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APRIL 25, 1949: continued;
'The Selectmen voted unanimously to appoint Arthur Broderick.and Edwin Koenig
as fire engineers for the ensuing year. ,~ .
The board unanimously to appoint Martin Lawlor Sr. as Building inspector for
the coming year. ·
The hoard voted unanimously to appoint John Dolan,-dog officer for-the coming
Mr. Coffin mentioned,that there is a pine grove i~ theWinter Street section
of the town and people have' thrown papers, cans and other refuse there. ~He
asked that it be checked with the mree warden and see if tthe land belongs
to the state or to the town. -'It could be cleaned up by the men at, the
Town Infirmary~ if the forest'belongs to the ~town.
Mr. Connors later informed the board that this is state forest.~ -' ~
The board voted unanimously to pay the amoun~ of $~6.15 for'damage~:t0Lthe
automobile of~FredTownsend of 25 Marbleridgs Road when it was involuted in
an accident with the ~own truck, driven by Mr.-Windie. · ....... ~.~,"
Letter received from Chester E. Wright of the Department of Public~ Safety`
requesting that a reason for the suspension of the revolver .p~rmit
Lloyd Crockett be sen~ ~o him as soon as possible. The board is ~.aWaiting
a report from the Attorney generals office with respect to an ingestigation
which is pending.
The re~lar wee~y meeting of the ~oard of Selectmen~ held a~. 7.00 P~M.
with all members present. Weekly bilZs ~d pa~olls were aRpr~v~d~ ~ ~
G~T PO~: ~ "~
. O. J. Mahoney came before' the board a~ 'gave a
He stated ,that ah~eat pond has over 10 acres and the last' 6~ex,,9~de' in
1905 by', Horace Smith showed that the pond ~d 59~acres in ~on~i' ~' ~670' the
first 'dam was built arid was' Const~cte~ by' Jonson and Barkeri~hen~arious
n~bers of mills b~I{ ~ams,_the first, in '1837 by Nathaniei~vens~ ~
1837 'damages were paid to fi~y people when the water went over ,the ~'~i~
holes. "In 1850 E. Sutton and a' Mr. Gilbert had a facto~;where-,the,~present
Davis& ~ber Plant is. ~en Isaac Wright died a large a~ount .of, l~nd 1was
given another t~ee feet of lift plus the original lifting'.~ ~e'~ Lend'
decrees it to be a Great Pond. ,~ early deed called for 55 a~e~~ but
'25 co~d be, found, the bal~ce was ~der water~ '
In same negotiation the dee~ Of 1795 refers, ~ a' road called Newb~'R0~d.
The real problem is to find who were 'the descendents. Passibl~ it.~was D. W.
~ench, then 'to Ku~hardt and~ then t0 Stef~s~. We wo~d hav~ to g0 back'
100 years, to':find"~h~n the 'road 'went t~ough and th~ present' ~y's .Pond', is
a creation of '.the po~ whenLthe dams were. lif~d. Probably one, of' the Barkers
may o~-the' land'. .The deeds t6. French do not mention the ~ther"side 'of 'the
,road. ~e land has 'never',been ~ed so that o~y land the ~bwn owns is'the
P~ping Statio~ and the, old' Ice H6use property. ' ..... ':~
Mr. Maho~ey said he doubted if Andover records wo~d show a~ing. He f~t
t~t the ~tter shoed be tgken up with the Water Department~and see how 2ar
they can act with the State Department. Mr. ~honey'then.went on, to say
t~t .w~th '~espect .to stealing the stones, it is not stealing. ~ssJtH~ person
claims something has been st0~en. ' ........
that a~ f~ther dig~ng is worth not~ng but he believes ~t~ ~. h~W.~ation
shoed be made to prevent repetition. ' " '
~. Thomson said that atsome time an individual owned the area and ~though
owners~p was abandoned and noting done to c~nge the title in the .origi~l
o~ers name im wo~d be a c~nsid&rable Job' ~o ~ascertain who the o~rs ~e.
~ter research, the o~ers may be Out of the count~ and have' no'~'esire to
claim the property.. If we were to re~o~end to the Board of ~blic Works
.t~t they adopt some ~le.as to t~s property, it would take car~ of the
Mr. Mahoney said that the general protection is of o~ water supply bu~
check ~rther into t~s matter will cost time and m~ney. ~ ' - ' '
Mr. Thomson asked Mr. Mahoney if he wo~d give us ~s reporm in ~riting for ~h~
record as he felt it was a~ excellent~nd t~s will be ~one.
Mr. Mahoney informed th board that the new member of the Advisory board
is Joseph Muldowney.
The board granted the request of this company to excavate to install
gas-service for Salvatore DiSalvo, 15 Holbrook Road, 40 feet on street.
'Mr. Cartywill be notified of this excavation.
~hief James Hargreaves came before the board to tell about the condition
existing in the salaries. He said that they have no extra money allowed
this yearand there is no money available for amb~alance drivers and later
in the year they will need more money. Mr. Hargreaves told Mr. Coffin
that they were not planning to employ a new driver at this time but when
they call in extra men they must have money to ~ay~them.
Mr. Finneran suggested that he do what he can with themoney availsble
and when~he needs the money we will,take care of him.
Mr. Coffin said'he had noticed a place that looked like a hole in the road
mhd he thought the contrac$or should be requested to put the road in
condition also the sidewalk. Mr. Finneran said he felt that they:should
.be responsible also. Mr. Thomson suggested that another letter be sent
to the Central 'Construction Company requesting that they put the road into
the same condition as they. found it.
The bid for the Union School was discussed ahd the' board'voted' t$ as~the
'bidder/~f-he would be wil!ingto pa!$1600'for the building alone since they
are interested only in the building. The board' fel~ that the land was of
more value and it will be discussed at the next meeting.
Notice received that the Commissioners have allotted under the provisions
of Section 34, Chapter 90 , thesum of $500 for the maintenance of Chapter 90
roads, in North Andover, on condition that at least $1,000 be.contributed by ~
the town and that the cost to be borne by the Commonwealth on accountof Said
Work'shall not exceed the amount al~t~6~'.
Notice also ~received and the Commissioners have allotted under the provisions
of section 34, Chapter 90, the sum of $8,000 for the impro~ementv of Main
Street in North A~over, on condition that at least $4,000 shall be contributed!
by the town and $4,000 by the county, and that' the cost ~o be borne by.the j:, ',
~ommonwealth on account of said work shallmot exceed the amount allotted.
Chief McKee informed the board that his department marks off' a space for the
school bus' but teachers~and others park their cars there and Zhe result is
,tHat',~t~e bus has i to stop in the middle of tha street to Iet ~he children
~n-.a~d off the bus. The chief thought that perhaps the selectmen would make
~ ~Ettlation~ with reference to the bus stops, The board .suggested that the
ch~ef'~ge$~ the exact wording necessary and have a consultation with the Sup~.
of school'. Mr. Finneran suggested that perhaps a larger area than Just the
bus 'sRace .would be a good idea.
The b~ard' again discussed the appointment of the two available men for the
police reserve force and after receiving information from Chief McKee that
John Donovan and Frank Dushame could be appointed as intermittent reserve
o~ficers,~ to be used only when the ,other two are not available, the board
~:,'voted to:ask for the .list for the reserve force, and ask for information
as,.to ~the appointment of the two intermittent officers.
The board discussed the booklet which had been presented by Chief Mckee
for publicationand, the Advisory Board were willing to allow him $100 at
this time if hecould assure them that the balance would be paid from his
ex~ense account and he w. ould not ask. for more money at the end of the year.
Chief McEee asked the Sele.ctmen if they would ps the cost of mailing which
would be a~proximately $90.00 Mr. Coffin felt that the book was excellent
and good public relations but he felt that the town did not have sufficient
confidence in the Police Department at this time and he thought i~ would
be better to wait a while before spending that amount of money. Ne also
stated that he understood that the police were planning to ask for a five
day week schedule and Mr. Coffin felt this was not the right' time to do this.
468 ..
MAY 2, 1949: continued
An agreement between Mary L. and Simon L. Caponette and the Town of North Andover
was signed on this day by the Selectmen and the above ~ersons. This agreement
'is in connection with articles 55 and ~6 as voted at the annual town meeting.
These articles were for the purpose of securing or having party of the second
pa=t install water and/or sewerage on certain ways hnown as Putnam Road
H~I~ok~R~ad to Mifflin Drive. Notice will be sent to William B.
Supt. of Public Works that~this agreement is signed and on filedin the Select-
men's office.
Notice received that the information sent in on the suspension of the revolver
permit of Lloyd E. Crockett of Pond St. North Andover has been posted on the
Notice received that an investigation is under way and when the ~investigation
is complete this board will be notified of the result and action taken.
Notice sent to the Board of'Public Works that the board of Selectmen have 'made
an amendment in the Rules and Regulations abolishing Paragraph 3, Section 2,
Article 5 in the rules and orders regulating traffic in the Town of North Andover
and'a paragraph inserted therefor~ Main Street westerly side from May Street to
Mor~en Street, to become effective immediately.
Edward Donovan reported that he was driving the International truck for'the
Highway Department and was ~nvolved in an accident with Austin T. Gamey, 16 Lyndon
Court, Woburn, MassJ~ Mr. Garvey!s car was. badly damaged but thetown truckhad
only a bent front bumper and the left side of th e bumper was twisted forward.
This report will'be plsaed On file.
~etter received from the Attorney General that an investigation is under way on
the Crockett Sanitorium and a repor~ of this will be given to Mr. Coffin within
the next few'days.
Notice received that'no investigation is being held' on the Crockett Sanitorium
at this time.
M~ 10, 1949:
The regular weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at 7:00'P.~.
with all members present. Weekly bills and payrolls were approved.~
Mr. Herbert Wild came before the board to see if they had any idea' when: the
next special town meeting would be called.. Mr. Thomson informed~him~that
Arnold Salisbury was looking up matZers relative $o the articles delayed
and that a special town meeting would be called on May25, 19A9. ~He~said
that it would be necessary to.have two articles, one to to ,use the $25,000
and a second to abolish the Veterans agency for which this amoun~ was~<e~igin-
ally appropriated. Mr. Thomason said he 'felt that it would be safe to-say
that the meeting would be held at 7:30 P.M. in the Court Room on ~lay 23,
Notification received giving results of a survey made on Turnpike'Street
and Hillside Road and they state that the whole distance involved is approx-
imately 9600 as' shown on the sketch. There would have tobe-24 units for
covering the entire ~distsnce or 14 lights if the' section were lighted from
pole 2976 near the intersection ofA ndover and Turnpike Streets to Hillside
Road, and along Hillside Road and Route 125 to s point indicated ~s (A) on
the sketch. There are already seven requests for lights in this ~are~:and
17 more would be needed %o cover the entire section. Total cost.forthe
24 lights would be $432 per year and for the shorter distance or 14 lights,
(1000 lumen) the cost would be $252,00 per year. The board decided.'to take
no action on this surveyat the presen~ time;
Letter received from the School Department informing the board that Mrs.
McQBesten had found an old newspaoer which~c~tainmd the fo~l%owi~ng:.,,The
t~s of the town were voted to Ebenezer ~u~on, zsq. ~or ~ne cloc~ anc
presented him for the new Town Hall The board to take ste to
the clock and on the cost and if the clock would re