HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-01-05342 DECEMBER 29,1947: - continued FINANCE COMMITTEE: The board held a discussion about going over the budge% figures and Salisbury felt that he would prefer to have nothing appear in the town reports as to the recommendation of this board. He felt that they had no right to make any recommendation. He did feel that a table of 'estimates should be prepared and inserted in the town repor:s and that it should also be presented to the Advisory Board. There was a general discussion on this mat~er and it was agreed that Miss Finn, Accountant, would prepare a table showing the 1947 figures and the estimates for 1948 and that all department heads should be invited :o come into the board and discuss these figures. JANUARY 5,'19~: The regular weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on this day with all members present. Weekly bills and payrolls were approved. FOREST WARDEN APPOINTED: A notice was received from the Department of Converstsion, Division of Forestry quoting the general law, Chapter 48, Section 8, which provides for the appointment of forest wardens and th~ Selectmen unanimously voted ~o Appoint Chief Engineer James Hargreaves as forest warden in ~his ~own. SPECIAL CONSTABLE: Application for appointment to the office of Special Constable was approved unanimously for Paul DeTeresi, 83 Beverly Street. TRANSFER FROM RESERVE FU~D: Approval was received from the Advisory Board for the following.amounts to be transferred from the Reserve Fund: $191.50 from the Resez-re ISAnd to the Town Reports Appropriation. $7.89 from the Reserve Fund to the Bathing Beach Appropriation $1,670.67 from the Reserve Fund to the Snow Removal Appropriation, Highwa~ Dept. SNOW REMOVAL EMERGENCY: Mr. Carry came before'the board and suggested that a special :own meetihg. be called to raise theamoun~ of $9,400 which will be required to pay for the cost of snow removal for the last storm. The amount of $1670.67 has ~lready been transferred from the reserve fund and the total amoun~ needed will be approximately $11,000. The board vo~ed to call a special town meeting on January lg,1948 am $:0O'o"clock P.M. in the CourtRoom to raise $9,400, upon the petition of the Highway Surveyor. BOSTON &MAINERAILROAD: . A letter was received from T. G. Sughrue, Chief Engineer, in redly-to our letter of December 23, relative to fence constz~action or gates on the trestle at the so-called "Dizzy Bridge". This matter had been referred to Division Engineer H. 1F. Tupper, Dover, N.H. and he will report as soon as he completes his investigation. APPEAL BOARD APPOINTMENTS: The board voted unanimously ~o appoint Gregory M~oradkanian a member of'the Board of Appeals effective January l, 1948 for five years, to expire January 1 1953. The board also voted unanimously ~o appbint Leo Murphy as an associate member of the Board of Appeals, effective January 1, 1948 and to expire January' l, 1950. POLICE DEPARTMENT: A letter of resignation was received from Officer Daniel J. Shine as patrolman inthe Police Department. ~fficer Shine had accepted a position which'he hopes · will promise more in the future 'and he would like his resignation' to become effective as soon as possible. Mr. Salisbury made a motion that the board accept the resignation with regret. Mr. Finneran seconded the motion ahd asked if it would be in order for the board tosay a word of commendation to Mr. Shine. Mr. Thomson stated that Mr. Shine has been a grea~ credit to the Police Department and that he has carried on his duties in a fine manner. Mr. Thomson said he.was a member of the board when Officer Shine was appointed and he feels very sorry that Officer Shine finds it necessary to tender his resignation from the Police Department. He asked that the resignation be effective as of January 31, 1948, if possible. Mr. Salisbury stated that he ha~ also talked with Mr. Shine who stated thathe would remain with the Departmen~ as long as necessary but if he could be allowed to go before January 31, he would appreciate it. Mr. Salisbury stated that we now have three vacancies on the Police Force and he has been informed by Civil Service that the examination requested by this board cannot be held for some months rather than a matter of weeks. 3.43 JANUARY 5, 1948: Mr. Salisbury stated that he would be willing to second a motion made previously by Mr. Finnersn ~o appoint Norman Fleming ~o the position left vacant by Officer Shine's resignation. Mr. 'Finneran made the'motion but Mr. Salisbury stated that there wes~mere to it than that and that it would be necessary ~o ask the commissioner to recertify Mr. Fleming as the list was dead. Mr. Finneran then made a motion to reques~ Civi~ Service to recertify, if necessary, the name of Norman F~eming. Vote was unanimous. The motion made previously by Mr. Salisbury was seconded by Mr. Finneranand voted unanimously as follows: To accept the resignation of Officer Daniel J. Shine'as of some indefinite date ~o be set at our next meeting. Vote unanimous. COMPLAINTS: The Board voted unanimously to pay the damage caused by the Highway Department Plows on cars owned by Joseph A. Gaumond, 60 Middlesex St. and Norman Humphries 82 Pleasant Street for a total amoun~ of $164.25, to be paid from the Contingen~ Fund. Releases will be requested from the two parties involved and the bill will then be psid~ 'B.IDS FOR TOWN REPORTS: ~he~.Board.voted unanimOusly~to request Miss Finn, Accountant, to call~ for bids' for~the annual town reports and to ask for something specific, such as page bids, noting that the board beserves the right to reject any or all bids. BY-L~wS CO~ITTEE: · Mr. Snlisbury asked that John Donovan he notified that a committee will be Held at 8:00 clock, on January 12, 1948 and that the Planning Board, Board of Appeals and ~He Building ~nspector will be asked to come to this meeting. ~INANCE'C0~MITTEE:. '~.~'iThe~Board went overthe figures requested by department heads and various heads or.departments were present, to explainwhat was causing theincrease in their appropriations.~~ The Boord thanked the various members ofdepartments for appear- 'i~ing~before the board. ~EET~NG A~OURNED: JANUARY 7,1948:7:45 A.M. · iThe~Board of Selectmen declared an Emergency for Snow Removal onthis day, ~t ~ques~ of Ira D. Carry, Highway Surveyor. JANUARY12, 1948 The~regular weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmenvas held at 7:00 P.M. with ~a~t~ members present. Weekly bills and payrolls were approved. -,.~,.::,',. a~s. Doo~ey, recently appointed chairman of the cCommittee to '.'..~d~hpe~p~e in this community who are ~nable to obtain ~ual oil or kerosene through their regular supplie~s, came before the board and read a letter from -th~.~State Fuel Cdm~dinator, stating that all 'complaints regarding fuel oil shall:~ .bs~H~ndled by the newly appointed committee. The letter also requested that the 'Ci~ or town officials refuse to issue permits for conversion from coal .-"-'~"i?:THe letter stated that if a person installs an mile burner, he may find himself. W~thout as the ~ealers are not taking on any new customers. Mr~~ ~hlisbury suggested that thi~ ma~er be referred to the Board'of Fire as,the permits are i~sued from that office. SNOWREMOVAL: ~The~bosrd voted't~ hold a special townmeetingon January 26, 1948 to raise and ~p~opviate a sufficient sum of msney to take care of snow removal for the emergency declared on January 7, 1948, and also for the expense of snow removal for~the remainder of the month of January. Mr. Carry wasuncertain as to the exact amount he would need but figured about $5,000 for everything. He will have a!idefinite figure by January 26, and will supply the correct amounts for the t~o~articles at that time. ADvIsoRY BOARD~ 'The Selectmen were invited to meet with the Advisory Board on January 20, 1948 at 7:45 P.M. Mr. Thomson and Mr. Salisbury are unable to meet with the board on this night and Mr. Rockwell will be contacted to see if they can meet with them'on January 19,1948after the special town meeting. C~VILSERVICE- POLICEAPP0~NTMENT: Mr.~.~homson read a notice of certification on Norman M. Fleming as the only pe~son eligible for the vacancy to be made in the Police Department due ~o the resignation of Daniel Shine.