HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949-03-07The regular weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at 7:00
P.~. with all members present. Weekly bills and payrolls were approved.
Mr. Kittredge came before the Board with some contracts between the
North Andover Housing Authority and the Commonwealth of Mass. which
had to be signed by the Board. The question came up as to why the
Board had to sign these con~racts and Mr. Thomson said he did not kn~w
why it was necessary but the law says it mus~ be done. Mr. Klttredge
stated that ~here was no obligation of any kind to which the ~own was
subject and the arrangements did not involve ~he credit of the town
and these con~rac~s were strictly between the No. Andover Housing
Authority and the Commonwealth. The members of the Board signed the
contracts which Mr. Eit~reqge~ presented ~o them.
A hearing was held at ?:30 on the removal of a ~ree in the neighborhood
of 30 Marblehead St., at the request of Mrs. Mary Haddow. The complaint
was that ~he roo~s had grown into ~he sewer and caused a grea~ deal of
~rouble. Mr. Connors recommended removal. Mr. Flnneran made a mo~ion
~hat ~he' reques~ be granted ~nd on a unanimous vo~e of ~he Board, ~he
Tree Warden will be instruc~'d to remove the ~ree in question.
This company requested permission ~o excavate to repair gas-serv£ce a~
52 Water'S~., No. Andover and on ~he motion of Mr. Finneran and by
a unanimous vote of the Board, permission' was granted.
Three copies of order, one copy of pe~i~ion and ~wo copies of Plan ~18
covering one pole on Herrick Road, No. Andover were submitted ~o the
board. A public hearing is necessary and this hearing is se~for
March 21 a~ ~:30 P.M. This was a unanimous vo~e of the Board~.
06m LAI T:
A communication was received from Chief McKee regarding a dog complain~
made' by Mr. CHarles Wilcox of 275 Salem Street las~ week. Chief McKee
said Zha~ Mr. Vielgolaski s~ated tha~ he had received a phone call
from Mr. Salisbury requesting Zha~ he keep the dog ~ied up and which,
Mr. Vielgolaski sta~ed, had been done. He also staZed tha~ he is build-
ing a fence around his home and putting a gate a~ the driveway to keep
~he dog in the yard. Mr. Thomson ~hen sZaZed that he had talked wi~h
Mr. Sal'isbury~ attorney for Mrs. Vielgolaski, and Mr~ Thomson was under
~he impression that Mr. Salisbury was qui~e willing that there be
en~eredby agreement a permanen~ order of restraint. However, Mr.
Thomson wanted to confirm ~his. He said tha~ the dog is.being voluntarily
restrained and Mr. Thomson said he understood ~hat ~he building of the
fence mean~'~he dog would be restrained permanently. I~ was unanimously
decided to'let ~he ma~ter s~and in abeyance until written notification
had be~n~eceived from Mr. SalisburY.
An i~em~ed s~a~ement of the cos~ of opera~ion of ~the Newburypor~
Purification Plan~ was received. The~ proportion of such expense for
~he town of North Andover is -9 percent and the amoun~ $29~3. Mr.
Maker stated ~ha~ we pay ~his out of the contingent fund.
Notification-received from the Town Treasurer calling ~he at~ention
of the'Board ~o Chapter 32, Section 7, (3)~ regarding the importance
of reporting in writing all injuries ~o the Retirement Board within
90 days after ~heir occurrence. Mr. Makevsaid that he had noZified
all departmen~ heads regarding this. Mr. Coffin then sta~ed ~hat
he ~hought i~ would be a good idea for department heads to notify the
board of all injuries ~hen the Board would have a file of injuries
and thus~be ina be~ter position ~o review injuries. After a brief
discussion, it'Was decided to notify each departmen~ that the Board
would like ~o have a duplicate report of all injuries-and at ~he
same ~ime sent a request to ~he insurance office and ask ~ha~ Shey
supply us with a memo on the disposition.
By a unanimous vo~e of ~he Board, Mrs. York was granted permission
to have Stevens Hall for the nights of March 15, 22, 2~ and 29 for
rehearsals for the Mariners play.
~ (aontinued)
It was unanimously ~oted.~o le~ Mrs. York u~ ~he Hall on March 18
(subject ~o ~he availability of the Hall) for a square dance conducted
by ~he Women's Society a~ The Me~hodis~ Church.
Communication received from ~he Chief Police suggesting ~ha~ ~he Board
!ay thd ma~ter of immediate appointments on the ~able un~il after the
Town Meeting in view of ~he fac~ ~ha~ ~here is an article asking for
~he creation of a Reserve Police list. This suggestion was adopted
by ~he Board.
Communication received re ~wo bill~ H-~37 and H-969 Zhe substance of
which was To make School AppropriaZions and Expenditures subject ~o
the same laws ~ha~ apply ~o ~he appropriations ahd expenditures of
o~her municipal dep~s. No action ~aken.
LeTter recdived from Civil Service in answer ~o letter wri~Zen by
~he Board 2/18 in regard To an article in ~he Annual Town Warrant wi~h
respect ~o es~ablishlng a Reserve Police Force in this town. Le~er
from Civil Service furnished information which the Board req~es~e~.
Mr..Arthur Macaulay wrote ~o Zhe Board sfa~ing ~hat on February 19 aT
7:~5 P.M. his wife had an accident while walking upMass, Ave. about
Elmwood S~. where the sidewalk is defective. Mrs. Naca61ay fractured
her ankle and Was taken ~o ~he hoppi~al. The Board vo~ed To refer
~his le~er to ~r. ~ahoney.
Attorney Charles W. Trombly informed this board that on March 1, 1949 at 5:30' P.M.
Joseph. Willis, 25 Saunders Street, North~Andover received 'a broken leg when he ~ell
as the result of a defec~ in the sidewalk on t~e Easterly side of Main Street in
said town, directly opposite the easterly end of the library driveway. The hoard
voted to ~efer this letter to O. J. Mahoney for. his disposition~
a'IlROR"DRAWN:" ' """ ': :". ...... - .... ,, ' ............ '
The Board met ca this day to draw a Juror to serve on-March" i0; at ~awrence
Superior Oou~t for the transection of civil business. ~uror drawn by Mr.'
Finneran was Christopher Flanagan of 314 Middlesex Street, foreman.
The matter of opposition to the street light which was ~o have been installed
on TurnpikeStreem on pole 297,8 and another on pole 2955 was discussed. Mr.
Numphries was present and he said that the residents had opposed the lights
'an~ if they still felt so inclined, then he would be willing to forget the
matter of installation of.lights at 'this time. Mr. Leo Hicke~ was~not
opposed to a 1000 lumen light but Mr. & Mrs. Edmond Elliot of Tolland Read
were still opposed and would prefer not to have the light unless it was felt
by the board that they were absolutely .necessary, ~f they are installed ,
~r, & Mrs. Elliot would like ~o have the light shaded. The board VOted to
'drop ~he ma%ter at this time.
Mr. John Fehton, 65 Marblehead Street, .requested the removal of a tree in
front of his property and the board voted t$ have the Tree Warden post the
tree a~d a hearing will be held on. March 28, 1949.at ?:3OP.M. in the Town
A hearing was held on'the petition of Mrs. ~rankBrightman of 303 Sutton
Street for the removal of a tree in fron~ of her property. No opposition
was offered and the board voted unanimously to request the tree.warden to
remove the tree.
Permission was gra~ted to the Board of Health to use the Court Room on
March 30, 1949 for ~-raying of food handlers and restaurant owners. Permission
granted to use the License Board name in' sending out their letters.
Welfare Department was also grahted permission to use the court room on
March 24, 1949 for holding a district meeting of Agents.