HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949-07-25 483 ~UL¥ 25, 19~9- continued LAWRENCE GAS&ELECTRIC C0: HEARING 7:30 P.M. on the Petition for permission to locate pole on the easterly side of Lacy Street, aPProximately4,434 feet westerly and southerly from the North Andover-Boxford line, 1 pole. The bcard~oted to grant this permission. No opposition from abutters. A hearing was held at 7:30 P.M. on the petition of the Lawrence Gas &Electric Oo. to construct a line of underground conduits, including the necessary sustaining and protecting fixtures, under and across the public ways hereinafter named: Prom existing pole on the northerly side of the Salem Turnpike, approximately 850' feet easterly from Andover Street, southerly across the'Salem Turnpike a distance of approximately 100 feet to the southerly line of the Salem Turnpike 2 ducts. Waivers were received from the abutters and the ~$4rd voted to grant this~ permission. JURY L~ST:" '~ The Board .added sixteen names to the ~ury list MAKING A total of 80 names. List will be published and copies given to the Accountant, Town Clerk, Press, one to be_inserted.incapeules and one for the file. PBECINCTOFFICERS: No action was taken on the precinct officers list, there hoing one vacancy in Precinct One for a Deputy Warden, (Republican). This 'list will be completed next weekj COMPLAE~T; Mr. Fiunaran info.rmed the hoard that he had received a complaint about the side- walk on Middlesex Street~in front of Mr. Gar~ey*s residence to the effect'that it is[raise~ up in 5ne place and is dangerous, Th~ b~ard suggested .thatthis ho called to the attention of th.'Nighw ~DEPARTMENTOFPff~r,i"C W0P, ZS 'Contract No~llS02 covering work to be done in this-town this yearunder the provisions,of Section'34, Chapter 90 of the General Laws, Ter. Ed. was received, qigned by. the-Commissioners and hyyour Selaotmnn. ~otifi~a~ion received from Richard G.~'Irnipple, Chairman of the Iusurance Asso- clArion, informing the hoard that the renewal of the Tow~ ofNorthAndcver Boiler ~o~i~yI i~ now with the L~hermen's' Mutual Casualty Company rather then~in the 'E~plo~r~h. Liability,Assurance Corp, 'Mr. WhiPple letter states that there will he a considerable saving to the Town by using this'company. Full eXPlanation is given in the letter which'is filed under 'Insurance. PLAI/NI~G BOARD- BUILDING INSPECTOR~ . A Joint'h~eting was to' be held at eight o'clock' to ~iscussL building permits and reach some decision as to how the building, inspector is to be informed as towhiC~ streets are accepted or'approved by, the P~auning Boardand eliminate ,troublejlin the future, both'for the Board, In~pe~tor and the persons , 'th~land['and have building.permits, and later findS'that they have not been "b~the plhn2ing Board. ,Mal~olm!S0rmood, Mr. Barhetta and Mr. Brown came intethe meeting and wanted to discuse~th~mattar'cf Lorraine Avenue for whi~hn~approval can be found. Mr. ~orw~d?presented a plan which he said was approved in ~1924but for which no 6ffici~l re~rd could be found. Mr. Lawlor informed the hoard that, he had talked /~ithLMr;"MAhonsyand he' recalls that this street was approved in 1924. Mr. Mooradkanian stated'that the Planning Boa~d wants a plan showing a turnout a~',the .t6P ,~f the Street before they can approve i~ as it is a dead end street., "ThePlanning Board hed,,~earhhed the records ~'theL'Board' of Survey hut .could~'find nc official actionJ Mr~ Coffl~ said he had taIked with Mr. Barhatte and also with Mr. Mahoney who is positive.that this streetplanwas approved. Mr. Mooradkanian sai~ they planned to ha~e thg notices of Lthe Tribune paper checked b~Mrs. Eelley to determine if Lorraine Ave. was one of the streets listed under ~heHurley plans which 'were approved by the Board of Survey. - ~ Mr. Thomson suggested that the Planning Boardcheck with the Board of Assessors and perhaps they might have some information. The.persons interested will be notified By the'Planning Board as soon as something tangible is,found. All present'were in sympathy with'these people,and.that is oneof'thg things thnyare trying to eliminate in the future.by making anne arrangement with the building inspector. Mr. Mooradkanian then discussed the thoughtof his board which was to close the gap existing hyMr. Lawlor giving'permits for building and action of the planning board in giving permission to go ahead. He felt there should be more cooperation between the two. 484 ~IIL~ 25, 1949- continued ,... In nnewer to a question from Mr.' Thomson, Mr. Lawlor stated 'that'a building permit is good until 'the house is.built. He explained the restrictions he requires, thilty feet' from street, 15 feet on the sidelines 'and ihirty' feet in the rear. Be stated that since the Stofansky matter, he had'been looking at all plans before issuing a permit. Mr. Thomson felt that there shbuld.., be a time limit on these permits. ' The Planning Board discussed the difficulty Mr; Ocute had on Bemlook Street and' Mr. Lawlor' said.lbs did not know that the Planning Board had gceeptod' only a part of the' street which, presented another reason why ther.~e should be closer contact between'~ha B~ildi .ng Inspector and the Planning Bo~r~.. Mr. Lawlor stated that he now inquires if there is water or sewer~ ~n' the street and if not, he refers the persons to the Planning Board o~ t$"tha Board of Public Works. Mr. Thomson suggested .that since Mrs;~ letley ia here 'all day, Perhaps:Mr. Lawlor could contact' he~ on' 'eagh building permit, regardless .what. e, ,i,t. ia and she could i~form:,him t~. thdatrget plan' has been approved.by/the 'Board, until such ti~e aa the 'list is published which the' Plan/king Board: '~e, now in the, process 'of. co.~pt~ing; ' ..... ' Mr. Thomson mentioned that a 'fo~m of certification is required"a's a :final'~', point and Mr. Lawlor atatad-.tha~ he did not have any such' form,4,',He,,wlJ-t... ,,,,., . ,. try to- obtain some. - 'In the future Mr. Lawlor, will check with Mrs. lelley inlregard~[to:~'~P~r'ov'al of plans h~ the Planning 'B~a~d"and'if not'appr6ved, ~he~ Pernon~Ll'be referred to the,Planning Board. il B0~l~ OF FIREEh~IIfl~kS~ ; -;. , , , . . · . . . -~, :,... ,~Tha Board of, ~ir~ Enginse~g' met' in an executive session: ~ith' the jSelectmen nnd Mr. Hargreaves was tha'-fir~t' t8 Speak to the ,board~ Be ist~}~d'[,t .h~.,~'~? · ;~tt~d_t__tha ' th_beer ye' had'A'~ericuS mistinde~stending and"thi~':o~c~., a', . ' ' at the fire at Mazurenko! s property; Mr. l~oenig said things which were uncalled for and which should ~ot~have'~buen said in front,log, th~ men. I. had. ,~d ,,.M?. Xoenig that he wgs~,ex~ited and 'that .he should not move` the truc?,from~}ha~house ' as, the house was on fire a, nd we .had,to. keep,.the.,wa~er on, i · .,,: '-'..' ', v -,~, . · ~ · van"to'Mr, Thomson~ a' uesti°na as' to"Wh~thar"or not"-the '~ire' was in':progress~ In an~ . , - 'q ...... ' '"" .... '" '" ..... "' 'tion Mr.. ~ar~reaves stated that the fire was in pro~ese' a~"~wo' T~uc~s were-nh ac , ' · and' one vas coning 'froml Lawrence. He said the truck Was abeut'i, fi~ta.gn~'feet ,away '; "'su~*~v~Ai~n b~t that Mr; Xoehin'~' h4d directed'the' z0caticm'bf ,th~'ttruck.., ':: · [: ':.if, have affected the'fi're"a~d~:be"~thouk~t~ that.it~uld have:mede, a,[ dif.f,,e,r~ence. '~', ",':Hon.'sLid'that 'ei~ht .{em'werb.w0~kihg;, ein: Daw:'~alled'' hie~' ,h_oui, e~k,ti't,e?,m!n__utes,, f 0t[ 'tWo a~l: ~aid' that ,there,~waa7 i{o' one, atf the ,,station;,,Mr, ,lh~r'ea~'s: p}i,d[ ha' . had given no orders ~o~ 'th8~w to: 'go home at 'two 'i,Mi~ but 'a~me' ~{l ~a~~ and ,r the' others,'were at,.the!fire.. . , · · ',-~: . ." ~-; ', '-.~,:, ~ a fire, ,they have ahif s · Mr. ~argreaves informed Mr.'Thomson~'that'vhe~ there is 'J' - t ./ 'andla:['group is left at the station. ,' ' ' ' - ' - Xoeni ct through at eleven o' ~lock and he sen{t: his m~n:;~{~ae~."~ 'that;no one left at the static · Mr. Bargreaves said the .fire-vas. at",te,n,.~i~utaaj ~f five ,, , in ;the;morning', and it; was, on 3ulY. 12.. Be- w~t ~to the,, fire ~in~ .,~s.:.o~.wn,> c.a,?j and, th~, ee "[ : -t~eas' of a~a~atuS'~.W~nt ,f~ th~' fir~; ~a: said the Lafranoe' 'was ttha)'fir_St .to arrive ' '~ on the scene..Mr., Eoenig was. on this truck ami Mr. Hargreaves ,'~ai.d~,ha:'Pr. eaumed Mr.,,Xoenig told 'the. men where to, stop.· Both Lawrence ~and indover ,. came., in. to help. . The barn was, gone and we- tried to SAve the', house; 'The Mack TrliCk' u~d"the booster tank. ~a ~said ha' was going ,around the .h, ouse ,and they Were nov,.i~..'g]?th,~.;~x;uekback ac he Asked what~'.th'~' trouble .W~a a~d .they~ 'Said' the' truck-'WaS too~'~hot~'~' Mr.'*.~rgreeves 2~told. Keening that he .was .~xc'ited and it ,vas then that" Eoanig pA'~aed%he r~marka. lie ,va~ld,.say/that there were fo~r or'!fiv· ~en~'on the' truck at :tha~'! game? ~,; Mr. Xoenig said ha went i.tO tli~' fire "~d' he saw Mr; ~rgreaves'%wa ,,lki,-,~ng toward . his mechinaand'haTaake~ hAm i'f ha "didn't~ think~ :he' should walk fdgw~nd ,have the · hose laid but ha didn't, pay.azlr, attention to ,me.. ! truckba~k a~[thare 'wa~e %W6't~ucks,'playing~.tha w~ter"cn"the"house. ' l~ answer ........ ' ' ' "" ' ' ' ' '~ : .tO. Mr. Thomeon~ a question aa' to whether, the .water. could ha played if the ~e~e moVed~ Mrs [ loenig replied 'that:,it ~eoUld not·bui that' ~it',T!~l,d." '.~av.e, ' taken only two ninutea.' ~e'said the house 'vas burning a li[tla bi{t that, i.t,,vas put ,out ~ late~a.loSndg ieaid ,,ha asked' Itar~reavesj,.to is ~up and:,ha~e .,the 'h.o~'~ ,.J~,. ~dk:? ,H.e said another,~as~ l,'a~ sick of it. , ~, , ?Mr;~ ~offin .aaked~varioua queetiona'~.and Mr. ,lokndg said he,aaknd'.Har~reaves if there vaa,,a hydrant do~n thare~andj, ha didn~ t 'k~.'7'~a eatdi' ha :k~ew .there. va, a'ono at Campion ~all but no truck ,WaS'sent' tb tb~J~t.'~ouia ~isson aaid"t,.he truck' was on fire and ! then told them. to move .it. ', Mr. Themeon asked 'Mr~ Xoedig sake,d` iff he realized that the chief is in .authority, and he ~replted-t~t hg di"d.~r~iTt~'~ · Mr. ~Broderick 'then said that his g~.oup ,is~ usually last'.to arrive at the fire, about five minutes, as they ,have~ 't~ pick up the men and have further 'to g.o. ':~e said 455 JULY 25, 1949- continued when they got to Flats Bridge, Don Thomecn said there was no water a~t Memarenkoe and whe'n we arrived at the fire, there was no one there to tell us what to do. In my mind was the fact that I would do whet the Lefrance did, take a chance on laying hose. Chief nstd, Put the booster line on and five ninutse later, he told us, to lay the howe end we went hack end lmid the home. Ne said they carry 1~00 feet of house. He said that no one seemed to hear anything about en argument. He said the barn was gone and the el part of the house and the side of the main house' was going. The hack part of the house wes burning. ,Mr. Broderick said if he saw a truck which was gdfng to burn, he would 2ova the tr~ck. ~f ~im (Mr. Hargreaves) isnlt there, I use my authority. Mr. Thomson asked if he W~uld gacrifice house for the truck, and he replied that he did not think there would Be any appreciable difference if we had moved the truck. Mr. Coffin asked if there was a map of the hudranta of the town and Mr. ~argreavee seid.there was not at this time. Mr. 'Hr~derick iaid he went up to the fire at five olclock and stayed there until hrmakfasi time and he went hack at 12o30, came Back at five o'clock and went went up again at eight o~clock. I covered in at the station and went hack et lingo P.M. ,He said there is usually a crew at the station and one at the fire but this ~:'time~thay were all mixed up. Some were with me and some'were .'Mr . ~, downat the station. · Tho2son asked Mr. Koe~g why Be didn't cover in atthe station and he said he figured that they could be hack Jugt as eagy if they went home. He saw no Berm .-,..in.that. ~e have to go uptown and downtow~ and pick'up men and we 'coul~ get them easily. Mr. Thomson said he coul-d 'not see how they could get the men as easily · :,~, :[from, ho~e as if they were at the station. Perhaps the other men would not available.' Mr~ Coffin then asked the Chief'it were not the primary function of the fire -.department to prevent fire which includes'inspection' of buildings and he then - gs~ed the chief if he inepect~d'h/f~dings regularly,' to which he replied that he did not as ~e did not have"the"tins. Mr.' Coffin said that it seems like failure of his department not to inspect .mercantile, manufacturing and farm Buildings. It seems said Mr, Coffin that Donald ,Thomson was the onlyj one who knew where the ~vdrant wag at the last fire :a~ '~S[;e'po~er'to him. He then"ask~d Mr...Hargreaves if it were t rue that he Builds' boats at the fir& station and. Mr:'~argreaves said there Was n~ secret about it ,that, he did this in his spare tine. 'Mr. Coffin told him he should make inspections once ever7 six. months: He said if ' i.~n explosion occurred, gas should 'be shut off if they knew Just whSre these ~ locations were. He asked the chief'if he felt perfectly safe in ho.knowing where the various locations were. Mr. Hargreaves explained that there are three men on days and two men at night "who,:are regulars and the call men como in only .on call.-He asked Mr~ Coffin what i,[w~.uld, happen' if he left only' the two men at the station And a call osme in while ~be ,was .out inspecting, it might he that he would not hear the fire whistle blow. Mr," Coffin said the real trouble ia the people in town who' suffer hut you three isn't' 'get along together. Mr. Ccffih said they should try to ha~e'morm harmony in ~ha~ department and forget their personal feelings. ~Mr. Hargreaves stated that he could not go out inspecting all day~ and that Chris j Kigginhottom does this work in his spare time. Mr. Coffin again'reminded him that he.can:build boats and that ha'io'~l~i like to see so;,e order'in the department. Mr.,~'Eg~ig said he thought they did very'well in the fire' department. M~'~C'~'ffim then said we were' not getting anywhere. There are two versions and ~the~ me'~' do not agree. He said' h~' firmly believe that the-chief should he in charge an~ ig'[iiould seem to him that one man should he posted at the hydrant when there is a: fire'-'~ He said it is very easy'for peropl to criticise but if all the men would ,gi~e i~'a little and have more harmony it would he a better department. He said he thought they did a good Job hut not a perfect one.' ' ' Mr. Hroderick said that he personally felt that the department has insufficient manpower. ~.Mr. Coffin said that if the people helievedtha departmsat~ea~ahle they would .!,:appreciate- them more. He then asked why they allow automShiles ~0 run over the hose. The chief explained that it would do no' harm to the hose. · The matter then went hack ~to inspections and Mr., Coffin asked if Mr. Hargreaves did not go out considerably and if each man took a few inspections; the Job could he easily accomplished. The information could'be recorded on cards and thee the men might Be more familiar with the locations. Mr. B~odarick said they could not take the time to read these cards going to a fire, especially at night an~ Mr. Eoanig said that Mr. Coffin should try riding on one of the trucks going to a fire and it all they can do to hold on. None of .th~ ,engineers favored the idea of recording information on a card syste2. Mr. Finneran then suggested that they all shake hands and go home.