HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949-09-26SEPTE~ER.26, 1949- continued. 7 ADVISORYBOARDMEETING. Hr. Salisbury informed the Selectmen that there would be smearing of the AdvisoryBoard on Thursday evening and any matters to come before this board should be presented at that time. BRAI)STREET SCHOOL= Hr. Fred Phelan 6fProspect Street came before the Board to discuss the Brad- street school yard. He informed the board that his child had fallen on a pipe and received a black and blue mark. Be said there were about 50Ostones in the yard, some as bid as a basketball and some child could be seriously injured. Hr. Thomson explained that Mr. 0'Brian had stated that due to the heavy rains the stones had come to the top and that it did create a hazard$~s c6ndition. The contract calls for the foundation to be filled with material suitableto the Selectmen. The matter will be taken up with the Lawrence Building Wrecking Co. Hr. Coffin said he would l{ke to meet with Mr. 0'Brian and have the men'from this company come over and see what can be done. Mr. Finneran stated he was willing to go down and look the situation over. STEVENS ~AT.T.~ The Board voted u~animously to grant permission the the Parents-Teachers. Asso- ciation to use Stevens Ball on October 13, 1949 for the first regular meeting. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WOR~: Notice received of an order drawn on this' town iR favor of Yemma Brothers, Inc. for the sum of $5,869.25 on account of work doneuunder contract with the town. PLANNING BOARD: .. Notice received that a he~ring will be held on October 7, 1949 at 8:00 P.Mi in the Town building upon ,the petition of Geurg~ and David Re--is, Jr. for an amendment of the Zoning By-Laws of theTown of North Andover to' change the classification of a parcel of land, from a general residence to an agricultUral district. . . LA~RENCEGAS&ELECTRIO C0MPAN~: Permission granted to this c6mpsny for ..excavating to install'gas service for Arnold Stork, 224 Salem St. 40 feet on street and 0rest Coppers,. Prospect St. at.Chadwick St., 14feet On street. Mr. Carry to be notified of this excavation. STREET LIGHT: Noticereceived that a 1000 lumen indandescent street light has been installed on pole 3442, Mablin,Avenue as requested by this board on,~ugust 23, 1949. EESI~VEPATROLMENAPPOIIITMEIIT~ . The ~ard of Select~e~:appointed five Reserve Patrolmen as certified on an _elig~hl~list re~i%~d'~om the Division of Civil Service. The first five men on,the list were appointed inthe order of theirmarkings:RussellF. Dounelly,'SAWaterSt., Robert L. Sanborn,.59 Maple '~ve. Charles R, McOuhbin 22 Cleveland St. Paul G.'Dyer, 7Prospect St. and Frank ~. Durhams, 2~3 0sgood Street.' Aprropriate forms will be sent to Civil Ser~ie~'f0r Approval. SUTTON STREET- POLIOE DEPARTMENT* ~ohnNalsh'of 100 Main Street cama'bef0rethe board and:discUssed th~;widening of SuttonStrest curve. He mentioned that there are,many curves in town where accidento.ma~,happen and-all.would have-to be straightened out if thig One is done and.the cost to the town would be terrific. He'went on to mention one accident which happened in. 1947 and the brakes ~arkes measured '185 feet as he was there when it was measured. He mentioned a recent accident and stated that .this accident {as not due. to the curve, as,it was a resident of the 'town.' and he was in a hurry and csme looping around the corner and losf,.control~off his car. I Hr. Nalshfurther stated that if the 0hief of Police would instvueg his~men ~6,hacareful and checkup on the speeding, these a~cideits'csuld be ~avoidad..He told of gn incident in 1946 when he was riding his bicycle on Sutton Street and two cars came over the hill and missed him by two,feet.and, than the two cars almost collided. Be reported this to the police'and nothing was done about it. Ne said the' drivers~were the Dowe boy.~rom the Red Schoolhouse and Alfred McXee Jr. Be Said people get away with everything in this"toanl He mentioned the recent articles in the newspaper, published for the police department, what..th~y~_are going to do etc. but never do anything; He said that for a seven, man,~ol~ce, department they do not have a very go~d record; went on to.read the police report in the town report for the past five years. · He said ,that the selectmen could standout in front and they Would catch the speeders right and left. The police ought ~o get out and do something. Hr. ~alsh said he would like to ask.the Selectmen to do something about this matter. Be said they do everything except what they. should do. SEPTEMBER 26, 1949-continued Mr. Welsh said he feels he has a right to come up here end squak about these things. Be referred .a~in to .t__ha curve and said the ~aJority of accidents were caused by their-own.~tupidness. Mr. Finneran felt' that anyone could have an accident right in front of this building but it wouldn't necessarily be their fault; He told Mr. Wnlsh he was Just assu~ing that these drivers were speeding, that he wasn't there when the accidents happened. Mr. Walsh again said he wanted the hoard to stop these speeders and have the chief do something. Re said the only place you see the' police car is .on Chickering Road and Turnpike Street. Mr. Thomson then read a letter from the police Journal - which explained what the chief wa~ trying ~o do by having the State police cooperate with him on checking the speeding, ~r~.al Justice Chae. Tromhly will he available on Saturdays to take care of any cases and Charles Bailey,: of~tbe Registry will also cooperate with respect to "Stop" street sigm violations within the town. Mr. Thomson read a letter from the School Bu~.lding which explained: what that'committee had ·done with respect to ~p~eding on Chickering Road and the safety problem involed in the erectinn of the new elementary-school. Mr; Curry, in charge of the traffic division, came to North Andovar umd he mentioned 'several solutions. Mr. Curry and Mr. O'brien~ also concurred with Chief McKee. Mr. Thomwon mentioned these letters at this time as' it is in line with the subject, brought' up by Mr. Walsh. · Mr~ Walsh mentioned the yethuen and ~ndover police and said that, p~ople wouldn't even.'try' ~o 'get away with things there Because they, respect the efficiaency of their police departments. · 'Mr, Coffin said he was very pleased 'to hear Mr. Walsh's remarks' about the laxigy,of~ the chief; Mr. Fizneran i~.~ed~,if thcyl thought we had a bigger problem than any other place. MrJ Walsh said he did and that he was ~watching the Chief like a. ha'wk. said you see them go out inthe car hut nobody knows where they/go.~ ~e brought up the matter of officers who worked, at the hospital guarding a~,prisoner and had to wait until March of the following 'year Before they could get paid but the Chief could pay special officers 'who worked for him while he' served dinners to people through his' catering business. ~ Mr. Fred Phelan mentioned that at one time he-tried to awaken' an 'officer~in the station at four o'clock in the morning to take'his mother to the hospital, but it took twenty minutes and then the officer said he could not leave the station. '- ' · Paul 'Dyer Stated that there was an article for three regular offi,cers in the recent town warrant hut the~epople voted it down. Re. said with ~even~police officer, ~working 48 hours, what could be expected. They'can onlyi[ do/so much.'~ ~e"told Mr. ~alsh to ,"figure it out.# Mr. ~alsh then left the meeting. ~ '-- Mr. Thomson-then said he was interested'~inwhat. Mr. Walsh had to'~'say, and Be w~uld ' like'~to'~he satisfied that what he said ~'s so ornot.~ He suggested that the board j., get together a~d 'meet' 'with 'the chief of police and cruise the town to see ifthere ~.'(-_ iS~lm~est~ai~ed speeding and better eval,ua~e 'the complaint.' . ~ ~ k ~FFJ~naran agreed that~ the suggestion was good. Mr.'Thomson said he would prefer that all three members go,along and~not advise· ,~ the other of the time of availability. ~f they preferred,~i~h~eY c. ould go without an, officer. Mr.'Coffin said, he still felt that the-Selectmen cannot deal~with ',the lsi~uati, on and-again suggestsd that a co-~s~ion of five good men he chosen.:tc~takn, ovar this matter and check the situation. He said. that his views are well established and there is no need to repeat 'them. Tf the board feels that laxity exists, they. ',should make inquir2 and appoint a trzffic'commission, l~e,does not halieve that going out to-see' if motorists 'ars~:~lagrantly Breaking the law,~ can' accomplish anything. Mr. Thomson then said that if a person*comes'in~ here and complainsi ,Z-thi~k ~e should ascertain the accuracy of the assertions. ~ dont' feel that~ ~! should ask someone else to do what T am supposed to do, ,as a selectman.." Mr. Coffin then said,"tet us take.those steps" .Let us require all re'cords of the Police Department he ~rought in her and'see~how many have been-fixed. We can detarmine from the record how many'fixes there are and get-to the base of. it. ! do not see how looking at 'a few automobiles reviewed half-heartedly, can get results. Mr. Thomson, said,'Again~ if.person claimsviolations 'are so ~lagrant and so numerous and if we are satisfied such is the case, then it is time to delve into the matter. Mr. Voffin said it is pretty generally known and~ don't see'wh~ we should set ourselves up as watchdogs. Take action now. ~ am-getting sick and tired of getting calls from mothers asking that the speed be. cut down. ~t is'common talk and I am sick of it and l wish they would contact some other member of the board. 9 SEPTEMBER26,1949-continued Mr; Coffin said he was ready to take action but you fellows wont go along with me. Mr. Fimneran said he thought he would hear about all these complaints if they were so numerous.~ ~e told Mr. Coffin t4at he must have to go to a certain place for that information. He doesn't see any flagrant violations. With respect to a broken tail light, or one light out, that might happen and if calledto.the driver's attention, it would'be taken care of. Mr. Coffin saidthat if that wereall, it would be.minor. There was further discussion as to the accident record in North Andover. Mr.'Coffin said that the accident record is not necessarily the criterion of law enforcement. He went on further to explain about reportable accidents with respect to property damage and not being required to.report them so that the number of accidents reported'would not be accurate. Mr. Thomson went on to say that he would like to cruise the town, second, he was not in favor of a commission and third , that if it is felt that there issome advantage to discuss matters of the police department with the individual officers, separately, he would agree, with the thought in mind~that he might enlighten us as to what goes on. Mr. Coffin asked Mr. Thomson, if he understood th4t.he.believed that bringing in the officers separately and the records ofthe department for past .ten years, is a~reeable to him? Mr. Thomson stated'that he is talking about ~atters whichYefar'~to law enforcements and wouldn't be inter~ted in looking into past records unless it were something that might help us in the present problem. Mr.-Coffin asked Mr. Thomson if he believed that a p~lice officer would voiUn~e~r information if no direct questions were asked. If you ref~r~to tra'ffic law only and'if other matters came up as wewent along, wouId you still feelthis way? Mr. Coffin then said that he understand thatthe feelingof the chairman is; l'.Go about the country~nounced and.check statements.' ~2J'Call in individual officers and inquire into any matter which he ~ight state in an executive session and if need of delving intorecords is necessary, they will he brought into this office.and impounded. ,'Mr. Thomson said he would like it understood that he is',not, interested'in resurrecting 81d records. He is checking om the present"endeavor to attempt to. correct alleged violations and alleged inefficiency of the officers. Mr; Coffin inquired as to what sense there would be in,ringing in' the~officers. ,Mr. Thomson then said that if~ they were not able to perform their ~Job they would tell usand we can substantiate his statement. ' ' Mr. Coffin then inquired if Mr. Thomson wanted toforget the past or if he intended to benefit.by.what might he found in the past records. Mr. Thomson.statedthat he would meetthe occasion ~s it arisesJ If-there are reasons, for the existence of some action and if we can curethis condition, then that would be his purpose. . Mr..Finneran said he would go along with Mr. Thomson andgo around the town and he is not in favor of appointing a commission at this time..He feels that the board should be guided~by~h~t they find in the town. He said he 'cerlm~ly has no desire to go back five 'or 'ten years in the Police'Department recerds. think, said Mr. Finneran that we should take care of the present conditions. He said he would be willing to talk with thsofficers hut he is not tOO concerned; Mr. Finneram said that he felt that Mr. Thomson was trying t0appeasg Mr., Coffin. · ~he officer would talk about their views as"to bettering flagrant~violation. They are Studying police work and should havesomething to tell. us; We could always reserve the right to he guided by-out.~alk with them. ~ dont believe this department is an~different from any. other police department. Mr. Coffin then said that because ~ cannothelieve the manner.which you suggest will not be productive, under the situation as I know it, ~ take no point of view and whatever vote or action you take, ~.willfollow. Mr. Thomson then said that after the speeding repOrt~and what youknow, the. allega- tions you have made of the chief, you think the manner of talking with police officers is of no avail. Mr. Coffin said that it is not what. the other memhars.are.doing, it' is the manner of conducting that he objects to. Mr. Finneran thanked Mr. Coffin at this time. Mr. Coffin.~said that he would want the. records .of the P~lice Department for the past 'three years, right here and now. Hewould want each man called in individ- ually and answer any and all questions and any ~uestions pertaining to law enforcement for. five years. We could have a public stenographer if necessary and a stenogralxh~c .report for each member. Such an inquiry ma~ take five weeks. The basic thing is on this statement here and ~ had hoped very. sincerely that the chief would really do the Job the way he said he would but he did not. have not publicly criticised him for the past year. You cannot get law enforce- ment if~people think they can get away with anything. The Board of Selectmen is charged with the responsihitity~of the oversight of the Police Department. Mr. Coffin said he well remembers that Mr. Thomson in 1947 said that Chief McKee was a political puppet. Mow times have changed and things are reversed. Ne said it hur~a him terribly to say these things but he feels it is his duty to do so. SEPTEMBER 26, 1949- continued. Mr. Thomson inquired if Mr. Coffin was stating th t Chief McKee is acting as a political puppet for this hoard, except for Mr. Thomson, Mr. Coffin said No, but the police chief weilds his political forces tb the Board of Selectmen and every politician who wants anything, goes to the chief. ~ere we have a department and nearly every member'has another Job. You can't blame the man if the head of the department has another Job. No'wo~der the people wont do anything about having more men. It is because they don't show any results. I would like to get down ~o facts. Mr. Thomson said it was an interesting disclosure that shows there can be a difference of opinion.as to a three man hoard, and is worthy of discussion. I don't believe that because I express~thought or mode of action that' it is necessarily the best for the circumstances nor do I believe'that any other member has the best thought. Ail members have an,opinion. ! believe that a suggestion or mode of p~ocedure is not necessarily the proper one under ali circumstances. I don't like these continuous suggestions that we are not performing, our duties as our conscience dictates. .Mr. Thomson further stated that he doesn't receive any complaints about the police department. You fellows are available and hear more hut dont you think that I would at least hear from one or two people in, the tOwn. Z donft like to accuse anyone unless I have the proSf but I would like to he present and. see these speeders for myself. A person wouldn't intentionally have a tail light out and ~'J it should be reported then he would be PU~f~h~dif'it were. not fixed. I should like to makeohaervation and examination ourselves. If not satisfactory to us then it is perfectly alright with me to go' ahead and ~alk with the o~ficers of the department and if necessary we'would look ht the records but only for the purpose o£.checking this particnlarmattar. No action ~as taken and. the hoard went on With other matters. OCTOBER3, 1949~ The regular weekly meeting of'tha Board of Selectmen was held at ?~00 P.M. with all members present. ~eekiYbills and payrolls were approved. BOARD OF TRADE~ Three members of the Board 'of Trade came before the board to discuss lighting in the town for Xmas ~ecoration. They asked for permission to have feed ~ires 'for Christmas lights, at Railroad Square and across Jefferson Square if necessarT, for the purpose of illuminating the squares. The B~ard of Trade requested a letter from the Board giving this permission. Mr. Lumenello incuired if the Board was interested enough to have the Town Building decorated. Mr. Thomson mentioned the Police and Fire Department and felt that the appropriations.should he checked to see if the money was available. The Board of Trade were discouraged bytheLawrence GAS&Electric 0o. on account of wires.with high voltage. They then discussed the matter of Ohristmas trees at Sutton's Corner, Lihrary~ Railroad Square, and Jefferson Square. Mr. Carry was presentand they discussed the matter of sinking a pipe into the high- way for placement of,the ~ree. It wouldhave tO he 3 or 4 feet deep and a 6" soil pipe used. This.wculd he cappedwhan not in use. Mr. Carty agreed to do thiswork and will talk withMr. Duffy about the soil pipe~ AD~YSORY BOARD: My. Thomson read, a letter from thaAdvisory Board with respect to the request for transfer of $1800 tO straighten the corner at Sutton Street, near ~igh Street. The Advisor~ Board discussed this matter at a recent meeting and considered the precise question involved and they reaffirm their decision of April 14, 1947 andrecummend that the proposed expenditure be requested either at a special tOwn meeting (if th· selectmen feel that a' sudden emergency has arisen) or at the annual town meeting in 19~0. The Advisory Board also recommended that the chief of police be instructed to paint a white safety line on Sutton Street as a partial remedy for the'alleged dangerous condition. The Board voted to ~&ep this matter pending until the annual town meeting. B~A$~EETSCBOOLIA~D: Francis Kittredge and Charles Tromhly came before the board to discuss the condition at the Bradstreet School yard. Mr. Thomson informed them that the contrac~x.s had removed all the stones and cleared up the place and he was anxious to hear the ideas of those present. Both agreed that the permanent remedy would be to cover the whole yard with hot top and the cost was discussed. Mr. Kittredge mentioned that there is a steep grade there and it is impossible to keep turf there and nothing,will hold water run except hat-top. They came tO agree on a figure of~3,000 as the cost of the complete Job. Mr. Kittredge said that the school committee has no money for this work and he feels that the articles under the school building committee would'not cover this expense. Mr. Trombly stated that he felt' that~ the school yard is part of the school building but the only question is monsy. He feels that it should.he done at once.