HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949-01-17437 The regular meeting of ~he Board of Selectmen was held a~ 7:00 wi~h all members present, Weekly bills and payrolls were approved. ~e 0fflge A '-ointed: Frank Dushame~ 2~30s~ood S~ree~, was appoln~ed Special Police Officer bY unanimous vote of ~he Board. 'veterans' .end's L:uarters: Mr. Bernard Bingham ~old~r. Finneran ~haZ his quarters were getting crampe&.and asked Mr. Finneran to bring ~his ma~ter up before ~he Board. Mr.'Bingham had s~at~d ~h~$ if Zhere were lockers for ~he 'fi~e~en':s clo~hes, i~ migh~ help some. He also said an oxygen ten~ and. mask were kept in his quarters. The Board' discussed ~his ma~er and ~hen Mr. Thomson suggested tha~ Zhey consul~ with Mr. Bingham to see WhaZ his actual problem is and ~hen talk wi~h ~he Engineers. ~oard of Fire Engineers.) Board-of~noin~men~s: ~Y~--~e motion of Er~ Finneran, Irving Howes was appointed, by unani- mous vote of ~he Board, as member of the Board of Appeals for five years I~erm to expire 1/1/5~). On ~he moZion of Mr.~ Flnneran, James J. Regan was appointed, by unani- mous voZe of ~he Board, as assocla~e member of Zhe Board of Appeals for ~wo years (~erm ~o expire l/l/51). Comolain~-Board of Anneals: . ~~9~9 was received from ~he'Board of Appeals 'wi~h.~eference 2o violations of ~he'Zoning Ordinance Of the Town of- No'~h..'An~over:- (1) s~orage of lumber of;:.~eP.tic..,tanks and plumbing material a~ 205.Mass.'Ave., property of Domenic~Mangano. The Board discussed ~his ma~t~'~d' it was decided by'~.un~nimou~ vo~e ~he..Buil'dingInspector for his-investigation. ~me::o~..Ernest S~ewar~,'5~ Harold S:ree~, Foreman, was ~wn by ~r'.i¢Offin ,~o serve as a j~ror a: Salem Superio~ 00ur: on February.16, 19~9.'~~' Advisor.' Board: The;Board. lagre~d.yo a~endt~he.~ee~ing o~.the Advisory Board on Monday,"~anuary 2~, 19~9,~ a~ 7t~5 P.E., as per ~heir letter o'f January ll~h; No~h.Parish:RoadBrid~e: ~r.'Oar~:sta~ed ~ha~ Alderman'NcCar~hy had advised ~ha~.he was going tb::~dse;the bridge on No. Parish Road:and a'sked Mr. Oar~y if'he w0u~d"~l~se our end of'~he road. Mr; Car~y said he.had ~hough~ of ' pd~ing:UPl.~a-..sign on ~he top of the hill' "No~'a ThroughWay"'and.'Mr. ca~ty'Valsd/s'uggeeted ~ha~'some~hing be inserted in .the newspaper in reg~d::%~:'~he fac~ ~ha~ ~he bridge would be closed. T~e Boarddis- cuss~dl:~his 'ma2~er and asked when the bridge would be closed and for how~'tong,'..tO which Nr. Car~y replied that the closing of.~hebridge would,:.take:p~ace in ~he very near future and ~he bridge wouldprobably .be. Cl0~d'~i1-.next summer. ~r. Thomson ~hen asked Mr. Oar~y if we2e'lclo~ing.'our end of ~he road or JusZ pu~ing up a sign and Mr Ca~y'.[~ePile~'~hat he was Just going to~put~o a sign. 'Nr. Thomson th~:,;t01d'M~.:.'Oar~y tha~ he needed no particular authority from ~he Boar~:.bu~'as~ed: ~ha~ Mr. Car~y see ~o i~ ~ha~ ~he barrier put up w~s,,'s'ubs~an~lal; NeW'P~t'Of~ice: ~bil~, H.R. ~5, authorizing ~he purchase of.a new poe~-offic.e si~$, which was Introduced in the House of Representatives, were received from Thomas J. Lane. The Board vo~ed to acknowledge ~hie letter. JANUARY 1. I 4~' - continued A letter dated January ll, 1949, was received by Alderman Joseph E. Carney suggesting ~ha~ the Board meet wi~h ~he Lawrence City Council in regard to the Lawrence dump situation. Mr. Coffin said ~hat he had been unsuccessful in trying to reach Mr. Carney and had con- tacted Mayor Meehan who, in turn, said he would get in touch wi~h Mr. Scanlon. Mr. Coffin said he had received numerous complaints from No. Andover people in regard to the dump and stated ~hat these people couldn't keep their windows open at nlgh~ due to the smoke from the dump. Mr. Thomson said tha~ it was a pretty bad situation and had been bad for some ~ime. Mr. Coffin said he though~ the situation was so bad ~hat he fel~ the Board should see it ~hrough even if ~hey had to appeal to the Sta~e Board of Health. The Board ~hen decided to arrange for an appointmen~ with the City Council at their next meeting (Monday, 1/24/~9). Veterans' Memorial: Mr. Finneran said tha~ he had received a call from a fellow in the Merchant Marine who thought his name should be on ~he Memorial. Mr. Maker told the Board ~ha~ ~he committee had decided not to put the names o2 people in the Merchant Marines on the Memorial. Mr. Thomson ~hen told Mr. Maker tha~ the Board would be bound by the decision of the committee. Bids: - Town Reoort: AZ 8:00 P.M. bids which had been submitted for the printing of the Town Report were opened. Three bids were received as follows: " Andover Press, approx. $8.40 per page; Reading Chronicle Press, $6.?5 per page; Bee Publishing Company, $6.00 per page. The Board discussed the bids and Mr. Finneran made a motion tha~ the Bee~Publish- Company'be given the con~ract and by a unanimous vote of the Board, the Bee Publishing Co. was given the con~rac~ at $6.00 per page for the prin~ing of the annual Town Report. Mr. McAuliffe, who was present a~ the meeting, was notified of the Board's decision. Dam~Ee Claim~: The Board approved the payment of $99.80 to Ellen Baldwin,-101 Marblehead Street, for injuries sustained when she fe~l one,he sidewalk in fron~ of the Police Station, 12/20/41. The Board approved ~he payment of $1~.35 to Leo J.: Mane, 2~-Pleasant Street, for damage.to his car while tr~ing along Sutton Street pas~ ~he airport toward Haverhill, l/S/ 9 Chaoter ~O: Con%tact No. 1132S covering work under the provision of Section .34, Chapter 90, was approved b~ethe Department of Public Works. High School Clock: A letter was sent to ~he No. Andover School Commi~e~, a~tention of Mr. O'Brlen, informing ~hem the high school clock was no~ operating properly. Public Works-William B. Duff~:~ Mr. Duffy came before the Board to call their.a~tention'to an unpaid balance of $102.95 for repairs of damsge caused to ~he water system in connection with the construction of Route 114 in No. Andover in 1946 and 1947 by G. Rotondi and Sons of Melrose. Mr~.Duffy brought this mazter before Zhe Selectmen because he said~he Board'has always handled the legal work. He also suggested tha~ if there v~s a possibility of getting ~his withou~ going to court, it migh~ be a good idea. The Board agreed to send a letZer to Mr. William F. Callahan, Commissioner and Mr. Coffin agreed to get all,the neces- sary fac~s and pertinenZ information from Mr. Duffy, and he would v~ite ~he letter. ProtecZive Tariffs: The Board discussed reciprocal trade agreements and protecZive ~arlffs and they voted unanimously to con~act Hon. Thomas J. Lane, Hon. Henry Cabot Lodge and Hon. Leverett Saltonstall and ask tha~ they exercise their Judgment and infIuence in a manner best suiZed ~o proZec~ the various industries of New England, particularly the textiles.