HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-11-02November 2, 1959
The Board of Selectmen met on this date with all members present and Chairman
Finck presiding. The meeting co~enced at 7:30 P.M.
Upon motiom of Mr. Finneran seconded by Mr.Sutcliffe and voted unanimous,
petition by Merrtmank-Essex Electric Company and New England Tel. & Tel. Co.
for the relocation of onepole on Osgood Street was granted. Mr. Jeremiah
Casey of the telephone company was present.
A hearing was held on the petition of Mr. Henry Schueler, 29 Edmands Road, for
the removal of one tree. Mr. John J. Connors, Tree Warden, reco~ended the
tree be removed. Mr. Sutcliffe made this a motion seconded by Mr. Finneran
and votedunanimous.
CML SER~-ZCE - Sgt. Exmm
~Chairman Finck read notification from Civil Service that examination for pro-
motion to Police Sergeant is scheduled for December 12, 1959. The posters
attached were ~osted on October 29 and certification of notices posted, signed
by the Chairman,were returned to Civil Service on November 2, 1959. ~r. Finck
stated arrangements-bed been made to hold the exam in the North Andover ~igh'
Schoolon Dec. 12 at 10:O0 A.M. The board agreed CivilSer~ice. Shou!d. be so
CHAPTER - 90 - Dale Street
An approved estimate of $2,47~.00 submitted by the DeparUment of Public Works
for payment to Contractor Del Duca for work performed to date on Dale Street
wes accepted by the board, and upon motion of ~h~. Sutcliffe seconded by Mr.
Finneran and voted unanimous, approved for payment by the Town.
L~.~.~R.~CE AIRPORT - We!l~Fields
Chairman Finck read letter from Atty. Tromb!y to Board of Public Works stating
no information had been received to date relative to decistonof the Lawrence
City Council on the Well Fields sought by the To~.m at the Lawrence Airport.
Chairman Finck stated he had conferred ~-ith May~r Buckley and arrangements hsd
beenmade to ho!da meeting of To~*n and City officials in the Selectmen's
Office on'Thursday eveningat 7:30 P.M., this week. Mr. Sutcliffe requested
the reporter be presen~ to record the North~Andover si~e of the picture and
notice be given that the meeting would be opento the public.
LAWRENCE G~S C~MPANYREQUESTS - Service Installations
Ch'~airman Finck read requests from the Lawrence Gas Company to install gas
service at 70 Chadwick Street for Mr. FrunkKmiec, at Davis Street for~Mr.
Bal~utino, at Lexington Street fro }~. MichealArdito ~d at 71 Adams Ave.~~'
for Mr. HervyBilodeau. Mr. Finck stated a policy should be s~tablished in
reference toexcavattons noting the contractors disregard to public safety.
when excavating on Main Street to imstall new service to Dr.. Barry.'..He
added he had called the gas company this A.M. requesting a Police Officer 'be -
hired on such excavations. Mr. Finck further stated the safety of the Town
~hould not be Jeopardized by contractors cutting corners. Mr. Sutcllffe stated
he has received several complaints on gas service excavation, the most recen$
from Prospect Street and motioned the compauy be contacted to restore the~.
street to its condition prior to excavation. Chairman Finck' suggested, ym.
Meguire be. requestad to attend next Monday meeting to, discuss these matters~
Mr. Sutcliffe made this a motion seconded byMr. Finneran andvoted unan-
imous. M~1. Finneran motioned the new requests be granted subject to the
usual provisions-for restoration ofs%reets. Mr. Sutcliffe' seconded the
motion adding the permit be granted only with such provision. The vote wes
Mr. John McKierman, representing the Merrimack-Essex 'Electric Company, appear-
ed befor the board, to explain reasons based on company recommendation to
instal~ a 7000!umen mercury vaporltghtin the vicinity of Mr. Garnicks res-
idence at 680 Great Pond Road. Mr. McEiernan stated.although ~ residential
'areathere is considerable traffic. The recommendation therefore called for
stronger lighting than the usual residential streets. He added the mercury
vapor lights are more efficient and mod~zum He reminded the board it was
onlM~a, recommendation, and the town could install any type lighting desired.
Mr. Sutcliffe asked the power of other lights, in the victnityand was in-
formed there are no other lights in this vicinity. Nr. Finck asked if Mr.
NcKiernan if 7000 lumens was not excessive and was advised the company felt
this was the minimum requirement for this particular area. He advised that
3500 was the only light issued of less volume than the ?000. Mr. Sutcliffe
tho recommendation for 7000 lumens be adopted. Mr. Finneran seconded the
motion and the vote was un~nimous.
November 2, 1959 - continued:
A letter from the. Director of Civil Defense relative to equipping vehicles of
the Tree Department with two-way radio was accepted by the board.
I,~. Finck read. a letter from the Lawnenee National Guard requesting the chair-
man, or a representative of the board, serve on the newly formed Civilian
Advisory Council. Mr. Finneran motioned the chairman serve on the council.
~r. Sutc!iffe seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Chairman Ftnck read letter from Governor Furcolo requesting information on
the needs of children and youth in this community in preparation fo the
~ite House Conference on Youth. Chairman Finck stated he ~muld consider
the communication at a later date.
VETERAN'S DAY - Invitation
Chairman Finck read invitation from Commander Leonard T. Enair, Post 2104,
V.F.W. and Comm~nder John J. Lyons, Post 219, American Legion, to' attend
the ?e~eran's Day Services and Parade on November 11, 1959 at 9:30 and
10:30 A.M. Mr. Finneran motioned theboard attend. Mr. Sutc!iffe seconded
the motion and the vote was ununimous.
TOg~YARD- Improvements
Mr. Ra!phBrasseur, Engineer, appeared before the board with a plan and .estim-
ate of expenses for the improvement of the Town Yard. He advised a boundary
survey of the new land squired by the Town take place to determine the limits
of the area. He outlined certain work in the area that could be taken care of
by Town departments if their budgets permit. Mr. Finck suggested Mr. Brasseu r
leave his plan for study and consideration. Mr. Sutcliffe suggested theplans
be discussed with the various department heads concerned. Mr. Finck' stated~-
he sould do that on Wednesdayafternoon of this week.
DEPARtmeNT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES - Eastern ~ass. St. Ry. - -'
Mr. Sutcliffe motioned'.a letter be sent tot he Department of. Pub!lc.Utilities
advising the board has gone on record as. opposed to any increase in.fares for
the Eastern Mass. St.Ral!way. Mr. Finneran seconded the motion and ~tha~vote
%fas unanimous.
Mr. Sutcliffe referred to the various requests before the Depa~.~,~ent
Public Works for traffic signs and signals, and inquired of the Chairman if~
he hsd met with the State engineers last Wednesday. I~. Finck stated he
had discussed the various intersections with the' engineers and that the~
had shown definite interest in the intersection of Peters, Andover Streets
and Chickaring Road.' Mr~ Sutcliffe motioned a letter be sent to the de-~
partment requesting immediate action· on these matters. Mr. Finneran~ second-~
ed the motion' and vote~mras unanimous.
MR. SEGAL- StoneWall ·
~. Finek referred to the stone xeal! on property of Mr. Mitchell' S~gal,
730 Nasa. Ave., x~ich run~ along Osgood Street and creates a blind corner.
at the intersection of Mass. Ave. and ~sgood S~reet~ adding he felt ~he board
had waited long enough for action by the State and suggesting Mr. Segalbe
invited to attend next meeting tasee if something can bedcnc~to' allevimte
the hazard at this intersection. This was agreeable-to the board.
Mr. Lyons, To~,m Clerk appeared before the board to state the judge of the
Superior Court has requested a copy of the Se!ectmens record of the minutes
et their meeting of'October 5, 1959. Mr. Lyons ezplained this'was in ref-,
erence to the drawing ofMr. Nathaniel Archer, lO Elm Street, as a Juror
for the November. 2 sitting. The board stated there is no reason why a~ copy
couldn't he had. A thermo-fax copy was turned over to ~. Lyons for cert-
At 9:00 P.M., upon motion of Mr. Sutcliffe seconded by l~r. Finneran and voted
unanimous, this meeting adjourned.