HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947-12-29340 DECEMBER 22, 1947: - continued S~0W EMERGENCY DECLARED: The Board of Selectmen declared a snow emergency at 4:00 P.M. on December 23,1947 and also ak 273~ P.M. on December 26, 1947 at the request of the Highway Su_-veyer.~ DOG DA~IAGE: A report was received and verified that two pigs were killed by unknown-'dogs which were dwned by Helen S. Cooldige of 139 Andover Street. The pigs. were val~ed at $20.00 each. John Dolsn and Arthur Thomson appraised them. DEPARTMENT OF CORPORATION AND TAXATION: Decision handed down by the Supreme Judicial Court which affect recoveriesby municipalities in respect to old age assistance and aid to mothers with dependent children was received by this department and the welfare department. The regular weekly~eeting of the Board of Selectmen. was held at 7:00 P.M. with all members.present. Weekly'bills and payrolls were approved. ~j COMPLAINT- DAMAGE TO CARS: Mrs. Norman Humphries of 82 Pleasant Street, reported to the board that)~.he~r car had been damaged by one of the Highway Department Trucks on December. 23, ~.1947 while it.was parked outside the.house on Clarendon Street. She statedt..that the driver or the helper did not get out and they kept on going. The accident · was r. eported ~c the police and Mr. Carry was reported and.they foundlth, a~,s M~. Cunnmngham mas.driving, and Charles McCubbin was the helper. The estima~e~for repairing the care is $136.75 and Mrs. Humphries wouidlike to have:it' ~el~tlJd as soon as possible so that they can have the car repaired as her husband uses it to travel back and forth to work. ~.~ SECOND CAR: ..... · A report was received from Joseph A. Gaumond of 60 Middlesex Street ~h~t~!~i's car was damaged on-December 23, while parked in ~f~ont of his' house, ~h~n'~n'e.~ of the North Andover snop!ows damaged it to. the extent of a broken-wind&w~ Crack in the ventilator window and the left rear doc= was sprung and the l~f~.t~rear~ mudguard scraped and. ripped. The cost Of repairing this damage isI $27~ 50 ~ ~ and Mr~ Gaumond would like to be reimbursed for this amount. Mrl~Cart~, H~s~i seen'the, car and suggested that he ~rite to the Selectmen." LAWRENCE GAS & ELECTRIC CO~PANY-NEARING:. ~ ~ ~: .... A hearing was held at. 7:30 P.M. on this day on the petition of the ab'ov.e 6cmpany for ermissicn to locate one pole on the southerly side. of Minute Street.~at the westePrly line of Maplewood Ave. Nc opposition Was offered from the. a~t~rs ~ who ~ad been notified and the board voted ~nanimously to grant this re~de'~.' REQUEST TO EXCAVATE: .... · A request to excavate to install gas-service for Arthur Roberts of 4~Tave~n~/ Road, 1~ feet on street was received and the board voted unanimously%o.~grant this request. No hearing was required. ' '~ ~-' ~"?',~ LOCAL FUEL COMMITTEE: A letter received from Governor Robert F. Bradford asking that the Sele'c~t~n appoint a local fuel committee to complete the organization approved, by ~the Governor and of which Mr. George H. Rockwell h~as been appointed as State:Fuel~ 0il Coordinator. The Board voted to appoint James Dooley, 364 Main Stre'~t,' as . chairman, and Mr. Benja'min Hollins of 24 'Saltonstall Road and Mr. F~ai~' Trombly of 410 S~tton Street as the committee to work in conjunction with theiGovernor's request. The above men will be notifie~ and their names will be ~enti'%h the : .... State Fuel Oil Coordinator., Mr. George H. Rockwell. ...~'" ._ PERMANENT WAR.MEMORIAL COMMITTEE: ....... ~ John A. Cronin and James Maker came before the Board and presented a report ;.~ and recommendation of the above committee for a permanent war memorial,~for Veterans of World War II. They recommended that the ToWn place in f~0nt, of the Town Building bronze name plaques mounted on two granite blocks, one on each side of the entrance walk as indicated oma diagram presented with the. recommendation.. They also recommended that a flag poYe be extended fr. om'.the building over the entrance walk. The estimated cost of purchase and setting of the above is $4,000. It was further recommended that $300 be appropriated for dedication of-the Memorial. The Committee rreb'omm~nded that articles be. inserted in the warrant of the annual 1948 ~own meeting under which these recommendations.would become . effective. 341 DECEMB.k~ 29,1947' continued. ,,Mr. Maker informed the board that many members of the committee did not approve of having the memorial a~ Memorial Park as there were not enough p$ople who could see it and if it is at the Town Building, people are coming in at all times. Mr. Salisbury made a motion that the board accept the report of the Memorial Committee and appropriate action be ta]~n for articles for the Town Warrant. Motion was seconded andvo~e was unanimous. Mr. Thomson inquired if the Committee would be willing to take over the of spending the money for this memorial and going ahead with the plans. Mr. Cronin informed the board that he felt sure that his committee would be glad to continue in their capacity until this work is completed. DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATZON: Letter reminding the board that the money for appropriation for the of the g~sy and brown-~ail moths and tent ca~epillar should be the sum of $5,377.55. Based upon present conditions of infestation it is believed that this amount will allow the town to continue an economic program. The Department feel that this mothappropriation should be sufficient to cover the private work which is usually done in addition to the regular town work. REQUESTS FOR TRANSFERS FROM THE RESERVEFUND: The following transfers have been requested from the Reserve Fund and for these amounts will be requested from theAdvisoryBoord: ~$191.50 to the Town reports appropriation for Advisory Board reports from the. -.Special town meeting of"June 16, 1947; .$7.89 to the Bathing Beach appropriation for unpaid bills for 1947; $1670{67 to the Highway Department %o be used towards snow'removal costs.. DEPARTMENT~0F. EDUCATION: Notice received of the approval of the application of Mary F. Sheridan of 7 Cleveland Street, in the rug hooking department. SKATING RINKS: Joseph Lumen&Ilo came before the board and discussed skating rinks. He stated that he came before the board about one year ago and that he is now a member of the Recreational Council and they do no~ seem to be getting anywhere. He s~ated that he does no~ like to continue ~o Call on this ~board but he has come to the conclusion that the men are not capable of · constructing rinks properly or no~ enough money is available. He s~a~ed that he had been over to Sacred Heart College in~ndover and that they had created a rink there with lights which was very good. He stated that the rink over there was 310 x 185' which was previously a ball field. Brother Peter explained how they sprayed their field with Jus~ a light spray and after it would freeze over, they would spray again inabout one half hour. They also have lights there~ Mr. Lumenello said it brought ~ ~o light what we could have in North ~ndover. The coa~ sf the water was ~$42.00 per year. They also bought a ~eerless plow which cost $365. used for removalof the snow. Mr. Lumenello stated that what. he ~anted to ~know was: '~' 'Can we have these rinks or shall we say we jus~ haven't the facilities and .then put an article in the warrant. He said any suggestions from theboard~ would be gratefully accepted. Mr. Salisbury inquired as ~to where the program was broken down. Mr. Lumenellc did~ not answer this question at.this time buZ w~nt on to cite an instance where a young girl from North Andover went to Methuen to skate and fell in the pond. There is no place to skate in North Andover andMr. Lumenello asked if we should call in the Police or the HighwaySurveyer. Mr. Salisbury mentioned that the Thompson School is out. Mr. Brasseur had mentioned a good rink could be had there but it did not work out. ~he Bradstreet schoolyard is act leve~ and there should be three sides where sand would have ~o be piled. Mr. Thomson then asked if Mr. Lumenello was appearing in behalflof the Recreational Council or for some'other reason. Mr. Thomson stated that this matter had been referred, to the Recreational Council and they have reports to this board. Mr. Thomson asked if they had requested the Fire Department ~o flood any area and if so, were they cooperative. Mr. Hargreaves did come into this board and informed them that the Bradstreet school was in poor condition and not fit to be flooded. Mr. Thomson felt that the rinks were not there because of the weather. Ne also said he understood that some member of the Recreational Committee would contact persons willing to help and everybody would be willing to help. Finally, Mr. Salisbury stated that if an article was inserted in the warrant he would be glad to speak on the articles at the town meeting. Mr, Thomson informed Mr~ Lumenello that when the proper time and weather comes, he should con,act the men to help them. Mr. Lmmenello stated that he was glad he came into the meeting and thank the board for their courtesy.