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The regular meeZing of the Board of
7:00 P.E. with all members presenT.
Se!ecZmen was held Zhis date aZ
Weekly bills and payrolls were
A reporz waa,received wiZh reference'Zo progress and sZatus of work
which Mr. Ralph B. Brasseur and Mr. Clinton F. Goodwln had done on
Zhis. survey during 1947 and 195S and ~his report will be inser:ed
in.the Annual Town Repor~ for 195S. Mr. Thomson Zhen asked Mr.
Herber~ Wild if Zhere was still some work To be done and Mr. Wild
replied~ZhaZ Zhere was. Nr. Thomson Zhen'suggesZed ~haZ Zhere be
a meeting of :ha~ committee in Zhe near future.
Mr..Wild came before the Board and s~ated :hat'It was his official
du~y to advise the board 'thaZ Zhere was a vacancy on the Board of
Assessors (due to Zhe deaZh of Oscar Soucy) buZ Mr. Wild furZher
staZed tha~ he hoped no official acZion would be Saken unZil after
the funeral.-nor thaZ this ma~Zer be given any.publicity. Mr. Thomson
theft' Zhanked Mr. Wild ~or coming before 'ZheBoard and said that he
regretted-the necessity of his having to come and inform them of the
vacancy~:' MrJ Thomson Zhen Said'"We have lost a valuable town em-
ployee.'',~ Mr. Thomson also sZaZed thaZ perhaps Zhere were some de-
tails?ZhaZ oughZ Zo be discusseC at a later daze .......
Mr..T~6~sonlstaZed ZhaZ ~he maZZsr of the adjudication of Faulkner
Roa~'~asbefore ~he Board and said Zhat Mr. Car~y had certified in -
writing ~o the BoardZhaZ the road was in good condiZion for accept-
anco. ~'Mr.'Thomson further staZed ZhaZ he, nersonally, had.ridden
over.~zhe:roadand ZhoughZ.Zhe surface 6f i:~was very good, and~as
far<a'~',draihage was concerned, i~ would be simply an 'elaboraZi. on of
wtiaZ!.MrLiCar~y had said previously. Mr. Coffin made a mo~ion
FadiknerlROad be adjudicaZed and by a.unanimous'vo~e of the Board,
the~btion~was made and seconded Zhat Faulkner Road,~as laid out and
repr~sented~to ~he Board be adjudicated as a way in condition for
accep~ance~'.by the Town as a public way. '
· ~copiesof Pla~-~O covering Zhe
,!~binz,iownership of one existing pole on Dale SZ., 2356 fee~ norZheast
0f ~p~Ieton StreeZ, i pole. No hearing '~as necessary and ~he Board
.voZed, unanlmous!y ~o gran~ this request. .
- ' ~i,'>~, '~ ~ ~ ':
No%ification was received that a shade was placed'~bn~the street
li'ght~in~,frOnt .of the residence of Mrs. Mary Sparks, 179 Main
No~l'~agi'0~ Was received that alO00 ~flmen. StreeZ Light was ins~a!led'i:
6~'.~Pol~e.'$tl:;~:.Ma~blehead. Street~..NoZifica~lon was received .tha~a ·
~O00.1:Lumen"~reeZ Light was insZalled'onPole ~1441, Dale' Street.
survey made'on Zhe street lighting 6H
~oeZm~ryStreeZ. from Salem S~reetZo MosquiZo Brook.-The'cost for the
lnsZalla~on of six (6) 1000 lumen lighZs on pgles24~l, 241~4, 2~%7,- .....
2~5p~ .2453 and R~56'would be $108 per year.
A :i~ZSer:~om..Eleanor Mlceli' requesting facZs and pictures about No.
Andove~ was read. By a unanimous vote, Zhis matZer was ref6rred to
Mr. O'.'Brien; Superintendent of'Sc$ools, for action.
Petltion'¥eceived from Zhe Lawrence Gas & ElecZric Co. requesting
permissioqlfor the installation of two ducts from exieZing pole on
the Northerly side of Zhe Salem. Turnpike approximately 1,O00' easterly
fro~iAfidover'StreeZ souZherly across Salem Turnpike approximaZely 100'
to Zhe,southerly line of ~he Salem Turnpike. By a unanimous voZe,
~he Board seZ a hearing for February 7, 1949 at 7:30 P.M.
COURT. ROOM-Board of Heal~h:
Permission was granZed ~o ~he Bd. of HealZh for use of %he Court Room
on February 1,2,3, 19%9, for Zwo hours in Zhe forenoon and two hours
in Zhe afZernoon for the Food Handler's Course.
JANUARY 24. 1 ~ - continued.
The report for tl~e year ending December 31, 19~8 was
the Town Treasurer and accepted by the Board.
submitted by
Notice was received from the Board of Appeals :that there will be a
hearing on Thursday evening, January 2?, 19~9 ax 8 o'clock to all
parties interested in the appeal of the North Andover Housing Authority
requesting a variation of the Zcr~ln~g Ordinance so as to permit the
erection of six units of four dwellings each on the premises bounded
by Francis, Baldwin and Gilbert Streets.
Letter received from Thomas J. Lane assuring t2~e Selectmen that
he would do everything humanly possible to protect our~industries
in the New England Sta~es, especially those in Greater Lawrence,
in regard to trade agreements and protective tariffs.
NotificaTion received from the Department of Public Works that the
following amounts 19dicated show the tentative 1~49 Chapter 90 allot-
merits 5or this Town. Main Stree~--State, $8,0~0, Town, $4,000; County
$4,000, Maintenance--State, $500, ~own, $1,000, County, --. '
Approval was received from Civil Service on the appointmenZs of
EvereX= R. Wood-house and John J. Willis as police officers.
In regard to ~he complaint made by ~he Board of Appeals last week,
Mr. Coffin stated t2aat Mr. Beauchesne had come up to the ~own building
and told Mr. Coffin that ~he.wood he has on his property is available
for any dis=ribution the Board might care =o make and suggested ~hat
people on public welfare might be glad ~o ge~ the wood. Mr. Beauchesne
said he was perfectly willing that every s~ick of wood be ~aken away
and he would like i~ to go to someone who could use it. Mr. Coffin
said that perhaps M~s. Dearden would make alls= of welfare persons
to whom we could distribute ~he wood. Mr. Coffin ~hough~ it woul{
be a good idea if the fac= were made public that ~he wood is there
and can be had free of charge and also there is some lumber ~here
=hat could be used for building. Mr. Coffin thought Mr;'Beauchesne ~
should have a little more time and Mr. Finneran stated ~ha~ he
~hought Mr. Lawlor, ~he Building Inspector, would gran= him a reprieve.
Mr. Coffin al~o sta~ed tha~ Mr. Beauchesne's properW'in o~her respects
had been greatly improved.
Mr. Coffin s~ated tha~ for many years now he has noZiced in the section
on Main Street directly in front of the North Andover Restaurant and
Main Line Restaurant, or from Saunders SZreet where the street broadens
out in~o Railroad Square, that when cars park on both sides, i~ is
difficul~ for ~raffic to ge= Through two ways, particularly a wide
vehicle like a bus. Mr. Coffin said ~haT he had contacted =he police
and asked if they would temnorarily request people to park on Just
one side of'Main Stree=. T~e police called Mr. Coffin's attention
to the parking prohibition in Section 2 of the Rules and Orders
Regulating Traffic in ~he town of No. Andover. A general discussion
followed and the Board voted unanimously to have the ma=ret of parking
on Main S~ree~ in the vicinity of the No. Andover restaurant with
particular reference to Section-2, Article 5 of ~he Rules and OrAers
Regulating traffic in the town of North~ndover be referred ~o the
police for study and a repor~ made to the Board.
On Monday, January 2~th, at 10:30 A.M. the Board met with the'
Lawrence Ci=y Council =o discuss the matter of the Lawrencedump...
the following memo was given by Mr. Coffin:
JANUARY ~ 1'~ - continue4
"The Board of Selectmen held a conference with the Lawrdnce City
Council at the Lawrence City Council Chamber on Monday,'January 24,
1959., at 10:30 A.M., to discuss the possible abatement of the tuisance
created by the Marsden S~reet dump. The three members of the Board
attended ~his conference, ~he entire City Council and ~he Super-
intendent of Sanitation, Daniel Carroll. The Board requested ~he
City Council to take every action possible to the ehd that smoke
would be aba~ed and offered suggestions for possible programs To
~ha~ effect.
Mr. Thomson stated that ~he snow removal bills for ~he snowstorm
on December 19, 1958, should be refer, ed To Mr. Maker for paymenT.
With reference ~o the complaint from the Board of Appeals regarding
Domlnick Mangano, 205 Mass. Ave., last week, a letter was received
by, Mr. Martin Lawlor, Sr. from Charles A. McCarthy, Counsellor at
Law, and representing Mr. M~ngano, advising that Mr. Mangano was
storing tanks outside his premises long before the Zoning Ordinance
was passed by the Town, ~ha~ this was a non-conforming use at the
time of the.passage of the ordinance and no newuse of ~he premises
or extension of the same has been made by Mr. Mangano. No further
action was taken on ~his matter.
The regular weekly meeting of the.Board of Selectmen was held at 7:00 P.M. with
all members present. Weekly bills and payrolls were approved.
Ndtice' wasredeived of the approval of the appointment of James. Hargreaves as Forest
Warden inNorth Andover for the year 1949.
Letters were received from Cong. Thomas J. Lane, Senator LeverettSaltonstal!, and
Senator Henr? Cabot Lodge, Jr, also a telegram from Cong. Thomas J. Lane informing
the Selectmen that they would do all in their power to help bhe various industries
and that they appreciate their importance to New England and all the people who are
employed in them. These letters were in reply to letters sent recently by ~he
Notice received that a meeting of the Revaluation Committee will be held
at 8:00 P.M. in the Court Room of the Town Building.
on February 7,,'
Notice received that a public hearing will be held on ~anuary3[,~1949. This meeting
had been~postponed from ~anuary 27, 1949. This is on the application of the Housing
Auth0~ity for a variance'of th~ Zoning Ordinance in connection with the .Veterans
Housing Project.
Mrs. John Elliot came before the board and discussed ~tHe articles which were inserted
in.th~ warrant. She explained that the one asking For $6200 for a fence around Grogans
Field was the result of much discussion of the committee and they fe!t that they would
get this.money back within a few years. She stated that the matter had not been
discussed with Mr. Dull'y but that they had asked him if he could include the money
in his budget and he could not do this.
The second article was to develop the playground into s park-like ares and they thought
that a-tree would make it more attractive as there'is no zree there at all'and no shade
only~over .the sandbox.
The third,article for'open shelter at the Drummond Playground was for the good of all
concermed and would be similar to the one at Grogan's Field Playground..
The matter of collecting $102.95 from Rotondi Brothers was discussed. Mr. Coffin stated
that aletter had been sent to the Commissioner of Public Works and he suggested that
we had better sue as Rotondf re~uses to pay the money. Mr. Coffin wondered if Mr.-
Mahoney would takm tbs case so that it would not cos~ any more than the above amount,
The matter was held over for the time and discussed later when Mr. Duffy came into
the meeting.
Mr. Thomson then contacted Cornelius J. Mahoney and explained that the Board of Public
Works had a pressing problem and~plained that the :con~ractor did certain thin~in a
negligent manner and the amount of the damage now due was $102.95. The Contractor
filed $300 the Department of Public works and will be hhld there until Feb. 11, 1949.