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MAI{CH 1~, 1949- continued:
A letter was received from Mr. Harry 01ark with respect ~o the widening
of Hillside Read and the land he has promised to give to the town. He
stated in his letter that he thought that if th~ :own spent ~3,000 '~or
this project, it was too much and that he felt that four or five hundred
would surve the purpose. No action was taken on this letter.
Notice received that applicstion for a certificate of in6orporation was
received as provided for in chapter 1SO of the Gen. Laws and that Joseph L.
Trombly, 11 Minute St. and John W. Ourtin of 18 Lincoln St. are two of
the applicants. The Co~cration is to be named Catholic Petroleum Guild,
Inc. Statement of facts was signed by the board and returned to the office
of the secretary.
Notice received that an application had been filed for a certificate of
incorporation as provided under Chapter 180 of the General Laws,. under the
name of Stiles Pond Associates. William E. Dolan, 22 Ashland St. is one
of the applicants. The board send a statement of facts as required to the
Office of the Secretary.
C. ~. MAHONEY: .-
Notice received that C. J. Mahoneyhad.received the claims of Joseph Willis
andArt~.ArMacauley on February l9, 1948 and that ha'will take care of these
two mat~ers.
David Roche and John Lawtor came Before the hoard to discuss the article
#65 in the annual town warrant. Mr. Roche told the board that they would
like,to have a definite statement with respect to this article. Re felt that
- the'~dvisory Board had thrown this matter in the lap of the Selectmen and
that they had referred to last years article #40 and that ha, Mr. Roche)
felt that there was no comparison of the articles.' He presented a letter
written in 1938 to Mr. Greehan of Civil Service and signed ~y theAttorney
General, who was Mr.' Darer at that time.- Mr; Roche said they would like
tohave the selectmen decide on a.number ofmen for the Reserve List.
He also said that it was his opinion that in'Civil Service regulations, we
· ~an have only one man for every, three regular men in the department, and they
asked for a definite statement for the record from the Selectmen.
Mr; Thomson then informed the boys that the Selectmen had Been trying to get
something specific from Civil Service and he explained tha~-so faras this
hoard understands, in 1934. at the Annual town meeting, the town voted to
accept 13 A of Chapter 147 giving the' town the right to establish a reserve
force In the town. We have found from Civil Service that we can have s
force of from any number as the town votes desirable. Appointments shall be
made from cef~ifications sent By Civil Service Commissioner in the order of
names ·or,if not ascertainable, in ~he order of respective ratings.
Mr. Thomson then read a letter which came from the Civil Sergice Commissioner,
with: ~espect to. the Reserve'Police List. ' ·
Mr. I~lor 6tared that what they were trying to bring Gu: was the Advisory
B6a~'s ruling. He'said this section 13A had already Been accepted By the
town~ and'~e could see no reason why we should not have a reserve police list.
Mr...0offin then stated he would like to have Section 20A clarified with
respect to appointments. Mr. Thomson then read from Chapter 31 . Mr. Coffin
said he had Been thinking this matter over very intensely and his conclusion
is that he favors the establishment of'a Reserve Police Force under Civil
Service rules. He said he realized these two men (Roche and Lawlor) are
working to 'have this article Accepted for their own benefit. He said he waa
not favoring this .force because of these two men. He. had eliminated this one
thing in thinking over the matter. He said he was alwaysin.favor of Civil
Service as it is the best service we have in making good public service.
Mr. Coffin said there are no standards£or ability for elected constables or
appointed constables. He referred to the action of the town in accepting
the article in 1934 hut failing to give a number. ~Now in going into the
matter against~'advising of establishment of a Reserve Police Force, these
two men automatically have priority over men who latter may take the exam-
ination and pass it hutthey would suffer because these men got onto the list.
In view o£tha over-allpicture, I could not help hut think that the purpose
Of a. Reserva Force would carry weigkt. I believe it is accepted hy persons
who want good government and that Civil Service is the hast method of
Picking town employees. He said the Advisory Board threw this into the Scl,
men's lap which is right. The Selectmen should have Jurisdiction over the
police and had I noticed the oversight in the article I would have suggested
a number for the force. I'feel that when an article is presented By others
the Selectmen should take stand.
~ continued
The .!~ersona'l~mppeal of these men should no~ be considered but any progressive
move by'individuals is to Be given credit. Mr. Coffin then said the he would
he inclined to offer a motion that this board recommend to the town meeting
the acceptance of article 65 with amendment to the effect that the Reserve
Force consist of ten men. No action was taken on this las~ matter and Mr.
Coffin did not actually offer the motion throughout the evening.
There was a discussion as to the number of men and Mr. Coffin said he at
first thought of thirty men but later felt that this might tend to create
a "lobby" in the police department.
Mr. Thomson then said that h~ felt there was a good deal of merit in what
Mr. Coffin had said and he wondered if this Board should arbitrarily accept
five, ten or fifteen men fo~ list or if we should consult with Chief McKee
and see how many men he ne~ds. '~I think these boys are entitled to some
expression but to dmtermi~6"'the 'number without consulting the chief does
not appear ~o be the right th'lng to do.
Mr. Coffin then said that in 'the matter of consulting the chief,, that is
alright. He had planned to huggest that the boar~ have monthly meetings
with the chiefs of the fire and police department and all ether department
heads appointed by this buar~. He said the chief has never discussed articles
with us but I agree that-'we ~should consult him about the number 'of men.
Mr. Thomson then informed Mr; Coffin that all. articles are brought before the
Selectmen before they ~e sent through;,~-
Mr. Coffin then made a motion' that .this board be placed on record as
approving article 65 of the annual town warrant calling for the establishment
of a Reserve Police Force under Civil Service Rules and that the board
consult with Chief McKee before the town meeting to agree upon.a, number of
men for the Reserve Police Force. Vote was unanimous.
Town Clerk John Lyons came before the board to ask what amount should Be paid
to Precinct officers who 'worked election day. The board voted ~o allow $12.00
for wardens and clerks and $10.00 for all others. Vote was unanimous.
.The Hoard re-organized at' this time. Mr. Coffin made a motion that Arthur
A. Thomson be re-appointed' chairman of the board, Mr. Finneran seconding
the motion. This was.a majority vote.
Mr..Coffin made a motion that Joseph'M. Finneran be re-appointed clerk of
.the board, Mr. Thomson seconding the mo~ion and vote was majority.
Mr. Thomson thank the members for-appointing him as chairman.
The following appointment's' 9e~e then made:
SUPT. MOTH DEPARTMENT- John J. Counors, Unanimous vote of the board.
ANIMAL INSPECTOR Robert J. Burke " ~ " " ·"
.BURIAL AGENT Harold' Barrington " ' ~ " " ~
PUBLIC WEIGHERS James R. Dooley " " " " "
Edward J. Ells~y~ Herbert HebB, Albert E. Houle
John C. Farnum, Ira 'D:~ Carry, Arthur R. Farnham, Angus Cro~,' Charles W.
Paul and Ernest Smith;" Unanimous vote of the board.
FENCE VIEWERS William A. Barrell, Edward J. McCarthy, Harold Holt
7 Unanimous vote of. the board
KEEPER OF THE LOOK*UP Alfred H. McKee ' " " " "
SEALER WEIGHTS & MEASURES-John Donovan ~ " " " "' '
VETERANS AGENT Bernard Bingham " " " " "
RECREATIONAL COUNCIL: Mrs. 'J. E. Elliot " " " " "
Carl A. Thomas,George F.Lee,Myra Stillwell,Nathanial A~cher,
William Bower and William Smith.
Notice received that Herbert Waddington of 5 Maple Ave. is attending the
Charles W; Arnold Trade School in Haverhill in the electrical department.
Letter received from E. C. Bulger, applying for the position of animal
A~eport. on the town water supplies prepared for the Sele~tmen's Association
was received by each member of the board.
MAROH 14, 1949-continued
The board approved the Treasurer's bond for the amount of $44,300 carried
by the Travelers Indemnity Company and the Tax Collector's bond for the
amount, of $44,000 carried by the Great Pond Insurance Agency.
MARCH 21, 1949:
The regular weekly meeting of the Board of ~Selectmen was held on this
day at 7:00 P.M. with all members present. Weekly bills and payrolls were
A hearing ~as held at 7:30 P.M.' on the petition of the New. England T &T Co.
and the Lawrence E & E Co. for permission to locate one pole~ Jointly on
Herrick Rbad'opposite the southwest corner of Edmands Road. Mr. J. W. Randall
came before the board and inquired as to whatwas to.be done. Mr. Flanagan
representing the Telephone Co.., 9xplained that the pole on the other side of
the street if going and the load is all'going up Harrick Road so thatanother
pole is required. After some ·discussion, Mr. Randall stated that he had no
objections to the pole being erected. The board voted unanimously to grant
'the request,-
Petition received requested permission to locate a duct onElm Street, at
a poin~ approximately 125 feet southerly from Prescott Street, southerly,t,
a-distance ~of approximately 29.5 feet, oneduct.~ On :the easterly side of ' ~
Elm Street, at a point approximately 154.5 feet southerly from Prescott
Street, one white~ way standard. One .existing white way~ to be
removed. The 'board voted to hold a hearing on this petition-on April-.4, :~
1949~at 7:30 'P.M. ~,
Notice received that an application for a .certificate of incorporation
as.provide'd"f6r in chapter leO oftha G. L.: Ter. 'Ed. under the name.of
Linderkranz.Singing Society, Inc. for. the purpose of promoting singing, social
and intellectual' activities and to own.and maintain a home for the afore-
said activit£es~ but these purposes shall not include the. right_to apply
for a license to sell alcoholic beverages, was received. The board referred :'
the names of Henry Xlier, 220 Osgood St.. and Christian Seellner of 69A Wate~
Street, t~'th~ chief of police for investigation and identification, and
~matter wilI'be' held over until next meeting. ' ~..
.Notice received· that Robert ~. Burke's nomination for Inspector of~Animals
for the town cf North Andover for the Year?ending March 31, 1950~ has been
approved by William Casey, Director, Division of Livestock~and Disease Control.
A';request for the removal of a tree. in front.of the property at 1~7-159 -.~
Railroad Avenue was received from the. owner, Mrs. Margaret Callahan of 30'
Union St. The board voted unanimously to refer this matter 'to the tree --
· warden' for' posting and a hearing_will be'held -on APrit~4, 1949 ,.at' 7:25 P.M.
A request f6~ installation of a street light at the Junction of Concord and
Bun~erhill Streets was discussed and the board voted to request the Gas Co.
.Im~t~'~'~ll ~"'1000 ~lumen street light' at this location. Request was made by
A request which' w~s received in September of 1947 was also re-considered
for-the inst~llation of two street lights, one at the Junction of Mill. Road
and Turnpike Street and the other at the-intersection of Chestnut and Turnpike
Streets. The board voted to again refer this matter to the Lawrence G & E Co,-
for a surve~ ~a~.s..t~ the cost of these lights.
The board voted to refer the matter of entering into a lease with Charles
Perry with respect to the premises known as "Town Dump" to Mr. O. J. Mahoney
for his action. This was recommended favorably ~n~er Article 16, of the
Annual town.meeting, March 19, 1949. ..-
Referring to~ article 19, of the annual town meeting, with respect to disposing
of the Union School, the board voted to insert a notice in the paper,
classified ad section, to the effect that the Selectmen will receive preprosals
for the purchase of the Union St. School and site thereon. This will be
discussed at the next meeting of the board.