HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-05-05 Board of Selectmen Minutes220 BUS S~IKE: ~he Board discussed the bus situation and although they do ~o: wish .~o~ake sides for either the Company or the employees, they feel that the Eastern Mass. Stree Railway Company has an obligation the citizens of the ~o~'~n of North Andover. Because of the inconvenience no the ~o~nspeople and in view of the situation the board voted unanimously ".To' have the Board invastiga~e ths possibili~ies and it's authority to suspend or revoke the franchise of the Eas:arn Massachuse:ts Stree: Railway Company to operaze buses for paid transportation upon the highways of the Town of North Andover.,, This was more or l~ss an executive session but the board voted to inform the reporter of the action of the Board. The regular weekly meeting of~the~.Board of Selectmen was held a~ 7:00 P.M. with all members present. Weekly bills and payrolls were approved.' REQUEST FOR SPORTS NIGHT AND PARADE: ermiss~ on was requeste, or .e u~e of Grogan, s Field on June 18 ~ ~19 as there is going to be a "Sports Night", proceeds from which will be used for Boy Scouts to go to c.amp. Mr. Stone said it was all right as far as he was concerned for them to use the grounds. The motion was made that the North Andover Boy. Sc?~uts of America Committee be given permission to use Grogan's Field on June 18 a~19 for a "Sports Night" and the same committee be given, permission ~o have a parade throughou~ the town, subject ~o the approval of the Board of Public Works. This ~as a unanimous vote of the board. Mr. '~omson felt that in connecuion with this parade, it would be well to check with the Police and have them take · care of the tra:ffic and inform the Chief of Police that permission has been granted ~o hold ~ parade.- HEARING-New Engla~. d Tel. & Tel. & Law. Gas & 'Electric Co.: A hearing was held on the petition of the New England Tel. & Tel. Co. and the Lawrence Gas & Electric Co. to locate poles, wires, cables and fixtures on Greene Street, approximately 116' southwest of Parker Street, 1 .pole. Remove 1 pole. All abutters were notified. No objections were raised and the motion was made end seconded that the petition be granted. Unanimous vote. REQUEST FOR TAG DAY: ~ request was received from the Alden Volunteer Ambulanc. e Corps for permission to conduct a tag day in the town on May 22 or May 29, 1952. This is a non-profit organization which furnishes ambulance sex-vice to veterans and their families free of charge. ~he Board voted to contact the Veterans Organizations in ~own to seb if there is any information known about this organization end if they feel that this is a worthy cause, the Board w~l~ approve their request for per- ,mission to conduct a tag day on May 22, 1952 in North Andover. JUROR DRAWN: ~he name of Pauline Blood, 206 Osgood Street, Employment Agency & Real Estate, was drawn by Mr. Finneran to serve as a Civil Juror on June 2, 1952 at Salem. LAWRENCE GAS & ELECTRIC CO. PETITION: Tae ~,aw. Gas & Electric ~o. 'requests permission to locate poles, wires, and fixtures on the westerly side of Silsbee Road approximately 110 feet northerly from Lym~ Road, 1 pole. ~he Board voted to hold a hearing on this petition on May 19, 1952 a~ 7:30' P.M.~ and abutters will be notified. PETITION-NEW EN~A~D TEL. & TEL. AND LAW. GAS & ELECTRIC CO.: Petition received from the two above-men%ioned companies requesting permission to locate poles, wires, cables and fixtures on Andover Street, west of Lorraine Ave., I pole. Remove one Light pole. The board voted to hold a hearing on this petition on May 19, 1952 at 7:35 P.M. and abutters will be notified. BOARD OF TRADE RE BOSION & MAINE R.R. GATES: Letter received from the Board of Trade ~questing that the Selectmen conzact the Boston & Maine R~fl road regarding the gates at the North Andover S~atiun crossing as they feel it is imperative that the gates be made more visible az night, by the use of illuminating paint or other means. Motien made end seconded that the Board contact the Boston & Maine Railroad about this mat~er and have them advise what action can be taken on this request. BOARD OF FIRE ENGINEERS-APPOINTMENT: By a unanimous vote of the Board, Arthur J. Brnderick and Edwin Koenig were re- appointed ~o the Board of Fire Engineers for the ensuing year. MAY ~, 19~ (continued) APPLICATION FOR REVOLVER PERNIT: pp ca on or a revover permit received from Edward W. Saul and approved by Chief McKee. The Board voted unanimously.to approve this application. ~EVOLVER PER~TRENEWALS: vo]ver permits issue to the following persons were approved for renewal by the Board. Frank Howard, Stephen A. LoveJoy, Jr., William E. Dolan, Albert Schofield, Lloyd Crockett, Carleton B. Van Buskirk, Jr., David F. Roche, John C. Cantlin, Joseph W. Lawlor, William C. Smith, Sr. ~ne above were all approved by a unanimous vote of the board with the exception of Lloyd Crockett, which, was e majority vo~e of the Board, with Mr. Coffin no~ approving this. DEPARTMENT OF PU~IC WORKS: ~ Communication was received relative to the reque~ of this board for approval of a stop sign so as to face westbound and eastbound drivers on Water Street at Elm. The Departmen~ informs the board that they do not approve the eastbound drivers sign because of the physical characteristics of the intersection. The only safe location would be 17 feet back on Water Street from the south edge. However, at this location the sign would nSt be visible because of hedges at the corner which are from five to six feet high. Until such time as the sidewalk or curbing is extended nearer to the actual intersection, approval canno~ be granted for the sign ~o face eastbound drivers. ~he letter states that the vo~e of the Board of Selectmen should read ,,westbound" only. The board felt that this matter should be taken up with the Highway Surveyor and get his~opinion on this matter, before they take any further action on their previous vote. Mr. Carty will be contacted before the nex~ meeting. LITTLE LEAGUE PARADE-REQUEST: Americo Lanni, came before the board to ask permission to conduct a parade on'the opening day of the Little Lea&~e, June 1, 1952. He stated that the Boosters Club have planned this affair which wi11 be held on Sunday afterhoon. Mr. Coffin made a mo~ion that the Boosters Club be granted permission to hold'a parade in North~ Andover on June 1, either afternoon or evenLug on the highways of the ~own. Mr. Finneran seconded the motion and vote was unanimous. Mr. Thomson fel~ that the Chief of Police should be notified of this permission and also advised ~r. Lanni ~o check ~ith the police so that they might take care of the t'raffic. TREE REMOVALREQUEST: Michael Corradino, reqUested permission for the removal o f mwo ~rees on Greene Stree~ in i~ont of his property where he is ~uilding a new hom~. Mr.~ Conners had looked at these trees and said they were old Ash trees and were not of any value. The Board~tedunanL ~mously to refer this mat~er ~o the tree warden for investigation and posting. Similarly, Melvin Morse, 17 Belmont Street, requested the removal of a maple tree in front of.his property. Hr. Conners stated that hehad treated this tree several times with copper'sulphate but it was not successful and as a result the sewer pipes are blocked up and it is necessary to have the Department of Public'~orks go in there. Mr. Combers suggested that the tree be removed. It was voted unanimously to refer this ma~tar t~ the tree warden for action. SUTTONS FIE~D-OPPO$ITION-ARMOEY: Peter Ritchie brought up the ma~er of the Army taking over Suttons Field for use/ as an Armory and asked that this board go on record as opposed to this location, k He said he didn't believe it was the correct location and felt that something shou~d be done about it. He said other residents were opposed to it. ..~ Mr. Thomson said he had not heard anything official about this matter bu~ felt that the building inspector would probably issue a permit, since this was a business area amd this board would not have amy authority~o do any~hing about it. M~. Rttchi~ said he thought that if opposition was expressed by the SeleCtmen it would be of som~ value. No action was taken. RECREATIONAL COUNCIL REQUEST: A communication was received from the Recreational Council and they hadvoted: ,,that the cormer Center School building ne torn down and that the surrounding grounds be developed as a playground and park area." Action on this recommended is heartily urged by the council. ~his matter had been held over one w~ek~since Mr. Coffin was not presen~ on April 28. No action'~s taken.and the recommendationwill be filed until the board has an opportunity to think this matter over. INTERMITTENT POLICE OFFICERS: ~he balance of the list of persons to be appointed as intermittent officers was before the board for appointment and the names of %we Veterans had been submitted to the board by the Division of Unemploymen~ Security. Mr. Finneran favored a~proving the present list plus the two Veterans making a total of eight intermittent officers. ~. Coffin said he would like to see the records on the meeting held last August relative to work being given to special police even though the Reserves were available. MAY 5, 1952- continued Mr. Coffin said that the chief was,supposed to send monthlyreports %o the Selectmen on all Reserves and Special officers who worked during the month and the rsason they were called. He said he understood that the Reserves were to receive any extra police work and we are training these men for regular officers at some future date. He does not believe that there is complete adherence tothe hiring of the Reserve Officers. A% least one intermittent officer is on the payroll each week and there is common talk among the ,R serves and regular officers about this man ...... Mr. Coffin then read the minutes of the Selectmen under date of August 13, 1951 ak which time the Reserves and regular officers came before the board to discuss the manner in which the work is to be given out. After reading the mintues, Mr. Coffin again said the boardwas to get reports and advise the selectmen of the reasons why. the Reserves were not available. He "said that if the R. serves are not available, then'o~ course, others have %o be appointed for work. Mr. Finneran said he'guassed that if the Reserves did not come in .before the board then they most likely had no complaints ~o make. Mr. Coffin said he understood that they still feel the same but don't care to bring up the issue. Possibly the chief canno~ reach these' reserves, but the Board should know about it. He said one man's name appeared week after week on the payroll and we are getting into something which is a complete repudiation of the program set up. He said he had nothing against this man, he liked him, but he believes there is too much looseness in this thing. As a r'e~ul't' ~'f his feeling, Mr. Coffin said he ~ould tend to feel now ~that the appointments be held up on these special officers. Mr. Thomson mentioned that the submission of the vouchers each week, with the reason for working given, was sufficient but he had no 0b~ection.to deferring " the appointments for a week. Mr. Finneran agreed to this and no' a~c~tion was taken. ~' " KIMBALL ASSOCIATION-FIRE TRUCK: ' : .. Chief James Hargreaves came b~fore the board and informed' them that he had -' attended a meeting of this asso'ciation and they have decided not to do anyt~ihg ~ ' about having the old ~fire ~truck left down in the country. They fe~l that the fire depar~men~ can takecare of them efficiently as they have new equipment and all. the men in the district are willing to help out at any time when there are~ any forest fires, etc. The board"f~lt this ,was a good idea and thanked Chief ~[~ ..... .. Hargreaves for coming in. DUMP SZ~JAT~ON: .- · ~ Mr. Thomson informed the board that it had been suggested to him that perhaps ' a dumping area could be made at the back of the airport where there ~are .twenty acres available. The Board voted to 15ok at this location' on Friday. JOSEPH DUNCAN: - :,. The board discussed the vote of the ahnual town meeting authorizing"~he Selectmen '~ ::' to take some action with respect' to honorin~ ~Joseph- A. Dunca: for his long .service ' to the Town of North Andover asdTown Clerk and Clerk of the Nater Depar.~ment. :; .' - The Board voted ~o write a letter to Mr. Duncan and' request.that he have his picture painted and have it hung in the T~n Clerk's Office. ' If this is no~ agr.e?able 2-i :'., 'bhe2: will' discuss some'other form of memorial to 'hi~. ...... "~e regular weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen W~ held ~ '7:00, P~M. with all-members present. Weekly .bills and payrolls were approved. INSURANCE: Roger Dehullu came before the board ~o disnuss the Fireman's Accident policy which expires on June lO~ 1952. He said the present premium is $760.00 per year and by increasing the premium about $70.00 they would get a maximin of $5,000 death benefit, $40.00 weekly and 152500, medical services. If increased $2.00 the benefits would be $4000 death, $35.00,weekly and $2500 medical care. Mr.'Dehullu stated that their appropriation had been figured very close and there probably wouldn,t be sufficient ~o take care of the increase of $70.00. Mr. Coffin said he would like.~o see a re-study of the budge~before approving and increase. M~. Deb,,llu then said that he felt sure that they co,~ld go on with an increase of $2.00 making the total premium $762.95 until later in the year and then if there was sufficient money, they could change to the larger benefi'ts.~ · ' Mr. Coffin 'made a motion that Mr. Dehullu be authorized and empowered to re- write the Fireman and Police group policy with the premium of $762.95 and benefits of $4,000, $35.00 weekly and $2~00 medical expense feature. Mr. Finneran seconded the motion and vote was unanimous. POLICE OFFIC~ DAVID ROCHE: Officer Roche came before the board and inquired what the feeling of the board would be towards granting him a six months leave of absence from the Police Department. Continued.