HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-05-26 Board of Selectmen MinutesMAY 19, 1952: continued
Harold Trombly called to ask if the beard would approve a sign for the
bill board at Waverley Playground to read as fellows: "Compliments of
Package stores and their Lawrence Associates',. The board disapproved
this sign as it w~s their understanding that there were to be no signs
pertaining to liquor or cigaretts. Later'Mr. Trombly asked if another
~ype of sign could b~ approved"Compliments of Wm. McAloon, Michael
Corradino, Mr. Bonelli ~d ~r. Lordan and ~.awrence Associates but the
board also disapproved this sign'since it had reference to liquor.
Finally the board approved a sign which reads "Good Luck Little League"
Group of friends. Mr. Coffin was not available to approve this last
sign but the other members felt that since no names were listed and
nothing refersing ~o liquor or cigarettes,it could be approved.
MAY 26, 19525:
/he regular weekly r~eting of the Board of Selectmenvas held at 7:00 P.M.
withall members present. Weekly hills and payrolls were approved.
A notice was received from W.H. Smart, Referee in Bankrup:cy, 1128 Federal
Building, Boston, Mass, dated May 23, 1952 ~o the effect that Harry McDonsld,
d/b/a/ McDonald's Television & Appliance Co., McDonald's Auto School, is
adjudged a bankrupt and a. meeting of his creditors will be held in Boston
Room 1110, Federal Bldg. on June 2, 1952. Tax collector's office will be
contacted topee if any money is owed. to the town.
The Lions Club is sponsering the Little Leaguers parade which is to be held
on June 15, 1952 a~ 1:15 P.M. a~ the City Hall, Lawrence and all selec~msn
are invited to participate. Mr. Coffin will be u~able to attend and Mr.
Thomson and Mr. Finneran will endeavor to' be there.
Joseph H. Brown, 25 Sargen~ Street, requests .the removal of a tree in .fron~
of his proper~y. The roo~s are growing into the cellar. Upon motion of
Mr. Finneran, seconded by Mr. Coffin, the board ~voted to refer this matter
to 'the ~ree warden for action and posting. Vote was unanimous.
An invitation to participate in the annual Memorial Day parade to be held
on Friday, May 30, at 9:00 A.M. was received from the North Andover Post 210~,
.Robert P. Lord, Post Adjutant. The board voted to accept the invitation and
make an effort to take par~ in the parade.
The Board voted unanimously %o grant permission to this company torexcavate
to install gas main on Bradstreet Road(30 feet in street, on Green Street.)
Mr. Carry will be notified of this excavation.
Approval was received from the Division of Civil Service for the continued
provisional employment of the following named patrolmen for six months from
.March 22, 1952: Ralph J. Bolderson, Augustine Walsh, Alexander Ness and Frank
Also approval on the hourly increase of $1.59 from $1.00 per hour for John
Donovan and Myron B. ;&ewis, Jr. who are provisionally employed for six months
from Narch 22, 1952.
A letter of thanks to the board for their action in permitting David Roche to
take a six months' leave of absence from the police Depar~men~ was received.
Mr. Roche informed the hoard that his leave is~o start on June 9, 1952, which
is agreeable ~o the chief.
Mr. Louis Miller notified ~ne board that he had boarded up a window at the
Center School which was the only one which required boarding. He stated that'
the board were originally ~ut on from the inside and can easily be pu. shed out
but he boarded therefrom the outside when he did upstairs. No further action.
Lawrence S. Crowe, 36 Main St. had applied for a revolver permit and the applic-
ation had not been approved by the Chief of Police. Mr. Finneran and Mr. Thomson
approved it subject to approval by the chief but the chief informed the board that
he did no~ know the man at all but would be willing to check on him with the
Arlington police. Mr. Coffin c$tated that he kne~ %he man and would approve
the application and no further action w~s tsd~en.
MAY 26, 1952- continued
A copy of a letter sent to Mr. Ch~_rles Fritz at Beverly was received from the
Board of Health relative to the condition of drainage at Wilson's Corner.
Dr. Julius,Kay, Chairman of the Board, stated in his letter that they realize
the potential health hazard at ~ilson's Corner and they will be adamant in
their demands.
An application for the opportunity ~o apply for appointment to the IHter-
mittent Police Force was received from Philip Clark, 69 Milk St. Mr. Clark
listed h~s qualifications and also the fact that he is a veteran. No action
was taken and the matter will be held over until nex~ week.
Letter and information received relative to Bill No. 448 to provide funds
under a plan whereby every tax payer will receive $20.00 a thousand before
October 1, this year and every employer will receive cash for the amount of
money paid for Employmen= Security tax in 1951. No action was taken on
this letter.
Elwyn King, Mr. Kobleigh and ~r. Rainey came before the board to discuss
the easemen=s which were to be ~aken on Great Pond Road and Ralph Brasseur
Engineer also came in.
Mr. Thomson stated that the problem is whether or not it is necessary to
call a Special Town meeting to take this land or ~ry. to get easemen=s.
Mr. Rainey informed the board that they had planned to go ahead with the work
and construct the road without easements. He said that they had given the
con=rac~or, Mr. Mailett thirty days in which. ~o complete the work and he
feels that they can go ahead without the easements, pu~ up more guard rails
and change the slopes. He said the slopes ~ould be so sharp that they would
need sodding to keep it in shape and that the sodding serves as a w~. Mr.
l~iney said that generally the slope easements are given, since 'the owner
retains the land and it is simply improved for his benef, it.
He said that if Eminent Domain proceedings were set up, it would be necessary
to give a thiry da~ notice. Mr. Thomson said he understood that but wanted to
know if the road would be Jus~ as good v~ithout the proposed slope~ to which
}~r. Rainey replied that it would. He said that instead of a normal slope
they would have to make it sharper and s~eeper.
Mr. Coffin inquired which would be better in accident prevention.
I~r. lh~iney said that a wall on a ledge slope would not be so good but they
al~ays build a 1~ slope on. straight highwaom and they will hold and the. soddi'ng
helps to ma~e it firm and this is the angle which will s ray pu~. He said the
roadway would not 'be affected in any way and recommended that they proceed
as they are.
Nr. Thomson inquired of Mr. King if he felt he could try ~o get easements this
week since Mr. Kobleigh had stated that they should have the easemen=s by
~hdrsday of this week as they wanted to dump the fill in.
Mr. Coffin then asked Mr. King what the general ~enor of their reply had been.
Mr. King said they won= give something for nothing but that he had nora talked
personally with Mr. Stefanowicz.
Mr. Thomson asked ff Mr. King had made it clear that this means filling in part
of the swamp and that it is not a question of losing anything but Just putting
fill in. Mr. King then said he would contact the owners zo-morrow and see
if he can get the easements.
Mr. Brasseur said it will work ou= alright but it would be better to have the
.~:,r. King ~ill start on this immediately and see if he can get easements by
Thursday of this weak.
.Fred Kiessling, employed as a watchman at the Brooks School would like ~o be
appointed a special police officer. Mr. Coffin wanted to contact Brooks
School to see if he is working there and if they feel that he should be
a special officer.
The Police Department reported that each place .in to~nwhere Sunday entertain-
ment is held had been notified that they are required ~o obtain a license
from the Selectmen. Fee is $2.00 for each Sunday. This can be radio, television
or any other form of entertainment, even though no admission is charged.
The Red Schoolhouse, Hi-Spo~ and ThompsonsRestaurant make application for ~this
license but the ether clubs and res~auran=s apparently do no~ use the radios,
etc. on Sundays. The Chief will have the various places checked on Sundays
to see if they require licenses.
MAY 26, 1952:continued BOARD OF TRADE:
A letter received from the Board of Trade requesting information as %o what
action had been taken by the board as a result of their request of April 28.,
. relative %o making the gates at the railroad crossings more visible by painting
them with illuminam paint. The Selectmen had contacted the B & M R R and
had received a reply that the matter had h~en referred to %heir Division
Engineer for investijation. The Board has been notified of this ac%ion and
also advised that as soon as there is something tangible %o report, they
will be so notified.
Mr. Finneran informed the board that he had met with,Mr. Curry from Beverly
and also Chief NcXee and they went up ~o this location' to check on the road
condition. Mr. Curry said that he would suggest that they have stop signs
on both the left and right' side of Water Street. un=il such time as the'
sidewalk can be extended to the corner. If the board approves of this
set up he Will teke it up with his board and if they approve it, he will
notify the Selectman. After some discussion the board felt that this would
be the best arrangement'for the time being and voted unanimously to reques~
Chief McKee ~o con~ac~ Mr. Curry and see if he can get approval from his board.
JUNE 2, 1952:
The regular weekly meeting of the B~ard of Selectmen was held at 7:00 P.M.
with all members present. Weekly bills and payrolls were approved.
Mr. Coffin g~ve~,the: names of Mrs. Ann Smith, 29 Bright-~ood Ave. and Miss Helen'
Currier, 189 High St. as possible Jurors. Applications will be sent to these
two persons and names will be considered for the next jury list to be made up.
SELECtmEN 'S MEETINGS :-By-monthly.
/he b6ard voted unanimously to go on'the summer schedule of meeting every' other
Monday during June, July and August. The next meeting of the board will be on
June 16,' 19~52.~
A communication was received from the Board of Health informing the Selectmen
that their appropriationfor 1952 may mot be sufficient for the expenses d_uring
the remainder of the year~ They asked that $400 be set aside from 'the Reserve
Fund ,to cover the unforeseen expense of $400 which was used for filling in
six open cellars~ .
The Board voted to hotify the Advisory .Board of this request ~and a notation will
be kept on file in this office for such time as the money may be required.
This company asked for permission ~o run and maintain gas service pipe or to
excavame in the following streets: to excavate ~o repair_ leak in gas main on
Middlesex Street corner of Greene Street, A'orth Andover.
The board voted unanimously to grant this permission 'and Mr. Carry, Highway
Surveyor will be so notified.
The Board received an incitation to attend th~ observance of the thirty-fifth
anniversary of the priesthood of Rev. Fr. Francis L. Shea, to .be held a~ Central
Catholic High School on June 9, 1952. The Board voted unanimously .to accept the
invitation and all the members will attend. Mr. Duffy will be so notified.
Mrs. Florence Magulre requested permission to use Stevens Hall on June 12 o~ 13
in behalf of the Parents-Teachers Aseoclation.~2hey~pt~u to give a par~y to the
graduates on ,o~e of the above dates. Mr. Hayes has s~amed that the hall will
be available on either night. Mrs. Maguire will,notify this office on the specific
night they wish the hall.~ The board voted unanimously to gran~ permission for the
use ofthe hall on either of the above evenings.
· Notice received that a hearing will be held on June 9, 1952 at 8:00 P.M. on
the appeal of Walter M. Steele, Jr. 19 Baaconhill Boulevard requesting a
variation of the Zoning Ordinance so as %o ~ermit addition of a garage for the
use of the owner. No action~ms~taken.
Chief MOKee submitted reports for the month of May on Reserve officers who worked
during the month and also the intermittent officers who worked during May.
Chief McKee also sent in a renort on thecomRlaints received during the month of
May. These reports will be fLled'in police ~older. *