HomeMy WebLinkAbout1950-11-20 Board of Selectmen MinutesNOVE~.~ER 20, 1950 (continued) 108 CIVIL DEFENSE MATI~: Mr. Forbes Rockwell would like to meet with the Selectmen, at their convenience, ~o discuss Civil Defense matters. The board decided ~o have Mr. Rockwell come in next Monday evening at 8:00 P.~. Time later changed ~o 11/22/50 at 4:00 P.M. kq~ETING WI~H BOARD OF HEALTH: : The Selectmen me~ with the Board of Health members a~ 7:45 P.M. this evening to appoint someone ~o the vacancy in the Beard of Health~ as a result of the death of Dr. Holt. Mr. Thomson opened the discussion by stating that the purpose of the meeting of the combined boards was to appoint a successor. Mr. Thomson stated that ~nree written applications had been received and he read these, applications being from Dr. Thomas Ceplikas, Dr. Julius Kay and Dr. Charles Lee. Mr. Thomson then stated that as a matter of comment, he did not think it was necessarily required ~o have a written application and asked the other members if any oral applications had been received and there were none. ~r. Thomson then stated that the candidates for this position were confined ~o three doctors, who are in good standing and well qualifiedand the burden was upon the two boards. The chosen candidate will serve until March and may or may no~ run for the next three years. Dr. Kay was chosen by unanimous vo~e of the two boards and will be so notified by the Selectmen and also advised of the nex~ Board of Health meeting w~bh he was respectfully requested ~o attend. DISCUSSION ABOUT SALARY INCREASE IN POLICE A~D FIRE DEPARTMENT: Mr. Willis, representing the police department, was present, at this meeting and wished to know what consideration had been given their request, presented last Monday night, and wondered if the board had an. ything to tell him as he would like rm report b~ck to the men. Mr. Thomson stated that the board had .contemplated having the chief of' the fire department in and the chief of the police department, but the fire chief is ill and canno~ be hear and the Chief of Police said he would rather wait until the fire chief~canbe here. Mr. Willis asked if it were necessary to have the representatives of the men here or if the board were going into executive session with the heads of the~depart- merits. Mr. Thomson told Mr. Willis that he had made known his reques~ in writing. Mr. ~'fil!is said that they hadasked for an increase of $10.00 per week andwondered if there were going to be a compromiseor what. He also stated that he had told the Chief what the feeling of the men is and he (the Chief) can spe~k accordingly. EAST~%N MASS. RY. CO.: Commu~uication received from Eastern Mass. advising ~hat white band has bcen paint'ed on Utility pole #1095 between houses numbered 454 and 466, Mass. Ave. If this bus s~op is no~ proper, Eastern Mass. said they would be glad to take the matter' up with ~rs. Mammino directly. The board voted to permit this selection~ to stand for the time being. RECREATIONAL COUNCIL: The Board voted unanimously %o appoint Philip Sutcliffe, Edward Schorman, John Kilcourse, William Magowan and .Elmer Jackson as members of the Recreational Council. Board. decided to table for two or three week the recommendation of %he Recreational Council to have the so-call~d San Bank Playground named %?averly Park Playground. REQUEST FOR TREEREMOVAL: A request for the removal of a tree has been received from Albert J. Boucher, 105 Second Street. The board voted to refer this matter to the Tree %¥arden. TOWN ~Z~EASURER: Mr. Maker was asked to submit balances of the Salary Accounts as of November 21, 1950, and thiswas received by th~ Selectmen. No action ~aken. EMERGENCY EINANCE BOARD: Communication received fromF~mergency Finance. Board calling attention %o the provisions of Chap%er 528 of the Acts of 1950 pertaining to the mahnerI of authorization of debt f~r cities and towns in Mass. in connection with school donstruction. No action was taken. MASS. DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS: Communication received relative to City, Town and' County Ways selected for 'snow removal assistance and assistance will be given on plowing on Route 133 From Route 125 to Boxford Line (1.60 miles). NOVEMBER 20, 19~0 (continued) APPLICATION FOR PISTOL P'~RMIT: The board unanimously approved the application of Vincent R. Reilly to carry a pistol or revolver. CO~BINATION k~ETING TO DISCUSS ZONING BY-LAV~S: The Board of Selectmen met tonight at 8:00 P.M. with the Planning Board, Appeal Board and Mr. John Alter to. discuss the zoning by-laws. Those members present were Mr. Mocradkanian, Mr. James Regan, Mr. Sam DiManro, Mr. Henry Lurid, Mr. Alvino, the three gelec~men and Mr. Alter and Mr. Rltchie. Mr. Thomson started the discussion by stating that it was nice of these boards to Join with the Selectmen and they could give the Selectmen the benefit of their views. He elso stated it was immerstive that the Sele:tmen take some action on this matter. . Mr. Mooradkanian' stated that Mr. Arnold Saisbury had made a very careful survey of the situation and incorporated such suggestions as the Appeal Board made at ~the time. He stated that they were faily well agreed at the time that they had made as many changes as they possibly could think of in view of the experience they had had in enforcing the zoning by-laws with the appeel board. Since then, they have gone over this situation several times on the Appeal Board and as he recalled it, there are two questions with respect to the present proposed set-up of the By-Laws...one thing being set back lines and side lines. An example of this was given and a discussion followed. Mr. Thomson expressed the opinion that the Appeal BOard should be given discretion to allow variance on any application filed. He said in the administration of these zoning by-laws, an unlimited amount of disc.retion shoul.d be given to the Aopeal Boated and Mr. Mocradkanian a eed .that ~thzs was 'the rmght ~ay to do it. ~Mr. Coff£n su .... *~ *~ ..... g~. A AppeaLs give specific wording for that amendment a'nd Mr. ~omson felt that £t ought to be in the form of an article or a section ~dded. Mr. Mooradkanian stated that if broad discretionary powers are given, pressure may be brought on the board. Mr. Thomson agreed with him but stated that the men who comprise this board are men of high calibre and highly respected and there must be a majority vote of the board.on any matter. He also stated that he did not believe that the ~ype of Appeal Board we have had amd will have will abuse their discretionary powers. He stated that the discretion aS applied would apply to~ old lots. Mr. Coffin felt ~that broad discretion on the board would be a good thing. Mr. Mooradkanisn stated that the Planning Board has no authority over sub-division if it faces an accepted street and wondered how is the best way to get enforce- ment of the zoning law. He mentioned one way to approach this and that would be to require the building inspector ~o submit commas of all applications for permit together with plan with a copy of the plam4ing board and a copy to ~ the appeal board. If it did not conform with certain requirements which would ordinarily come ~o the Appeal Board, the Planning Board could, in th~ way of bringing some kind of action, go into court ~o compel the enforcement of the building law with respect to that particular lot. Mr. DiMauro felt that it was very important that something about trailers be put in the by-laws. Mr. Ritchie felt this was a question of the Board of Health as it was a sanitation problem. A general discussion followed regarding the building inepectorand whether or not he filed plans and if he keeps files. Mr. Coffin thought it might be a good idea to have th~ building inspector come in every meeting and present copies and indicate plans to the Selectmen so that once a week they will have a check on what is being done. Mr. Thomson however felt this would be interference on the part of the Selectmen v~.th regard to the two other beards. Mr. Coffin felt strict regulations should be enforced and w~nted some kind of an arrangment to be made within the next week or so. Mr. Thomson did not feel that the Selectmen should u. surp the power of the Board of Appeal or the ~anning Board but he was in favor of having some kind of a waiting period before permit was granted. He thought we should instruct the building inspector not to gran~ a permit for five days~and a duplicate copy of application should be sent to both Appeal And Planning Boards. Mr. Mooradkanian felt that one member should be appointed to scan these applications. Another point came up for discussion and Mr. Mooradkanian said that certain streets have been lost in antiquity so that we do not know whether they have been accepted or approved. He felt that if any streets which do not indicate from the records whether they have ever been accepted crif the records were so far~.gone that you couldn,t ~race them, there ought to be some method of having a public hearing on it and give that Street a valid legal standing so that the residents of that street could get the utilities without ~oo much difficulty. Mr. Thomson stated that in due course, the remedy has got to lie with the Planning Board. ' Maps and quarters were discussed and Mr. Alter felt that it was up to the Planning Board to plan and zone the ~own. Mr. Mocradkunian stated,that an official map couldn,t be changed but a master plan could be changed at any time. Mr. ~ooradkanian felt the ~wo boards should have their own quarters so they would have a place for files and maps, etc. Mr. DiMauro felt that the b~ilding inep'ector might also use these oame quarters.