HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949-04-25REVOLVER PEP~IT- ItETURI{ED: Lloyed E. Crockett retnrned his revolver permit which had been suspended by the Bo~rd prior to this meeting. He ~lso sent a letter and asked that the board reinstate his permit or publicize the reason for suspension. He mentioned that there are others in the town who have permits and who havethreatened citizens end taxpayers and no action was taken against them. The board will send a letter to the commissioner informing him that the license has been suspended. APRIL 25, 1949: The regular weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at 9:00 P.M. with all members present. Weekly bills and payrolls were approved. JANITOR-STEVENS HALL: Mr. CharlesLeslie came before the board and stated that he represented the Sea Scouts and Cirl Scout Mariners and he wished to discuss thecustodian's pay. Be said they had fottrrehearsals and two performances.~nd that~they~had paid Mr. Callahan$24.00 and then they gave him $7.00 more. He said 'that~the boys helped to clean up the hall and he mentioned the hours Mr. Callahan spent there. Mr. Leslie thought the board should fix some amount so that there would be no further trouble. ' In asnwer to Mr~ Thomson's ~uestion as to whether he had any knowledge,of the rate prior to going in, Mr. Leslie said he did not. ' Mr. Coffin said that this side of the pictttre brings up the fact that weshould have rules and regulation. Mr. Thomson thanked Mr. Leslie for coming in with this problem. IAWI~ENCE GAS &EZEOTHIC'COMP/~: - - A hearing was held on the petition dated April 7, 1949 covering one po!e~ On the southerly side of Massachusetts Avenue approximately 730 feet westerly from Osgood Street. Abutters were notified and the board granted the request by unanimous vote. '' ' KIMBALL SCHOOL: 2he board discussed the matter of disposing of this school and'the beard voted to ask for bids on this building and the bids will be opened on May 9i1949, at eight o'clock P.M. _ CHIEF MCKEE: I~ESERVEPOLICE FORCE: '~ '' Chief McKee met with the board to discuss the reserve police force,.and the chief presented information which he had received from,Miss Caml~ellat, Oivil 'Sirvice. Mr. Thomson inquired if' thechief had work for more than two menand he replied that he could not get along with only two men as the'two, who would be on the list may not .be available at all times and he would, have some in reserve. The chief said he should have' at least two extrs'memand after so~s discussion the board voted to hold the appointments over and in the meantime, the chie~ wo.u!d check with Civil Service and find out if he would be permitted to have %we special police officers (veteransl inaddition,,to~' the two regulars, (Roche and Lawlor)'butnot havethem appointed provisionally. The~iin September when the list is available the heart would appoint five more men to complete the reserve list of seven as voted by the town, .Chief McRee informed the board that the list from the most recentexaminati~on' wouldnot, be available until after Septembe~ 5, 1949. Action willb~ taken at'the hex% meeting. -' ~ '" POLICE BOOKLET: " '" Chief McKee presented a booklet with respect to procedures 'in the police depart~ merit and wha~ ~citizens should do in..case they need the assistance of the police and various other~matters of interest to the'people of the town. Chief McKee would like to have these items put into a small booklet for distribution through- out the town but be has not sufficient money to pay.for this. The board,~thought highly of the ides and suggested that the chief take the matter.upwith the advisory board and if they were willing ~that'he should'have the booklets printed and would transfer the amcunt~equired from the reserve fund to the police department expenses, then ~hewboard.was verywillingthat it~'should be done but they did *not feel that the ~oney should come from the:Contingent Fund. PARKING BANNED: · ' The board also discussedwith the chief the parking regular on Main Street and the chief informed the board that if they put the parking ban from Morton Street to May Street, it would relieve the situation. Beyond May Street, the street is wide and there is no congestion. He suggested thet ~heNo parking regu!etion on the east side of Main Stree= would be abolished. Mr. Coffin .then made a motion thatparagraph three, section two, article five of the Rules and O~de~s regulatin~ traffic be stricken out from the 'rules and regulations and substitute therefore, Main Street, westerly side from May .to Morton Street~ No parking. First offence to be a warning and this is to ~e e~ at once, 465 APRIL 25, 1949- continued BOARD OF ASSESSORS: The board of Assessors came before the Selectmen with reference to the money which was not approved by Mr. Long for various articles voted~,at the ~own meeting to be paid from unappropriated funds. Mr. Curley stated that the;'s may be ~ misunderstanding but he believed that the Advisory Board should have contacted I~R' Long. He said Mr. Long usually plans on at least half of the available cash and Mr. Wilde then read a section of the law which stated that Mr. Long(the commissioner) has the right to reserve half of the available cash if he so desires but that if for some special~eason more was. needed, he has the power ~o determine the amount. Mr. Thomson then said that there was to be a meeting on Wednesday evening of the Advisory Board and that perhaps a group would make arrangements to contact Mr. LonE wi~h respect ~o this ms%~er. Mr. Thomson felt that no further discussion should be held at this time. Re thanked the board for coming in to the meeting. BOARD 0FAPPEALS-ASSOCIATEMEMBER: The board voted unanimously ~o appoint Sam DiMauro of. Richardson Avenue .as an alternate member of the Board of Appeals to fill the-~nexp~fed ~erm left b~Leo Murphy's resignation, which expires on January 1, 1950. REVALUATION PROJECT: Letter received from Clinton Goodwin and Ralph Brasseur informing the Selectmen that cards covering 19 sheets have been delivered to the Assessors and as fast.as the sheets are completed they will deliver the cards so that all will be in not later than the week ~fMay 1st. The board votedto accept the letter and send a copy to the Board of Assessors. INSURANCE: Richard:Whipple came in to discuss ~wo insurance matters. He said the town is now carrying one third insurance in mutuals and ~wo thirds in. stock and they womld like ~o have it increased to 60 per cent stock and forty per cent in mutuals. Mr. Finneran asked about fifty-fifty°basis butMr. Whipple said ~th~t~ould no~ be so good. If there should be a loss, neither side would have 'th~ majority. Mr. Coffin said that he'feltthat any ratio over fifty per cent of stohk is good. The board.also discussed 'the possibility of having three mas:er policies instead.of somany small policies, that would be three in stock and three in '.imUtualsl The agents would still receive their same commission. M~. Coffin felt that it would be a forward~stepto have master policies, and ~rl Thomson said he would be willing to go,along~ with any recommendations Of the insui'ance association. Mr. C~ffin'then made~a motion that. tha Insurance Agents' Association be em- p~owered to arrange fire insurance covarage~ according to distribution between mdtuals'and stock as near as possible to 45 per cen~ mutual and 55 per cent stock. Vote was unanimous. Mr. Coffin~hen made a secondmotion that the Selectmen accept the recommenda- tions of the Insurance Agents~ Association relative to master policies for andorsement and approval. Vote was unanimous. ~ ~.LOT # 27~UPLANDSTREET- BIDS: The Selectmen were authorizedat the annual ~own meeting to sell this lot and bids were asked for in the usual manner. Only one bid was received for$150 ~:from Harriet G. Brightman of 39 Troy Road, North Andover. Mr. Finneran made aamotibn that this lot be sold to the only bidder, Harriet G. Brightman in ~c~ordance wi{h the vo~e of theTown upon payment of the purchase price of $150. Vote-was unanimous.. A deed .will be drawn up for Mrs.' Brightman. UNI0 SCH00 : One bid was received from the Lawrence Building Wrecking CompaKvfor the Union School and' land for the amount of $1600. 'Mr. Thomson said he appreciated the fact that we could get rid of the ~nion School but the amount seemed rather ~small.~Mr~~ Finneran made a motion that this matter be .taken under advisement for one week. Vote was u~nimousl STREET LIGHT: Mr. Finneran viewed the location at 470 Stevens Street for which a street lig~twas requested by Charles Kent and he suggested that perhaps a 2500 lumen light could be installed at the corner of Salem and Stevens Street and would probably serve the purpose but he felt that the 'Gas Company should be requested to make a ~urvey and inform the board as to their recommendation. The board .agreed that this should be done. PRECINCT OFFICERS: Mrs. Eve Wilson of Stonington requested that She be considered for appointment as a precinct officer in precinct ~wo, if and when there is a vacancy. Board approved and suggested her name be placed on file.