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FEBRUARY 14, 1949: continued
Mr. Thomsnn informed the members of the hoard that negotiations with respect to
the above matters are not a dead issue. Mr. Ralph Hill) legislative agent for
the B & M. Railroad discussed this matter at his office recently and the matter
cf a suitable fence being erected along Ashland Street and a gate'at, the Dizzy
Bridge was discussed and will be studied further. They will notify, this board
as to their decision.
A letter was received from Francis J. O'Brien, ~ecretary to the School Committee
with respect to the clock in the Johnson High School and the school committee
voted unanimously "that the problem in horolgy be referred back to .the Town
Fathers with the request that the question cf the ownership of the Town-Clock-
be decided." The local history of the clock was mentioned in the letter and~ the
Board voted unanimously that a letter would be sent to the School Committee.
Notice received that a Public Hea~ing will be held on February21,:1949on the
matter of:amending the zoning by-laws of North Andover to change the classification
of a parcel of land.owned by the Village Land 0o. IVeterans Housing Location)
from a General Residentialtm a Business District.
Notice received that a public hearing will be held at the. State House on
,February 23, 1949 with respect to a petition of I.N. Doe and W.H. Clifford, age'ts
for and on behalf of the railroads-for whom they~ct as agents under ~the, department
?for authority to increase freight rates and charges.
Notice received that a revised and enlarged edition of the Mass. Laws effectin~
Municipal government which the Division of Accounts is authorized and directed to
prepare, publish and distribute to municipal officials will be deliveredfrom the
printers soon. The Board suggested ~that a copy for each member be requested, if
they are available. Request sent in on 2/15/1949.
meeting of th~ Board of Selectmen was held at 7:00
P.M. with all members present. Weekly bills and payrolls were approved.
Chief McKee reported that a. large window was broken in the Union~ Street~
School and he suggested that~ it be boarded up until it is-disposed of.
The Board~'~voted to inform him that his department should' do all,possible
To prevent ~epetition of this vandalism until such time..as, the article
is~acted ~pon aT the Annual Town Meeting when the~Union School~will be
officially turned over To the Town for disposition.
Chief McEee also called this to the attention of the Selectmen stating
that his department marks off parking spaces at the various schools
but teachers and others park their cars in.t.hese spaces, and the result
is that the school children have to get on.and off the ~bus when it is
parked in the middle of the street. ~he Chief suggested tha~ the Select-
men draw up a new by-law with respect to the sc.hool bus.~stops and in-
sert it in the by-laws when the above matter is taken care of. Mr.~
Thomson, Chairman, will take this matter up' with Chief McKee in.the
near future and draw up a.new by-law.
Mrs. James Philbin of ~29 Railroad Ave. was g~anted permlssionto use
stevens Hall on March 21, 19~9 To show movies, proceeds to be used for
the benefit.of the Convent Fund. - : ~ .
Letter received from Sen. Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. regarding Trade Agree-
men~s Extension Sill now pending before the Senate Finance Committee,
which is in reply to our letter of ~anuary 29. Sen. Lo6ge also en-
closed a copy of a statement made by him before this committee. Sen.
Lodge assured the Board of his continued desire to be of all p~ssible
FEBRUAP~ 21~ l~ '-continued 447'
Letter from ~he above company recommending the installation of of
one light on pole 29?8 a~ the corner of Tolland Road and Turnpike
S~reet. They also suggested that the light near 318 Turnpike St. be
installed on pole 2955inasmuch as they expected to use pole 2981 for
a terminal pole for the Nerrlmack College service. The Board voted
unanimously to request the installation of street lights as suggested
in the above-mentioned letter.
John Wilcox appeared before the Board to discuss article 45 in the
Annual Town Warrant. Me presented an estimate of $1297.20 for the
insZallation of a fire alarm box and seven~y-five (?5) sections of
wire on Salem Street, No. Andover. Nr. Wilcox mentioned the amount
of $2,000. which had previously been given a's an estimate by Chief
Hargreaves and Nr. Thomson explained that ~his had been an error and
had been corrected so that his article would be worded exactly as he
had presented it.
Nr. Clark sent a letter to the Board with reference to Article l? in
the Tow;';" Warrant. He stated that he is entirely willing, to give the
area of land needed for ~he widening of Hillside Rd. 'He questioned
~ ~r6OO~fogt ¢%~ shovm on the engineer's plan and. suggested that
h~h cu~ m~ght Ce used. The Board voted Er. Car~'s aztention
be called ~o this letter so that he might ~ave figures available for
the Town Neeting.
Nr. Finneran suggested that ~he Board w~ite a letter to Sen. Stanton,.
Chairman~.of the Committee on Public Health, voicing
the new House Bill ~20~5 at the hearing on February opposition to
2~. Nr. Pinneran
sta~ed~tha~ he felt l~ was unfair for two ci~les and towns to have
~he power to saddle this exoense on the whole. Valley. The Board agreed
that.~h£s letter should be ~ent to Sen. S~anton.
On motion of Joseph N. Finneran, the Board vo~edunanlmously to re-
appoint N~ry T. Finn as Town Accountant for a period of ~Dmee years
as required under Chapter 41, Section 55, General Laws.
A List of Civil Service Officers and Employees as required by General
Laws, Chapter 31, Section 15 C was sent to Division of' Civil Service
on this date.
~{eeting Adjourned.
The regular weekly meeting of
P&L with ~all members present.
the Board of Selectmen was held a~ ~:O0
Weekly bills and payrolls were approved.
Nr. Charles Wilcox came .before the Board wi~h a complaint against the
dog owned by Er. Vielgolaski. ~r. Wilmox sta~ed that in ~he past the
Board hadbeen very helpful and he thanked them b~t said they were still
having trouble with the dog situation. A communication, da~ed
was received by'the Selectment, w~ltten by Nfs. Edith A. Wenn~rberg~
s~ating that while she was ou~ walking with her ~ month oldbaby, ~his
dog.came oVerm~o her and drooled on her coat...when she told the dog
get away, he growled at her, which made the baby cry, then the doE put
his head in the carriage and drooled over the blankets. Nfs. Wennerberg
said the police depz. had been very courteous but that the dog officer
was uncooperative. Nr. Wllzox s~ated that he had gone to the police
to pro,est against the dog getting into his pig pen but the police officer
said he could do nothing about it and told
see the dog officer. Nr. Wilcox complained ~hat the.police officers
feel a thing of this nature is not that duty and since the dog officer
is working, he is no~ always availabls and as a result,~ one ge~s any
cooperation at all. Nr. Wll:ox complained that this dog was on his
property 2/3 of the time, ~he dog sleeps in ~he shed, goes in the pig
pen and is alvmye hanging around. Nr. Wilcox also informed the Board
that ~he owners disclaimed ownership and just won't keep ~he dog.