HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-12-13428 DECEMBER 13, 1948- continued BUS STOP: Mr. Coffin talked with ~r. Chase at the Eastern Mass. with respect to the removal of the bus stop between ~arblehead Street end the Railroad Station. Mr. Chase will look into the mat%er and he believes that the stop can be replaced. Mr. 6hase stated that they had to move the bus stop at the depot back se they are not allowed to have a stop iu such close proximity to the crossing. However, he believes that the situation can be remedded. SAFETY SIGN: The Chief of Police .and Highway Surveyor reported that a large reflector has been installed a% the top of Suttons Hill, as requested by the Board of Selectmen. LA¥,~{ENCE GAS &ELECTRIC C0: Notice received that a 1000 lumen street light has been installed on pole #257, on Sutton Street, as requested by the Selectmen on October ,5, 1948. Notice received that a 1000 iumen street light has been installed on pole #2759 on Lexington Street, as requested by the Selectmen on October 19,1948. Letter from Mr. Frost explained the difference between 2500 and 1000 lumen light, prices were quoted ~nd the letter explained that the tendency now is to ge~ away from the use of the old radial reflectors. It is becoming more and more difficult to obtain the equipment for the 1000 lumen lights. After s discussion of these lights, the board voted to request the insta!l~tton of a 2500 lumen stregt light on Pembrook Road, request of Vincent LaOoila. PLANNING BOARD: ' Notice received that the Planning Board had voted unanimously ~o approve the final plans cT the layout of Hemlock Street, beginning at the edge of Walnut Street and extending a distance of 306.21 feet southerly to the extension of the south line of Spruce Street. ~ FISH AND GAME WARDEN: Walter Stamp Jr. of Beverly Street informed the board that he had discussed the possibility of an appointment as fish and game warden in and about the town ~with Mr. Harold Crosby of the Division of Conservation and he bad been informed that if the board would write a letter to Boston it may be that he would be appointed. Mr. Coffin said be understood that many people come from Lawrence to fish in the Lake but that before considering the request he would like to determine s~ecifically if there is any salary to be attached to the position 'and if not he would be glad ~o agree with the appointment. Be said he did not favor: creating any new Jobs in the town at this time but he felt that if Mr. Stamp had observed conditions in the town and he wishes to pro{~ct the. town, a~nc cost, he would favor the appointment. He would like to know the ruling of the State in this matter. The board tn hold the matter over and in the meantime check on the salary angle. DEPART:~ENT OF PUBLIC WORKS: Notice received in triplicate relative to Auto route no. 133 from Route 125 to the Boxford Line (1;60) miles ~o be signed by the chairma of the b0ard.with respect to the town agreeing to pay one half the cost of removing the snow on the route stated above. The Department of Public Works will pay the other half. Mr. Thomson signed the forms and two will be returned to the Boston Office. DEPARTMENT OF cORPORATIONS A~D TAXATION: 'Memorandum received with reference to Section 6 of Chapter 40, General Laws, on appropriation for s Reserve Fund and suggesting that an ample reserve fund for 1949 for unforseen happenings be provided. ~0RAND~REGEIVED with respect tc inserting an article in the town ~arrant to provide a to~5ocbl2ecfO~ who would collect all accounts due to the town. Mr. Long suggested tb~t favorable action on such an article will have accomplished a very desirable purpose in the town. The board discussed this ma~ter and no action was taken. This matter has been discussed before by previous boards end no action was tmken at that time and the present board felt that they would do the same. DEPAR~E~ OF EDUCATION: NotiCe received that Robert L. Sanborn of 59 Maple Ave. is attending the Somerville vocational school in the automobile section. Angelus Hayes, 58 Park St. ElSie Lambert, 74 Prospect St., Betty Lawton, 42Water St. Warren Berthal.200 0sgood St. are attending the Lawrence Evening Industrial School. DEOE,~BER 13, 19~8- contined MASS. COUNCILFOR PUBLIC SCHOOLS: ;~emorandum received giving Mrs. Lung's l~tter to local assessors under date of December 1, 1948 and also comments on the various phases o~ th~ letter. Material filed under PUBLIC SCHOOLS. SPECIAL TOWN~EETINa.' The board'adjourned to attend the special town meeting at which article two was acted upon favorably and a request made that the meeting adJounruntil December 27, for consideration of article one, because of a misunderstanding of the law. DECEMBER 20, 1948: The regUlar weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at ~:00 P.M. with all members present. Weekly bills and payrolls were approved.~ SALE OF BITHING BEACH PROPERTY: 0. J.'Mahuney and Francis Kittredge came before the board and they signed the deeds which transferred the Bathing Beach property to the town of North Andover. Mr. Mahoney stated that there is no question on the title of the land. He explained that Stevens Pond is a made pond and was originally a stream prior to the railroad~ · .~'~oing'through. He said that the deed covers any ~overi~g the bathing beach.' The price of~ this land is $500.00 ~hich was raised at the annual town,meeting in March' of 1947. 5~r. Mahoney will send further information and the bill will be paid to Mr. Eittredge. CIVIl;, SERVICE- POLICE DEPARtmENT: '-Mr. ~homsun~plainsd tha.t in spite of ~ewspaper re~orts, nc list has been received7 - ~? vacaDc.les in the po!zce department. John Willis whose name ~is' on' the 1 · came ~fore the board to no~ .... ' ~ ist . , · .... . . . ify them that he is available for the Job but t.hat.hc nas recemvec no nogtficatioo as yet.,Mr. Thomson inform~ him that no action:~-oul~ ' :1: be taken! untill the list is available.. .. . RESERVE Ft~D TRANSFER* Approval',was received'from the Advisory Board-on the. t~$nsfer of $1~.00 to the ' i ~. Armistice Day appropriation to meet unpaid bills'for 1948. " DEPART~'~NT 'OF CONSERVATION- FtSH~ AND G~AME WARDE~I: - - A~letter.was received,from Earold L. Orosby, Conservation0fficer with respect · -~he~appointment of a Fish and, Game Warden in North Andover. The !etter~ stated that ~such an, appointmenttcannot be made as the .law prohi~bits Such an appointment ~.175the~ per~0n ~who has held ~uch' a posit!on there re'sighs or fails ,f~ re-~ o~in (.?and ~th~is ~was ~the case in North Andover s0~e' years, back; He mentioned, tPhPe D Conservation officer in the town,~Alfred Lewis, 72, Pleasant Street and stated that ,there~ sre,~ three deputies in Andover who are ready to go out on Calls at any ~time. H e also. mentioned that. he felt that the Chief of Police would .be willing 'to -. 'relay~'any,%message to him if there were any camplaihts. The matter, was considered c!6sed. I~WRENOE.GAS & ELECTRIC OOMP&NY - '¥'P~.rmission~.was granted by unanimous vote of the board to the above company to~ .~ exca. vate to install gas-service for Vahan Gulian, Middlesex Street, "~' ~::Ave'nue,~:'27 ,feet on s~reet and to excavate'.to install gas-service for Dr. R. R. Mottlt~rJp, Greene S~reet, 33 feet on street. WARRANT OPENED: The'~Board voted to open the. warrant on December 20, 1948 and to close it es of '='~anu~ry,.,, 10, 1949 at 7=30 P.M. Ail articles to be received prior to. that time. ' ~,' F, IRE~DEPARTMENT -TRANSFER-RESERVE FUND: ~r.-~,ITargreaves,. :~ ~ ~ . request,ed the transfer of. $50.00 from, the R~se~ve Fttnd to th, "Ftre~:Department expenses ,to take 1care of bills unpaid at t~is time. ~he .~vot~dl,',unanimously to refer this matterTto 'the .Advisory board .for approval. ·~WRENCE':G~S &ELECTRIC C0: ~ - Mr'.5Prost Called to say that a light recentl~ requested on pole 1441 on Dale .Street would serve5 the purpose 'just as w.ell if it were installed on pole<number 1440. He said'~that,there is:a~ransformer.on pole 1441.The board voted to ask Mr.~Edward if'this was agreeable to him and if so they will agree, t~ have the light installe: on pole 1440. PROSPECT STREET LIGHT: - : - Mr. Frost also called about the light on Prospect,Street and stated that there is one light at the corner of Chadwick and Prospec~ Street and another one ~00 feet on pole 2775. The last pole on the street is only 200 feet~eom pole 2775 so i£~ a light were installed there would only be a distance of 200 feet in between ~. Frost present a 2500 light on pole to snot one, the com one of $00 feet