HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949-01-03January 3, 19~9 - continued
Approval received for the following transfers from the Reserve
Fund:-$~O.O0 to the Assessor's Clerk's salary, $40.00 to the
Tax Collector's Clerk's salary ~O.Xl to the Treasurer's Clerk's
salary, $~.65 to the Accoun%~tT~ s~lary appropriation, $50.00
to the Fire Department appropriation.
Approval on the application of the following pupils was received:
PLlta Coppola, 1765 Osgood Street; Margaret Drummey, 3~O Main Street;
Geraldine Hegarty, 11 Cleveland Street; Grace Moschetto,.'l?65
Osgood Street; Doris Rausehousen, 32 Ston~ng~on Street.
The Board of Selectmen voted unanimously .to approve $563.45 for
bills incurred for snow emergency on December ~9, 19~8. This is
in compliance with Chapter 5 of the Acts of 19~8. This will be
approved by the Advisory Board in addition to the Board of Select-
Chief ~cKse presented bllls~oun~lns to $1~.00 for services
rendered by officers of the depar~men~ for which he has no money
available. Mr. Thomson suggested ~hat an article be inserted in
~he Town Warrant and asked thaZ the Chief's a~ention be called
~o thfs fact tha~ he must submiz an arZlcle.
The above 'hearing had been conZinued from November 1,' 1948, and
Mr. Thomson informed ~hose present that Mr. Wilcox went ~o his
office and stated ~hat the dog had been confine& but thaZ recently
had been allowed out and was in his pigpen and-chasing hfs pigs-
ou~ of the pen.. Mr. Thomson suggested that he ~ake a picture and
have evidence. Mr. Thomson said his impression would be tha~ ~he
hearing be con~ln~ed generally and ~hat the evidence might be in-
fluenced by the activity of the dog. He said that he appreciated
that ~he hearing was confined to evidence presented .at the'last
Mr. Salisbury said he would like to bring a simple ques~lon before
the Board--~hat they dismiss this complaint as of this date and
let Mr. Wilcox bring in a fresh complaint if necessary.
Mr. Coffin stated tha? he had no~ changed his mind and ~ha~ the
evidence submitted On November 1 completely exonerated ~he dog
and he still held that the complaln~ should be dismissed.
Mr. Finneran sta~ed that ~he dog did bite-Mr. Wilcox and he fel~
~hat we hadbeen lenient with the dog.
Mr. Salisbury said ~his was a ma~er of deciding whether or not
the dog was vicious and not whether it bit anybody. He said the
Board~mlght as well dismiss the complain~ as of 11/1/48 and no
one would be prejudiced.
Mr. Pinneran said he felt tha~ we should continue the hearing and
made a mo~lon that it be co$~inued un~il April 4 and Mr. Thomson
seconded the motion, this being'a majority vote of ~he Board, M~i
9o~fin not voting.
Nfl Salisbury ~hen said he would like to know if the effect on the
dog was ~he same as before-"Is this dog as free as a~ any other
time? There is no grea~er restrain on the do~ now than ~here was
Mr. Thomson then said that as he understood l~ there was no other
change now ~han a~ the ll/1/~8 hearing.
January 3, 1949--continued
Mr. Coffin brought ,~p the matter of the smoke nuisance from the Marsden
Street dump. He said this happens several times weekly and he would
like the Board to sit down with Alderman Carney or the entire City
Council'and discuss this matter. He said he had been informed that a
young mother on Ashland BtreeT had to keep her baby inside because
of this smoke. The mother suffered illness from the dense smoke.
Mr. Thomson said he did not know what remedy They might have at this
time but he knew they were planning to have an incinerator at some
future date.
Peter Ritchie, who was present at the meeting, told the Board tha~
he had seen the plans of The incinerator and the cost of same would
be approximately $~25,000.00.
Mr. Thomson said he was very much in accord with any action that
could be taken and would be glad to talk this over with Mr. Carney.
The motion was made that an appointment be made to meet with M~.
Carney at his convenience to discuss and investigate the dump situa-
tlon of Lawrence as i~ affects North Andover and the vote was.
Mr. Coffin discussed.the Statute which authorizes the Highway Surveyor
to plowunaccepTed streets and suggested that an article be inserted
in the Warran~ so that The Town may act upon l~. He believed that
people who paid taxes should not be deprived of getting in and ou~, of
their home but he stated that he did not mean private ways.
Mr. Finneran said he didn't think tha~ we needed an article as Mr.~
Carry already plows the unaocepted streets.
Meeting would be
with Mr. Carry.
Thomson said this was a special act and if accepted by The Town
legal. He suggested tha~ ~his ma~ter be taken up
The motion was made that
~he Highway Surveyor and
Town Warrant.
the subJec~ on town ways be referred to
suggested tha~ an article be inserted in the
Contracts (in duplicate) for the improvement of a section of ro~d in
North And~ver under the provisions ~f Chapter 90 of ~he General Laws,
Ter. Ed., was received and aoRroved by The Selectmen. Ail copies of
contract were returned on 1/~9 to a representative from She State
Depar~men~ of Public Works who called aT the office for ~hem.
A bill for dues for membership in ~his AssociaTion was approved for
$ 5.oo.
Meeting adjourned.
The regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at
with all members present. Weekly bills and payrolls were
7:00 P.M.
William Perry came before the Board to discuss an article whichw~s to
have been inserted in the Warrant for this year. He said he understood
Mr. Mahoney had a copy of the agreement and that there was also a copy
in this office. He was informed, by Mr. Thomson ~ha~ ~he matter would
be checked and taken care of by the Board.