HomeMy WebLinkAbout1950-08-07 Board of Selectmen Minutes8O ~m eeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at ~;00 P.N. with all mmbers present. Weekly bills and payrolls were a ~preved. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS: Communicatfo~ received from Charles A. F~itz relative ~o our request for a side- walk on the westerly side cf Chickertng Road and which sta~ed that before final approval approval can be given by the above department, a letter signed by the Town agreeing to surface the sidewalk sould be submitted before funds can .be allotted for. this project. - Mr. ~omson suggested that ~Mr. Carty be contacted and have him find cam ~Just how much this project will cos~ .... SCHOOL BUILDING COMMITTEE:- CHICKERING ROAD SIDEWALKS: A letter received from this committee urging that the sidewalk on~ Chickering Road be extended from Parker Street to Pleasant Street inasmuchas there ~ be many pupils who will pr9babl~ arrice a~ Chickering Road. by way of Pleasant ~ - Street and the committee believes tha: it is equally important tobring them safely along the road to theintersection of. Main Stree~ and Chickering Road. Mr. ~homson'snggested that Mr. ~J. F. Curry and Mr. Charles A. Fritz be.con- tact~d with respect to this' additional request and that Mr. cartY get in touch. with them and ask that this work be. done as soon as possible so that it will be in readiness when school opens. The board voted ~nanimously to contact Mr. Car~y with~respect %o bothl~ the ~ tters~.~entioned above. ' A hearing was held at ~:2~ P,M. on the petition of Arnold H. Salisbury for the removal of ten trees on his property on Johnson Street. Thetrees had been posted and no opposition was received., The 'board voted~ unanimously lto~ instruct, the ~ree warden to remove the ~rees. DAMAGE COMPLAINT:. '- ~ Herbert Manehan,. 24 Highland Ter~race,~reportad th~'t on July 29,19~0 he was traveling on Johnson Street and because of a hole in the road~ ~he broke two springs on ~his c~r. He would like to have the town pay. for this..damage.., The board voted unanimously to re~fer ~this matter to Mr. ~ra D. ~arty ~for a report on.the conditton~ of the road at the point men~onsd. The hole is one' and one' half feet from the curb and is four inches deep andis near~ OF REGIS ~2ARS: '.~ '~ ' The. Board of Registrara came before the board to discuss, he location, for voting which was~previously held at the Merrimack School and which:~is, now a parochial school..~'ather Shea is very willing to allow the ~voting~to. continue at the school but according to the statutes it is necessary that a place 'of voting be maintained ina pfiblicJ.plkce .... Town Clerk. John Lyons mentioned that the primaries ~ are to be held,~n · September~lS, 19~O and he must publicize this a cer~tain number-~ of days~ before voting so that he thinks this matter should:~be settled as soon as possible. Mr. 'Thomson stated that he felt it was very magnanimus of Father Shea 'to make ee ~ mov~ng:rrecmnc~ ~ne ~o the .Bradstreet School and. Precinc~ T~o would be at the fire station. ~he library was also. mentioned. ' as 'a possibility. Mr. Coffin felt that Father Shea's gesture was very. good and .well appreciated but he 'liked the idea of the Library and if not available he :would go. along with Mr. Cronin'e suggestion. Mr. ~homson stated that we should contact the Library.officials f~st. to. show that ~he only. other public building is.not available. Mr. Lyons asked the board if they would approve the hours for the Prim~4es as they did last year from 12:00 noon to 8;OO 'P.M. and all agreed with these hours. FIRE ALARM BO~ Mr. Joseph Hart and Mr. Fakmer Longo came before the board to ask if :the- fire alarm bog on the Center School could be.moved to Hewitt Avenue and Rosedale Ave. ~ince the Center School is to be abandoned. ~hey stated that there is no box on Chestnut Street or Milk Stree~ and there are new houses going up in this section. ' Mr. Thomson suggested that they have Chief Hargreaves investigate this ma~ter before the school is abandoned and find out about the cost, wiring and make a report to this board. FIRE DEPARTMENT: Anthony Camasso, and several other residen:s from the Kimball dis%riot came oefore the board to discuss the recen: fire at Fores~ ich ,1950. AUGUST 7, 1950-continued FIRE DEPARTMENT: Mr. Camasso stated that the fire was noticed at 11:10 P.M. and a call made to the Fire Department and that the fire department pulled in at 11:30 P.M.' He mentioned that the Chief left the fire early and at 2:30 A.M. everything~as still burning and the firemen were drinking beer in another house. If some- thing isn't dons. to take care of situations like this, he said they would have the District Attorney come in. He said Boxford Fire Depar:men~ came in and sprayed water on the place, then the fire broke ou: again on Sunday night and there was nowa:er in the tank on the forest fire car and no lights on the truck. T~o private cars put their lights on so She firemen could see. Mr. Camasso stated that if the truck had come up a£one without picking up the men, there were enough men available :o help ou: on July 28. Mr. Cssmsso further stated that the house belonged to a man named Pineau who has not. lived there since Christmas. The nearest house if 15 ~o 20' and there is no wate~ as the ~ells are all dry. Mr. Thomson stated that if the truck had been sent down there withou~ the men and no men .happened to be available, it would have been a useless trip. ~he fire broke out Saturday, Sunday and again on Monday. Martin Lawlor told Mr. Camasso that there was only one half a tank of :~er. Mr. Rahs stated that if the box had been working it would have helped considerably. Mr. ;~ilcox discussed the article in which $1500 was appropriated for a new box and he wanted to know why it wasn't there. He stated that the number is 76 but when the alarm rang in, it was 73. He said that Carl Wainwright stated that the discs were going too fast amd couldn't be sounded from the station. ~rtin Lawlor wen~ down Turnpike Street and when he found no fire, he came up Summer Street and followed the cars to the fire. Chief Hargreaves was called in and he explained that when an alarm comes in by mean~ of a box, it is recorded on the ticker system at the station. He - . presented the ticker tape from July 28, which showed that the alarmwas sounded a: 11:2~ P.M. and the trucks were down there'before 11:30 P.M. and Chief stated that it takes a good ten to twelve minutes to drive 'down to that location. V~ith ~eference zo Mr. Lawlor going down Turnpike St., he s'tated that it is very rarely that the .men come ~o a fire in their own car. Mr. Hargreaves s~ated that ordinarily if a box is .sounded from the outside, they generally wait for the second call ~ to make sure of the number. With me~spect to. the matter of no wa~er, Mr.. Hargreaves said he did no~ believe that unless the 'men had been using the water before the Statemen~ was made. Re s~,i said he left four men there .and told them ~o watch the proper:y and let the house burn as they could do nothing ~o save it. Mr. Thomson inquired. if there was anything wrong with' box 76 ar~i the chief stated that it sounded ~'t 11:53 P.M. on June 18, when there was a false alarm. the board then suggested that someone be sen~ to the box location and sound the alarm aud they would know definitely if it was in perfect'working order. A police officer ~nd one member of the group from the Kimball district went to the box and Chie£ Hargreaves blocked the whistle and the selectmen and others present adjourned to the fire s ration to watch the effect. ~he board stated that everything worked fine and the group presented agreed that it was alright and that perhaps they hsd been mistaken. Mr. Thomson suggested to the Chief that he put number 76 on this box, which at the presen~ time has no number. ~The chief agreed to do this. REQUEST FOR TRANSFER FROM RESERV~.. FUND: Chief James Hargreaves requested the transfer of $300 from th~ Preserve Fund to the Forest Fire Appropriation and the bosrd voted unanimously torefer this request %o the Advisory Board for their approval. Mr. Salisbury had suggested that this be inserted ss an article in the warrant 'of the coming special town meeting but later, after discussion with Mr. aargreaves, advised that it would be taken from the Reserve Fund. LAWRENCE GAS & ~.w. CTRIC COMPANY: Request.for permission to excavate to install gas services At 480 Railroad Avenue 32 feet on street was approved by the board by unanimous vote . This will also be referred to Mr. Carty. LAWRENCE G & E CO: - NEoN ENGLAND T & T CO: Petition received for granting Joint or identical locations for existing poles as follows: Sutton St. on the northerly side, at a point approximately 35 feet easterly, from Thorndike Rd., 1 pole: Dale Street, in triangle at the inter- section of Dale and Salem Sts. 1 pole; Dale Street, on the southerly side, from a point approximately 105 ~eet easterly from Salem Street, east~rly 6 poles;. At the southeasterly corner of Dsle 'Street and Narbleridge Road, 1 pole; Dale Street, on ~he northerly side, from a point approximately 299 feet 'easterly from Marbleridge Road, easterly, 2 poles. ~A hearing was set for'July 21, 1950 at 7:30 P.M. AUGUST 7, 1950-continue~: BOARD OF TRADE: Communication received from the Board of Trade suggesting changes in smree~ lights on Main Street and at North Andover Center~ as follows: Pole ~2107 with the orange band, nearest 54 Main St. 1-2500 lumen light. Pole, west side, nearest D & D market, 1 2500 lumen light, Pole between Cranes Hardware Co. and DeTeresi,s Barber Shop, 1 2500 light and at the Center, neares~ McAfee's store, 1 2500 luman, light. It was also suggested that the light on the pole on the eas~ side nearest the Bradstreet school be eliminated, this light being unnecessary due to the limbs of the mrees surrounding it. The Board voted unanimously mo refer these suggestions to the Lawrence G & E Co. and request that they make a survey and also send recommendations of same to this board. PC~ICEDEPARTMENT: Chief McKee reported tha~ hew ill be on..vac4tion for the next w~ek. an~ that Sgt~ Hilton will be on duty during the day forthat period of time. NO PARKING SIGNS: Chief McKee reported tha~ the no parking signs on Main Street, across f~om the North Andover res:auran~ have been placed at correct angle andthe old ~igns removed, COMPLAINTS-FIrST AND MAIN STREET: Chief McKee reported than an officerwill be in the vicinity of First and Main Streems between ten o'clock P.M. and one'o'clockA. M. to'check on the Complaints made with respect to noise'and other distu~.bances~ am this locamion. PETITION FOR SPECIAL TOWN MEETING: A petition s%.gned byAlfred S. McKee and 235 other registered voters of the mown was presented to the board requesting that aspecial mown meeting be held in the near future mo amend the zoning by-law by'changing the classification of a piece of property, owned by Alfred H. Mckee at 36 Church Street, from aresidential . mo a business district. The board voted to include this article in the warrant of the sDecial t~wnmeeting to be held on August 28, 1950 at Stevens Hall, a~ 8:00 P.M. 'POLICE DEPART~ENT: Mr. Coffin brought up the matter of the s tory of the court cas~ held on July 2§, 1950 at the LawrenceDistrict Court by Judge Wil!iamH. Daly at which timethe Judge.criticised North Andover for failure to have a prosecutor present~ 'The officer present s~ated that he h~d expected the Chief to be present 'and .when qu~stedby the Judge as to who was prosecuting the case, Patrolman~oodhouse stated they"did not have any prosecutor and that he had expected the chief to be~present. Judge Dsly stated that i% did not look good tohave two officers ~itting,~there and no one to prosecute the case. North Andover is supposed to be represented here. Patrolman~oodhouse said he would serve as prosecutor and Special Justice Daly remarked:. "Wel~ get in there and go to work., . Mr. Coffin s~ated that it seemed to him that' things had been rmming pretty well in the police dep~r%menm and he wasn't satisfied with the reply from the chief as to why no prosecutor w~s present. Also the mam~er ok Sergeant Hilton .prasecu%ing all cases which come in during the night was not samisfactory and Mr. Coffin felt that was an imposition as Sg%. Hiltom worked nights and that would mean that he would have to work days also, when there was a case in court. Mr. Coffin read aletter received from Officer Woodhouse in which he sta~ed that he was on =acauton fc~ two w~eks and he did no% see the chief but~he assumed tham he would he present. As 'to why a prosecutor was not present, he did not k~ow. Mr. Coffinmentioned thatthe by-laws state that the chief shall prosecute or may assign someone to prosecute. 7u this specific both chief and officer were given a chance to explain and he, Mr. Coffin, was not satisfied with ~he explanation from the chief. He suggested that this board reprimand the chief for failing to arrange prosecut~n. He also mentioned that the chief is required to. make various reports to the Selectmen according to the by-laws and he has nom done this.' Mr. Coffin s~ated that this board had spenm'money- ~o have these by-laws printed and made =vailable to the officers and he thought it was aboum time that they were lived up to. Mr. Thomson inquired as to what action Mr. Coffin woold suggest as a reprimand. Mr. Coffin stated that it was his feeling that the c~ief is the prosecuting officer and that in the 'event of vacation, etcJ he may assign the sergeant or some other officer.'He thinks it is an imposition to assign the mergeant to prosecute all cases coming in at night. ' Mr. Thomson snared that he felt the chief, was very much deserving of censure and he should have made arrangements for another officer ~o prosecute this particular case if he were not going ~o be available. Mr. Thomson said hc would iike to know if it is intended that Sgt. Hilton t~ke care of all cases coming in a~ night and that would mean that he would have to be availabel day and night, since he works nights. AUGUST ~, 1950-eontinusd If Sgt. Hilton hsd no active part in the arres% he would have no interest in the case and would know no more mmr. the chief. Mr. Thomson said he would like ~o ~now more about future prosecutiom~. Mr. Coffin said he appreciated the fact that. this is a delicate thing to bring a police matter ou~ in public but he made a motion that this board issue a reprimand for failure ~o prosecute and direct tha~ the chieT see to it 'that it doesn't happen again. Mr. Ftnneran said he would like ~o hear the chief,s story and give him a chance to explain what happened. Mr. Thomson then read the chief,s letter and informed the board that there is a great deal of ~talk about this matter and he has taken a lot of kidding about it. Mr. Thomson then seconded the~motion that the Chief of Police be issued a reprimand by thisboard for his failure %o prosecute the trial at District Cour~ on ~July 2§,19%0. This was. a maJority vo%e, Mr. Finneran not voting. Mr. Thomson then said he would like to talk to the chief about future prosecutions when he re~urns from his vacation a~dalso discus's the rules and regu3mtious. CHECK FOR $80.00 received: A check was received from Philip T. Miller for $§0.O0 as a deposit on the land he recently purchased from the ~own, at Dale Street. The board voted to contact Ci J. Mahoney and ask that he prepare the deed and see that it is sen~ to the board this week. A copy Of the description of ths land tnvolved was sent to C. J. Mahonsy .on this'day.. .~ SPECIAL TOWN'MEETING: The board voted ~ insert the follo?~ng articles in the special'to~n meetin warrant · on August 28,1950. To take from the Reserve Fund, Overlay surplus the SUm ~f $2%00~ to carry on the activities of the V6terans, agen~ appropriation forths balanceof the year; ~t6 transfer from available funds the sum of $7,000 for the %?elfare Dept.. and ~2,000 from available funds for the Moth Department and an article f~om the · Department of Public~orks ~to ,transfer~$2500from th~ Water Department wages and salaries account~tothe '#ater Department ~xpenses account, in addition-to the articie ,previously mantionedas submitted byalfred S. McKee. CO~TY COMMISSIoNERS: ~ ' · "' Form Sent to the commissioners for reimbursement ,for ? laying hens'which were 'killed by Unknown dog 'or dogs on Au~jst 3 and? 'and which are 'valuedat $27.00 as requested by Arthur A. Thomson~and appraiser ~John Dolan, .dog 'officer. S~%EET ,LIGHT: ' ' - ~The request of ~illiam Beauchesne for a stree{ light at the corner of Mass. Ave. and'Commonwealt~ Ave. was denied; The board viewed, this location'andsince there is a light across the stree: a% this location, the feeling ofthe boArd was that no additi~nul light is necessary. LOSS OF TURKEY~-~ BY MINk~: Mr. Herman Arlitt', 1%03,0sgood St. contacted this office to see'if he coUld be ~reimbursed.... ~ ,. ~for 15~. turkeys, which were killled on his property on July 31, 1950. He ms. quzte, sure~ that the turkeys were killed by minks as he had set traps and · caught two. The Yard is all fenced in and he is quite sure that ,no ~dogs could getinto the yard. The ~ounty commissioners were conmactad ~an~"~he dog office~:~ informed Mrs. Dearden that there could be no reimbursement for,livestock killed bym~nks. He appreciated the fact that Mr. ~Arlitt was so honest about it as he could have blamed 6nknown dogs for the damage. DEPARTmeNT OFPUBLICWORKS: Copy'of contract No. 123%2'covering work to, be done in'this town this year under ,Chapter.90 was received by the board 'and is signed by the commissioners and~by~tbe -.~Selectmen REVOLVER PERMIT APPLICATION: 'The~boamd approved the ~pplication Of Harry Mellian, 30 Maple Ave. for permission ~mo~ carry a revolver for protection.. SELECTIVE SERVICE: A communication was received from the State Headquarters for Selective Service, 49% Summer St. Boston 10, Mass. requesting that this board submit the names of three ready and available qualified persons to' serve as local.-board members on their decen%ralizad boards if and when the need arises and also to furnish the names and addresses of attorneys to se~e in the uncompensated capacity of government appeal agen%s. No action was taken at this meeting but will be discussed a% the nex% regular meeting of~the board. SHORTAGE ~OF RENTAL HOUSING ACCOMMODATIONS: Copy of Bill No. 27%1 received also No. 2%11 and 2%%7 of 19%0 realtiVe to this matter.