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AUGUST 22, 1949-continued
Mr. Finneran drew the n~',~e of Albert Haltmaier~ mill worker of 271 Stevens
Street to serve at Lawrence Crimina~ Court on Seotember 19, 1949.
Mr. Long of the Dyer Clark Co. submitted the figure listed for the water cooler
in the to~m building. The price is $254.00 vrithout installation but actual cost to the
~own will be $29.00. No other figures were received but several people had called
to inquire if bids were to be asked for. Mr. Coffin felt that the various
departments should be willing to pay part of the cost of this cooler and-then
the cos~ approximately,would be around $$25.00 for each department, c'",, .
Leo Murphy was presen~ and said that if there is an appropriation for ~'~lbumlding
the cost should be paid from that appropriation. The board suggested that each.
departme.nt' shouldbe con~acted before the next meeting and see how they feet:about
paying their share. Mr. Duncan had stated that the appropriation in the town
building is hardly sufficient to complete the year and there will not be_ sufficient
to pay for this cooler. No action was taken at this time.
The Board approved ~he renewal .of the revolver permit for Lloyd Crockett, 13
Pond Street by ma~orityvote of the board, Mr. Coffinnot~voting in f~'or.of it.
The Board hpproved the renewals of various persons for August, September and July.
for revolver permits.
A communidation was recetved with respect to {he case of LLoyd C. Crock~tt~.ope'ra{or
of the so-called Crockett Sanitoriums and further statedth~t follc'~mnginvestiga{t~n
by th[s department, a conference was held with Mr. Crockett and his attorney byDr.-
Alton S. Pope, Deputy Commissioner, and the mTiter of this letter, Richard P. MacEnight,
M.D. Mr. Crockett was advised that he would have to submit an application fo? a ~nursing
home and this has been done. A re-inspection %rlll be made at an early..date~by Dr;
Walter J. Pennell, State District Health. Officer, and Mrs.. Elixabeth O.~Stanley,R.N.
inspector for that district;
Communication received that after investigation of the =ase of Lloyd Crockett,
no criminal action was necessary. T~/s was a reply to aninquiryastq the result
of an investigation maderecently.
Hearing held at 7:30 P.M. on the petition Of ~his compan~ to'locate o~? po~e on..
the .southerly side of Turnpike Street, approximately 886 feet weste~!~.]f~b~the
easterly line of Berry Street.. Abutters were notified and no opposit~on'w~S'
presented. The board voted unanfmouslyto grant this request.
To excavate to install 180' of 4" gas main and four gas services at Pembroo~mRoad.'
Theboard voted unanimouslyto grant this permission. Mr. Carry to be ns~t~ied.
To locate one p~!e on the westerly side of Marblehead Street, approXimately~125
feet northerly from Massachusetts, and~to.abandon one .existing location. TheboardU
accepted the petition and set a hearing for September 2, 194P at 1:30
Notice received that ~th the widening of Mafn Street,.at the intersection o'f Elm
and Main, Greene and Main Streets, pole 694 has been removed. The 10,000 lumen
street light which was iustalled on this pole ~as temporarily relocated t~ipole '~95'on the
the opposite side of the inb~rsection. The board voted unanimously that 'this-
location was satisfactory for a permanent installation and so notified~he' Lawrence
Gas & Electric Company. A sketch was included showing the exact locatmon~
A carbon copy of an orders'drawn on this town in favor of Yemma Brother~.In~.
for the sum of $3,438.25 on account of work d~m under con%ract' with~own was
received. Original of this order has been forwarded tothe Contractor~
Notice received tha~ in accordance with Chapter 619 of the Actsi of 1949, Chapter 264
of the General laws is amended and approved as of July 30,1949 to the effect that:
Any person entering the employ of the Commonwealth or any political subdivision thereof,
shall take and prescribe to, under the pains and penalty of perjury, that they ~ar~ not
a member of the communist party, or a member of or supports any organization which
advocates the overthrow by force, violence or bther illegal unconstitutional, methods,
the goverrmen~ of the United States or the Commonwealth or anysubdivis~oni[thereof.
Such oath or affirmation shall be taken and'filed by the subscriber with~the Town ~lerk
and kept on record in office of same. Effective as of August 15, 194~.
AUGUST 22, 1949-continued
Notice received that the Cormissioners voted to approve as of July 16, 1949
the work done by this board in the maintenance of Chapter 90 roads in this town
contract no. 11502, dated July ~, 1949.
Notice received that the first New Enzland Conference of Municipal Finance
Officers will be held a~ the Hotel Viking, Newport, ~hode Island on September
8 and 9, 1949. No action was taken on this letter.
Dog Officer John Dolan returned the dog warrant to the board of Selectmen,
properly signed and witnessed by John J. Lyons, Town ClefS.
Notice received that the Commissioners vo%ed on August 16, 1949 to extend
Chapter 90 work on Main Street in the Town of Nor%h Andover as far as the
funds available will permit.
A hearing was held at~ 7:45 P.M. on the complaint made by Mrs. Mary Mandry
'with respec~ to a dog o~ed by ~trs. Sophie Tanski of 133 Summer Street.
Mrs. Mary Mandry, Mrs. Sophie Tanski and John Dolan, dog officer were informed
that they must make any statements under oath and they all agreed and were
sworn in by Mr. Thomson.
Mrs. Mandry stated that she was first annoyed by the dog about two years ago
at which time the dog snapped at her but she was wearing a neavy coat which
saved her from being bitten but she did receive ablack and blue mark. She
said that the following day Mrs. Tanski was in the yard with h er husband
and the dog snapped at her again and she went to Mrs. Tankki and told her but
Mrs; Tanski said she did not care and Mrs. Mandry could go ahead and do what
she wanted ~o do. Mrs. Tanski husband said he would report the matter to the
police. Her child was bitten by the dog~ while riding a bicycle and taken
to Dr. Carroll for treatment. At that time Mrs. Tanski said the child had
mtepped on the dog's tail.
On July 2, 1949 her child was walking down the street and the dog Jumped at
her and tore her dress and Mrs. Mandry presented this dress as evidence.
'Mrs. Tanski said that she was sorry but that is all. On J~ly 2~, the dog
went a2ter her daughter and he scratched her arm and the child was pale and
excited when she returned home. They called the police and were advised .to
6ontact the dog officer. The next tire the dog came out, Mrs. Mandry threw
a rock at the dog and he ran away. She mentionmd that a sister of Mrs. ~anSki
had an argument with her about the dog and said that the dog .~as licensed and
had more right to be ~on the road than Mrs. Tanski.
The child who was treated by Dr. Carroll was 14 .yrs. old and she was going for
milk at ,the time. She said that her children do not tease the dog. She said
there are not many children in the neighborhood.
~. Coffin inquired if on two separate occasions the dog bit ,Mrs. Mandry and
on July 29, bit the child. Mrs. Mandry said this was tnue and she wanted
something done as she did not want doctors e~ense.
Mrs. Tanski then informed the board 'that the dog 'is small and is about meven
years old. He belonged ~o her brother and then was given to Mrs. Tanski. She
stated that the dog is not mad or vicious. She said that Mrs. Mandry teases
the dog and throws sticks at her. She allows the dog out only five or ten
minutes each day. She said there are other children there, the Bara girl,
Tymvakieqicz and the Etchell boys. Mrs. Tanski said that stray ~dags follow
Mrs. Mandry all the time and these dogs are the cause of all the trouble.
The first time Mrs. Mandry spoke to her about the dog was on July 2, and at
that time the dog was in the house so it couldnot have been her dog that
caused the trouble.
Mrs. Mandry then said that if the dog could get through the window he would
get out. She said Mrs. Tanski' s children have been in the yard when the
dog came after them and they didn't say anything.
Mr. Dolan said he checked on this matter ~wo years ago and heard nothing since
The s tory was about the same as has been told here. He said he walked into
Mrs. Tanski's house at one time and the dog did not bother him. He said
it is a mixed breed, small terrior. He didnot see the scratch on Mrs. Mandry' s
daughter but he advised her ~o take the child to the doctor for safety measures.
Mrs. Tanski then asked what she can do, she lets the dog ou~ only occasionally
and he doesn't leave the land.
Mr., Thomson inquired if there was a fence around her~property and she replied
that there vms not and he further inquired if she meant to imply tlmt the
dog makes no attemp~ to go out in the road at all. N~ su~g~este~d~'t~nat we
~% .a~re~rt from Dr. Carroll with respect ~o this treatment for dog bite.
Mr. Coffin made a motion t~.t the matter be taken under advisement~ and await
Dr. Carroll, s report. Motion was seconded and vote was unanimous.
AUGUST 22, 1949- continued
Leo Murphy came before the board and inquired when the meeting was to be
held in connection with the new by-laws and was advised that it would be
sometime in September. He also fnquired who signed the contract fob the
the revaluation project and Nr, Thomson informed him that the Selectmen
si~ned it. He asked if Brasseur and Goodwin was a partnership or what-.
John J. Wilcox came Sefore the board and stated tha{ last March the town
voted to have a f~re box installed at the Junction of Sale, Boxford and
Foster~ Streets. To date the box has no~ been installed although the wires
have been put in. Mr. Wilcox stated that he had sufficient money now to
build a wate~ hole about fifty feet by 18 feet and they have about 15 feet
of water there now. He said the wires were put up about two months ago
and Chief Hargreaves informs him that he is waiting for discs. Mr. Wilcox
went on to tell about tlc article calling for $2,000 which he said waswromg
and that at the town meeting $1500 was raised and appropriated but that he
had previously submitted a figure for $1238 ~00 and if the work had been given
to this man the box would now be in.
Mr. Hargreaves was called in to the meeting and stated that he had no discs
available and that he had personally taken them back to the Gamewell Company
but that they would have to wait for them.
~r. Wilcox said it is over five months now and he thinks it is about time that
something should be done. He said the Chief told him that he had made .amistake
in the figures and that he had no experience in '%?,at line. He was given figures
of $1800 from Dyer Clark, and $2400 from the Gamewell Company but that $1500
was raised and he felt that was more than sufficient to take csre of the box.
He 'said that Chief Hargreaves had the wiring done on Saturdays and Sundays when
he had to pay time and one half for this work. The location of the proposed box
is 7.9 poles from the last box. He told the board that the W~ter 'hole is 300'
from the barn and that he had ~o pay $1OO per day.to the Cyr Construction Co.
He said that when he got 45 gallons of water from a hydrant he had to pay $1.50
to the to~m for it. He said he believes that we need a new fire chief..t-~
There was a discussion about the number for that section of the term.and Mr.
Wilcox stated that he didn't see.what difference it makes what the number is.
.Mr. Hargeaves then informed the board that the wires are installed but that no
numbers are agailable. He said that he hks Wa~ Suplus boxes and the boxes are
operated by notches on a disc whe~l. Each box has.a set of discs wi{h separate
Mr. Wilcox then said that if any man has 'to wait five months to get this type
of work d6ne, there is no excuse.
M~ . Hargreaves said that he talked t6 ~r. Wilcox about three weeks mg~ when
he went to a fire and that Mr. Wilcox insulted him. He said he had received
a second discs on June l, and he had ~o return them as they were the wrong size.
He e .xplained that t~e wiring was put in 'on wee~-ends b~ the New. England Light
Company men. He said they had to call for bids andwaited two or three .weeks for.
bids. The Wire cost approximately $681 and labor was $235 and the discs will cost
$10 to '$15.The whole job will cost about $1500. He explained t?mt the' new boxes
would not work dorm there as they work underground, automatically. .
Mr. Coffin inquired ~bout war surplus boxes and if the discs were in them .and Mr.
.Hargreav~es stated that they were, but that he could not use them as they are
duplicate .numbers which are in use now. Ne said that eventually they, would have
to re-arrange the whole town. ' He explained that it would be useless to put
the box down there without the discs as it could not be used.
Mr. Wilcox went on to say that Joseph Bulger gave the previous estimate to him"
and he has done work in Lawrenc6 and other places.
Mr. Hargreaves informed Mr. Coffin that he had ordered the boxes on ~J~ne I and
he thought t~',at he could get thereat once. The discs are not in stock.:~In anSwer
tea question from Mr. Wilcox, Mr. Hargreaves said he would have ~o wait two
months if he called up the Gamev~tl Company for a nev~ box. He further stated
that the engineers had decided that theywould put~ three boxes down there' instead
of one and he felt that the engineers have the right to decide how mar~ boxes
shall be installed.
In anSwer to Mr. Cof~in, s question as to the reason w~y a new box cou~ld not be
used in the country, ~{r. Hargreaves replied that the War Surplus boxes have remote
control a~d they want to keep the new boxesdown in this part of the town as they
rev~ert to thc ground.
Mr. Wilcox then suggested that Hargreaves take one of the boxes which ~are only
500~ hfeet apart and put. it down. in the country.. Me also mentioned th.e. box in front
o~ t e fire station ~44 and st~ted that there is no need of this box.~-
AUGUST 22, 19h9:
Mr.~,Wilcox felt that the Chief had been very lax in waiting five months before
gebt'ing this box and he 'also said that any money !eft ~rom this special appropria-
tion should be returned to the town like all other department do. He said he
didn"t believe that the Engineers had amy right to put three boxes dcvm in the
country and use the money which was appropriated for one box only.
Mr. Coffin said he didnot disagree with the~Board of Engineers and doestn't doubt
their~:good faith but the article is.for a box and he didn't see how they could
put three down there and use this money.
Mr..Coffin then inquired if the chief simultaneously ordered new boxes and discs
f. 6fi,June 1 and Mr, Hargreaves stated that he did not, and that the engineers had
' , voted'ii, to put the three new boxes 'down there. The delay is unfortunate but there
is Justifiable reason for complaznt. He further samd ,that he would lmke to see
:,pressure put on t he, Gamewell Company and suggested that a special delivery be
sent from the Board of Selectn~n. No actionwas taken on thislast matter.
The three engineers ~ater informed the Selectmen t hat they would do all possible
,.t0 have the box put. down at the location:request at the earlist possible tine.
.~ :~Mr. 2homson opened the conference by informing those present that the Selectmen
~'~imet~v~ith the engineers to determine,if.merious 6onflict existed in the fire
' ~:.idep:~rtment and if ,so', to see what cou't~ be done, In consequence of a vote at a
· ,~ recent meeting of the selectmen the engineers are here to discuss ·this matter.
: · Mr..Hargreaves was the first.member of the board to speak. He said he ,believed
~ that"this public statement made by Nr;' Coffin ~as not a fair thing to do and
.: ~' mat~ers 'could have been settled by 'all concerned at an executive session.
"~ ~2f~r'~as he is concerned, there is no trouble in'the department. The only thing
... ~i~:,t'~kt'of a difference of opinion. Mr. Hargreaves stated that when he came in
>~2:to the: Selectmen there was only one throng-that was ~nsubordinatxon and previous
,, ~ ~o~;that time there had never been any trouble. : - ' '
· · :~ ~M~'~ K0~nig stated that he had nothing to say-that there was no trouble as far
~, .' .as,, he was concerned.
,'?? Mr:'~',A~thur Broderick said that he had nothing to say that he got along 0.~.
':".': :, ,~:'"iM~.i!Coffin then said t~at the. chief c~me to him and said.he would resign from :
~. ,;: ..~ the d&partment if not graven more authormty~ He could not stand the two engineers ·
,,. ,:!'...'. ,voting for contracts whmch dmd not go alon~ with spec~fmcatmons. ' ,'
'. ",~,!:~iiMr. Hargreaves said that ~n the first place, .the company was willing to sell .
· · , . ~.hose 1to,us at a savxngs but the other engu.neers overrode myvote andvoted for ·
~ ~. ,, .~'anothe~, type of hose. 1 I would not-c all thxs serious conflict. They have thexr ,,
'~ "~:'?,'~[~4 6pimton :if they wish. to vote against me. We had an executive session andI ,~
_ '.~ ,.:complained to the S?le,c, tmen only about,one matter and that was mnsubordination.~ ~,
, ~rl C6ffin then sai~ t~at the Fire Department did not belong t o 5Ir. nargreaw s 6~
~.:~ to the Selectmen it belongs to the people of the town. . .:.
. '~ .> Mr,..,..T~, omson then stated that h~s mmpressmon ofI an executmve sesszon was. that such
~. ~. a sessmon would be held for the best interests of the town. A matter is discussed.,'
":l~-~and,l'.,~f.~ mt later comes before the publxc mt~can be dmscussed openly~ ,if mt ms a
·: ,. ~ous ,thought of the board to require an investmga ion. ' , · .~
]~',' .M~;;~6ffin stated that the question b~ought up by him wa4 a larger question. Mr.'
"~:;H~r'~r~kves~ cornered him in this office and said~he.wished the whole thing had
~ ~ been~made public. . ~ .
~-, ~¥, ~E=~ Thomson said he was amazed at, the brusqueness of the matter of dmssensmon
: ....j~,and said'he, rather thought we would discuss this matter at an executive sessmon.
~:,~,~,,~r:.~ Coffin samd .hms polmcy was to dmscuss ~thesematters wroth members .of the board.
'::~i,.He~brou~ht. uP ah instance when he suggested :t.hat' Kenneth Crawford and Louis ,'
' -~ "~lclloon be considered,for the,position-of- engineers and'that they would serve .
· .~.~:~with.:~he Chmef but would not .attend fmres. That was w~,at .I thought was the best
, ~,::.plan. ,.~Mr.. Fmnneran would not go along with me but. Mr..Thomson went along in -
=,'~,~i:drbp~ing Mr; Koenig but ,not.Mr. Broderick. The chief informed me the other day
,-, ,', that he had ~pproached Mr. Brodermck, and ~. Koenig about the proposmtmon made by
" ,.,' ,:me. He told them that if.they would go along with him and play ball with him that
: ".:.Mr. Thomson would go along also and that they would retamn themr Jobs as engmneers.~
1,.;Mr. ,Coffin th&n. stated that he now will go along with his mvn plans without
! ~ !~discussing an~hing with the board beforehand. He said he thought that the whole
~'::~" ;'thing{% aS very ~nethical and he thought it was in every sense a perfectly sound p
~i~ ?plan,' ~but it ended up in a political affair. He said he is not interested now
,· : ~..,~in.~king inquiries into dmssensmon and it may as well be dropped rmght her ·
· :: ~i,.'Mr; :Br'oderick then inquired of ?. A. 'Coffin if he intimated that he, ~r. Bro(
~ ~a~' s~id he would play ball wit, anyone. He stated that he doesn't have.to do
that. He has been on the fire departmen.t over thirty years and has never had to
play% all.
:.. Mr.i Thomson said it was very interesting t¢ be brought up before the board, matters
,to be discussed at a future meeting. If that one mmmber discusses it with another
. member of the board and he is uncertain as to how it should be held, then it is
up to,the best Judgment of the board to decide. He said he knew of no rules and '
regulations,in all his thirteen years as selectman, ever brought to his attention
that:he should not e~ll~ten the other members of the board with his ~nowledge. I
think I have the right to go out and learn what I can about these matters.
AUGUST 22, 1949- contined
I believe that an executive session should no~ be made public but if there
is some change with respect to executive sessions, then there is no need for
them. This meeting was called to determine what dissension there is among
the fire .engineers. If there is any, then that is serione and let us hear
about it.
Mr. Coffin referred again to executive sessions and it was his understanding
that in the past thirteen years, while he was a reporter for the ~ribune
Paper, the first two years were closed meetings of the Board of Selectmen and
he received information directly from Mr. Thomson for publication. '
Er. Thomson said that w as true and he did not believe that Selectmen's meetings
should be closed and for that reason he gave out information which he felt was
for publication but that he did not make statements about meetings which were
considered executive. He believed and he advertised the fact while he was
campaigning that he believed that all~selectmen,s meetings should be open
· except on mxecu~ive sessions.
Mr. Coffin then said that two weeks ago when he introduced a mo~ion for two
men of skilled ability, and Suggested that we obtain rules and regulations
from other cities and towns, you fellows asked wha~ conflict existed. I know
that you both knew that conflict existed. In introducing that motion there
was a principle involved which was far above anything~ discussed here¥ 'It is
quite usual for the press ~o print executive sessions. Tonight he said
everyone is Just saying that nothing is ;wrong. I had placed the department
on a high standard but if you fellows say nothing is wrong, we may as well
drop it. There .were three things brought to my attention: 1- The fire
dispute. 2. The purchase of fire hose and 3. Chief Hargreaves came and
told me tha~ if the two engmneers voted for beer they would have it;"Th~s
is a serious ma~ter. 4. No roll call is taken after a fire. People want
to know about these things.
Mr. Hargeeaves said that on the first ma~ter, there was the ouestion'of the
remark passed a~ the recent fire. He said he had taken an e~mination f
· or~
his job and he was qualified to handle a fire.
Sedond-the other engineers have a right to their, ooinion and if they.v~te~
-against him, that is their, privilege.
Mr. Coffin reminded him that twice in a row he told him he world resign
if he. did not get cooperation. In other words the matter is deeper than is
Mr. Hargreaves s aid that both th~se men were good firemen.
Mr. Coffin then stated that Mr. Hargreaves had said to him, '~ouldn't
think that after I did a good turn for them that the~ would agree with me?"
I would like to keep them on as they are good men.
HMr" Coffin. said that everyone is answerable to someone,even the president~
e mnqumred if the department had a set of rules, and he brought up'the' ·
matter of inspections. ·
Mr. Hargreaves said he had a set of rules but they.dated back to 1883. one
of them is tha~· ~ person is fined $10.00 if he spits on the floor. ~
Mr. Broderick asked if Mr. Coffin expected him to leave his Job and make~--
these inspections, he replied that he could go out and make some of the~'~
· He told Mr. ~argreaves that instead of building boats he should do Some' Of the
things which areimportant in the department.
Mr. Broderick then talked abou~ tho pur.chase of the hose.~He said it had ~been
a bone' of contention. He had inquired from various chiefs as to the kind'of
hose they used and they all agreed that Manahatten hose was good. The difference
in price was $11.00 and he felt that the hose he bought was the best~~
Discussing beer at fires, Mr. Broderick said he and Mr. Eoenig Just didn,t vote
onMr. Hargraves motion. He saidhe is a member of the board of engineers and
he wouldn,t deny anybody a glads.of beer. Zf at a fire, he wouldn't sa~ the
others couldn't have~ it. They have always had it and they always~ will:
Regarding, the roll CaLl, some men~ are dropped off a~ tevens Mill, others~, at
D & F Co. and others at the fire rotation. He asked if Mr. Coffin expected them
all to return to the station and answer roll call.
Mr. Coffin menti~:ned the number of absentees at fires and Mr. Broderick-said
he didn't expect anyonc to stay at home and wait for a fire. Ne said that
the driver of the truck knows who attends the fireG and Mr. Eoenig corroborated
Mt.Coffin said there is no discipline and the department is "all shot"'. He felt
they should have charts showing the different hydrants and keep them available.
Not one of the engineers knew where the hydrant was at the Mazurenko~ fire.
Mr. Hargreaves said he should know.where the hydrants are but that he'goes directly
to the fire and not to the hydrant. He talked further about the hose-'
"The'Bo~rd th~n Voted on the application of LLoyd 0rockett, for renewal of his
,pistol permit. The board granted the permit, by majority board ~ote, M~. Coffin
',:;~o~ingagainst it.
SEPTEMBER. 2, 1949 ·
jThe"~0~rd of Selectmen met at 1:30 P.M. due to the holiday on Monday. Ail members
'-'...'"~.were.p~sent.. Weekly bills and payrolls were a~pro~ed.
:M~ Finneran mentioned that he had received a report that the street light which
.was recently installed on Stevens Street' was not giving the proper'illumination
.because of the heavy foliage of the trees4 Mr. Finneram suggested that the matter
'bei',refsrred to the Tree ~arden and see if he could remedy this situation.
Ohief. James Hargreaves came before the board ~o request that $300 Be 'transferre~
'from the, Beserve Fund to the F6res~ Fire appropriation to take care of expenses
[for the balance of the year. The board voted to approve the request as far as
"thex"'h~ve-t~[~ approval.the authority to dc so and refer the matter to the Adviaory Boardlfor
AUGUST 22, 1949-continued
Mr. Coffin mentioned again the question of beer and said that any man has s ~ight
to drink beer if he wants it hut if it tnterSeres with his ability as a fireman,
then that is when it sh6uld be stopped.
MrjEro~erick stated that he liked to have a drink of beer himself and tha~ if he
,.waht~.'£t~'~ncoone was going ma stop him and if the men at the fire want beer and
he has it, he would not refuse to let them have it. Ne also agreed that~the men
sHOuld ~ot 'drink to the exten~ that it would interS~reo with their work.
Mr. Thomson said he hearitly agreed with Mr. Coffin with respect, to beer 'if it
'g°t~to~the point thstit interfered with their work.
Mr. ~offin then told'the engineers thst he bel£eves that they have been helped
.:considerably by this
"t' ' conference and there will.be a difference of opinion but
?.' here :should be more harmony in the department. He said they hsvea good department
aHd'?~O'0d nucleus-but .they need more than that.
Mr. Thomson informed the engineers that if they.,ha~ anything on their minds, this
was~the tim~ to informthe board and Havethe m~tter straightened oat. ~f 'the
:.~ifference of opinion is serio~s, he.said the board would like to get to the bottom
. of it.~..~and, do what they could to striaghten the matter out, once and for all.
:'HEARING held at 1:30 P.M. on the petition of this company for permission to locate,
.:/poleSjlA~d wires on the westerly side of Marblehead Stre
:~norlthfrom Mass et, approximatel 1
, ~ achusetts Avenue 1 o y 25 feet
'~""Q~sti0n'was rais , p le.(one existing location to be ab
.., , ed as to whether ornot this m andonad.)
.,/lightwould be distur ~ ~ ..~ant that the pole with the street
'0 ~" ' b~. After consulting w~n Mr. Griffin a~' the LAWRENCE G & E
"~: o., the board voted unanimously to grant this request om condition that the street
"~r~i~t,W~Uld 'not be'disturbed
?ETIT~0N:recelved for permission tolocate poles and wir
of~:Gilhert Street an~r ~ ._ ~ _ es on ~he southerly side
.0n..the , __ oximately 136 f~et ~asterly ~rom Baldwin Street~l pole.
easterly side of Baldwin Streetbetween Gilbert and'~rancis Streets, 3 poi~s.i
'.O~;~"~6rtherly side
of FrancisStreet between Baldwin and Patriot Streets,4 poles~
''?:':~::h~ng.was set for September 12, 1949 at 7.35 P.M.
''PETITION received for permission to loca~e poles, wires, e~c. onthe northerly side
,:. of:Dale. Street at points- approximately 299 feet and 507 feet easterly from Marble-
ridg~ ROA~, 2 poles. A hearing' was set for September 12, 1949at 7:30 P.M.
PEPJ,~ISS!0Ngranted .tothis compa ' -
.'~.Avenue, ~ to emcavate to install gas service at 21 Linden
. 13 feet on street. Mr. Cartynotified of this work. ~ote wss Unanimous.
!The board:discussed the article voted on at the last annual ~own meeting #47, and
als0 referred ~o a letter received from this company with respect to a survey made
in JanuR~y of 1949 recommnnded that six 1000 lumen Ii hts
2441,24~4, 2447 24~0 2 .' . .. g be installed on poles,
Will ' :~^~ , ~ , 453. and 24~6. The cost ~o the town f
.ce ,~ per year. The board voted~n o~o or ph2~e ~ix. lights
animously to h~.~ these lxgn~s mns~alled
,as the money is available as voted at the town meeting.
~Mr'.Anth0nyCamasso came before the board and discusse~ these lights and also t~e
fact that they should have a light near the fire box at the corner. He went back
end'checked on thepole numbers and reported that if th~ lights are installed as
mentioned that they will be taken care of satisfactoril~Tj.