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Planning Board Meeting
Senior Center
March 19, 1996
Member~ Present:
Joseph V. Maboney, Chairman, Richard Rowen, Vice Chaimmn, Alison Lescarheau, Clerk and
Alberto Angles, Associate Member. Kathleen Bradley Colwell, Town Planner, was also present.
John Simons and Richard Nardella were absent.
The meeting was called to order at 7:06 p.m.
On a motion by Mr. Rowen, seconded by Mr. Angles, the minutes of March 5, 1996 were
unanimously approved as amended.
Coventry_ I - bond enforcement
David Alt from Fleet Bank called Ms. Colwell and stated that he has been assigned to deal with
the Coventvff I issue. He understands the issues and will get back to Ms. Colwell by the end of
April. She will keep the Board updated.
Foxwood - construct lot 33
Foxwood is requesting permission to start construction on Lot 33, as it has been sold. Ms.
Colwell stated that there were some erosion issues at the site, but they have been taken care of.
In view of this, Ms. Colwell recommends that the Board authorize construction on the lot.
The Board authorized construction on Lot 33 Foxwood.
Heritage (ADS Management) - sim
The proposed sign is 4 feet by 4 feet, made of wood, and will be placed in the middle of the lawn.
Lighting will be in the ground shining up to illuminate the sign. Ms. Colwell stated she has no
issues with the sign, and the Board approved it. Ms. Colwell to draft a letter to Mr. Nicetta
stating that the Planning Board approved the sign.
Brookview Estates - Preliminary Subdivision Plan
This is a preliminary subdivision proposed off of Boxford Street containing 16 lots with one
wetland crossing. The Conventional Plan shows a connection through to Duncan Drive, however,
the PRD plan has a cul-de-sac. Mike Rosati from Marchionda Associates was present along with
David Kindred to present the plan.
Mr. Rowen requested that the applicant redo the pre 'luninavj plan to show a cul-de-sac instead of
a connection through to Duncan Drive as he doubts the Con Com would approve it.
The parCel contains 43 acres and a 16 lot PRD is being proposed. The soil testing hasn't been
completed, but Mr. Rosati feels that 16 lots are possible. The parcel is surrounded by wetlands,
and to connect up to Dun~n. Drive Would require major wetland crossings, therefore, a 1400 foot
long cul-de-sac is being proposed. The Fire Department has no issues with a cul-de-sac, and the
Police Department would actually prefer a cul-de-sac from a public safety point of view as dead
end streets tend to deter criminals as there is only one way in and out. Ms. Colwell received a
letter from Sandra Start, Health Agent, stating that lots 4, 5, 7, 9, 15 and 16 look sufficiently
good to say they are okay. Lot 3 looks like there may be some difficulty, and the rest of the lots
need additional tests before she could comfortably make a recommendation.
Discussion continued until April 16, 1996.
Salem Forest IV - Preliminary Subdivision Plan
Joe Serwatka from Hancock Engineering presented the plan. The proposed site is 40 acres, 30
acres to be given to the state or town as open space never to be built upon. They are proposing a
6 lot PRD with an 800 foot cul-de-sac. This proposal was before the Planning Board two years
ago, however, the septic testing was not complete. Based upon the new testing, one of the
original lots was eliminated. Ms. Colwell received a letter from Sandra Start, Health Agent,
which stated that lots 1 and 2 appear to be okay with sufficient and acceptable testing in areas not
far fi.om the proposed road. Lots 3 and 4 have appropriate deep holes, but the percolation test
elevations are too high to reflect the permeability rate of the parent material. She recommends
that percolation tests be again performed on these latter two lots. Lots 5 and 6 need to be revised
to show 150' of frontage, and the flood plain needs to be added to the plans. A big issue in
reviewing this subdivision plan is whether or not the Con Com would have to allow a wetland
crossing to access lots 5 and 6.
The Planning Board directed staff to drat~ a denial.
Lot 1 FI~_ ~p Drive - Site Plan Review Preliminary Discussion
Bob Halpin has asked the Board to hold a brief discussion on this proposed project. The project
was reviewed by the TRC although it is still in its preliminary stages. Town Printing currently has
offices in North Andover and Wilmington, however, they plan to consolidate their offices in one
new building in the Industrial Park. They need to have the building constructed by the end of the
year as their lease is up in Wilmington. The applicant will be holding a separate meeting with the
neighbors to work cooperatively with them to allay their concerns. This lot was zoned for
residential use and was subsequently rezoned for industrial use with many restrictions placed on it
by covenant.
Greg Weich and Paul Kneeland from Channel Building were present along with the Poore's who
own Town Prin~ing. As stated before, the lot was rezoned from residential to industrial back in
1992. This was done after a lot of work .be~e~n the neighbors and the Planning Board, so the
message to the applicants is that all the covenants need to he respected. The applicant stated they
are meeting with the neighbors and will make every effort to satisfy them. The applicant has
copies of the recorded covenants and is aware there is a 50 foot no cut, no clear buffer zone.
The property is currently being surveyed and an ANR plan will be presented. The building will be
25 feet high and will have an office mezzanine which will be open 5 ~A days a week. Mr. Rowen
stated that the proposed-building seems like a $obd fit for the property. Mr. Poore stated that
there will be no noise except for the air conditioner, and no toxic chemicals are used. Mr.
Kneeland stated that they ate up against time constraints and would appreciate the Board moving
fast on this project. A question was asked regarding the elevation of land in reference to Maclan
Drive, and ~ answer.was given that Lot 1 Flagship Drive is at elevation 263 feet while Marian
Drive is at elevation 252 feet. Ms. Colwell stated to the applicant that the Planning Board and the
neighbors would need certification of the noise'level outside of the building.
Lots 19 & 20 Nutmeg_ Lane {Abbott Village) - common driveway
Ben Osgoo~. Jr. was present and stated that he is working with Con Corn and has at least two
more meetings to go with them. Mr, Osgood asked for an extension until April 16, 1996. He will
provide a letter asking for the extension to the Planning Office.
Continued until April 16, 1996.
Si_~m Bylaw
Ms. Colwell recommended to the Planning Board that the Sign Bylaw public hearing be dosed.
On a motion by Mr. Rower~ seconded by Ms. Lescarbeau, the Board voted unanimously to close
the public hearing.
Warrant Articles - update .
Ms. Colwell updated the Board on the dates of the public heatings to he held on the specific
warrant articles.
Ms. Colwell met in the office with Abhe Ritchie, a citizen who filed three warrant articles, one to
eliminate PRDs, one to amend PRDs and one to amend the Watershed Protection District. Ms.
Ritchie expressed some concerns about' residents living in PRDs not pulling their weight tax wise.
Mr. Rowen stated that we need to find out what's driving this idea so the Board can plan how to
strategize. Mr. Mahoney will visit the Assessors Office in an effort to seek out the valuation on
Abbe Ritchie also' filed a warrant article to amend the watershed Protection District Section 4.136
from R - 3 to R - 1. This involves a small s~tion near Johnson Street that s~ms to ha~,e been
oveflookedin the rezoning of the watershed district years ago. Mr. Mahoney stated that in order .'
to be consistent maybe the Board shouldn't support any,rezoning at all, however, the other Board
members were in support of the rezoning as it was recommended by the 1987 I.E.P: Report..
Executive Session
On a roll call vote, the Board agreed to move into Executive Session for the purpose of
discussing the judgment in the case of Antonelli v. Planning Board 03rook Farm). The Board will
then reconvene in open session. The vote took place at 8:40 p.m.
Roll call:
Joseph V. Mahoney yes
Richard Rowen yes
Alison Lescarbeau yes
Alberto Angles yes
On a roll call vote, the Board agreed to move out of Executive Session and reconvene in open
session. The vote took place at 9:00 p.m.
Roll call:
Joseph V. Mahoney yes
Richard Rowen yes
Alison Lescarbeau yes
Alberto Angles yes
Endorsement of Plans
The plans are finally accurate and the documents are all in place. Ms. Colwell recommended that
the Planning Board endorse the plans.
Bob Janusz was present and a brief discussion took place regarding the connecting of Jerad II,
Jerad IV and Seven Oaks. Ms. Colwell spoke with Bill Barrett, who currently owns Seven Oaks,
and he suggested to Ms. Colwell to bring the trail through the open space and across a small
portion of Lot 5. Bob Janusz is proposing that if he is allowed to use some oftbe gravel in the
space to construct the road, he will actually construct the trail through. If the gravel is excavated
it will create a flat area that may be suitable for a ball field. Ms. Colwell stated that Con Com has
not approved the tot lot, the parking lot or the trail and parking lot adjacent to the open space as
of this date. They may not approve of the mining of the gravel as it is adjacent to the wetland.
The Board generally approved of the use of the gravel to build the subdivision road, and will
support an application before Con Com.
Mr. Janusz was directed by the Planning Board to pursue his permits with Con Com.
The Piannir~g Board endorsed the plans for Jerad IV.
On a motion by Ms. Lescarbeau, seconded by Mr. Rowen, the Planning Board voted unanimously
to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m.