HomeMy WebLinkAbout1950-12-29 Board of Selectmen MinutesMORRIS STREET: The Board also voted ~o m~lease the bond of $50.00 furnished by David Ritchie, for Morris Street. Mr. P~ttchie was notified and he came in and collected the $50.00 on 12/27/1950. ~his bond was held by Mrs. Dearden and returned to Mr. Ritchie by her. .. DEPARtmENT OF CONSERVATION: Notice received that in conformance with Section,il, Chapter 660, Acts o~ 194§ the liability of this town for Gypsy Moth Work in 1951 is $3,754.68. T~e sum of 2~3~ $6300 :is recommended for appropriation to be expended soley for control work against these insects specified in Section lllas public nuisances. It is further recommended that the sum of $2500 be appropriated separately to be expended by the Local Moth Supt. in all control work. against the Dutch Elm disease as so~ forth, by Section 13, Chapter 761, Acts of 1949.. DEPT. OF 1CORPORATION AND TAXATIGN: Notice received with respect ~o the provisions of Section 3SA.of Chapter 41 of the Gen. Laws with r.espec~ to the Collector of 2axes being made the Collector of Accountsj and suggested that action be taken in 1951 to make this~possible. No action was taken by the board. DECEMBER 29,19%0: .. The Board of Selectmen met at 1:30 P.M..because of the'holiday falling on Monday. Rills and payrolls were approved. STREET LIGHT REQUEST: . Mrs. Elaine Griffin, 841 Osgood Street ~has requested a street light .on Chickering Road near her property. She stated that there is no 'street light for a distance of 600 fee~~ and ~if a pole were approved a pole would have ~o be installed'as there are' no pole~ ~in this vicinity (600 feet)~ The Board voted t6 ~view',this location in ~he near future. ,ADVISORY BOARD APPROVAL;TRANSFER FROM RESERVE FUND: . Approval for the. smount of $500.'from the Reserve Fund ~o a Civil Defense appropriation was r. eceived from Mr. Edwin Murphy. . LAWRENCE GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY: Notice received that a 1000 lumen' light had been installed on pole- #lOll on Court Street. Th~s light~was'~turned on D~cember 14, 1950. Tae Board suggested that ~we check with. Mr. Frost about the lights requested ~some time ago for Main 'Street. '2hose lights were requested on 9/26/1'9%0. ANDO¥~- DUMPING RUBBISH: .-, We' received a communication from Roy'Hardy, ~Chairman of Selectman, stating that they had received some c cmplaints~ about rubbish ~being dumped on what'was once !the old railroad~betweenl~Haverhill St in Andover and Den Rock Road in i~North ~kndo~er. Investigation shwws that the~larger portion of,these~deposits are in North Andover. ~he Board wondered if this board would suggest that an improvement may be in order. - . ~ The board voted ~o refer this matter to the chief for investigation. ,REVOLVER PERMIT APPROVED: ..Tae.board agproved the application of Freeman R Barteaux,'t3 MainStreet -for~a license ~o carry a revolver. Mr. Barteau~ is a~special police~officer. REPORT FRO. M CHIEF MCKEE: ~ Chief McKee sent a report to the Selectmen on the investigation of the Vermont Store holdup on November 24, 1950, giving facts .and all details, as'~requested by the board. No action was taken by the board and the report will be- filed. INSURAN CE: Mr. ~ Whipple sent in the insurance premiums estimated for 19~1 and the amount is $~1,000. This will be requested as the 1951 appropriation. SKATING RINKS: Mr. ~homson brought up the matter of providing a s~ating rink~in town and stated' he had asked Mr. Hargreaves, ~o check with Mr. Duffy about flooding any suitable .areas.' Mr. Hargreaves stated that the Tho~mon school is no different than it was before and the water wont stay there. At presen~ there is no'frost in the groumd. Mr. Duffy then came to the meeting and s~ated that the Community Center was being used for skating right at this time. He said his department had bulldozed out this area and .~although it is not ~ept clear of snow, it is used by the children. It measures probably about 200. x 200'. Mr. Duffy also stated tha~ the Thomson school is the same as before and nothing has been done. ,He felt that only a fine spray and cold nights were needed but he kno~s of no other particular ~lace suitable for a skating rink. DECEMBER 29,1950:-continued Mr. Dully suggested that the ponds could be used if lights and police protection were provided. No action was taken on this suggestion. Toey voted :o ask Mr. Carty to clear the snow off the Community Cen~er e~ating rink. Mr. Duffy later suggested that they could probably use their new tractor and keep the snow removed at the Center skating rink but it would cost money and they have none at this time. !~r. Thomson though~ this anexcetlent idea and asked Nr. Duffy if he would ~y it out once and see what the. cos~' would be and thongs omo arrangement . could be made later with respect to cost. Mr. Duffy agreed to do this. COASTING: Mr. Coffin brought up the matter of coasting and the board felt that definite action had previously been taken withmspect' to ~ertain streets to be used for coasting. This will be checked further and referred to Chief McKee. The streets to be blocked off are UnionStreet~from'Narblehead Street, to the dump and Union Street frgm Marblehead Street down Beverly to Perry Street; Perley Road frbm High S~reet to Thorndike Road, Stevens Street at Great Pond Road to/~arblerid~e Road at Grea~ Pond Road, from four o'clock P.M. to, nine o'clock P.M. and coasting is prohibited on other streets .except the following which were voted for coasting,~hc fo~w-i~_k: Greene Street from' Linden Ave. ~to Railroad Ave. and sanded at ,the bottom; Harold Stree~ from Marblehead Street ~o Beverly Street to Middlesex, Street ~and sanding the street near Middlesex Street. Copy of these streets will be given to the chief. JANUARY 8,1951 ~, _ The regular weekly meeting of the Board of Se~ctmenwas holed'at ~?:O~P~M. N~RIS STREET-ADJUDICATION: . . ~' . ~ ~ ,~ · No action w as taken on the hearing sche.duled for' this d~y ~n view of lack of appearance of~ pegsons interested. Filed under Morris~Street. STREETS FOR COASTINg: < · As voted in 1948, the board agreed thatthe following streets would be blocked off for coasting from 4:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M.,. Union Street from Marblehead. St. to the dump;. Union: St. from Marblehead St. down Beverly St..to .Perry St. Parley Road'"Trom High St. to' Thorndike Rd. Stevens St. a~ Gr. Pond Rd. to Narbleridge Rd. ~at' Gt.' Bond Rd. Greene St. from Linden '.Ave. ~%o Rsilroad Ave. ahd' s~nded at ,the bottom 'zt Railroad Ave. Harold St..from marblehead St."tO Beverly St. to Middlese~'Stl' and ~anding-street near Middlesex St. Coasting prohtbited'.en all other streets. STREET' L~GHTS: ' · · .. Mr. FrostJof the Lawrence G ~, E Co. suggested that if the Selectmen'are planning~ . to install any street lights within %he next ~ear, t.hey should place?an order for at least one dozen lights now as they.may not be able to get'the 'equipment a~ a ~ater date. The Board voted to ord.~r'one dozen each of 1000 lumen lights and one dozen 2500 lumen lights..~ BIDS FOR TOWN REPORTS: The. Board to. request Miss Fi~m, Town Accountant, :o ask for the bids with the same spegifications as las~ year. They also agreed ~ith' }iiss Finn that the balances ~or each d epar~m~n~ show this year on %he %own .reports. At present the balances are shown only uhder Miss Finn's report. STREE~'LIGHT-THOMSON SCHOOL:.' -: The Board viewed the location at this school and voted to request'a 2500lumen s~reet, light on pole #470 at the corner of '~llliam Street and Railroad' Ave. and that the 1000 lumen light should be removed.~ CENTER SCH00L: The board voted to instruct Louis .R~ Miller to board up .the Center' SchOol windows and doors at the pric~qubted, by him,' $262.90 and 'asked thatthe work be done as soon as possible. DUMPING: Toe Board had checked.a location mentioned by Roy Hardy, Selectmen of Andover, with respect to dumping on D6n Rock Road in North Andover. Chief McKee checked the location and found it to be in Lawrence and Mr. Hardy was so notifi%d.