HomeMy WebLinkAbout1950-06-30 Board of Selectmen Minutes7,5 JUNE 30,19%0- continnsd Mr. King felt that the drain could be run down Pembrock Road ~o Lyman Road and he felt that this would save considerable distance and money. Mr. ~homson s~athd that the board is bound t~ go along with the f, igures submitted but he felt that if necessary the drainage could be installed on Pembrook ~oad to Lyman Road to Mass. Ave. Mr. King asked if the board would reduce the bond if the work could be done cheaper and Mr. Thomson said they would if Mr. Car~y gives assurance that it can be done satisfactorilly. Mr. F~tng said he would advise the .petitioners against posting a bond as it was altogether too much for one man to take over and he felt that something should'be' done in the future. However, if mr Solaria desires to file a bond'he.. ~ will appear at thg Selectmsn,s Office on July 1, 1950. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS= Reply :o our. letter With reference to widened .the hardened surface ef Massachusetts?Avenue informing us ~hat the report will be forwarded to Mr. Kitfield,,~Chief Engineer of this Department at 100 Nashua Street, Boston for consideration of our request. Letter signed by Charles A. Fri~z, Dis~riCt"Highway EngtMeur. LAWRENCE GAS & ELECTRIC ~0: -NE~ ENGLAND ~L. a TEL. CO: Petition co~ering plan #39 for one Joint pole on Great Pond Read, 524?' southwes~ of%South,,Bradford Street, 1 pole. · A hearing was set'for July 10, 1950 a: ?:35 'PJM. '1 LAWRENCe. G & E 'COs Petition received for permission ~o erec~ and maintain poles and wires to be placed: on~ locations no,ed on Plan No. 5529, and such wires and .fixtures as :are necessary in' its business. A .h~aring was set'for July 24~ 1950 at ?=30 P;M. and all a'b~utters be notified. ' · REVOLVER PJ~MIT APPLICATIONi T~e board ~v6ted to mpprove the application of Ames S~evens, Jr. 12 ~reat Pond Road 'for a .licens~e to carry a re~olver.. . . CHICXERING' ROAD"SI C~S ~ Chief McKee :reported .that the sig~.~ have been posted'.on' Chic?ring' Road goveh~mg t~e ne~,'apeid iimits and the ~ht~e lines have been ~ainted the. hil! and there is to.be.no passing. STREET LI~T REQUEST: - The board vo~ed 'to re,est the installation of a st'rm~t iigh'~ on Mass. Ave. in fronm ·of 'the property of Mrs. Scannell, 372 Massj Ave~ ~ This section is ,very dark .and the nearest light is some dts~ance Away. OPPOSITION, TO-D~ BEING ON DA~' STREET. Mr. Theodore Pet~s of 201 Dale Street came before~ the board s~d wante~ to offer his opp~6sttion to the lo~atien cf .A dump, on D~le Street., He said he had ,Just ~built a new home ther~ ,and he .didn't think it ~as a good 'location for a dump. JE4Y 10,~950: ,'A~e regular by-m~thly meeting of th~ .Board of selectmen was held at ?~00 P.M. iwith all mC.roBers present'. ~;eekly bills and. payrolls 'approved. V.¥.W. ONE DAY BEER~PERMIT-TAG DAY PERMIT:. ~ Raym6nd BeaUdnin and Martin J. Lawlor~ Jr. camebefore the board and requested a one ch~ beer permit on ~ugust 5, 195G whe~ thez have the~ carnival and also a permit to hold a .Tag ,Day on the same date. The Board voted unaninonsl~%o grant the permit .for Tag Day and a majority vote for the beer permit, Mr. Coffin not being in favor of it'. DUMP' SITUATION: ' ' Edward 'J. %ielch, 3~7 Dale Street came before the'. bo~rd to inquire about' the ~ump situation and to see if the man from the State Board of Health had made any decision. Mr. Finneran reported that the representative made a very thorough investigation but made no decision and reported that the matter would he seferred to his superiors and a report would come later. LAWRENCE GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY: A petition for permission to locate poles, wires and fixtures on the southerly side of Berry Street, opposite Ash $:. 1 pole; on the northerly and southerly .~ldes of Berry Street.~ from anoint approximately 150 feet. ea~terly, from Ash ' mreet, easterly, ~ p6-es. (O~e exismxng loca~men :o ce ananaoneo.; Hearing was set for July 24, 1950 at 7:30 P.M. NE~ ~NGLAND TEL. & T~L. CO.- LAWRENCE G & A hearing was held on the petlti~on of these two companies covering Plan No.3~ for one Joint pole on ~ea~ Pond Road, 5247' southwest of South Bradford Street, I pole. No opposition was offered and the board voted unanimoucly to grant the request. A.hearing was held at 7:25 P.M. on the petition of the Village Land Company by William P. Rockwell for the removal of tree at 14 Pleasant Street and a second petition for a_tree at 16-18 ~:. ¥,%ter Street. Mr. Counors' s~ted that the trees should be removed and ~he board voted unanimously to instruct the tree warden to remove the two trees. BUEEAU OF THE UE~SUS: A notification was received from ~dward J. Sca~ell, District supervisor of the bureau of the census stating that this. is a preliminary announc'ement of the population in North 'Andover. ~he count to date as of April 1, 1950 'is 8,~29. This figure £s subject to revision and an official announcement will be made by the Director, ~ureau of the Census, Washington 25, D. C.' at a later STREET LIGHT R~QUEST: Robert P. Miller requested a street light in fron of his property 'on Dale Street on pole ~1433. The board voted unanimously to grant this request. A notice wtll be sent to the Lawrence G & ~ Co. · ~OARD OF APPEALS -APPOINTMENt: ~ Richard G. Whipple 137 Salem Street~ was appointed as a member of' the Board of Appeals for the unexpired term 'to Jandary 1~~ 1952 caused by ~resiguation of James Poor. Board opemed.nominatiens a~dMr. Coffin nominated'Mr.i ~ipple and Mr. ~inneran nominated' LYman Kiltom, Jr.· Mr. Thomson seconded ~the motion of Mr; Coffin and vo~e was a majority vote. LEO Leo ~Murphy came before the board and discussed a new law which ~refers' to unaccepted streets, Chapter ~38, accepted June 15, 1950. '~He discussed the present procedure and did not feel that it was the right way'to take care of these matters. He hoped that someone would bring the matter to' the attention~df the Advisory Board before the next annual town-meeting. He also discussed the Veter~m~ Housing and info~med the ~oard that th~ey must render a decision to the Board Of Selectmen as tm their financial .status. He believes that in'lieu of taxes, the State reimburses the town but~the town. must make applic~tiom for this reimbursement. ' POLICE DEPARTMENT: · Mr. Coffin suggested that mimeograph copies of the rules andregula'ti0ns ~rawn up in1932 should be made, and such minor changes as .may be~necessary~be noted, so that each member of the deportment may have one.~.' Fifty copies'will-be made as they.ma~, ben. revised at a later date. ~he board vo~ed unanimously to have 'this work done.~in-the, near future. ~I]RY LIST: A list of the. number' of Jurors drawn during the past year and the number of vaoancies tobe filled was .presented to each member of the board 'hut no 'action was take~ "The Iiet must be complied with and oompleted by August I~EVGLVER PEP~: ~e board voted unanimously to grant a revolver permit to Austin w.. ~amey, 66 Brt~htwood Ave. PETITION FOR REPAIRS OF RIVERVI~W STREET: · A ~etitiun'was. received from the residents of Riverview Street requesting that proper repairs be done on this street. 'They feel that it-is one of 'the mos~ beglected roads in the town. ~e petition stated it is dangerous end has deep.holes and ruts. '~e petitioners demand that :.the holes be ftlled'a~ the road tarred.- Thebmerd referred the m~ttar to the RiEhway Surveyor.