HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-11-30Nowmber 30, 1959 - continued:
would look into the matter. A spruce tree to be removed by Mr. Langtry, High
Street, .was discussed for possible christmas decoration .on Town property.
Chairman Finck p~oned Mr. Griffin of the electric company and a meeting was
arrangad for Tuesday afternoon.
TREE R~NOTAL - Hearing
A hearing ~as held on the petition by Elmcrest Estated, Inc., Hosten, for the
removal of one tree at the corner of Elm and Main Streets. Mr. Comnors, Tree
Warden, stated the tree was directly in the way of the driveway to a new home
and reco,~.~endad its removal. Mr. Sutcliffe seconded the. motion ~n~ the vote
was unanimous. ,(The removal was granted upon motion of Mr. Sutcliffe, eecomded
by Mr. Finneran)
Chairman Finck read letter from the Prudential Ins. Co. of America thanking
the Town for .~ts renewal~ of the life insurance police under the grcap insunance
Chairman Finck read notification by Merrimack-Essex Electric Company of street
lights recently installed on Great Pond Road, Forest Street, .Wiley Court and
at the corner of Stomington Street & Maple Avenue.
J~NT PETITION - Pole Location
Upon .motion of Mr. Finneran seconded by Mr. Sutcliffe and voted unanimously,
per~Lssion was grunted Merrimack-Essex Electric Compeny,.and New FmEI$~d Tel.
~ Tel. Co. for the removal, and replacement of one pole on Dale Street.
A letter from the New Jersey Ski Club requesting information relative to lodging
and rates in the Town of North Andcver~ wt~ referred to.the NOrth Andover Board
of Trade.
~r~ INTERVal- Mass. General Laws ~otated
~. B~, a r~rese~ative of the Bost~LawBook ~. appe~ed b~ore the
bo~in ~e in,rest of ~s f~, pub~sher of the West ~ited Nass. Gener~
La~otated. He set fo~his reasons ~y he f~t ~s pub~cation was
~p~or to t~t~esently used by the.To~. ~. ~ck i~uired~ the
p~chase p~ce ~d nd~s~. B~y~e bo~t~ethe~t~r'~der
~d~atiom ~.that ~ch a~ase ~ have to be p~t of~the budget.
Chairman Finck noted a request from the La~rence Gas Company to excavate on
Johnson.Street to repair a gas leak, skid leak having already been repaired,
had received the approval of Chief LawlorandMr. Duffy, Sup't. Public Works,
but the disapproval of Mr. Catty, ~ighway Surveyor, whois nct satisfied wtth
the road condition and re~used to give approvul until the roadway i~ properly
restored. Mr. F~nneranmotic~ed approval of the board bewtthhe2duntilsuch
time as Mr. Carty approves the road repair. Mr. Sutcliffe seconded the motion
~ the vote was unanimous.
A questionaire from the State Housing ~oard relative to Urban Renewal was re-
ferred to the North Andover Rousing Authority.
:Upon motion ofMr. Sutcliffe seconded by Mr. Ft~neran and voted un-~t~ously,
the board agreed to advertisethe all~ight parking ban to go into effect on
December 6, 1~59, at 12:01 A.M. It was directed the notice .to motorists be
advertised on December 2 and December 4, 1959. It wasfurther agreed that
the ben'ill extend to Aprill, 1960.
V.F.W. Tag Day
Upon motion of Mr. Fiuneran seconded byMr. Sutcliffe =-d voted unanimously,
permissiunwas granted the V.F.W. Post 2104 and Au~ary.to conduct s Tag
DaY on December 4, 19~9.
Mr. Finneranmotiened the electric company be requested to conduct surveys
for improved street lighting in the vicinity of the HemingwayTrensp. Terminal,
Residence of JohnDanahy on Dale Street and on Berry Street near residence of
J. Paul Prou~x. Mr. Sutcliffe seconded the motion ~d the vote was unanimous.
BOh'~,7,T & CORRADINO - Deed
Mr. Fi~eran referred to the proper disposal of the deed in connection with
land conveyed to Honalli & Corredino under Article 8 of November 16, 1959
Special Town Meeting. Chairman Finck stated the matter was already in the