HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949-10-31OCTOBER 31, 1949-cuntinuad
hefor~ the board and stated that they were willing to help solve the problem
on the highway. The Board of Trade will do anything they can to help this
Mr. Thomson read a letter from the Chief of Police and stated that he understood
the chief was endeavoring to get assistance. This condition will be increasingly
worse as the children go to the new school. There was a discussion about signs
and lights and setting the speed at 25 miles per hour.
Arthur Kirk stated that he felt that something should be done ~efore the new
school is completed. There was a discussion about an underpass or an over-pass.
Mr.Thomson said he would not favor an underpass but that there had been mention
of an overpass and there would be tha~property rights of the abutters to be
Mr. Finneran suggested writing a letter to Mr. Cnrry and rush the survey
Mr. Coffin said he had talked with Mr. Curry who informed him that tbs present
signs are the best available and that the new school wouldn't make any difference
Be mentioned that his suggested to create a ~raffic commission of reputable
men in the town who would strive to get results would still be the best solution.
No action was taken on .appointing a traffic commission.
Mr. Thomson suggested that we get results from the State Department on the
survey suggested that we have the hearing in North Andover. Mr.
the board that 'Mr; Oallahan had, statgd that hearings would be held on in the.
daytime at Nashua Street, Boston. · ,..
Mr. Kirk stated that he felt that if we had enough people a~ai~able that we
could persuade them to hold a hearing in the tow~.
Mr. Thomson suggested that the board get the survey and later get in touch
with the Board of Trade and any other organizations interested in this matter.
l~e then thanked the members for coming into the meeting. ~
Mr. ~ohn Cronin came before ihs board and informed them that there is still
$1091.20 available in the appropriation and that the committee had voted
· that further~ business of dedication he turned over totha veterans organizations,
One. important matter is that the flag should be displayed ,every day andM r ,
'Cronin hoped that this could be arranged. The members felt that the committee
:should be dissolved. ~ ' ' ·
Mr. Finneran 'suggested 'tha~ they wait 'until' the annual town' meeting and as~
that it be' 'dissolvsd"at that time. ~
The ·board liter v0ted~ to request the Board of Fire Engineers~. ~:' arr,ange for
the rai~img~ and" 10wi~ng of the flag cash'~ day~t0 be' part. o~ th,ei¥"du~ies~'" '
Leo .Murphy came Before ~he board end. discusse~ · the~ bus service In N~O~th AndoverJ
~e state, ether the Bus service is very poor and the, people do not know when
the bus'es run. He sa£d we 'have a good paying, line and we~ get~ the worst Service~'
Mrl Coffin suggested that we request the Eastern Mass. CoJ to submit schedules
.to the Selectmen, the cicada'nd the hew ones and the board wil~ compare
and considar..+-h~ matt~efu~thar.~' ." - -
The Planning Board, members of the Advisory Board' and 'the R~cr~ational Oouacil
met with the Se~ect~msn'to discuss the'reCommendations,of the'Recreational'
Council as lis~ed in thsir letter to the board under"date off October 17, 1949.
Mr. Thomson inquired if the Planning Board had any matters 'under consideration
a~d Mr. Mooradkanian stated that the~ ~id ~ot a~ this time exe.e~t a,?. presented
by the Council.
Mr. Thomson brought up the matter Of the Board of Public Works consider&~
an article for the special town meeting held recently .with respect to the sand-
bank as a playground but it was not presented for the warrant.
Mr'. Coffin mentioned that Mr. Salisbury did not feel that the Advisory Board
should be co-sponsors o~ any article for the annual town warrant and' that the
m~mhars present are 'only sitting in.
Peter Ritchie stated that the playground matter had been discussed~ three years
ago and plans were-drawn up and presented a~ a cost of $300. The laud is~ now
owned by the town. He felt that the"~averly District should 'have a' playground.
Mr. Smith stated that the council was'anxious and eager to do what they could
and they felt that there should be more playgrounds.
There was a g~neral discussion about the various locations for ,playgrounds
and whether or not the land in question could be purchased. -It was stated
that no approach had been bade to Davis & Furber., to buy lots with respect
to Davis Field. There was further discussion as to which board had the
authority to develop playgrounds and Mr. Mooradkunian felt that the
Council had the authority to develop but the .Planning can onlymai~e recommenda-
tions. Ne thought the authority for this,was from Chapter. 40..
Mr. Smith stated that the council had never said.,that the~ wanted a certain
p~ece of land but they are Just interested in What can be done.
OOTOBER 1 '1_-~-continued
Mr. Mooradkanian suggested that there should be a committee.made up of different
groups to make a study of this matter and definite recommendations should be
Mr. Thomson stated that he did not think we should Be too critical aboui the
donors of Grogan'a Field. He thought they had been very considerate and deserves
consideration. He suggested that a committee should'ascertain from the present
owners- the status of the playground at Grogan's Field and other locations coul~
Be considered.
Mr. Coffin stated that he could fcrsee that they would want specificanswers
felt that if we all agreed that Davis Field is notto be considered this year
Davis &Furber might fife a favorable answer, and he thoughtwe should find
out definitely about Grogan's field.
Mr. Thomson then asked if it would not be in order to have a committee f~rmed
to talk with Davis & Furher officials and discuss this matter. He stated that
the AdvisoryBoard members could go along unofficially. He further stated
that he would like the three Selectmen to follow .... along. They wil!~ry to make
an appointment and Mr. Mooradkantan, Mr. Smith, o~e advisory hoard member and
the three Selectmen will attend.the meeting.
Application for the position of. Wiring inspector was, received from/J. Addison
550 Foster St. Mr. Addison came before the board and explained thathe' had ,~
three years experience and had been hurt overseas while i~"the navy But he
felt he was capable for this position. Mr. Thomson explained that,-the ~atter .-"
must ~o before the town meeting and thmthis application wouldbe places on
Permissionwas granted to this company to eexcava~e to install gasservice on Greene
Street at Woodhridge Read, 33 feet on street for John Bonelli and for John Dilendik
52 Pe~ry St. 27 feet on street.. Mr. Carry will he notified' cf this excavation.
Letter received from Mrs. Muriel Henry relative to street'lights which had Been:
petitioned for in September of 1947. We have recently contacted Mr. Frost -
at' the office and he informed us that the lights will be installed in the
very near future. Mr. Thomson suggested that Mrs. Eenry be notified of'the
action taken and that if the lights are hot installed in the near. future~ to
again contact this board and we willtakefurther~acticn.
Notification recetvedrelative to the, unreasonable uae of ourrivers and harbors
f0r'the[easy disposal of untreateddomestiC and industrial Wastes ~hich is a i
menace to public health. Because of this the Federal Government 'willcooperate
'(JlWit~,bhe water pollution control agencies in the 'several S'tatea for the.purpose
abatingpollutio2 as'far.as practicable. The board' voted to-refer this'~m~,tter
Chief McEee reported that a fatal automobile ~ccident had'occurred at the'inter-
section of Ohickering Road and Park Streets. He also stated that some ti~e ago
,he had talked with. Mr. Curry of the State Department'of Public Works regarding
the installation of suitable traffic ~ights on Chickering Road at 'the Main
Stree~ crossing to protect the, students and all who'ha~e' occasion ~1 use;'%hat
cross-over. Mr. Our~y suggested that a survey would hav~~ to' ~e made~ub"nothing
fur~ther has-been heard about thematter. Chief McKee ~uggestod that ~'omething
should be done to hasten mat~ers; The Board voted to'request
made at once of traffic ~onditions on Ohickering Road with particular reference
to schools ahd a report made to this board as soon as possible,
Later, reports were received from'Chief McEee' relative to this surveyand
no letter was sent in.
The Board voted ~to appoint John Donovan, CommanderofAmerican Legion, as
chairman of the Armistice Day committee and to ask that 0. J. Mahoney ,confirm
this appointment.
NOVEMBER 7, 'I949: .
The reguIar weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at seven o'clock
with all members present. Weekly bills and payrolls were approved.
Ira CarJcy, Highway Surveyor, came before the board and informed them that the
Eastern Mass., 0o. planned to Sell their plows and the town was given the preference
of bul~ing them. ~r. Carry explained that he did not feel that the needed