HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-02-09348 FEBRUARY 231948: continued DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRIES: Retail price index of specific goads and services in large Mass. Cities shows an upward trend with the new year and shows the various percentages of increases under different categories. HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT-SNOW REMOVAL: C. J. Mahuney sent-an interpretation of the new change in Section 13 o~ Chapter Z~,'and the Chapter 5 of the Acts of 1948 approved on January 21, Mr.'Mahoney quoted the law and summarized breifly that the Highway Surveyer may spend for snow and ice removal under the existing law, the sum of $10,668.71 for the month of February, if more is required bev~use of emergency the approval ~f the Selectmen and the Advisory Hoard must be obtained in advance writing. Further information on this matter is filed under Snow Removal. DAMAGE CLA~s- HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT: Harold W~ndle reported that he was driving the road ~ractor and had shopped near the airport. He started to turn around and as he did a car came from behind and the plow blade scraped the car. John Norton, travelling salesman for the Van Ra~lte Co. of New York, rep6rted. on the same accident and stated that as he .came along past the parked snow town tractor, it stagted to turn around andthe blade of the plow dug into his car and scraped the front fender and door. The door will no~ stay closed. He was taktngghis car ~o Boston for repairs as he had So have th~'car for his business. He stated that he would report the accident to his company and they tow°UldchiefC°ntaCtMcKee.this board for payment of the bill. Acciden~ was also reported MEETING ADJOURNED: The regular weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at 7:00 P~..with ~11 members present. Weekly bills and payrolls were approved. STREET LIGHT: Mr. Finneran has been Unable'to check on the street light situation 6n:Wa'/nut Avenue, requested by Mario Cuoma but will make an effort to ~poz~t on next~ · Monday. STREET LIGHTS INSTALLED: ' ' A list of new stree: lights installed thr6ughout ~he town was received from the Lawrence Gas & Electric Company. Lights were installed on the. following streets: 10,000 lumen incadescent on Pole #449, Railroad Ave, corner. Firs~ Street; 2500 lumen indandescent on Putnam 'Street (~hr6e) Hamtilton Street (two) Holbrook Streetinglemood(Two);street.1000 lumen incandescent on Pole #36, Union Street and un~ on Pole 2945 A release in consideration of the sum of $15.00 was received from Abraham.Maslen of 23 Beverly Street, for cost of damage to his car by the Highway Depa'r%~ent Truck. ~ release received from Dr. Charles Lee of 93 Elm Stree~ in considebation of the sum 'of $22.80 for cost of repairs for damage to his car caused by the Highway. Department truck. ESSEX COUNTY TUBERCULOSIS' HOSPITAL: Notice received that the town of North Andover is assessed for ~ts share ~f the net cost of the care,~aintenance ,nd repair of the Essex County Tuberculosis Hospital for the year 1947 in the amoun~ of $7,265.82 and this amount will be raised and appropriated at the annual town meeting. FIRE DEPARTMENT: A letter recommending Joseph L. Bissun, 103 Main Street as a permanent member o~ the North Andover Fire Department was received from William I. Hart, Captain, Retired, Battery 0. 102nd. F. A. of 91 High Street, 'Lawrence. The boazd voted to byacknowledge the Board the of Fire letter Engineers. and inform the writer that this appointment would be made ESTIMATE ON PRINTING TOWN REPORTS: SPAULDING-M08S COMPANY: Quotation on the 1300 copies of the Annual Town Report was received from this company and they give ~ total cost of $703 based on the typing of a complete report on master shee%s to be furnished by the company. No actionms taken and the letter will b e filed under annual town reports.