HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-07-023.9.l:: '
The Board of Selectmen held their By-monthly meeting a t 7:00 P.M. due to the
holiday on Monday, July 5, 1948. Meeting at 7:'00 P.M. with all members present.
Weekly bills and payrolls were approved.
Mr. Warren A. Sutherland came before the beard and discussed with the board, the
advantages of the town issuing bonds rather ~han notes. Mr. Sunderland is the
municipal, department manager of the Second NatXonal Bank. He told'the members
that themain advantage was ~that the town' could get a better price as'a bond issue
than a'note issue. He said that some ~rekers will not bid on state housenotes as
they cannot sell them to a great many banks in New York. ~f the loan is small (
($40-50-,°r 60 thousand dollars)'then it is more practical~te put eu¥ state house
no,es because it is cheaper. If the loan is over $60,000 it would be better to
put.' it ~ut as a bond issue. Total charge would be $758.50~ handled as a bond issue
compared to $458.50 handled as a note..The big~ difference is $200 legal fee.. Mr.
Maker said that the bonds were selling at a premium right now. Be said we would get-
· about $57,000 for the Thompson School because of a recent bill that was passed.
(Chapter 645. ) - -
:~ ~'~/ Coffin inquired if the State House frowned u~on bonds and Mr. Sutherlan~
~ answered "not intelligently"--State House .wants to put'out notes because they
receive $1.00 per note. Mr. Maker said that in 99% of'the cases, it was a bond
Mrj Finneran inquired 'if Mr. Sutherland. s hank would' bid and he replied'th~/they
:~M~; ~o2f[n asked if the ba~ks were promoting' %he:interest of bonds by to'ns, and
'.cities"and Mr. Sutherland replied that "they are doing it more as a serVice, to
Mr. Maker explained to Mr. Coffin that the bank woul'd handle' e?ary~hin~ he 'had
, never handled bend issue before. ' '
'""Mr. Sutherland explained that they woUld. advertise' and send circulars tO, eye'one
who ~[ight be a bidder and he stated that this was a professional~ service.
Mr.' Maker recommended a bond' issue a~d said he felt that we would get a better
"rate on"a~bond issue than on s note issue:hut said'Of cou~se, thatlwe do not know
;whAt .will happen in a couple of months' frSm. now; ' ' '
M~;' Thomson inquired if he proposed arranging for this now and Mr~ Maker replied
that he was not and that he did not feel'that' he would change his
in .three months as he had in mind the initial'cost. .
'~'' :Mr. ~Coffin inquired'if Mrj S~tharland thought there would' be any radical Chang~,
'' [~ 'the p, resent picture and ~r. ~Sutherland replied, that printing co.sts might 'go
up ibu,t,otherwise there would 'be no ~radical-change., ~ ',' ~ . , - ,
":" M~J Maker, then stated that he woUld try to sit in With 'the School Committe~ aroun~.~
the 'let ~.of. September and that' itwould take about a month'to put 'out a bond issue
and after' reading the article ~gain, Mr. Thomson said that 'the act of,borrowing -
must he 'approved by the Selectmen. Mr. Finneran asked Mr. Maker'if he wanted
that approval to-night and Mr. Maker replied yes .that he did.
-Afmotion.was made and seconded for the borrowing of $300,000 by-th~ town treasurer.
:' ~ ~. acco .rd.~nce with the vote of Article (~58 amended)speci~al town meeting) 'author--
'~ ~ ~[s[n'g3the'~b. orrow[ng of Said sum of money by bond issue.
The'"board voted unanimously to instruct Mr.' Oounors, :tree warden to remove the two
~ ~ ~'"t~e$'s ~'~itioned for removal hy Edward Garvey of 182 Middlesex and by Mrs; Burke
~ . ,?f,. 5:'Marlbe~eed Street.
· Buchanan,: Charles 'requested the removalc~ a tree at 140 Acade~yRoad and the hoard
· ' '~i~atruct~d %he tree warden to post a notice' and'.a hearing will be held on July 19,
1948',at .7:30 P.M.
Chie~ 'Bargreaves came before the board and ~disCUssed d[Scoan~ buying. He stated
that ~here was nothing they .know of that could be bought in sizable quantity.., we
only.buyStationary every ~,o years and stamped envelopes, etc. Be'said 'they buy
gasoline through Catty (wholesale) and his only suggestion was that they might
save money if a community oil tank is purchased and~e~ three or four Buildings
from the same tank (fuel'oil); This was discussed for some.time relative to
the amouht of oil purchased within a year. The hoard thanked Mr. Hargreaves for
coming in to the meeting.
Mr. Co'flirt received a letter from Mr. Long relative to discount bNying but ha
felt that Mr. Long misunderstood what the board has in mind and it was suggested
tha~ another letter he sent to Mr. Long asking for' the correct informatiSn
JULY 2, 1928-- continued
A letter was received from Mr. Maker, treasurer,relative to discount buying
and he explained that their expenditures are 9cry small for supplies and that
most of their materials are supplied by the state. Mr. Maker did suggest that
it might he advantageous for all department to have their records bound by one
A letter was received from William B. Duffy asking the selectmen to advise the
Board of Public Works if the Selectmen have received assurance from Mr. Oristaldi
and from Mr. Samhataro as required by a vote at the Annual Town Meeting of
March 13, 19~8 as a condition to installing water and sewer on Pambrook and Tyler
Roads with respect to compliance with "Regulations for Laying Out Streets" as
adopted by the Board of Selectmen on January 13, t947. The board voted to send
Mr. Duffy a copy of Mr. Orist~ldi's letter. At a later discussio~ with Mr.
Duffy he stated that he wanted an assurance from Mr. Sambataro and would require
this before he could go along wit~ the work. The board decided ~o request Mr.
Sambataro to come to the meeting on ~uly 19, 1948 and to present the board wi{h
written assurance as to the above conditions and that it he signed by Mr. Joseph
and Mr. Sal~tore Samhataro. A copy of the vo~e of these articles was obtained
from Mr. Lyons, Town Clerk..
A petition was receive~t for permission to locate poles, wires and fixtures' on the
southerly side of. Dale Street froma point approximately 210 feet westerly from
the Boxford-North Andover line, westerly, 2 poles. A hearing was set for July 19,
1948 at 7:25 P.M. and abutters will he notified.
PE~ISSION ltEQUESTED to excavate to install gas-service for Francis L.' Cote, ~43
Railroad Ave.~, 36 feet on street, which was granted u~animously by the board.
NOTICE RECEryED that in accordance with a letter dated ~pri! 5, 1948-from this
board 18 1000 lumen incandescent lights were installnd~cn ~Salem Street. This
.was the outcome cf an article'in the warrant of the Annual Town Meeting,MarCh 13,/48.
A letter was received from' the Boston & MAine Rat]road relative to the :i~-tallation
of a fence and gate at Sutton, s Mill Pond which had'bean discussed many ti~es by
this board. The letter stated 'that the situation is still as outlined in their
letter of March 9, 1948 and'that the Railroad does not wish ~o assume anY expense.
in connection with the installation' of such a fence. Mr. Thomson felt that 'this
was rather final on that situation and he thought that we could investigate the matter
of maintenance of fences.
A notice was received from the B&M ¢o. listing the various warning si~s which are
missing and which should be.replaced as is customary each year. Tha hoard referred
this letter to the Police and Highway Surveyor for their attention. ·
Mrs. Fred Savoy called to'say 'that 'she' would like to have the Selectmen do Something about
the 'dump on Marsten Street, Lawrence. For the past two weeks ~he smoke has' been very
thick and she has been unable to hang out her clothes And unable to p~t her children
out as she was afraid they would inhale the smoke. The bosrd voted to send another
letter to Alderman Carney to see what can be done about this, Mr. Coffin'.mentioned
that he had cut a clipping from the paper with reference to dumps a~d' he suggested
that this he called to the attention of the Alderman.
The Board suggested that a letter of thanks he sent to Robert Sullivan who acted
as chairman for 'Jimm~ Day" and also thank his committee for their fine cooperation
and effort.
The Board appointed James Dewhirst, 98 Marblehead~Street and Thomas HaYes, 103 Union
Street as special Police Officers at the request of William B. Duffy. Both men are
life guards at the Ratlzlng Beach.
In connection with a letter received from Mr. D~ffy_ relative to the bathing beach
being used for North Andevar residents only, th~eed that the Chief of Police
should he instructed to provide such police protection as'Mr. Duffy should deem
necessary amd to cooperate with Mr. Duffy as much as possible and help out with
this particular problem.
Mr. Fianeran suggested that it might help the situation if au cffice~went to the beach
every other day for a week or two and the board agreed that this should be done.
J~LY 2, 1948- continued
Mr. Coffin stated that he felt that passing should be restricted in this area
and that the three lanes is an invitation for a car to pass. Re suggested that
this matter b~ referred to the Chief of Police and that he contact the Bept. of
Public Works and study this situation and correct it if he feels that it is
ed. Mr. Thomson thought this was a commndable recommendation and the matter will he
referred ~o the Chief.
All. members of the Local Housing Authority have been notified that a meeting is
to be held on June 30,.1948 to disseminate information on the basic policies on
the Housing information.
Mr. Coffin brought up the matter of Main Street being narrow and he'said that cars
park pn both sides of the street and he felt that parking should be restricted to
oneside pf the street. Mr. Coffin mentioned that if a bus' came up the street and
two lanes of cars were parked it may cause a serious accident. He suggested that
this also.ha referred to the Chief of Police and ask that he report if he deems
this action necessary.and if os to enforce the rule of one side parking or to make~
any other suggestions that he sees fit.
Mr. Coffin said that a matter had been called to his attention relative to s~eding
on Main Street and on Middlesex Street (upper section), but particularly Main Street
in the later hours of the evening. He said it was.of primaryimportance to acquaint
citizens with laws &nd to enforce them and suggested that this also he referred to
the attention of the Chief of Police.
Mr. Thomson said that the suggestions of Mr. ¢offin would be adopted and the. Chief of
Police base advised.
~he board al~o votadundar Welfar~ that Oarl. Kempshauld.be picked up by the Police
and arrested for vagrancy the next tine he comes around and they find that he has
home and is s vagrant,
-Anappli~ationfor a certificate ~f incorporation as provided in Chapter 180. of the
· General Laws, under the name of the North Reading Rifle Club, Inc. with David. Simpson
of~%SS:~0sgood Street, North Andover listed, was approved by the Board of Selectmen
and .the approved form sent. to the Office.of. theSecretary.
Letter received advising the Selectmen that Robert Saltonstall.of 665 Osgood Street
North Andover had been appointed as a member of the local Housing Authority for the
termendib~ July 2, 1951. The board .voted to notify ~ach member of the Authority
of this new member and suggest that a meeting be called so that they can organize.
.The boardvotad to notify RermanDine, Assis~an~tDirector cf' Accounts that at the
special town meeting held on Mondayevening, May 24, 194~ the .town ~0ted
the sum o~.$500 for the uae of the local Housing Authority.upon petition of ~he Boar~
of Sele~tmenJ. The Selectmen asked for authority ~o take this money from available-
funds since the vo~e does not specify where the money is to come from. The tax
rate hadbeen, set whenthis vote was taken.
The regular by-monthly meeting of the Board ~f Selectmen.was held at 7~00 ~.M. with
all members'present. Weekly bills and payrolss were approved.
A hearing was held at 7:25 P.M. on the petition of the above company for permission
%o locate poles, wires and fixtures on the southerly side of'DaleStreet, from a
point'approximately 210 feet westerly from the Boxford-NorthAndover line,~estarly,
2 poles. ~The board voted unanimousl~ to grant this~rmissicn.
THEBOAR~.~otedunanimously to g~ant permission to the above company, to excavate to
install gas-service for the ~n~z~wing, Maurice Lally, 21 Dana St. 28 feet on street,
Josepb Andrews, Lindem Ave. 2?~feet on street.
A hearing on the petition of Buchanan Charles of 140 Academy Road for the removal cf
a tree was held at 7:30 P.M. and the board instructed the treew~rden to remove this
tree Nc and Mr. Cannors that tree should