HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-01-21 Board of Selectmen MinutesJANUARY 21, 1952:
The regular weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at 7:00 P.M. with
all members present. Weekly bills and payrolls were approved.
Robert Dill, Harold Windle and Leo Lafond came before the board as representatives
of the "labor" department of the toE. Mr. Dill stated that since the question of
Civil Service had come up, there seemed 'to be a lot of misunderstanding. He said,
."We would like you fellows to contact our representatives and get a Civil Service
representative here and then call an open meeting so that everyone in the town
will have a clear understanding of the situation.,, "I understand, this gees on
the ballot and there seems to be a let of misunderstanding.,, Mr. Thomson then
asked if it were the intention of the petitioners to only include labor service
- in the. town. Mr. Dill said that he really didn't know anything about 'it but as
far as he knew, it includes everyone...clerks, school Janitors andlaberers.
Mr. Dill said that they wanted someone directly connec%ed with it in the State
House to clear this up and let them kno~ how they will be affected. ~r. Thomson
felt that it should be up to the sponsers of the article to clear this up but
Mr. Dill said they don't seem ~o get at it. They had a man from Lawrence talk
to them re this matter and he seemed to think it Just involved laborers but the
way the petition is written up, it includes official and labor service.~ Mr.
Windle then said that he understood this was to include laborers in the highway,
tree and water departments, and four clerks inside the building (although they
· later found out that two ware bonded and wouldn'~ be included) but the petition
would not include school Janitors. Mr. Thomson then stated that~ the petition was
written up to include official m~d ~lmbor service, and the difficulty arises when
you ask "What is official service and what is labor service". Mr. Thomson then
read some notes Mrs.-Denrden had after she had contacted Civil Service to the effect
that if official, service and labor service are included, only one question would be
required and school Janitors would come under that question but if it' were to be for
school Janitors alene, there would be a special procedure. Mr. ~homson said that
the general procedure would be to have the question on the b~l~ot and have ~ list
sen~ to the Civil Service Commissioner. Mr. Dill then said that they don't know
whether or not they want it but Mr. Lafond said that they did want it. Er. Lafond
further stated that they would like to have someone define the Civil Service law
and the way in which it will apply to them. Mr. Dill felt that the townspeople
should have an~ idea of what they are voting for and Mr. Dill further stated that
since they are members of the town as well as laborers for the town, it might
not be a good thing for the town. Mr. Lafond stated that he understood this
was not supposed to add any expense ko the town. Mr. Dill felt that .there
might be a nasty situation as far as management...but Mr. Lafond felt. there would
be better management. Mr.' '$ind!e asked if it were possible to have someene come
out here to discuss this. Mr. Thomson felt that the burden .was on the petitioners
to explain wha~ they intend to do and he further felt that the Advisory~ Board
would make a complete investigation of'it and said, in his opinion, they might
seek to have someone come ~here. Mr. Thomson further stated that he felt it was the
duty of the Board of Selectmen to acquaint the townspeople as much as they can with'
~.the article. He said that this article is a little bit complexing at the moment
· and if ~there were confusion about it at the to~ meeting, it might be detrimental
,to. those who want the article. He said, "From my own viewpoint, the Advisory Board
~rill'.be interested in the interpretation of the article.,, He said that it might
~b~e .that tha Board of Selectmen could combine with~the Adrlsory Board to seek some
explanation of it by way of a public meeting~ assuming that we co,,l~ get someone
of sufficient authority to explain it. ~ Mr. Ceffin asked, "~ho is the sponsor of
the article?" Mm. Lafend thought that Walter S~amp was supposed to b'e but Mr.
Dill did not want to name anyone in particular. ~ Mr. Thomson~ said, "I would co-
operate as much as I could in that if this Board feels this is in order~ we'would
do everything to have someone come out and speak about this, but~that attempting
to get someone from 'Civil Service was neither approval or disapproval of the article."
Mr. Coffin felt these men should get together and see who will represent them so
that the Selectmen wouldnot be given "the ball to carry." Mr..Thomson teld
the men that the article would go in the warrant anyway as they have sufficient
number of signatures. It was finally decided that the three men present here
would represent their respective departments with the thought that the Selectmen
and AdvisoryrBoard would try to have seme person in autho=~y come hereto discuss
this question with them.
~alzetta came before the Board, stating that he lived at 470 Johnson Street
and that a Mr. Henshaw bw~lt a home acro~s the s~reem. As soon as the cellar of
this new home was dug, 'they got an underground spring that has been running continu-
ously. He stated this was a traffic hazard as it goes over the road, comes on to
his property and washes away their good farm soil. He has talked with the highway
dept. about this. Mr. Calzetta first said that the Gas Co. broke a main pipe and
water has been running continuously but when Mr. Thomson asked who broke the drain
Mr. Calzetta said he didn't know, but as soon as the ditch ~as dug for water and gas,
~hisrstarted and is getting worse and worse. Mr. Calzetta thought there should be a
JANUARY 21, 195~(continued)
lantern there (the neighbors around there know about this situation but strangers
would not). Mr. Calzetta said this was on Mr. Henshaw's proper%ybut comes on
town property. Mr. Calzetta said Mr. Carry couldn't ge~ in there with a tractor
and it seemed to him there would have %o be a ditch dug by hand in order %o
check this. Mr. Thomson asked him if he thought there should be a bomb or flare
there now and he said there should be scmething there but it really should be
fixed. Mr. Thomson felt this should be taken up with Mr. Carry and' the board
felt it was the only thing they could do. They thanked Mr..Calzetta for.bringing
this mat%er to their attention.
~. 'i: s, , · a ame an ' · ,c ubbin came before the Board as representatives
of the Police Relief Association and Mr. Willis spoke for the group. He stated
that last Monday night they had a meeting and the question came up about the ad-
Justment in the reserve police officers' salaries. Mr. Thomson asked what the
feeling of the association was with regard to salary or wage. Mr. Willis said
that in Nethuen and Lawrence, the reserves get the same as the regulars but in
Andover, they receive $5.00 a week less. Mr. Willis said the reserves felt that
they would be satisfied if a $5.00 differential were established but the present
spread ~s. much too.much. Mr. ~homsen.asked if this would be a $5.00 differential
on a weekly basis irrespective of the length of time a reserve had been employed
and Mm. Willis agreed this was correct but thought it would have to be broken
down in an hourly rate. After some discussion about salaries of regulars, they
came to the conclusion that it was Mr. Willis' proposition that the reserves should
be paid 8% less than the regulars. Mr. Willis said there was a provision that when
a man starts, he starts at $5.00 less and said, "we have pretty much stuck to that...
I don't think it will amountto any more money on the appropriation...but it might
on the extra work.", in regard to a previous discussion that wassheld relative.to
this matter, Mr. Thomson was under the impression that the Board suggested at the
time that nothing could be. done about it until the new b~dgets came in..Mr. Coffin
said itseemed to him that they voted that the.full amount shouldbe, paid to sub-
stitutes but s~ated that he hadn't seen the new budget. Mr. Thomson then asked
"Are you specificallysuggesting'thatyou want the same amount paid to reserves or
8% less?" Mr. Willis then said, "Six months ago, Mr. Coffin said some adjustment
should be made and would we object to$5.00 less...therewasno definite arrangement
madebut you. did say you would give itsome thought when the new budget was submitted.
What~'thodght have you..gi~en this matter, if any?" Mr. Thomson asked wha~ the vote
was'.',Mr.~Wi!lis said, "If we coul~ get the full pay, we would take it, the bargaining
element was ~o go ~o $5.00 less...that was cur'vote."Mr.-Coffin saidhe thought.the
Chief~wanted to make it $!.25 per hr., but said this_Board voted, to'make itthe.full
amoun~,. Mr. :Thomson said, ,¥¢e expressed opinions but didn't take definite vote on
this matter....we did talk about it and expressed, opinions;" Mr~ Coffin was under
the'im~ressien that the Board ha6been camvassed~:en this matter. Mr. Willis-then
said, "If.you:establish: a differential, it would be $1.45 per hr.; if you gave .them
the full pay, it would be what we get, $1.57/hr. Mr. Finneran stated he was in
favor:of giving them the full pay if we have the money and Mr. Coffin.thought some
recommendation had to be made to the town meeting.' Mr. Willis said that this was.
net necessary for to~n meeting action...the people approve the budget. Mr. ThomSon .
then s~ated, "Assuming the budget has been. made up in the prope~ form, this would
commence as of April 1, 1952." Mr. Willis asked if the Board wouldtake the necessary
action as far as Civil Service was concerned andMr. Thomson said, "We will be required
to'.notify them of thenew rate." Mr. Ftnneran said, "I move.to that effect...that
the~ ge~. full ~ay." Mr..Coffin then said, "AgainI want to ~ecall that we were
canvassed on that very question and the suggestionwas $1.25/hr by the Chief and
felt it should be $1.46 and I understand that'either one or both of .you gentIement
thought it should be the full amount." Mr. Thomson asked what the feeling was now
andMr. Coffin seconded Mr. Finneran,s motion. Mr. Thomson then stated, ,'On and
after April l, 1~2, assuming an adequate budget is approved at the Tow~ Meeting in
March, the Board now votes that the salary of the Reserve Officers, when he is
employed by the Town, will be the same as that of a regular officer." Mr. Willis
then asked, "Do you gentlemen present the budgetsunder your Jurisdiction." Mr.
~homson stated that the Chief would be advised of the vote of the Board. Mr. Coffin
then stated, "I understood that the full rate.had been paid previously...but it is'
my contention that a lower rate was paid this past year because of increases given
to the Chief and the Sergeant. It had always been my understanding that the
Selectmen would pass on the budgets and if under their Jurisdiction, would consult
with the heads of the department." He ~urther stated, "We act as a conduit...we re-
esi'ye ~he.budget, look at it and pass it on tb,'~'the Advisory Board.,' Mr. Willis asked
the Board if they would favor them with a recommendation of this increase to the
Advisory Board. Mr. Thomaon then repeated the above mutionwhich was a unanimous.
vote of the Board. He further stated that up until four years ago, as a result of
ar u ling from the State House, it was determined that the Board of Selectmen and
Town Accountant were not the finance committee but that the Advisory Board were the
ones to act as the Finance Committee.
BIDS - Town Report:
~-~-~ng of the annual ~own report were opened this evening. There were
two bids received. The Andover Press submitted the following prices: 1300 copies of
the Town Report would cost $1761; 50 copies of the Board of Public Works Report would
be $76 and 50 copies of the School Committee,s Report would be $115 (but printing the
two latter reports asdp~tU6fs~he To~n P~port and binding as a side wire stitched pam-
phlet, the cost would be $108.) The Bee Publishing Co. submitted the foll m~Ing price:
1300 copies of the Annual Town Report for $6.45 per page, including cover, same'stock
as last year. The Board voted unanimously to award the' contract for the printing of
the Annual Town Reports to the Bee Publishing Co.
The Town Treasurer's repor~ for the fiscal y~ar ending December 31, 1951 was submitted
to the Board and the Board voted unanimously to accept the report as submitted.
The Law. G.'& E. Co. requests permission to locate poles, wires and fixtures on the
southerly side of Turnpike Street, at points approximately 280 feet and 995 feet
easterly from Tolland Read, 2 poles. Since a public hearing is required on this,
the Board voted to set this down for a hearing on February 4, 1952 at 7:30 P.M.
The Board unanimously granted three requests for permission ~o use Stevens Hall as
The North Andover Women's Club on March 14, 1952
St. Michael's Guild on Feb. 20 and 21 and on the afternoon of Feb..17, 1952
The Board of Trade on April.17th and 18th.
~4ilip Miller requested a street light on Dale St. on one of the following poles: 429,
430or 431, preferably 431. The Board voted unanimously to~contac~ the Law. Gas & EleC.
Co. for their recomendation ~s. to which pole is preferable and have a l~ght installed.
George Longbottom, Com~onwealth Ave~.
home. The Board voted 'unanimously to refer this request to the Tree Dept. for posting
and action.
~nief McKee reported that the pole in quest~ion could no~ be* moved back as i*Twould be
on B & M property. He has asked for a red reflector for the~ firebox which he believes
would help considerably. He* further stated that if the Board would prefer*a "Curve"
sign there,, he would take care of it. The Board voted unanimously that the Chlef~
be instructed %o install a red'reflector on the firebox and establish a sign of
warning with reference ~o the curve.
By vote of the .Board, James Hargreaves was appointed Forest Warden, subject
to th~ approval of the ~Director of Forestry.
Commun~cation received from the ~dvisory Board requesting a meeting with the Board of
Selectmen with reference ~o a discussion of the departmental budget on Monday, Jan. 28,
1952 at 8:00 P.M. The Board-vo~ed to ask that that the time. be changed to 8:30 P.M.
Communciation received from Mr. Elwyn King .suggesting that a letter be sent to each
abutter on Great Pond Road and the board voted to take care of this matter.
A claim was received from Mrs. Jane Bower in the amount of $32.00, as a result of a
fall shehad on Middlesex St. on November 16, 1951. The Board voted to'send a
release mo her-and take care of this matter.
~munication £rom Dept. of Public ~¥orks sta~ing that the District Highway Engineer
reports-that local, sewage is entering the State highway dr~ainage system on Tarnpike
St. and that this has been called to the attention of the local Health Dept. but
no action has been taken by them. The Board agreed to contact the Bd. of Health
and find out what action will be taken by them on this matter.
~roclamation received in commemoration of Boy Scout Week and the ~2nd Anniversary of
Scouting. Proclamation was retyped on official stationery and signed by the Chairman
of the Board. (Boy Scout Week Feb. 6-12)