HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949-11-14NOVEMBER14, 1949: The regular weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at 7~00 P.M. With'Member Thomson absent.. Weekly bill~ and payrolls were approved. STaY,NS RALL~ David Smith asked for permissionS!to.use Stevens HAll.on December 11, at 2;30 P,M. for a concert under the auspices of the Eclectic Club. Hall is available and the board voted approval. STREET TO BE N~ED: ~ Mrs.Ann Savoy case before the Board and asked that they name her street which is now known as no-name street. After some discussion,, the.boar&,voted.to 'let it be known as Ellis street as this was the name of the person who'owned the land for many years and Mrs. Savoy suggested this name. Mr. Coffin checked the law and the Selectmen have the power to name such a street. LAWRENCE GAS & ELECTRI~ Petition received 'for permission to locate such wires and fixtures as'are necessary in erectingpoles on the westerly side of Marblehead Street, at points approximately 15 feet,'llO ,feet, 205 ~eet, and 380 feet southerly from Dana Street, 4 poles. A hearing was.s~tfor ~ovesber 28, '1949 at 7:30 P.M.' LAWRENCEG & E Permission was granted to excavate to install gas service for Dav~ M.- Brown 135 Academy.Road, 25 feeton street and Louis Schwenke, Andover Street'~ Lorraine Ave. 28 feet on street. --- PERRYSTREETDUMP= Communication received from CJ. Mahoney relative to an increase in price for use of the Parry Street Dump from $260 per year to $400 peryear and the inform= ation.was sent to,the Selectmen so that they maybe 9uided 'in its' budget arrangement and recommendation for probate action. Mr. Coffin stated that it was time to consider a new dump and the,~satter should betaken~intoconsideration at this time 'so that something tangible will be available "for 'the annual town meeting. COMPLAINT. ON D~AGE TO CAR= ~ A.,lettar was received from George D. Moo~y of 47 M~0dy Street' st~tin~ that on November 11, while rounding the corner of High and PrescottStreet, he was compelled-to keep. well to.the side of the road to avoid a ca~ ooming down Prescott Street and the catch basin cover which"w~anot in ~roper, . - ~position tiPped-edgewise and bent the ,ruuningl board out ~of~Sh~ 's0.tha% the doors were Jammedshut. The cost of this. damage isap~roximAtely$20 to $30' and Mr.-Modd~ asked the board to advise his as to .what action ~he board, will take. The board voted to refer t~e matter to Chief McKee fo9 a ~eport. COMPLAIN~.ABOUT STREEt: Mr. Lavole came before the board ~nd discussed the conditioh Of F0s~er 'Street and the fact that.his children areunable to get to school ~6cause the school .bus cannot godownFoster Street. The matter had been taken upwith the School Committee relative to the bus but Mr. Lavole wanted the Selectmen to do something about the .condition of the street.. .After some diScussion, the board voted to refer the mat~er ~o Mr.'~a~t~to see what could be~ dons about fixing up. Foster. Street. DRA!NAT GROGANtS FIELD: ' Le0~Murphy/came~efore the board and informed them that the draih.~t Grogan's Field had been cleaned out by Davi~ &Furber Co..and Mr. Murphy felt that 'it was up to the town to keep it clear. He explain6d that the water c611ects there and there is a ,hazard to children as the water is deep enough to cause a drowning..The board voted to refer this matter to Mr..Carry. .~ STEVENS HALL: Permission was granted to the Mariners and Sea SCouts %o use Stevens Hall on the afternoon of November 18, for a dress ~ehearsal. INSURANCE-.AUTOPLATES= Mr. Coffin brought'up the ~atter of plates for the.various'automobiles in the town departments.and suggested that ~hey. obtain them from Boston and they will not have to pay for them. He suggested that all departments be contacted and if they can save that amount of money, it would be of benefit,to the town. NOVEMBER14, 1949-continued LAWRENCE DUMP= Mr. Coffin stated that he had received complaints about tha Lawrence Dump and suggested that a letter be sent to the Lawrence City Council informing them that the nuisance still continues without abatement and' ask that they inform us what progress has been made with respect to the incinerator. STEVENS HALL: Permission was granted to the Board of Trade to hold a testimonial for Dr. E.W. Holt on December 4, 1949 at the request of Arthur Kirk. NOVEMBER21, 1949: The regular weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen wes held at ?:O0 P.M. with all members present. Weekly bills and payrolls were approved. S~REET LIGhtS: Anthony Oamasso came before the board and informed them that the lights recently installed on Foster Street did not go.the distance to Mosquito Brook and that the lighting was inadequate. Be felt thst'since it was voted at the town meeting to have a survey made from the corner of Foster S~.to Mosquito Brook, that they should, have the lights all along t~is way. The board voted to take the matter up with the.Lawrence Gas & Electric CO. and see what could be done. 'NEW ENGLAND TEL. & TEL. 00: Petition received on Plan ~30 covering the r~locati~n of one pole on Foster Street was received by the board. No hearing is required and the board voted unanimously to grant this permission. PETITION received under Plan # 31 covering the placing of p$1es on F6ster and Salem Streets. A hearing was set for December 5, 1949 at 7:30 P.M. at the Selectmen's Office. LAWRENCE G & E CO: Notice received that 6 1000 l~en lights were installed on Foster Street and three 1000'lights on poles 1501, 1525 and 1531 on Turnpike Street, as requested~by the Selectmen. REVOLVER PER~ITRENEWALSAPPROVED: The Board approved the following permits to carry revolvers: Moward Bailey, 105 Styles St. Leo ~. Axtin, 13 Belmont St. and Stephen F. King, 12 Pond St. REVOLVER PERMIT APPLICATION: The board approved the application of Ernest Callard Jr. of 20 0ommonwealth Avenue to carry a revolver. TRANSFER FROMRESERVEFUND: An approval for the transfer of $~0.00 from the ReserveFund tothe Dog Officer expenses was received from the Advisory Soard. B & M CROSSINGS: Reply to the letter from the Selectmen to check on the condition at Sutton Street crossing was received informing theboard that the matter, will.be promptly investigated. Mr. Coffin brought up the 'matter of the Marblehead Street crossing butMr. Finneran stated that he had noticed that this particular place was being repaired at this time. However, it will be checked to make sure. CHICKERINGROAD"-SPEEDZONE: Letters were received from the Vi'~; W. and the School Building~ committee informing the board-that they would be very willing to ~ttend a discussion with the Selectmen and oSher groups as well as attending the 'hearing if and when it is held. Theselette~are in reply to letters to all organizations sent to all organizations in the town. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES:. Notice receive~ of a public hearing to be held on December~l, 1949 at Room 166 State Bouse, Boston at 10:00 o'clock A.M. upon the petition of the Lawrence G & E Co. for approval of' the issue of $2,?50,000 principal amount of first mortgage bonds to meture in no~ exceeding 30. years from the date thereof. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLI0 WORKS: Notice receivedbythe Selectmen tha$ District Highway Engineer, 0. A. Fritz, inBeverly is being authorized to block the entrances to Bamilton and Holbrook Roads and Mifflin Drive at the side line of the state highway.