HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949-04-04456 APRIL 4, 1949- continued PETITION OF LAWRENCE GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY: HEARING 7:30 P.M. on the petition cf the Lawrence Gas & Electric Company for permission to construct a line of underground electric conduits from the existing conduit on the easterly side of Elm Street, at a' point approx- imately 125 feet southerly from Prescott St. southerly, a distance cf approximately29.5 feet, l duct. On the easterly side of Elm Street, at a point approximately 1~4.5 feet southerly from Prescott St. 1 White Way Standard. (One existing White ~ay Standard to be removed.) RESERVE POLICE FORCE: David Roche and Mr. 'awlor came before the board and thanked them for" their assistance in informing the Town Meeting of the advantages of'a~Police Reserve Force 'in North Andover. Mr. Roche atated that he had conferred with Rep. Giles who is on the Civil Service commission. He stated that if the board believes that they have requested a list by the submission of the vote of the mown, this is wrong. Mr. Thomson then read the letter which'had been sent to Mr.'Greehan and stated that they will check further on this letter and see what information they can get. Mr. Roche and Mr. LawlSr thanked the board for their assistance. CIVIL BSNSTABEE~ John H. Fenten of 65 Marblehead Street, North Andover was appointed by unanimous vote of the board as a Civil Constable for .the coming year. VIELGOLASKI DOG P~ING: A hearing was-to' h~ beem'held on this date"butMr. Salisbury informed Mr. Thomson that he has withdrawn as cousel in the case and the last 'he knew was that Mr. Vielgolaski was to have notified the Selectmen that he ~ad restrained his dog and built an enclosure for the dog so that he would not be able ~o get out. The board voted mo have Chief McKee check and see if %he dog has been restrained and if there is an enclosure at the home and report totHis board. The matter will ba held over for one additional week at 7:30 P.M. on April 11, 1949. PARKING RESTRICTION: Mr. Coffin brought the matter to'the' attention of the board that Mr. Cecil Fish of Main Street and Mr. Welch, proprietor of the plumbing shop, are very much opposed to the no parking in front of their proper~y. Mr.. Welch - '~'" informed Mr. COffin that they park trucks frequently and the Fish family have company very often' and their driveway is on a slant~an$ little room for parking. 'Mr. Oofftn statedthat originally the parking~z~le was to have extended'from'Railroad Square ~o May Street. The advertising was for the 'purpose of determinl~who objected to the ruling. Mr. Ooffin stated that he felt %hat if the ruling were made from Morton 'Street to May Street it would cover the sr~es where the traffic is congested. Mr. Finneran suggested that we ~ons~!t With Chief McEee to see ho6 he feels about the traffic uongestion if'the particular area opposed, were not included. Action to be taken'next week. TRAFFIC '- SUTTONS CORNER-MAIN STREET: Mr. Coffin called attention to the traffic at Suttons corner and the cars that park on both sides of the s~reet. He said this was very dangerous and could result in a serious accident~ The board suggested that the. matter be called mo.%he attenti0nof the police, and that this shouldbe marked 9ff so that.~eople will knowthat they are not allowed to park there. Mr. Coffin m~de a ~otion. to the effectthat theattention of the Police Department be'called to the need of enforcing parking regulationsat Suttons.Oorner and Main Street. Vote was-U~uimous. BUS STOP OOMPLAI'NT: Mr. Coffin stated that he"had received a complaint from the Donovan family that people have damaged the fence in front of~ their property. This lis due to the new bus stop which has been moved one post west.of the R~ilroad crossing. He stated that 11 pickets had been damaged to date and he felt that-something should be done to s~cp this.damage. Re felt that the board could contact Mr. Chase and see if the bus to Lawrence smop could he moved back to the old location. Mr. Finneran suggested that Chief McKee be notified cf this damage and have him check with the boys to see if they are taking the bus~&r Jus~ loitering in this vicinity. LAWRENCE DUMP: Mr. Coffin stated that the dump nuisance seems to be continuing. Wehave contacted Lawrence authorities and there has been no permanen~ ~olution. Wemight well consider this matter later and take some actionl Mr. Thomson felt that we should contact the city council and ~ee~what action has been taken, if any. Mr.'Coffin made a motion to contact theOity coucil in Lawrence as to what action has been taken if any cn the abandonmen~ of the Marston St. Dump. Board voted unanimously. 45'7 APRIL 4, 1949- continued: 'LAKE COGHICHEWICK: Mr. Coffin'informed the board that on March 13, John B. Walsh of Main Street reported to the police that on February24, while he was riding around the Lake on a bicycle, he observed five men filling trucks with rocks from the lake. He notified, the police and Special Officer George Everson was dispatched to the scene. Upon returning to the spot, Mr. Walsh arrived Just as Police Officer George Everson arrived. The officer inquired what was going on and took notes. Mr. Walsh entered into the conversation and he said that'the men stated that four truck loads of ro~ks had been taken to build part of a house nearby. The men used very abusive language including a ~hreat to "strangle" him(Mr. Walsh).' The threat was made in the presence of the police officer. I inquired of the Chief what had been done and there~as a record on hand. Subsequent to that onMarch 21, Chief McKee wrote to the Board of Health and the Board of Public. Works in Boston to determine under,whose control Lake Cochiche- wick-came. Chief McKee receiveda letter from the Department of Health and.it stated that the Lake is owned by the Commonwealth and that they would have no jurisdiction in the matter of removing stones from the shore unless such ,activities should tend to' pollute the water of the lake. A second letter was received from the Division of Waterways and~this letter was read by Mr. Coffin. Mr. Coffin said that his thought was that the was decide~y out of order to take stones out of the lake: to build a house. It was further out of, order to~ake building materials for which no money was paid, I felt thatit was ~..~, 'a matter for prosecution. A larceny has been committed. Chief Mckee could · ''.~not proceed until he knew the owner of the pond. Now we have heforeus, · ~j,d~, ~his information; for example, if one msu can"take'all the rocks hewants- So~.~an~anyother. man~whowanta free building materials. A good citizen · .,wh~:~a'~iinterested i.. protecting the iake wasinsulted; I don't like. tha work~.stnangled" especially in. the presence 'of a uniformed-officer. Mr. Coffifithan asked the other members of, the boardif'they ~ould tbinkgof i,;~ .tan~.~ction which this board could t'ake'.~' Mr. Coffin stated that the men who 'i ):f~[$h'e~threats were employees o~the manwhcae ~hsuse is being built;~' ~n ~'~[~pl~yee of the Board of Public Wsrks was aisc'present and he took.the partof. :f..i;'~[the' me~ taking the rocks and also used obscene language. He told the offiCar .... ~ .... . to ~ear hp the 'ticket. I t°ld 'this toMr. Duffyand Ibelieve that this"~.:~ ~ · ~ .mAtter 1hAS been taken care of. '. ' ' Mr. Thomson said that if derogatory remarks have been m~de 'by a town employee. .,.~ 'then I'think action could he'.taken. ~f,another person made the remarks, then :~i:,..~ I wouldkthink that the officer could take no action. ,A complaint 'would Ha~e.to 'bemade by th~ person. ' Mr. Coffin stated thatm~. Duffyfeels tha~ he has no authority unless there was danger of pollution of thewater. ~:, Mr.~homson stated tha~t i£ it wer~ determined.that t~e stones, actuAlly "/: bei~bge~ t0~the town ~f. North"l~ld~v~r,''I 'th~nk that the Chief would be L~ ~'Jus~ifi~d intakin alctiCn~~ 0ne'waywould be to'ascertain the limit of the ~!',~ublic ~ay.' If beyond limits 0f~tha :public.*a~,I wouldn'~ V~nture ~o guess ""': 'Wh~was~:~h~ 'owner of th~..stoneal Mr. Thomson'felt that W· ought to try '~ irOni~ .outand see whets'we stand a~d thought that 'the assessors'map ,,..might.show the'original area of the pond. So~e of the land is privately. " Mr; Coffin mentioned writing ~o the attorney ge~aral and give 'him a summary :,'., of t~e'case. There ,was further discussion than ~r; Coffin made a motion ' :'~":'~'that"~h~ Selectme~ reqcest the Board ~f Publi~ W&rks, with theirS~perint dent ....:~i~ ~'~".,I~.O~.' RalPh_,. _ B~asseur' Chief, McKee and~ C..~.' Mahoney. . to attend., a .con, er- .. '~""'""' enc~,iS:00 o~clcck in'theSelectmen~s office on'April !1,' to d~scuss the :[wh0i~:q~stion of Ownership Of Lake Cochichewick. Vote was unanimous.. -, REQUESTj~0'BUYLOT OF LAND~UPLANDSTREET: ,AJ'l~tt~ iwas received from Harriet G. Brightman of 39 Troy St. North Andover /" 'informin~the board that she ~as .interested in PUrchasing the lot of land ' now:OWned by t~e Town of NorthAndover, located on:Upland St. which the town VOted:tq.give the Selectmen permission to sell. Mrs. Brightman offered '~ $150.00~for the lot. No action was taken by the board. UNION~CH00L: .Lettar.~eceived from Doris Stewart~'R.N. with respect to. buying a ten foot strip of land to give t~em a right.or,way into their propertyat 114 Beverly St. Miss Stewart .is interested in buying thisstrip of land if and when the Selectme~ sell the Union School. This' will be considered at a later date. CONTRACT FOR FINANGIAL ASSISTANCE: Waiver No. 1 to Contract for Financial assistance between the Commonwealth 458 APRIL 4, 1949-continued of Massachusetts and the Housing Authority in North Andover was received. Five copies were signed by the Board of Selectmen and one kept for the file, the remaining copies to be sent to Mr. Francis B, Kittredge. Filed under Housing Authority. SPECIAL POLICE OFFICERS APPOINTED: The following special police officers were Roland Ambiehl Philip Raymond Broadhead JohnJ. Donovan Paul DeTeresi George H. Gailey John. Ha~ringnon William'J. Lafond Thomas. J..McGrail Alexander Ness Walter-Stamp, Sr. ~ugh Stewart Edward E. Town John J. Wilcox Har~y..Binns George E...CM.~n[ngham John T. Dolan Malcolm Hamilton' John. C. Farnham Donald E[ Hilton appointed by unanimous vote: Midgley Gustave Nussbaum Fred Salois John A. Sullivan Joseph Walsh Charles Zuill Darrell Britton Gilbert E. Oalvert Francis Driscoll Archie Gcurley Frank Howard Fred Kiessling Frsnkn W. Lee Sylvester Murphy Walter Stamp. Jr. Albert Schofield William E. Torrey Rena Beaulieu UNION SCHOOL: .... The board voted to call for bids on the Union. School and a notice will be'inserted in the Tribune on Thursday and Friday evening of this week. The board reserves the right ~o reject any and all bids. Mr. Coffin will take care of this:matter. OIVIL.SERVIOEAPPROVAL- POLICE DEPARTMENT: Notice received from Civil Service that the $3.00 weekly permanentincrease has been approved for all permanent officers in the police department and salaries"'are as follows~ Alfred H. McEee, Chief, $65.55--Richard S. Hilton, Sergeant'$60.35--M~on B. Lewis, Houghton Farnham, Norman'M. Fleming, Everett Woodhouse and JohnWillis, patrolmen, $56.90. .APRIL 11, 1949~ The regular weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at 7:00 P~M.' with all members present. Weekly bills and payrolls were approved. ' ' JANITOR- STEVENS HALL: Mr. William 0allahan came before ~he board and informed them that he hsd received no pay for the rehearsals which were' held recently and for wh&ch'Mrs. York was to have paid him. He said he receives $8.00 regularly when the hall is let out but for the rehearsals he receives ~..00. Mr. Callehan stated that Mrs; York had got the hall for Mrs. Nascn of Hoxford and he had r~ceived ~3.00 from Mrs. Nason. Mr. Thomson said it should be prett~definitelyunderstood that payment s~ould be made by the person who rents the hall'6r if asked for someone else, they should be responsible for payment. Mr. Oallahan believes that the board should inform Mrs. 'York that she is responsible for payment as he had explained it to her with no results. Mr. Coffin brought up the fact that .some time ago he had offered ~ Suggestion that a set of rules and regulations should be set up and regular fees charged. Now there'is trouble ahead. Mr. Coffin said he Would take no position whatever in the~pr~senb, situation but he nowhalieved that these rules and regularions should be made '~n~'t~at an hourly rate s[.Luld be fixed for the Janitor; There is talk around the town thatthe fee is too high.-Mr. Coffin said he had received a copy of the rules and regulations with respect to Andover High School which were very good. Mr. Coffin feels'that the board should act on this matter within the next few weeks. Thisis town property and it creates a paradox and comes under the Board 'of Selectmen. Rules would show where the board stands. Mr. Callahan said he had never had any trouble before and he had been there 24.years. Mr. Thomson ~aid that this bosrd has always taken the attitude that Organizations of a charitable nature could use the hall if they paid the Janitor's fee,with no charge to the town. He said the board grants the use of the hall on the assumption that the fee will be paid. Mr. Callahan t01d the board what'his duties were.and that he sometimes worked from 6;30 P.m. to 11.30 P.M. cz later. The board nook the matter under'advisement and told Mr. Callahan hhat they will get in touch with him. Later the board decided that Mr. Callahan should take whatever action he felt was necessary with respect tc collecting for the three rehearsals Previously mentioned.