HomeMy WebLinkAbout1950-06-19 Board of Selectmen MinutesJUNE 19,1950
~-~wee~y meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at 7:00
with all members present.. Weekly payrolls and bills were approved.
A hearing ~s.held on thepetition of Robert Winters, 53 Wears St. Lawrence
for the remov~l of two trees on Greene Street, near Poplar St. The board
voted unamimou~ly to instruct the tree warden to remove these trees.
A request for the removal of six trees on Forest Streetvas received from
Anthony Camasso of Forest Street. The board voted to p6st the trees and
set a heari, ng for Jun~ 30, 1950 a~ 1:30 P.N. Er. Canners stated that the
trees are no~ good shade trees and they are in the way as Nr. Camasso plans
to build in this location.
Carmello Gioco came before the board to find out Just what type of bond he is
required to file with the Selectmen withzmference to Artt~cle #56. He s~id he
had talked with ~r. Dully ~bout the sewer system s~ud that there 'was little
time left so he wants to. get the matter cleared up.
Er.' Coffin then said that it was up to Nr. Carty ~o tell us what he will
require to put the street in condi{iun and we will have to get an accurate
Er. Thomsone~plained that the amount necessary to'~Rdt the road in condition
ms the amount which governs the bond and after six months if the road is no~
put in~ condition the money is taken by the town and the Highway Department
would' do the work, or if ~he bond is purchased from an Insurance Company, the
to~n is assured tha~ the work will be done in si~ months and if not, the
insurance .company would do the work and the bond would 6e lost to the purchaser.
~r. Gioco will be notified as soon as the information is received from Carty.
s T Zm r ..
Notification received from the Lawrence G & E Co. that a 1000 lUmen street
light has been installed on pole #3455 on Nass. Ave. on June 13, 195o. Harold
-Boynton 'informed Er. Thomson that the pole number is 355 and tha~ there is
no light recen, tly installed on Hemlock S~re~t2 This will be che~ckedwith
Nr. Frost.
The following lights were instal'led and were turned .on June lb,' 1950:
Pole #3~00, Chickering Rd, corner of Parker St, Pole # ?19, Naih Street;
Pole #2071 Park Street and pole #~78, Pleasant Street. '
Letter received informing the board that {he Legion Post had =omsidered their
suggesti.on relative to nami~gc the Nass. Ave. playground for some Veteran who
.lost thezr life during the war, and they voted to suggest that the new Playground
be called ."Nemori~l Playground to Veterans of World War II".
,No actionwas taken as we have yet to hear from-the'Veterans of Foreign Wars;
The Board of Assessors mud ~artin Lawlor, Building inspector, me~ in an executive
session w~ith the Board of Selectmen to discuss various matters. ~
Er. Thomson inquired if the building inspector made out his permits in duplicate
and he said he did not but he kept the applications. He said he notifies the
assessors every month and one to the State Labor Board. Stkmps and' envelopes are
furnished by the State Labor Board.
Nr. Thomson asked ~r. Lawlor if he over rode around the town mo c~eck on new Buildings.
He said he did go around before the houses are lathed, after the permit is issued.
Er. Wilde inquired if there was any way that Nr. Lawlor would know about a person
who built an ap.artment in the third floor and Er. Lawlor s aid that he wouldn't know
urdmss they came for an application and he felt that most of the people did tbds
unless they did not know that theywere required to have apermtt.
Er. Wild felt that if some ~ublicity was given so that the people would know what
~ie required, it wo~ld h~lp..He said he was not criticising Er. Lawlor as hewas doing
a good Job for the amount of salary received and he has no expense money at all.
'Th.ere was discussion about the type of publicity to be given and itwas finally
decided that it would be in the form of an ad, perhaps three or four times a year
until thepeople become accustomed to the rules.
Nr. Lawlor thought that the best way to get results would be to bring someone ~n
and have them pay a fine or something like tha:.
Er. Wilde told Er. Lawlor that if they heard of any new building or renevatin~
he would let Er. Lawlor know. Er. Lawlor asked if they didn't see these thtngs~
when they were assessing and ~'~r. Wilde replied that they don't'always see these
JUNE 19, 1950-continued
Mr. Lawlor said he did not do the job perfect~ut he did the best he could.
He said Some alterations are being overlooked and many people are not aware
of the building law~.
Mr. Lawlor will arrange the ad and it will be paid from the Contingent .~k~nd.
Mr. Thomson informed ~hose present that he had a call from Lloyd Crockett
to say that he had received a ~ax bill and he felt that he was being used
unfairly. He said tha~ at one time he had talked with the chairman of the
Assessors and had been told that he would be ~reated fairly. Mr. Crockett
said it~ would be necessary to increase the fee to $35.00 weekly instead of
325.00 per case unless some reduction is made in his tax rate. His assessment
is three times as great as it was previously.
Mr. Wilde stated that Mr. Crockett came to the assessors and since the place
was going into tax title, we told him if he took the place over we would give
areasonable abatemenm to him to warrant his paying a fair share of taxes.
If he has a grievance against the assessors he should .be ~rea%ed as anyone else
and if he comes to us we will have it re-checked and if a redaction is warranted
he will get it.
Mr. Coffin stated that this was ~rasnmitted as a request and my position is
· that I would entertain no such Suggestion. If he %~ants to raise the rates that
is up to him and if possible, we will take our cases out, even one by one.
thine Mr. Crockett should go before the assessors with his problem rather than
try to tie up the ~wo departments. Mr. Coffin aSked the board if theywished
to take any position.
Mr. Wilde said he believed that Mr. Crockett was fairlywe!lestablished and
he must be in a position to pay the full taxes.- The only reason the verbal
agreement was made. was that we figured that half a loaf was better th~n none.
If we lower his value this year, then he will be back again and again;
Mrs. Soucy stated that if this happens, then Mrs. Scor~lick will want more ~oo.
Mr. Thomson then stated that the request was received, contents noted and the
matter referred :o the Board of Assessors.
Mr. Coffin will send' a letter to the proprietor of the Home, (Nr. Crocke
since he is chairman of the Board of ~blic ~,¥elfare.
A request for a Street light was received from a 'resident of Gtenwood Street
~o be installed on Pole #3392. This location will be checked by the board,
'before action is ~a~en.
The following names were submitted as applicants for the vacancy in the Planning
sndE°ard:EdwinWilliamReinhold.M°rt°n' Garden Street, John Corrigan~ Herrick Rd.(for both boards)
For the Eoard of Appeals, Richard Whipple, Lyman Kilton.
No action was taken at this time as a letter is necessary and this will be sent
in the near future,~ by the Planning Board.
~.~E~ ENGLanD TEL. & TEL.CO:~
?eti.tion received for covering abandonment of one Joint pole on Great Pond Road
and no hearing is necessary. The board voted unanimously to grant~ this request.
Letter received informing the board tha~ the poles on Railroad Avenue and ~,~ss.
tiAvenUeme, will be removed in the very near future and we will be notified at this
~ma cknowledgment of our letter of June 13, 1950 was received and which~ s~a~ed
that our communication has been referred to Captain John P. Sullivan, Executive
Officer, Division of State Police.
The board voted to s~art bi-monthly meetings the first week in July. A meeting
will be held on June 26, and the nex~ one will be July 10, 1950 although the
board will meet on June 30 ~o approve payrolls and bills.
~he board held an executive session with Officer John Wil~lis to discuss the rules
and regulations of the Police Department. Minutes of the~e executive sessions
are filed in thefront of this book in a separate folder.
June 19,1950: continued'
Officer John Willis brought up the matter about fencing Suttons Pond
which he said has no'~ been completed~ Heesaid he thought that Mr. Sutton
had stated that it would be fenced in and the neighbors are particularly
worried as there are a large number of small children who live on Saunders
Street. He said Osgood Pond was fenced in at once when the matter was
brought up.
Mr. Thomson informed him that we would check the matter ands eewhat can
be done.
~ 26, 1950:
~eekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at 7:00 P.M.
~vith all 4embers present. Weekly bills and payrolls were approved.
The Selectmen met with the Board of Health members, Ralph Brasseur and.
Highway Surveyor Ira D. Carty to discuss a new dump location.
Dr. Holt stated that the Board of Heal th has nothing to d'o with the
location of a dump until a nuisance is created and then they could take
some action.
Mr. Thomson stated that this board fel~ that it was the courteous thing to
do to invite the Board of Health to meet at this time although he understood.
how the. board fel't about the dump situation in connection with their board.
Mr. Coffin felt that this group cSuld go over the maps of the town and perhaps
'find a location that might be suitable.
Phillip ~ller came before the board at this time and offered the land near
the ~own Infirmary to b~ used for dumping purposes. Mr. Miller recently
purchased this land a~the special town meeting end.the lower end could be
used for dumping purposes. It is swamp~ and has quite~a drop to it. -
Dr..Holt ~felt that Mr. ~il~er's proposition was agood ~ne but the haw!lng
would be more expensive. Then, too, he said tha~ the matter of draining
iht6 the lake would have tobe considred. He knew that a~ onetime the'
State Board of H~alth had opposed .some dumping at theTo~m Infirmary'
because of this same reason.
Mr. Miller said they adhad some experience in dumping and filling up~.
location~ when they had allowed dumping on Sa~nders Street.
The board then felt that they should look owr the location at'D~le
Street, also on Railroad Aven~e, land owned by Mr. Shea amd other.land
there owned by Mr. Roche.
The committee then voted ~o see if a represe, ntative from the State Board
~of Health could c~me ~uz here to meet with the Selectmen~and..%the$, could
view the location with him and see how they felt about'it.
' David Ritchie came before'the b~ard to see how much- a bond would be :to
take care 'of his article with reference to Morris Sbreet. Mr. Brasseur
was present and he~ gave the figure of $250.00 which, would be necessary~to
take care of the work required. ~ - ~ ~ ,
MrJ Thomson: ex~laimd to Mr~ Rt~chie that h~ would
· and. when r pay For the wor~ required
~ady for acceptance by the Highway Surveyor, 'then the bond would
be returned to him. It the work was not completed; satisfactorily,within
.six. months, he would forfeit the bond and the to*n would do ~the.work, usLug
the $200100. He explainedlthat the bond could be cash, a bank book. assigned
to' the town or a surety bond.
~he board inquired if the neighbors- would not be willing to. contribute ~o:
this work and Mr. P~itchie decided that he would contact themand would come
in on Friday for the.final information and present his bond·
Mr. Carty discussed th~ article on drainage on thes'e two streets and .s~ated
that he has not received approval from the Department of Public Works to
go ahead wi th this work. Application has been sent in for permission to
enter the drain on Mass. Ave.
Mr. Thomson inquired if releases had been received from the abutters and
one is .on file listing all the abutters on both streets and signed by each
one ·
A~ter discussion with Mr. Brasseur as to what was required by Mr. Carry and
after being assured that Mr. Brasseur would have the necessary plans drawn
up, Mr. Thomson advised Mr. Carry that he ~.ould go ahead with the work after
approval is received from the Dept. of Public Works, as this board has done
all that is necessary and '.Ir. Brasseur will file theplans.
Mr. Brasseur presented.the following figures as the amounts necessary to
complete the work required in compliance with the vo~e of the town meeting;
Morris Street-
Hemlock Street, ,850.00 Art. 56 and z-zn or~ve-~emerook Rd. O00 Art.