HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949-09-19SEPTF.~BER 19 1949~
The regular weekly me,ting of the Board of Selectmen was held at 7:00 P.M.
with all members present. Weekly bills and payrolls were approved.
Mr. Carty, Highway Surveyor informed the board that the pole opposite
the Andover Savings Bank has no~ been removed and he would like to have
this taken care of before the cold weather. The Board will notify the
Lawrence G & E Co. and request that they remove this pole which is set
more than a foot within the sidewalk.
Ira D. Carty and Ralph Brasseur came before the board and presented the
plan and cost of reducing the curve on Sutton Street, near High Stream.
This matter was before the board in 1947 and the Advisory Eoard felt
that there were not sufficient number of accidents ~o warran~ spending
a large sum of money a~ that time. Since that time there have been
numerous accidents and many near accidents and the citizens have asked
that something be done about this curve. Mr. Thomson felt that it has
now reached the emergency sta~e and should be taken care of for future
Mr. Coffin made e motion that the Board of Selectmen give notice ~o the
Advisory Board that they request $1800 to be transferred.to the Highway
Department from the Reserve Fund and that it be earmagked for this work
to be done under the direction of the Highway Surveyor in accordance with
the plans submitted. The vote was unanimous and they also suggested that
the Advisory board be invited to sit in with the Selectmen if further
detail or information is needed.
Mr. Mahoney came before the board to report on the agreements of Michael
Crietaldi and Josephand Salvatore Sambataro and the Town of North Andover
with respect~to putting the roads in question in order as voted at the
annual Town Meeting.
Mr. Mahoney went over the ground with Mr. Carty and they agreed that
six catch basins and ten inch pipe would be sufficient to takecare of
the wate~'in this area. Mr. Mahoney stated that Mr. Crista!di has seven
cellars constructed and expects ~o complete the houses in the spring.
Mr. Brasseur and Mr. Carty then informed the board that eight catch basins
would be required and the use of twelve inch pipe.
Mr. Mahoney stated that Mr. Cristeldi makes it plain that he will not do
the work twice and he would like to get a clear picture of just what he
Mr. Cristaldi will be required to do and what the approximate costwill
Leo Mylott who was present at the meeting, then said that it is not what
Mr. Cristaldi wants to do but what we wan~ him to do.
Mr. Mahoney explained that the agreement has expired and we don't know
just how far we can go, and before he talks to Mr. Cristaldi again, he.
would want figures and s plan in writing so that there will be no further
Mr. Coffin ~aid the agreement has e~pired but Mr. Cris~aldi has defaulted.
We should demand a bond and include also that the-road is to be made pass-
Mr. Mahoney said it becomes embarrassing to have to bo back and report that
more basins are necessary and larger pipe.
'Mr. Coffin again mentioned that bonds should be required and the streets
pu~ in passable condition and the bond should cover both projects. Ira
can get the figures and the town can go ahead and have the work done. He
said this was basic to him and would be a remedyfor all the troubl6s we
have had.
Mr. Finneran then inquired what would happen if no bond were givem.
Mr. Coffin said they should go ahead and enforce the sgreement.
Mr. Thomson stated that the town voted and the Selectmen agreed that
satisfsctory agreemen~ should be lived up to and if not .done, in one
year and if the agreement is still valid, we would have a perfect right
to enforce the con~ractor to go ahead.
Now there is a breach to the agreement end we want a bond and or money
to show he will do the work and to temporarily take care of Mr. Mylott.
Mr. Maho ney then mentioned Sambataro and said that almost every lot
has been built on.
There was further discussion as to whether e bond should be required on
the present agreements or only on future agreements. Lymsn Road was
discussed by Mr..Mahoney and Mr. Brasseur. Mr. Brasseur said that the
articles to take care of Lyman Road had been voted down at the town meetings.
Mr. Coffin said he felt that when the r,asonableness of drainage is before
the town, he believes that it will be taken care. He felt thst they should
go ahead and fullfi!l contracts and make it the policy of the Board of
Selectmen to require a bond or cash paymen~ for security on any or all agreemen:s.
~ continued
Mr. Thomson then stated that the two matters were in the hands of C. J.
Mahoney and he should get information needed and report back to this board
within ~wo weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bohnwagner of Innis Street camebefore the board and wanted
to find out what could be done ~o prevent Joseph Balsamo from building another
hencoop which is close ~o the property of the Bohnwagners. Martin J. Lawlor,
building inspector, was present and he entered into the conversation. He
stated that Mr. Ba!samo had asked for an application but that no permit-had
been granted. The board consulted the zoning by-laws and the distric~ is
agricultural and they felt that no~hing could bedone by'the Selectmen butt
that it was up to the Building Inspector and to the Board of Health.
Mr. Bohnwagner stated that he wouldlike to have the street accepted and
they wou!~ like to have water installed but now they feel that they want
to get .rid of'their property.
Mr. Bohnwagner stated that if this new hencoop goes'bp, the chiSkens will
be practically in her bedroom, and she is awakened up in the early morning
hours~bythe crowingof the roosters.
Mr, Lawlorwill check on this new application before a permit is granted.
Approval was received from the Advisory Board granting a~ransfer' of $200
from the R~serve Fund to the Forest Fire appropriation, Mr. Maker questioned
whether salaries and expenses could be taken from this amount since it
was not separated and he was advised to contac~ Mr. Salisbury and see if
it was agreeable ~o the Advisory Board that both salar~ss and expenses could
be taken from this amount.
A petition signed by 23 residents of Green Street 'and Parker Street area
was received and the requested that the SeIectmenmake provisions for ~he
installation of traffic control signs in this vicinity and also request
that these controls be enforced. They mentionedthat the cars speed in
this area and endanger the livesof the children residing there.~
Sixteen families and 29 children are represented in'this petition.
The Board voted to refer thismatter to the Chief of'Police on motion of
Mr. Finneran to have the chief take whatever action isnecessary to control
~raffic within particular attention being ~iven to the traffic control signs.
The Board also referred to the chief the matter of a white line to be Lminted
in 'the middle of the new road now being completed and that the speed to be~
'limited to 25 miles per hour, beconsidered. This was
' IreD. Carty, Highway surveyor.
The Board' accepted with thanks an invitation to attend the installation of
officers of ~the North Andover Post, Unit #219 and theLegion Auxiliary
to be held on September 26, 1949 at 8:00 o'clock P.M.
Notification received that a man will be sen~ to the Johnson High School in
the near future to check on the strike side of the tower clock which~is not
functioning at this time.
After discussion about speeding i~ various parts of the town, Mr. Coffin
brought up the matter of what might happen when the Kittr~dge School is
completed. He said there is excessive speeding on Bradstreet~Road and on
High Street and other places inthe town. He felt that the time may be
ripe to have this problem ~tudied. He said 60 milesan houx, is not an
speed on Ohickering Road, past Main Street, Park and~Pleasant Streens.
He suggested that a~ncn-partlsan.commision be appointed by the Selectmen
within the next week,of five reputable citizens to serve on this matter.
Mr. Fi~eran said he felt that most of the school traffic interference
would'be on Chickering Road when the school is completed. He felt that
we couldcontact'theEta~e~Department of Public Safety and have a survey
Mr. Coffin said that two top men had conferred ~arlier this year with
Chief McKee and Mr. Coffin and only the lights were activated and two signs
mentioned'which were already there. Mr. Coffin believes that a 25 mile per
hour zone could be created there. He said it needs to be controlled howland
his idea is that this commission would be unbiased.
Mr. Einneran said he had no fault tofind with a commission, but he didn't
think they could get any f~rther thaz the Selectmen did.
SEPTEMBER 19,1949: co4tinued
Mr. Cof£in said he thought the board could find five pubIic spirited citizens
who c~uld figure distances as ~o the number of cars. He s~id it was the Select-
men's Job ~o take care of this by calling on the police or the stats department.
He has been moved by the large number of cells from mothers~ who ask if we can't
do something about this speeding.
Mr. Thomson inquired if he believed that this commission would determine if there
is speeding-would they clock cars, 'coun~ them or what?
· Mr. Coffin felt that they might dig into recent history and law enforcement. They
mSght g~ s~ the q~estion of why these cars speed throughtthe ~own. If we
nothing about this ma~er until the schools are built then it may be too late.
Mr. Thomson said he did not object to a commission but wonder'ed if. they would
· study the matter of an underpass or what.
Mr. Finneran believed that the State Department would be better able ~o tike
care of' this matter.~ '
Mr. 'Coffin again suggested tha~ th~ board' members think this matter over for
a week and then present five' names of persons w.ho might serve on this ~cmmmission.
The Board r~ceived an' eligible list of per. sons for ~the R~serve Police fzrce
for which ~there are five vacancies. Ali[ e~ept one person On the list'~ave notice
to %he Selectmen .that they are interested in the app0in~ments,~ and~ the men
have five working Says in which to report to the board. The ~board voted to
act on the .apppintments a.t their next meeting on September 26,1949.
The provisiqnal employment of John Donovan and Frank Dushame as reserve patrol-
men wi!lterminate within 14 days from this date ( or Sept. 25, 1949).
Mr. Mahoney'presented to the select~en the~story on the check for $3,673~49'
'which he turned over to the treasurer on Sept.12,~J949 which explained, that
Mrs. Armitage had made a will some years ago and when she died in 1927~at
Saugus,Mass., the will was not presented for probate at.the time of her death.
The matter came to the notice of the Town on March 31,' 1945 when'a citation
from the Probate Court of Essex County was.received by .the Selectmen of North
Andover and the matter turned over to C.J. Mahoney for'disposition. ~2 M~honey
examined 'the. reco~ at the Salem Probate 0ffltce and had various consultations
and icommunications with Attorney Henry R, Mayo, Jr. who 'had been appointed
by the Pro'bate Court at the request of Attorney General Bushnell, to act as
administra.tor d~ this estate. The will ~s~a~es that "'I give, devise, and
. bequeath to th.e Town of North Andover in the County of Essex and Commonwealth
of Massachusetts, ~hatever. money I may'have at my decease on deposit in the.
Salem 5~ Savings Bank and in the Home Savings Bank of Boston, Massachusetts~
the same to be.used for charity."
~ .1Mr. Mahoney. suggested that the treasurer put this money in the sank for the'
· 'time until the Selectmen determi'ne what kind of charity it Shall:be used for.
,SEPTEMRE~ 26, 1949: ";' ·
~,;''' ".T~e:'weeklY meeting of: ~he Board-of Selectmen was'held at 7~00 P.M.' with all
'members.present..Weekly hills and ~ayrolls were approved. " '
Petition'received for permission to locate poles, wires and fixtures, on the
easterly ~ide. of Academy Road at points approcimately. 209, 361~ 51.3, ~63, '. and
799: feet northerly'from Gr~at Pond Road, 5 poles.
.'T~e board accepted the' petition and set a hearing .for 0ctobe~rlC, 1949'at 7:30 P.M.
'Petition received~for permissiom'~o construct a line of unde?ground electric
condui.ts,a.nd necessary fixtures from proposed pole on'the easterly side. of
"Academ~ ,Road, ~at.a .point a~roximately 799 feet'.'n°rtherly from~Great Pond Road
, westerly t~.. the westerly line of Academy Road a distance of approximately
':~2,:feet, 1 duct. ....
~A.hearingwas set for_ October. 10, 1949 at 7~35 P.M. -
CRAPTER gO work:-Main Street
Ira Car,fy,. ~ighway Surveyor, came before the board and discussed the new ~sad
and ex~lained thatthe contract callS'for oil shoulders, which would moan'.having
gravelland oil. Re said they would have about $600 left in the appropriation and
he would like to l{ave hot top pdt.on instea~ of the oil shoulders. Thaoontractor
is willing, to buy the~.hot'top~Tof-'thi~workiftbe Highway De~artment'will(do the
work and Mr. Carry said he would he. willing to do this. He stated that he bhd
talked with Mr. Ford At ~everly~ut he wouldn't diSUcss it'with~im andMr. Carry
asked.the Board to write a letter'and ask to.have this work dome.
Mr. Thomson inquiredlabeutgthbam~nt of the appropriation left and stated that
the contract' did not caIJ?.~or hot top but'if Mr. Ford'was willing andif there
was sufficient money available, the ~oard would write a letter to Mr. Ford
Mr. Finneran agreed that!~a~'let~er, should Be sent.to Mr. Ford and Mr. Coffin also
agreed with Mr. Finneranthut. feI%~%hat we shouldfind out if the money is availahleJ