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Thebi-monthly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on this date, with
all members present. Weekly bills and payrolls were approved.
A hearing was held at 7:15 P.M. on this petition covering the Joint location
of one pole on Mass. Ave. 675 feet southeast of No..Andover -Lawrence line
and removing one Light Co. pole 700 feet southeast of this line. No opposition
was presented and the hoard voted unanimously to grant this request.
REQUEST and two copies of plan no. 25, covering the relocation of one pOle
on Second Street 304 northeast~ofl~ilroad Ave. and remove one pole. No hearing
required and the board voted unanimously to grant this request.
Permission granted by unanimous vote of the board to excavate to install gas
service for William Arsenaul~ at 6 Park Street, near. Chickering Road,:27 feet
on street. Mr. Cartywi!l be notified of this action.
PETITION to construct a lin~ of underground electric conduits including the
necessary sustaining and protect£ng fix~ure$~ under and across the public way
or ways hereinafter named, in accordance with plan marked. 5443; from existing
pole on the northerly side of Salem Turnpike, approximately 850 feet easterly
from Andover Street, southerly~ross,the Salem Turnpike a distance,of approxi-
mately 100 feet to the southerly line of the Salem Turnpike, 2 ducts. A hearing
will be held on July 25, 1949 at 7:30 P.M. in the Se!ecmmen's office.
Approvalreceived from the Advisory Board for the transfer of $355.00:frem
the Reserve Fund to the Contingent for expense of extensive repairs on'the
tower clock at the Johnson High Schoo!.
The Advisory Board would not approve the transfer of $18.90 from the. Reserve
Fund to the Memorial Day expenses as they felt that this was not an unforse~n
expenditure. The Advisory Board felt that an accurate apprmxima%i6n of costs
could easily have been made in March as well as May. They a!so~fe!t that '
also, this not uncommon practice of municipal departments in this town, oD
incurring liabilities in excess of their appropriations, in the ~xpectation
of being able to cover the definiency with the aid of the reserve .~und.
Oar!Thomas, chairman.of the Memorial Day Committee came befor~ the board and
explained to them that he had tried to keep the expenses down but tha~ he ~.
was new this year and that it is the same each year, a new man is chairman, who
has had no experience before. Be asked that the bill for $125.00 beheld out
and he will try to arrange to have them accept $!00.00 and the balanc~ will
take care of the $18.90 bill and another bill for $5.~0. He will inform this
office in the near future.
William Ma!oney of 238 Middlesex S~reet requests the removal of a large maple
tree in front of his property at the above address. The b~ard voted~to instruct
the tree warden %o post the tree for a hearing to be held on July 25, 1949 at
7:20 P.M. in.the Se!ectmen's Office.
Mr. Finneran as clerk of the Board.of Selectmen signed the approval form for the
cohtr~ct for the second $120,000 s6hool bonds loan, payable $10,000 on July 15,
of. each year 1950 through 1961, to be awarded to the First National Bank of Boston
at 1~% interest. The vote was.unanimous and was issued pursuant toChapte~4
General laws as amended. Mr. Maker informed the board that this was th~ highest
bid received for the lowest rate of interest. The town will payl~%interest
and will receive a premium of $777.60. This is ~ per cent lower than the issue
in October 1948 of $120,000 which cost the town 2%. This new ra~e represents a
~ecrease of $3,900 in.interest charges. The Selectmen commended Mr. Maker for
his forsight in determining the proper time to make this loan and thereby save
the town this money.
The deeds for Doris and John Stewart and for Wasil Muzichuk were ready for them
upon payment of the proper amounts and were drawn up by Mr. C. J. Mahoney.
Mr. Muzichuk was not able to have his money for ~onight but ~he board granted
him an extension of time until July 15, 1949 and he is positive that he will
have the money available for that time.
JULY 11, 1949-continued
Bids.were opened at eight o'clock for the Old Rradstreat School building
and there were two bids: Law~ence Building Wrecking Company of Salem New
Hampshire bid $510 and G. P. Sorsnson, Andover Tree Service bid $255.00.
After some discussion the Selectmen voted to award the con~ract to the
highest bidder, Lawrence Building Wrecking Company for the amount of $510,
in accordance with the terms called for in the bid and the bidderwillbe
obligated to remove the building by demolition or otherwise by August 27, 1949.
Mr. 0offin made a motion that the Lawrence Building Wrecking Cqmpany be awarded
the contract of removing the Bradstreet wooden school building for the sum of
$510 in accordance with the terms called for in the bid and the the bidder be
obligatsd 'to remove' the building by demolition or otherwise; to fill the cellar
hole using fill material available on the premises or any approved material re-
quired to fill the hole to groundlevel; to save the town. harmless from any
lianility:whatsoever for personal injury or property damage resulting from the
removal operations, either to employees of the purchases or members of the
public; and to complete all work in connection with the removal not later than
A~'guS% 27, 1949 and in general as is otherwise inserted incur bid. The fol~owing
pa~ties signed the bid as co-partners, Armand Cocchiaro, Cresenzo W. W. Ooppczi
99 Union St~ Lawrence. Mr. Finneran seconded themotion and'vote was unanimous.
Notice wi!!be sent to' the'bidders at once.
A~bilt of sal~ and a copy of the vote of the 'special town meeting will be made out
~rs;~osephine Rizzo sent in abid of~7.00 for 30 desks end'chairs from the Brad-
· street school'and the board voted unanimously to grant"her the thirty desks and
chairs for'this amount. It will be necessary.that she remove'thema~ once.
Notice received'info~ing the Selectmen the list'of~bidders'covering the work to
be~done 'on M~in Street under ~hapter 90,.and asking if~ the Selectmen had
to awarding the contract tothe lowest bidder and if so~ ~o. nctifythem at 'once.
%%e Selectmen were in,accordance with the~Dapartment 'of Public'Works as to their
SeleCtions for~the't6w~sttb~dder. Yemma'Brothers, In%.~0Id Grovelsnd Road, Haverhill
he:-lo~est bidders and the amount ~f'the~bid was~$21,854.RO.'
Mr$~Spadar&'of~Mablin~Avenue' had requested a street'light recently but it was foun~
that'h~ was,a resident of Lawrence .and that his,place on Mablin~e. was more or
le~s'of 'a~hack. Upon further investigation the board~was advised that Mr. & Mrs.
SpadarO~,were"how residing in their home and theyhad made extensive renovations.
Th~BSard~voted to take this ma,%er under advisement and .they;will' inspect the
locetzon'befer6~making a decision.
A .furtHer!,r~port on a complaint made to th~ police'departmentwith respect to
~.e~!~hich3ere in' the highway and were the direct cause 'o*~a ~c~r beinm damaged
y':o~e !of the- stones which stood high in the roadway, Officer lewis reports that
he ~sit~d,%hree homes'and' found therewere onlzsmallgirts living there and cou!d
~i~'~9,,nY_,.,i~,~,'~er~?formatfon, ~sl to who' ?ut the ist0ne~ in the roadway.. He is'
s~zzm:mnmeresueo 'mn':ne mat{erand hopes~forsome~:inf0rmatien of, value. Noaction
was, take'.The'damaged car was owned by Winfred M.'Sides, Sr. and re istration n~mber~
i~:i9~025.~'No complaint .for damages, has been made to the'Selectmen.
A:let%er wk~received from Roy E. H~rdy,,Chairman of the Board of Selectmen in
Andover'~Which~istated that he ha~ contacted principal department heads in Andover
concerning.~heir methods of maintaining' an inventory. The School department is
thei0n!y.way~which seems to keep a~conststent ~ecord and a ~orm was enclosed.
1M~'Ha~4Yf~%her'stated ~hat 4ppa~ent!yth~y ~eiy mor~ upoh the ability of their
.~PeYsonne~.:th~~ they do'u~o~ ~0der~ ~ookkeeping~ .....
~I13~NING.,BOARD- SF/tDT~EN, - - : -:~-
Thefolldwt~g ~embers of the, Planning'Bo~rd'~t with.the S~lectmen to discuss various
ma~ters,.espeq~allyrecreation.for,the town now ~nd in 'the'futura; Gregor~
Richard~G. Whipple, James T. Po6r and Peter kitcHie and the Selectmen.
Mt. Thomson said he understood the boards were meeting:jointlyz.to discuss pas:,
prssent.;and future' Recreation in s general way.
,Mr.,Moor~dkA~k~,stated tha~ his board wee concerned about permits given by the
building,,inspsct0r.He explained that a manlis grantedApermit and he goes ahead
and'builds a2:ho~s9 and than the question of water, sewerage, acceptance of streets
and approval of ways comes along And there seems to be a great deal of uncertainty
as to what should be,done. The Planning board would like to take more interest in
thelayout of.the torn.
In answer to a~quastionfrom Mr. Thomson, Mr. Momradkanian further explained that
if s plan were available, eventually it would have to accepted. He broughtup the
matterof Lorraine Ave. and stated that they are unable to find out whether or nob
it been acco
JULY 11, 1949: - continued
Mr. Whipple inquire~ as to the status o£ the building inspector. Mr. Mooradkan]sn
reed the law from the Acts of 1947, chapter 340.
Mr. Thomson asked if the Planning Board couldn't.start a proSact and have matters
straightened aut at the Town Meeting, to approve previous actions of P~anning Boards
and it would then be fundamental and basic.
Mr. ~ooradkanian said their board wes compiling a street list of all approved streets
andhave an approved map(official) of all approved and accepted ways and private
ways. They will declare them to be accepted ways or take new action as toga particular
A discussion was held as to who owns tn the center of the street and Mr. Thomson
stated that he b~lieved that en abutter owns to the center of the street.unttl such
time as it becomes an accepted street.
Mr. Thomson stated that if the Planning hosed approved a plan, it is still e
private way until it is adjudicated by the Selectmen and then approved at the
town meeting.
The Planning board members felt that there should be some understanding between
between their board and the building inspector to prevent further.difficulties
from arising, and several methods were discussed but no decision ~rived at.
It was finally agreed that the building inspector should meetlwith the planning
board end the Board of Selectmen ow ~uly 25; 19~9 at E:O0 o'clock P.M.
Mr. Thomson then discussed the recreation council which he said wee appcinted by
the Selectmen and they have dena their work ~,,~ell~,and he felt that this recreation
falls in with the Planning board. Ne mentioeed the various pro~ct~.~w~ich had
been recommended by the Recreational.Council mhd he felt that the Planning board
should be prepared to recommend additional area at the Center SchQol should be
given, to the Playground at the Center.
F~r. Mooredkanian said he felt also that this comes under the Planning Beard but he
was unable to visualize properly the master plan or study and he felt that the
next step necessary wee to accomplish a mapping out of the present,and the future.
He stated that he was not in e position to spend the time required forthis work but
that eomec~ should look forward to doing this work~
Mr. Coffin agreed that a Master Plan is something worthwhile,~m~nwhile theproblem
is with us end he would like to see the town. grow. ~e thinks that the suggestions
cf~the.'Recreattomel Council. ought tobe before the various bce~ds and that they
may be acted upon. He said"fcr thirty years the town did not,lng about s~hocl
end then they hod ~o build them all at once.
~n matters cf this sort, leadership comes from ~he Planning Bo~rd and discussions
such as this help to iron out the kinks.
Mr. Ritchie brought up the matte~ of an article which was voted on at the a~nuul
town meeting in 1945 with reference.to a playground at the s~ndbankonRailr0ad
Ave. and mlthough p!ene were drawn and $300 appropriated) nothing was do~e about
it. He stated that Char!e@ Cyr still had the p~an and he would get it for some
future meeting.
Mr. Mecradkenian referred to Planning Boards in various places where ~e.hed
visited- in one place especially where the chairman cf the Planning,Board has a
suite of officers smd he spends 3 to 4 hours with the plans every day.
Mr. Coffin said he realized that the membere of this planning board.have given time a
and effort en~ they ere not paid and cannot drop their own work.
Mr: Thomson stated that he felt that the planning board was do~ng a marvelous job
and that he appreciated their coming to this meeting. The other membere of the board
agreed with the chairman.
Mr. Coffin eaid he ~lt that s united effort'bythe town boards was the bestway
to determine the future status of the town for early fors~ght wou!~ prevent incidents
that could not be wanted in later years, also~that large savings c~moneycan be
made by looking ahead and visualizing the future. -.-
JULY 25, 1949:
'The by-monthly meeting ortho Board of Selectmen was held at 7:00 P.M. with all
members present. Weekly bills and payrolls were approved.
A hearing on the petition of William Molonoy for the removal of' a' tree in front
of his property at 238 Middlesex Street :was held at 7:20 P.M.' There was no
opposition 'and the board voted to instruct the tree warden to ~remove the tree.
Petitioa smd.two copies of-pla~ No.2~ cowering the pla~Img of ~e~ground co~uit
on Salem~umpike,lll £eetu~dergro~d condutt frompole 2960 to p~le 2~1
thence acrose the etreet= to propert7 line for 103 feet, was received amd the
board set a hearing to be held on August 8, 1949 atT:30 P.M.
Notification received from the Board of Public Works that a vacancy exists in the
Board due to the death of John J. Campbell. The Board will'meet with the Board of
Public Works on August 5, 1949 at 1:30 P:M. to fill this vacancy.