HomeMy WebLinkAbout1950-05-22 Board of Selectmen MinutesMAY 22, 1950:
The regular weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at 7:00 P.M. with all
members present. Weekly bills and payrolls were approved.
~s held at 7:30 P.M. at the request of Daniel Donovan to have a tree re-
moved at 27-29Maple Avenue. The Board voted unanimously to refer this matter to
the Tree Warden and have him remove the tree.
Robert Kirsch, 2 Salem Street, requested the removal of an elm ~ree in front of
his proper~y. The :ree warden has removed limbs frcm this rmee but now it is com-
pletely gone and the branches fall all over the yard. Mrs. Adams, o~ner of the
property, is willing that the ~ree be removed if the ~ree warden sgrees that it
should b~ taken down. The Board vo~ed ~o refer this mat~er ~o the ~ree warden for
investigation and hearing.
~eceived by the Selectmen from the Board of~Trade thanking them for
their cooperation in the past and stating that they hoped they might be of service
~o the Board of Selectmen at a future date.
~s J. Chris~ensen, Post AdJutant of No.
Andover Pos% 2104, Veterans of Foreign Y~ars, inviting the Selectmen to participate
in the Annual Memorial Day Parade ~o be held in North Andover at 9:00 A.M. on
Tuesday, M~y 30th. The Board voted unanimously to accept withappreciation this
~the Lawrence Gas & Electric Co. requesting permission
to locate on the westerly side of Railroad Ave. opposite the southerly line of
Dryad Street, 1 pole; and on the westerly side of Railroad Avenue, at a point~ap-
proximately 100 feet northerly from Dryad Street, 1 pole. The Board voted ~o set
a hearing.on this matter at 7:30 P.M., June 5, 1950 and abutters willbe notified.
~ cation was received from New England Tel. & Tel. Co. and Lawrence Gas &
El~ectric Co. requesting permission to locate 1 pole on G=eat Pond Road, opposite
Pleasant Street. The Board voted to set a hearing on this matter.at~.7:35 P.M. on
June 5, 1950 and abutters will be notified.
~ chooBui ding omm~'~tee submitted an ~rticle ~o be'inserted in the Warran~
for the Special Town Meeting ~obe held inthe near future: "To see if the Town
will vote ~o transfer from available funds in the Treasury a sum of money ~o be
~dded to the Stabilization Fund established under Chapter 124 .of the Acts of
1945 (Section 5B of Chapter 40).?
The Board of Public Works submitted an article to be inserted in the Warran~ for
the Special Town.Meeting to be held in the near future: "To see if the ~ownwill
raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds Three Hundred Dollars
($300.00) to purchase the narrow strip of land on Dana Street, from Marblehead
Street ~o Beverly Street.,'
~ather ~ified the~ oard of ~electmen that he would like to buy any chairs
or desks which may be available from the Center School after June 30, 1950.
' · O :r _eh, 'uperintendent of Schools, gave his permission to allow ~he Recreational
Council to install basketball sets and poles on the Center School grounds and a
letter will be received at a later date ih-om t~e School Committee.
~and report forms on male reserve police officers were received
from Civil Service.
~-~n unanimously voted to appoint Leo R. Macklin, 3 Belmont 'Street, and
Freeman R. Barteaux, 13 Main Street, as reserve police officers, to be effective
May 25, 1950.
~¥ ~,19~0 (oontinued)
e Board from J. C. Cressy, Acting Traffic Engineer, Dept. of
blic Works, advising them that a public hearing on speed control on Route 125
will be held at 100 Nashua Street, on May 17th, at 2:30 P.M. (Letter however was
not received un~il 5/18/50).
~quest,hs to discuss the article which
had presented for insertion in the Warrant for the Special Town Meeting with
reference ~o purchasing land now owned by the Town of North Andover on Dale Street.
Mr. Coffin advised him that he felt tha~ he should purchase the back land as well
as the parcel in the front as it would be useless to anybody in the future. There
was a general discussion as to what the price should be and Mrl Coffin felt that the
land should not be sold for less than $500. After f~rtHe~ discussion it was decided
that Ralph Brasseur would survey the land and determine Just he, many acres were to
be included in the article. Mr. Miller left the meeting with his father ~o discuss
the price they would be willing to pay and later came back and offered to pay $40
per acre regardless of the number of acres. H~#evar, Mr. Brasseur will present an
article drawn up by him and it will be presented at the next meeting with Mr. Miller
being present to see if it is agreeable to him.
Rev.'ornelius eyn came before the Board to see if they would again allow $65.00
for the band which will be used at the Community Center celebration on July 3, 1950.
Mr. Thomson felt that this was a very worthy cause and the board voted unanimously
to grant the request allowing no more than $65.00 for this expense.
~nrms~opner Xelly came before the oard to discuss a~c-~ 57 of the Annual Town War_
rant and the conditions vo~ed on at this meeting. Ralph Brasseur and Highway Sur-
veyor, Ira D. Carty, were also present andMr. Brasseur and Mr. Cartyagreed that an
amount of $50 would be sufficient ~o put the street in condition after sewer is
installed. There w~s s discussion as to the amount of %he bond whichwould be neces-
sary ~o be filed with Selectmen and it was unanimously agreedthatMr. Kelly,s case
was quite differen~ from the grmp of articles presented 'at the annual Town Meeting
with the same restrictions since this stree~ had been accepted by the Board of
Sur~ey in 1924 and the whole layout had been previously approved. Mr. Kelly stated
that he had received approval from the Planning Board and Peter Ritchie (member of
the Planning Board) who was present, agreed that this was so. In view of this, the
Board agreed that Mr. KeLly should deposit $5OwithMrs. Dearden to be held until
such time as the street is in condition. Mr. Kelly stated ~%ha: he-would put this
money in a bank book in a local bank and leave it with Mrs. Dearden before the next
meeting. When this money is deposited, Mr. Duffywill be notified that Mr. Kelly
has :ompliedwith the conditions of his article as voted at the Annual Town Meeting.
Attorney ~]-wyn _~g came .e ore the Selectmen and presenmed a petition containing
the names of 211 registered voters requesting that seven (7) articles pertaining
~o streets be inserted in the ~arrant for the SpecialTown Meeting. ~Mr. Thomson
read.Chapte~ 80'andalso a ruling given by'Mr. Mahoney. Mr.' King would like to
have the meeting held as soon as possible but due to the fact tha~ a petition had
already been received, the Board decided teac~ on both petitions at thesame time
and a meeting will be held in the near future.
Mr. Thomsonstated that -.Cristaldi ~as present and tham he was prepared ~o go ahead
with the drainage on Pembrook and ~yler Road's from Greene Street in, in accordance with
his agreement. Mr. Thomson said that it seemed as though an impression had been given
that Mr. Cristaldi had violated the bond but he has not. Mr. Car~y and Mr. Brasseur
were also present at this discussion. Mr. Cristeldi s~a~ed that there was from 3" to
8" of gravel in various places on Pembrook Road. Mr. Thomson stated that this seemed
like a lot of gravel and wondered if there was anyway of checking it. Mr. Cristaldi
was reluctan~ to pay the bill which was over $300 but later agreed that he .would take.
care of it. Mr. Cristaldi said that the road belonged ~o him and the gravel shouldn't
have been put in without talking to him first. Mr. Coffin told Mr. Cristaldi that there
was a question'of a residentwho could not ge~ in or out and he (Mr. Crismaldi) was in
Florida and had agreed ~o fix the road ~emporarily so the Board felt they had the right
togo ahead with the work. Mr. Brasseur.prese~ted a plan showing all the requirements
necessary for acceptance of these streets. The matter of sidewalks was also brought
up and Mr. Brasseur didn't think this matter of sidewalks was any problem as'there was
enough from excavation to shape up the sidewalks. Mr. Thomson felt that everything
should be straightened out now so that there would be no mistakes made this time.
MAY 22 1950 (continued)
Mr. Thomson told Mr. Cristaldi that there was one other thing to be done and that
was to get a release from the abutters on Tyler and Pembrook Roads and that .this
release would be supplied by Mrs. Dearden. This release is ~o be signed by all
present o~ners. Mr. CartyandMr. Brasseuragreed ~o coopera~e and see that
everything was done so that there will be no slip-up on this matter since
Mr. Oristaldi was agreeable %o do all that was required of him.
!e.'oart approve, an app,-cation of John H. Clark, 16 Dana ~treet, Ncr.th Asdover,
and others (not residents of No..Andover) for a certificate of incorporation, as
provided for in chapter l§O of the General Laws, TercentanaryEdition, under the
name of Master Plumbers Association of Grea~er Lawrence, Massachusetts, 'Inc.
Mr..Thomson brought up the'matter of the police 'department with respect to
officers doing outside work, other.than police work. He said that this board
had been particularly patient with the Police Department. In 1932 the Board of
Selectmen made regulations relative to officers doing out~ide work but that during
the war the selectmen waived these rules and regulations, tt was the thought of
the board that the Department would readjust itself as to.outside employment but
they have no~ donethat. Mr. Thomson stated .that most ortho men have outside
Jobs and he woul~ like to enter an order revising and re-enacting these rules-
Section One which has to do with the Chief and he shall devote his whole time to
the duties of the office and Section 25 applies' 4o all officers which
that no officer shall have any other kind of work except police work andshall
on call at all times.
Mr. Thomson stated that ~o make this rule effective immediately would b~unJust but
he would like-to'enact and adop: this oder to be effective on June 5,
time each officer will have qomplied with the rules or report to this board the
nature of the work so that we may know what ac{ion ~o take.
Mr..Thomson went on to s~v that there' is a motor Vehicle violation on Chickering
Road and there is considerable criticism. A regular patrol has not bee~ established
in this area or on other parts of the town. We had been in the process' of adjusting
a schedule but so faras schedules submitted are concerned there was not sufficient
time ullotted to speed observations. I'm not'sure in myow~ mind whether the
department is sufficiently manned to dothe'work requir~. There ismoneybeing
· spent for special offtcersandwe don't know what this' money is spent for although
we know they fill in .~or vacations and absence of officers. ~e,should determine how
much is appropriated and use the reserves to sufficiently and properly patrol the'
ne.cessarypoints. I would like to suggest, that we require awritten report each~'.
week giving the names of.anyReserve Officer and the .duty~2~such officer as well.'
asthe 'hours~Orks-and the payinvolved.. ' ' :
.Mr...Thomson sai~that this matter had been previously d~scussed and this board has
been patient,'!~ficiently patient ~n the hope thatthe '
and re-activate itselg but we have had no more ~fficient results and nothing
has bsen donee
Mr..Plnneran ststed that the rules in the book should be held off. He doesn!t agree
that we should stop.the police from doing extra work. If the police feel that a full'
days work can be done satisfactorily 'to the tmwnwtthout endangering his duty then
he is in favor of allowing par% .time work employment and he caanot go along with the
.~chairman's auggesti'on.
Mr. Coffin stated that he wouldexpres~himself in accordance with Mr. Thomson,s
suggestions and he said that theboar~ knows his. position in this matter. H~made
a motion thatthe r. ules and regulations as established in 1932 be now revised and
re-enacted to relieve any suspension .thereof, during the war time period, with
particular~ reference with Section one and twenty-five, said section dealing with the
prohibition of outside employment of any member of the ~egular employees, said
order to become effective on June 5, 1950. Thiswas a majority vo~e with Mr.
Finneran no= vo~ing.
Mr. Coffin also referred to reports to the board from the Chief with respect
Reserve Officers used for special work and made a motion that the Chief submit a
report to ~the Selectmen giving the officers names, the reason and type of work they
do and ~the amount to be paid. The board voted unanimously to request the chief to
make this report.
Mr. Thomson again s.tated that he was not satisfiedwith the Police Department in
reference to Chickering Road and if further actions are necessarythey will take
the necessary s tops.
Mr. Coffin said that in accorAance wi. th t~e ~owns people at large, Particularly with
reference to Chickering Road, with time running out, there is an urgent'need of
reasonable enforcement of the speeding law in that section. This matter will be
discussed at a later date.