HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-05-19 Board of Selectmen Minutes~AY 19, 1952-continued
A hearing was held on the petition of this company for permission to erect poles
and fixtures on the ~sterly side of Silsbee Road approximately 110 feet northerly
from Lyman Road, 1 pole. Abutters wero notified and no opposition was offered.
The board voted u~animousl~ to grant this request.
A hearing was held on the Joint petition of these companies for permission to
erect poles and fixtures on Andover Street,~est of Lorraine Avenue, 1 pole and
remove 1 pole. Abutters were notified and Mrs. Helen Coolidge sen~ a letter of
opposition. However, the board felt that she had misunderstood the notice and
Mr. Flanagan informed the board that the pole would not interfere in any way
with her property. In view of this, the board vo~ed unanimously to grant the
~he board received a sketch sho~ing the locations of fo6r new lights on ~oute
125- By-pass which they recommended, rather than installing one light in front
of the Lovering ~oroperty. Mr. George Frost explained that the .total cost of'
the four new lights mogether with the six now located there would cos~.the
$210 per year which means that for an additional $18.00 per year, the to~rn can
have the string of ten lights and much better service will be given. The board
voted unanimously ~o accept the recommendation of the Gas Company and request
that the four lights be installed on poles 3111, 3436,3437 and 3438.
William Lafond and Town Clerk John J. Lyons invited the Selectmen ~o participate
in the opening game ceremonies to be held at Grogan's Field on Thursday evening,
May 22, 1952 at 6:00 P.M. Mr. Finneran and Mr. Thomson will a~end this opening,
but Mr. Coffin will be out of town.
The Board received a letter from the Bo~ Scouts, co-chairmen, Benjamin A.Kalinowski
and Archie M. Gourley asking their support in promoting plans to assure success
of their vent~re to finance a mountain camping tri.p for all North Andover boy scou~s.
They will meet on May 21, at 7.:00 o'clock in the company room of the fire station.
Mr. Finneran will make au effort to attend this meeting.
The board received a letter relative to our request to have an engineer meet with
Mr. Carry ~o discuss extension of a sidewalk on Water Street for a stop sign and
· the. letter stated that an engmneer will be assigned to meet with Nr. Catty on
this matter. After his report is received Mr. McCarthy, Highway Traffic Engineer
will again communicate with this board.
A letter was received requesting that this name be put on our mailing list of
those who are to receive invitations ~o bid on the ~uel supply. No action taken
and the letter will be filed.
A letter was received from this council listing the names of the personnel and
the salaries %o be given as recommended by the Council and are as follows:
Mrs. Elizabeth Elliot, SuperVisor, $190; Miss Janet Knightly, Assistant Supervisor
$170; Miss Rosemary Macklin, Playground leader, $1hO; Miss Patricia Dyer, Play-
ground leader, $140; Miss Edithanne Bomford, Play~ound assistant% $120; Miss
Joan Kilton, playground assistant, $120; Miss Alice Dolan, Playground assistant,
$120. Total $1000.00.
The Board voted unanimously ~o endorse and confirm the recammendation of the
Recreational Council in th~ appointments listed and at the salaries mentioned
for the ensuing season.
~he BOard appointed William P. Callahan, 41 Park Street as a special police
officer~as requested by him.
The special officers approved by Civil Service upon appointment by the Selectmen
for a period of six months are as follows, Ralph J. Bolderson, 12 Harold Street,
Augustine Walsh, 27 Chadwick Street; Alexander Ness, 11 Dewey Street, Frank Howard,
17 Union Street, Leo J. Galleazzi, Sawyer Road, Phillip Taylor, 346 Salem Street;
John Donovan, 283 Middlesex Street and Myron B. Lewis, Jr. 46 Pleasan~ Street.
This provisional appointment was effective Narch 22,1952.
May 19, 1952 -continued
Approval was received from Civil Service on the increase for regular. Reserve
Officers from ~.00 to $1.59 per hour effective April 1, 1952 and approval
has been received for the same increase to be paid to the special officers,
who work only when the Reserves are nora available.
Mr. Coffin had requested that each Reserve Officer be contacted and give the
S~lectmen, in writing, their address, place of employment, hours when they
would be available for work and also whether or no~ they are interested in
continuing as a Reserve Officer.
Ail replies were received and the board voted to have conies made for the
Chief of Police and these records ~ill be kep~ in the Seiectmen's file.
The Board voted unanimously to grant a six months leave of 'absence to
David Roche, regular police officer, to become effective at the ~veek ending
that shall designate.
Mr. Coffin said that upon Officer Roche leaving, there is the question of
fillin~ a vacancy and he felt that the board should check into the Civil
Service procedure and be governed accordingly. Mr. Coffin made this as a motion.
Motion made and seconded that the Board contact Civil Service as to the
procedure for appointment for a vacancy created by a six months leave of absence.
Mm. ~homson said that the board could probably appoint any available reserve
officer for certain period of time during the leave of absence.
Mr. Thomson mentioned the new law which becomes effective on June 1, 1952 and
recently amended in which it states that appointments from the reserve f~rce
· to the regular force shall be made by the appointing authority upon certification
by the director in accordance with the rules of the commission except that'the
basis of certification shall be the order of appointment to the reserve force or ·
if no~ ascertainable, the order of the respective ratings of such members ob-
tained in the examination. "
The motion seconded was voted unanimously and an inquir~ will be sent ~o the
Civil Service Director.
The board, also voted to send a letter ~o Freeman Barteaux, who is a reserve
officer but who is wor~ng in Connecticut temporarily. Mr. Coffin felt that
we should hear from him as to whether or not he is still interested .in being
a reserve officer.
Chief McKee had sent a day sheet in showing an instance on May 15, -where he
had contacted the five R, serve Officers and two special officers and could not
find one who was available for work that night for an officer reported sick.
He finally found a special who could work. No action was taken on this report.
Mr. Thomson reported that on April 23, the board received a suggested dump
location and the board viewed it. Thsre are 15 acres of land on Clark Street
beyond the home of Anthony Rogers. Mr. Rogers is willing to s ell but the board
is siiply making inquiries for a future location ~nich will be suitable.
Mr. Carry, Highway Surveyor, will be asked to examine the location and see
wha% if anything is required to make it useable and will report to ~e board.
. Mr. Carty requested that the Selectmen c-,11 for bids for an old grader, 1930
GaLlion, which he can no longer use and.also an old tractor 1936 Cle-trac
and he would like to have them disposed of as he needs the .room in the
yard and the equipmen~ is of no further use to him. The board voted to call
for bids on both pieces of equipment. Bids tobe sent to the Selectmen's office
sealed, not later than 8:00 o'clock P.M. on June 2, 1952.
Milton Howard reported that there are some windows at the school through which
entry can he gained and the children go in the building nights and there have
been complaints from the residents in ~hat area. The board voted ~o refer
this matter ~o the Police for checking and also ~o contact Mr. Louis Miller
and ask him to board up the windows and perhaps use stronger boards so that
children could no~ remove them.
The board voted to advise Nr. Carry that with reference to ~ticle 54 of
the annual to~n meeting, it would seem in order that he proceed with this
· article in such manner as may be required. The article did no~ stipulame
any particular conditions other than the cost of such work as the highway
surveyor may do and that ~his cos~ be apportioned in accordance with Chapter
80 of the General Laws.