HomeMy WebLinkAbout1950-06-26 Board of Selectmen Minutes JUNE 26, 1950 continued
The Selectmen met with the members of the Planning Board (Mooradkanian,
Ritchie, Kilton and V~lipple) to vo~e on the appointment of a member
$o fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of James Poor.
The members voted by ballot and the following names had been submitted:
John Corrigan, 83 Herriek Road, William ~.~orton, Garden Street, and.
Edwin Reinhold, Putnam °toad.
John B. Corrigan received one vote, %¥illiam Morton - one vote and Edwin
Reinhold received five votes. It was agreed unanimously that Edwin
Reinhold be appointed as a member of the Planning Board until the next
annual town election, when appointment would be made to fill the unexpired
~erm, ~o 1952.
Edward Garvey w~s present a~ this meeting and aksed the Planning Board
member ~o hear what he had to say. He wanted ~o ~now abou~ the land
a~ the Lake. He sa~d it had been advertised for sale in Boston papers,
and he knew that this had not been accepted~ He inouired if °the land were
bought now, if it could be built on.
Mr. Mooradkanian explained that as far as the lots were concerned, they
may be divided without coming to the Planning Board as the fran~age is
on an accepted s~ree~ but they must still answer to the Board of o~ealth
in reference to the ~rainage.
Mr. Garvey thanked the members and stated that ~that was wha~ he wanted to
Mr. Garvey then brought up the matter of the condition of this street.
He said the people living there have complained about the condition
of the road and also noted the increase in traffic. The road is do~m on
one side mud where the old car tracks originally were, the road could
be widened and perhaps a sidewalk put in. It is re.ally a hazardous
condition ~here and Mr. Gar~ey thought the Board should be notified.
Mr. Thomson thanked Mr. Gsr~ey for his thoughtfulness and informed him
that the board would take this matter up with the State Department of
Public ~orks and call the matter to their attention.
Mr. Murphy discussed the street layout and stated that he thought it was
confusing. He felt that sewer, and waterinstallation should not be tied up
with the acceptance of sateens. It makes the land practically worthless.
He felt it~as unfair to ask one person ~o p~ay all the cost required to
put streets in condition and then later ail abutters would benefit at his
expense and most ~eople cann~ afford to pay out such large sums of money.
Mr. M~rphy also informed tha board that he would be willing ~o help with
the by-laws if the board wished him to.
He then~went on to talk ahou~ the ~ax rate which he thins was figured too
high and the town will have nnothar surplus. He felt that the receipts are
underestimated. Mr. Murphy felt tha~ the assessors had no legal right to
build up a surplus.
Th~ bbard discussed the police department rules and regulations amd a new
set of rules will no~ be made at this time. However, the board changed
paragraph number 26 relating to vacations and informed the police that this
would nc.v read two weeks vaca~ionsinstead of one. The letter ~o thepolice
further stated that it is expected that in the interim of further investiga- /
tion no member of the Department shall engage in a business, profession or
calling for himself. No member of the Department shall engage in any t~pe
or kind of employment, ~hile on duty as an officer or while off 'duty, which ~
shall affec~ his police work in any way. In the even~ of an alleged violation
the board will determine on all circumstances as it shall find them :o be,
whether or not there is an interference withpolice work.
The Board also stated that it is satisfied that a conscientious effort has
been made within the past few weeks tending towards the efficient performance
of police duty and hopes such effort will con'tinue.
The board voted to accept this new ruling which was majority vote, Mr. Finnerau
voting not to agree with the section about personal work outside of regular
police hours.
The board viewed the location on Glenwood Street and vo~ed to install a 1000
lumen street light on pole number 3392.
JUNE 26, 19%O-continued
A reques~ for the removal of a tree at 14-Pleasant Street by The Village
Land Co. The tree roots stick into the town sidewalk to an extent 'of about
three feet and this interferes with pedestrians using the sidewalk. Complaints
have been received from the occupants of the Perkins House and from others
who use the sidewalk. The board referred the matter ~o the Tree Warden
and if agreeable for posting, a hearing will be held on July lC, 1950 at
7:25 P.M.
Also a request for a tree a~ 16-18 E. %~ater Street which is a hazard because
the main trunk is rotting away leaving a shell~ The bmrd referred 'this
%o the tree warden and a hearing will be held on July 10,1950 a t ?:2% P.N.
Permission requested toe, carafe to install gas mains , 40 feet on Buc~inghsm
Road and 20 feet on Lyman Road. Permission ~ranted and Mr. Catty notified.
Permission requested to excavate to install gas service at: .16 feet on
Pembrcok Road corner of Lyman Rpad~ 2? feet on Lyman Road. Permission
granted andMr. Cartynotified.
Notification received informing the board that the 25th anniveersary of
the Boy Scouts will be heldon July 9, 1950 at Lawrence Common when a
dedication~remonywtll be held and a replica .of the S~atue~of~iberty
will be dedicated at 3:00 P.M.
The Board vo~ed to accep~ the inviation and an effortwill be made'to.
attend this dedication ceremony.
Mr. Flynn of Railroad Avenue wished to be listed as an eligibl9 buyer for
any land to be sold in the future a~ the Town Infirmary. Name~ilt be placed
on file.
The Board voted to hold the matter of appointing a member to the Board
of Appeals over until the nex~ meeting. -
JUN~ 30,1950:
Board ~f Selectmen met at 1:30 P.M. to sign the bills ~d p~yrolls.
Coffin was not present as he is on vacation.
-A hearing was held at 1:30 P.M. on the petition~ofAnthony Camasso for the
removal of six trees on Forest Street. Mr. cohnors was present and stated
th'a~ the trees are sm~. and should be removed as the~e is to be some~'building
in this location.
~he board voted to instruct the tree' warden to remove the six trees.
Mr. David Ritchie"a~d Leonard Firth Came before the' bo~rd t6 inquire the
reason for the large amount of money required to put Morris Street in condi~iun.
He, Mr. Firth, felt that there was little difference in mthe Prince~an Street
area and the one on Morris Streem and the difference in price is $200.00.
Mr. ThomSon explained that it is a requisite that Nr. Car~y~Highway'Surveyor,
must putinwriting to the Selec%man that the street is in condition for
acceptance. Mr. Brasseur gave estimates of the amount of money required to put
the road in condition and the hoard must abide by his figures. Mr. Thomson
s~ated that~they wanted to be as fair as they could.
Mr. Firth stated that the distance is the same and he cannot unders~n~ why
.there shoul~ be such a large difference in the amount o~ the bond. He would
like to have Mr. Brasseur come before the selectmen and explain what the
difference is.
Mr. Thomson inquired if Mr. Ritchie would produce the additional amount of
the bond, after th~ figures are reviewed and if no change is made and he
stated that ~he would. ~he board then accepted $%0.00 on deposit so that
no time would be lost since July 1, was the deadline. A meeting will be
held on July 10, at 7:45'P~M. and Mr. Carry, ~alph Brasseur, Mr. Firth and
Davi~Ritchie will be present to discuss the cos~ of work required on Morris
Street and the balance of the bond will be paid to the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 48-49-Pembrook Road-Mifflin Drive.
Elwyn King came before the board to discuss the above articles and the bond
required by the Selectmen. He discussed the distance from Pembrook Read~
on Mifflin Drive to Mass. Ave. and the cost of drainage only would be $~3~0.00
and a~ Pembrook Road on Mifflin .D~.ive to Dradstreet for Roa.dway and Drainage
~he cost would he $46%0. ~hese fmgures were obtained from mr. B~asseur.