clearthat
it is time something was done about this matter.
Mr. Thomson ~hen said that if there wasnothing moreto be said he.~would
like to say that he feels the same-that one name does not consmitute a
list and that he believed that ~e should wait until a list of more~than
four names i~ provided before making any appointments.
Mr. Fleming then said that he believed that Mr. Thomson was not,sing
fair and that he must have something personal against him and he asked
if Mr. Thomson did not believe that he would "makea good cop". If it
is not that, them what is it.
Mr. Thomson stated that he had never made any attemp~ to say that~r. Fleming~
would not make a "gooA cop"as he put it and he repeats that as he had.said
on previous occasions, he .does no~ feel that one name is sufficient for a
list when there, are .two appointments to be made.
Mr. Fleming again referred to the matter of appointment of a cier~on the
Welfare Department when only one name,~as submitted.
Mr. Thomson s~ated that the matter came before the hoard and as he remembered
it, there was a list of non-residents and h~ as well as the other members,
felt that this appointment should be given ~ a resident of Nerth~Andcver.
If, we were to he provided with a list containing non-residents for the
police appointment, then the same thing w$uld'happen. We would ask ~or another
list so that N~rth Andcver residents would =eceive consideration.
Mr. Fleming then said that Mr. Thomson wont'always feel that wayand it wont
be too long before he will change his mind.
Mr. Thomson said he still feels that way in spite of what Mr. Fleming said. ~
~ohn Willis asked for an answer to the ~uestion raised by Edward Garvey.
Mr. Thomson stated that if this list is not.accepted then a list will'be
Mr. Finneran said that he felt that Mr. Fleming should be appointed and a new
examinatibn held for the other vacancy and we should insist that it be held
in the near future.
DECEMBER8 14-7 continued:
Mr. Willis then went on to say that Mr. Fleming went down to Boston
~nd was told that they re-examineautomatically for health and that was 9he
reason Everett Woodhouse was given the secondecaminatien. He said it
was:nice months since people voted to have two officers and he asked if Mr.
Fleming was certified on a' civil service list that exists. He told the board
that if they did not certify the name then they wont~t another examination2
Mr., Willis went on to say that the prople voted for two officers over nine
months ago and it seemed to him that it isn't the man who deserves the Job
it is the town that needs a man.
Mr. Salishury. said that was exactly trueand that he fee~s that we should go
along and wait for a list containing four or more names, de said it. is the
function of this board to do what they feel is'best £or the people.
Mr. Edward Garvey asked wh~t the mntiment of the town was last March and he
said it looked as though it is a question of who wants who and'.for what.·
Mr., Salisbury said that he had in mind the sentiment .of the people who 'voted
for two extra police and it is his feeling that we 'wait until Mr. Greehan
gives an examination and all who wish to take it will have the cgportunity.
Mr;Willis said this discrepancy would never havehappened if'more names were
on the list. Mr. Finneran said that it~as not the fault of ~he .hoard if the
men did not take th~ examination.
Mr.' Willis said i~ Mr. Fleming took another examination and ended up third
or',fourth he could still make this board appoint him. He asked if ttewere not
.true that he could obtain a writ .of mandamus. He said it still stands 'that
i~:[~%he only one eligible. This man has.all the qualifications necessary.,.H~'~:
wascon the ball, rock'the examination and received.~s good mark..Do you men s~ill
think you could get a better man than that?. The men on ths police force are not
· ~:'~ too.intelligent right now.
,Mr. Salisbury.said this .matter might be settledlif Mr. Fleming was given a
,provisional ~ppointm~nt but Mr.-Fleming said he couldaot do that.
,~ Mr;'~dward Garvey then suggested that the Board call Mr. Greehan but the.
board did not feel ~hat they could do.this.
M~Salisbury said he intends roses Mr. Greehan next week and he will
.,Just~hen~the examination is to be held~ Mr. Salisbury made a motion tot,
?.i,Matter~under advisementS:Mr. Finneran seconded.this motion and vote'was unanimous~
, Later the board discussed this matter and Mr. Salisburyfelt that we
repeat the process and ask. for' ' ' ·
. ., as qumck aaexaminatmon as possible, that we
· ~:to.:makean appointment since there ars two Jobs'open and ask for provisional,
~p~dintments for the two men now on,until,a list is established'with a
~number of names. '
:Mr.' Thomson seconded this motion'and it was voted bya maJorit~ vote,
)'iMr*', Finneran did not vote on:this motion, as he had already expressed his ·
-~·feeling in the matter. ... '
, The., -~ regular, :weelclymeeting of' the Board jf Selectmen'was held a~ 7:00 P.M. with
,i"I ~members present, Weekly bills and payrolls[ Were approved.~
Petition received for location of 1 pole on the southerly side of Minute
-~.~at',,the westerly line 'of MaplewnedAve. A public hearingis required and was
.d~' ~::for ~ecember 29-1947 at 7:~0 ~ w '
Notice received that lO,O00 lumen lights were ~nstalled on Poles 697 and 694
6~ ~ai~ Street;1O,00001umeh:lights on pole963 and 724, Main. Street, 2500
· .lumen lights on pole 23, Marblehead Street cor~es of Middlesex St. and 1000
". lum%n lights on poles 3129, 2929 and lO18 on William Str%et, Dewey Street, and
· B~con Hill Boulevard.
The.~%Selectmen voted to set the 1948 bond for the Treasurer of the town at
., $Z2,900 and that of the Tgx Collector at-$~2,700 and report will he sent
· .to Henry ~. Long, Commissi6ner.
COPY OF CHAPTER 540 of the Acts of 1947 amending section 108 Of Chapter 41
-. of the General Laws relatingl~tO compensation of elective officers and appointive
.employees. It also suggested that an article be inserted in the town warrant
to fix the salary and compensation of all.electice officers of the town as
provided by section,'108 of ChapSe? 41, General Laws., as amended and raise and
.appropriate a sum of money'therefor.