HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-05-28386 M~y 24, 1948: continaed RIDGW00D CF2,tETERY: Mr. Coffin s~ated that he had received two complaints about dumping again et the Ridgment cemetery and suggested that the Police Department be asked to work in connection with the Board of Health. Mr. Thomson stated that the,board should advise the Board of Health' that we have had~these complaints and ask them to attend to it in the manner they sec'fit. He stated that it is a mam~er for the Board of Health and if they arelun~ill~ng.;to cope with this situation to let this board know and they will referit to the Police. The board then vo~ed unanimously that the Board of Health be advised of~the receipt of complaints of continued dumping in the area originally complained of regarding Ridgewood Cemetery;land owned by Charles Wilcox, with the suggestion that..the Board of Health attend to these complaints and advise us if they are unable to effect a remedy. STATE HOUSING BOARD: Material was received from this board with reference to Veterans Housing in this ~own and special forms 'which will be required were enclosed. Mr. Thomson sta'~ed that this material was worthy of ready, by this board. POPPY DAY: John Donovan was granted permission to hold a "Poppy Day" on May 29 and May31; throughout the town... This is under,he auspices of the American Legion, Post 219. CHANGE ZN SELECTI~EN,S MEETING N~GHTS: ~:.. The board voted unanimously to meet the first Monday in June and every other Monday thereafter through the~ summer mouths of June, July and August.. Thiz ~ has been the custom of the board for many years. ....... ' MEETING ADJOURNED TO ~TTEND SPECIAL T0~N MEETING IN THE COURT ROOM. MAY 28,,1948: A meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at~'l:30 P~M.'due the holiday falli~g on Monday, M~Y 31. W~ekly bills, payrolls, 0.A.A. and A.D.C. payrolls ~ere 9ppr?ed. ~AWRENCE GAS~ELECTRIC COMPANY A hearing was held a~l l:30p. M. on the petition of this companyLfor~',permi;ilo~ t? l&cate one pole on the southerly'aide of Furber Ave. approXimatelij~0,~f~et easterly from Wentworth Ave'. There was no opposition and the board v6ted"unan2 ~tmously to grant this request. Chief of Police Alfred H. McKee reported to the board thata Mr. Sargent. f rom~'~'"'r' Andover had be~n dumping in this vicinity and after being contacted smated ,that hewould dc no more dumping there. A letter was received a letter from the Board of Health' which ststed"ithat the 'dumb'has been properly fenced and posted by Mr. Wilcox and also by the Board. of Health. It also stated that the Police Department are frequently in that ~c~l~ty -and they would like any furhhar complaints ssn~ to the Board of Heal~h.~:The letter ~further ststed ~that. since the matter of the ~own water supply has been turned ':6~er to the Bo~r~ of Health by the State Board, the local board of healthdo~s:n0t·:f~el that this is the function.of or co~es under the Board of Selectmen. Mr. Coffin stated that there is s~ill dumping going on ther8 and ~wo people have complained, by telephone and Mr. Adams who lives on Salem Street complained about the dumping'and gotthe number of a ~ruck for the Police. Mr. Coffin s~ated that people Just dump there because of previous dumping and the condition ~oesnt improve. Mr. Thomso~ stated that he felt that the reprimsndfrom the Board of Health was very much in order, and Mr. Finneran agreed with this. Mr. Coffin stated that he was disappointed in the attitude of the Board of Health. He feels them the matter can now~rest entirely with the Board of Health. He said that since the Board of Healthdoesno~ want the Selectmen or the Police to e~ter into this matter, that w~, the selectmen should drop it entirely. COMMUNITY CENTER-FOURTH OF JULY~·CELERRATION: Rev. Cornelus Heyn~ came before the board and stated thatlast year the ~6n~ for the band forthls celebration was given by the Selectmen from the Contingent Fund and they would like to have ~he sam~ amount this year as they are planning the.same kind of ce~ebration. The boardvoted to authorize t~e expenditure-of$60~00 f~r this purpose as all people in the town t6~k part in this celebration. ~ra D. Carty was present and invited the board to come to the celebration. CHAPTER 90: A letter from the Department of Public Works, Boston was received, informing the board that the Commissioners hsd a~6ted the sum of $500 for the maintenance of Chapter 90 ~oads in North Andover on condition that ~t least $1,000 shal2 be town will be cf the o and a ss the work 3.87' MAY 28,1948-continued CHAPTER 90: A letter informing the board that the Commissioners have al!oted under the provi- sions of Section 34, Chapmer 90, the sum of $8,000 for the improvement of Main Stream in North Andover, on condition that sm least $~,000 shall be contributed by the %own and $4,000 by the county, and that the cost ~o be borne by the Common- wealth on accoun= of said work shall not exceed the amounm allotted. HOUSING AUTHORITY COMMITTEE: ~. Thomson suggested that the board keep in mind the appointment cfa housing committee mo be made in the near future. FENCING POND AREAS: Mr. William B. Dully came before the board and snpplied information regard the owners of land along the west side of Suttons Mill pond and listed the amounm of fence needed and the cos~ of erection of sase. Mr. Duff}- also supplied a map showin the total area, Mr. Duffy gave figures as to the approximate cost of the fence to be erected and stated that it would be less expensive if it could be run along without making gates or openings. Mr. Duffy stated that under Chapter 160 section 3 the right of way must be maintained by the Railroad. The board discussed this matter and finally Mr. Duffy stated that he was willing to contact the owners and. see if they would be willing to help with the cost of the erection of this fence The board then voted to write %o the B & M Railroad and ask that a representative be senm mo meem with this board to disuuss the erection of a fence in North Andover, JOHNSON HIGH SCHOOL: ~Francis 0'Brian, Sup~. of Schools, came before the board to discuss the bad gubt~rs on John High School and explained that there is considerable length of wooden gutter on mhe oum~de roof near Main Street which has been broken down by the heavy snows and this should be repaired. He said the cost would be about $700. · He inquired if the Selectmen could pay a parm of this cos~ since they paid for painting the interior or mepairing on the inside. Mr. Thomson explained that there is no money available for this work and we could only gem it by having a specAal mown meeting. Mr. 0'Brian stated he wo~d take it up with the school Department. FENCING frOND AREAS- ~ontinued: Mr. Duffyfinformed the board that if this area were fenced in that it would ,certainly be an added protection. He said~that the 5ailroad is very particular abb6t the 'type of fence that they wan~. Mr.~Thomson said that we would need ~400.~o fence .in both sides of the bridge. Mr. Duffy thought that it was a good 'idea to' contact the owners and the B & M Railroad at the same time, and have 'the B & M~representative sit in on a conference with thisboard. MEETING ADJOURNED: Theby-monthly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at 7:00 P.M Thomson and. Finneran present. Mr, Coffin wasout of town.- Weekly bills and were appr&ved., TREE REMOVAL BEARINGS: A hearing was held on the application of Mrs..David Wallwork for the removal of a tree in front of her home on Main Street, corner of Third Street. Tree had been posted andthere was no opposition. Mr. Conners stated that he h~d looked at the tree-and it should be removed. The hoard voted to request the Tree Warden to remove A hearing was held on the' application of Joseph Flanaganfor the removal of a tree 'at129~:Middlesex Street and there was no opposition. The' Board voted to request the'tree'warden:to remove this tree, ' REQUEST FOR TREES-NAMILTONANDPUTNAM'R0~DS: Mr. Oonnors informed the board that he had been contscted byMr. Re~mhold to have some trees set in on the above streets~ Mr. Conners informed Mr. Reinhold that these .streets have not been accepted and that he had no authority to set trees on these streets. Mr. Conners asked what the opinion of the board was in this matter. Mr. Thomson stated that he felt thntMr. Conners had no right to set out trees on unaccepted'streets as this is private land and was instructed to so inferm Mr. Reinhold. OFFIGE OF'THE SECRETARY: Notice received that an application'for a certificate of incorporation as provided for in Chapter 180 of the General Laws, Tar. Ed. was filed under the name of Post 219' Building Corporation by Charles T. McCarthy, 43 Mradstreet Rd. Louis R. McAloon. 17 Third St. ~ohn J. Donova, 9 Williams Street James R. Dooley, 364 Main Street, Timothy~, McCarthy 86 Main St. Donald M.Thomson 161 Main St. John J. Lyons,Gt. POn~D'