HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949-12-23 ~DEC. 23,1949-cont. 'fro~m~
Stevens St. at Gr. Pond Rd. to Marbleridge'Rd. at Gt.Pond ~d. Green St.
Linden Ave. to Railroad Ave. and sanded at ~he bottom at Railroad Ave.;
from Marblehead tc Beverly ~t.. to, Mlddles~e~.St, a~d~road, to be
saw_Street..Police ana ~r.~arty to ce no~xllea ox ~ ~p~s
DEC~- 30~1949
~ectmen met at 1:30 P.M. on t~s day, due to the holdiay on
J~u~y 2, 1950. ~eekly bills and pa~olls were a~r~ved.
A report on the recent survey made at the Fire Station was received from the
New England Fire Insurance Rating Association andwas quite lengthy. The Board
did not f~eel that they could take the time to read the report.~and concentrate
on it at this time and they decided to hold it over until next meeting· The
board voted to give it to the press and also to have Mr. Hargreaves take it
up with the engineers.
The board voted unanimously to grant a revolver p~rmit license ~o Edward T.
Sullivan of 32 Clarendon Street, to be used for t argot practice and hunting.
The Commissioners vote to approce as of October 29, 1949 the work done by
this town under the provisions of Section 34, Chapter 90 of the general laws,
in constructin ahighwny in the town under contract Nos. ~1328, and 11894, dated
'December 28, 1948 ahd October 11, 1949, the engins~r having reported that the
work called for by said contract has been completed.(Yemma Bros. Inc. contractor.
Communication received and recommendation made that two 1000 lumen lights with
photo-electric control be installed at the c~rner of Boston and Turnpike Streets
and at' the corner of Brook and Turnpike Streets. Cost to the to~n will be $18.00
per light plus $18.00 per control or a total of $72.00 per year for both lights.
Mr.~Al~en Farnum also. re.~u.ested a street 'light at the vornsr of Turnpike ~nd
Johnson Streets and Mr. Thomson agreed that th~s isa very dark area and suggested
that the board vote to h~ve a light installed at this location.
The board voted unanimously to request that three lights be installed as above.
Notice received that the Department of'Education has approved~ the· a~plicatien
six N~rth Andover residents to attend the Lawrence E~ening Practical Arts school
and Ind. school. Tuition is $.20 and $.30 per hour, per pupil.
The board discussed several articles which are to be inser{ed in the townvmrrant
as petitioned'by the board of selectmen. They~will be discussed~at a later
date ·
JANUARY 9 1950
The[regular weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at 7:00 P.M. with
all members present. Weekly bills and payrolls were approved.~
Attorney Elw]~a King came before the board, representing Mary Charles of Academy
Road~ with 'reference to a petition of-~the Lawrence G & E Co. installing poles
on ~cademY Road. Mm. King stated that ~here would be a .better appearance if the
poles were left as they. are and underground wires were laid. The power could go
from the Dow ar Charles property. He felt that these residents could work out
something with the ~as Company and Mrs. Charles might agree topay any excess cost
for underground wires. However, they are not prepared to do this at.this time as
they wish to get figures and Mr. King ~o'uld ]Like to have action ~elayed for two
weeks. He woulc' like to board to delay action and notify the Gas Company.
Mr. Thomson inquired if Mr. King were satisfied with the easements given to the
Lawrence G & E Co~ to which he replied that .he believed they did sign something
which the. y felt sure were easements.
He also inquired if the conduit were under ~he street would it be of.-sufficient
volume to take care of the Brown house only. He also mentioned that there is
another.lot which maybe sold a~ s~me future date and then ~his poleamatter
would come up again.
Mr. King' explained in answer to Mr. Thomson's question as to whether or not this
was a new thought of ~Mr. & Mrs. Charles, that they were away whe~ the notice
Mr. Thomson stated that Mr. Brown's contention is that this delay has caused
expense and he is anxious to have service immediately.
Mr. Coffins tared that he would want to have Mr. Brown's opinion as t~ this new
arrang, ement and that ~ action now taken would not reflect on our former
action with the Lawrence G & E. Co. He ~ted to know if the Charles' would deftnite-
ly pay the cost and Mr. King said no, not un$il they get prices and if reasonable
~hey will pay the cost.