HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949-01-10January lO, 1949 - continued ~.~'5
A claim for damages To his automobile in the amoun~ of $14.35 was
received from Leo J. Kane who stared ~ha~ he broke a righ~ fron~
spring on his car while ~raveling alonE Osgood Street pas~ the air-
por~ ~oward Haverhill on January 8, 19~9 at 8:00 A.M. near ~he resi-
dence of Harold Lees where a pipe line had recently been placed by
=he Water Depar~men~ leaving holes in the highway. Mr. Carry informed
~he Board ~ha~ ~his had no~hing ~o do with his depar~men~ and should
be referred =o ~he Depar~men~ of Public Works. No ac=ion was ~aken.
Lculs McAlcon and Raymond Jenson came in before ~he Board =c discuss
Faulkner Road. Mr. NcAloon said =ha~ they had fixed it up a lit=le
and tha~ Mr. Car~y could explain i= berber ~o ~he Selectmen. Mr. Car~y
said the road was good bu~ ~he surface drain was no~ as i~ should be.
He explained ~his by saying ~hat there was no surface drain on G~eene
Stree~ a= ~his ~ime bu~ i~ was only a ma~er of rime before ~here
would be a surface drain (Under Chapter 90 work). He said ~hat
Faulkner Road was all righ~ as far as the surface was concerne~ but
~he wa~er runs ou~ and down Greene S~ree= but he s~a~ed ~hat the
surface of ~he road was satisfactory and he would give ~he Selectmen
~his informa=ion in wri=ing. A certificate was then presented ~o the
Board as follows: "I hereby certify ~o the Board of Selectmen tha~
Faulkner Road, from Parker S~ree= To Greene S~reet, mee~e the requi~e-
men~s and regulations for laying ou~ of stree=s and is in condition
for adjudication and acceptance by the Town", signed Ira D. Carry.
Mr. Thomson ~hen maid tha~ a motion was made and seconded =hat a public
hearing be held on January ~4, 19~9, at Y:30 P.M. wl~h respect ~o ~he
probable adjudication of Faulkner Road as a public way and ~he vo~e
was unanimous.
Mr..Thomson s~ated ~ha~ a certifica=lon had been received from Mr.
Car~y with respect=o School S~ree= and i~ was now ready for adJudi-
ca=ion. 'A plan was presented by Mr. Rockwell of ~he Davis & Furber
Co.~ Mr. Finneran =hen made a mo=ion =hat,he road be adjudicated
for acceptance by ~he Town a= ~he nex= annual Town Meeting. Mr.
Coffin'seconded ~he mo~ion which was as follows: "Mo=ion made and
%econded~hat~ School Stree~ running more or less westerly from Main
Street~for a 'distance as indica=ed on plan of the Village LandCom-
party, Ralph B. Brasseur, da~ed Augus~ $, 1958~ be adjudicated as
being in condition for accep%ance by the Town of North Andover.~
Mr. Thomson s~a~ed ~ha= a complain~ had been made tha= some work had
been done on,ha= par= of Lyman Road ~ha~ had no= ye= been accepted.
Mr. Car~ explained ~ha~ he ~old his men ~o put some gravel on ~ha~
par= Jof Lyman Road ~hat had been accepted and also Edmands Road.
2here was adiscussion about Lyman, Norm~_n and E~m-nds Roads and ~.
Car~y s~ated =hat he did no= put any gravel on ~ha~ par= of Lyman
Road tha~ was not accep~ed...only that par= of Lyman Road ~hat was
accep=ed-and Edmands Road. Mr. Coffin sugges=ed ~ha~ ~he Board go
to Lyman Road ~onight and see if there was any evidence of new gravel
on the unaccepted par= of ~he road and also suggested =hat Mr. Carry
go along With ~hem.
A cer=ification and repot% form was received from ~he Division of
Civil Servic6 and ~he following persons were certified as being
eligible for appoln%ment: Evere=~ R. Woodhouse, 65 Maple Avenue;
John-J..Willis, 23 Saunders St.; Joseph W. Lawlor, 290 S~evens S=ree~;
David F..Roche, 90 Second S~ree~. There are =wo .vacancies in =he
department at $~8.90 per week wi~h a dollar increase yearly until
the maximum is reached. Mr. Coffin made a m~ion
Woodhouse be appoin=ed as a permanen~ police officer. The mo~ion
was seconded by Mr. Finneram and the vo=e was unanimous. Mr. Coffin
%hen'made a mo%ion Zha~ John J. Willis be appointed as a permanen~
police officer. The moZion was seconded by Mr. Flnneran and~he vo~e
was unanimous. I~ was voted ~o have =he %wo new officers start their
employment as of January 13, 1949 and forms will be sen~ To Civil
Service for approval. The new appointees will be no=ifled ~hat they
mus= communicate wiZh Chief McKee and discuss their appoin~men=s.
January 10, 1949 - continued
Mr. Carry brought up the matter of money which was owed to John
Driscoll for work on the sidewalks abutting the property owned by
Mrs. Richardson at Third and Main Streets. Mr. Thomson informed
Mr. Maker to allow the check to be mailed to Mr. Driscoll.
~eran s~-~'ted that he had received a-~complaint from several
people who miss the last bus which leaves the Wood Mill at 11:25
P.M. and he agreed to contact Mr. Chase at the Eastern Mass. to see
if something could be done about this service.
The Board granted permission for the use of Stevens Hall to Mrs.,
Martin J. Lawlor, Sr. to hold a whist party on January 21. for ~the
benefit of the Convent~ Fund, if the Hall is available for that
The Board also voted unanimously to grant permission for the use
of Stevens Hall to the Girl ScouZ Mariners for a musical play on
April 1-2, if the Hall is available for those evenings.
The Board voted to notify Mr. William Callahan, Janitor, at the High
School, when the hall is to be used by any organization.
Mr. William Cal~b~n came in to inform the Board ~hat the clock.
was not in running order and that it had been repaired many years
ago. The reason he.was here was that he wanted to le~ the Select-
men know that he knew about the clock but there was nothing he could
do and in case they received complaints, they~ould know he wasn't
Just being lazy about it. Mr. Thomson said that this would be
taken up with the Schoo~ Department and decided later.'who wouI~ ...
be responsible for the cost of repairs if the clock could be_repaired.
An article was received requesting the extension of s~reet lights
from the present location at the corner of Salem Street ~to Mosquito
Brook on~ Foster Street for safety protection and the Board suggested
that this be referred Zo the Lawrence Gas & Electric Co.~ for a
survey as to the approximate cost.
An article was received requesting the installation .orca fire alarm
box at the Junction of Salem, Boxford and Foster Streets and the
Board suggested that this be referred ~o Chief Hargreaves'~for the
approximate cost of this installation. ..-
In .accordance with the provisions of General Laws, ChaPter 32,
Section 22 (7)(C)(li), it is hereby certified that the amoun~ ~
estimated to be necessary to pay to the various funds of the Essex
County Retirement System, said amount payable by the Tovm of North
Andover, for the year beginning 1/1/49, is as follows: Pension.Fund,
$6,271.O0; Expense Fund, $152.OO; Total, $6,413.OO.
This location was checked by ~he Board on 1/3/49 and they decided to
have ~he present light moved to the pole in front of Mrs.
property at the end of the street snd install a new 2500 lumen
light on the pole this side of the present light, if this is agree-
able to the Lawrence Gas & Electric Company.
Meeting adjourned.