HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-12-21December 14, 1959 - continued:
~ith the boards pleasure. Chairman Finck congratulated the committee on its
continued interest in the matter and expressed the epprovel of the board on
placing the sm~e article before the Town this year.
MEETING ADJOURNED: Upon motion of Mr. Finneran seconded by Mr. Sutcliffe and
voted unanimously, this meeting wes adjourned at 9:20 P.M.
December 21, 1959
The regular weekly meeting of the board of Selectmen took place on this date
with =11 members present and Chairman Finck presiding. The meeting was
cs~led to order at 7:30 P.M.
A hearing was held on a joint petition for the location of ~ pole on Dale
Street, two poles to be removed. Mr. Griffin was present as representative of
the Merrimack-Essex Electric Company. Chairman Finck read the petition and
suggested action be held up for one week, referring to a street light having
been removed .when a pole wes relocated. Mr. Griffin stated he had no know-
ledge of a pole being relocated, merely moved back to allow for the widening
of the road under construction. The chairman stated the moving or relocating
of poles elong the Dale Street construction should be done as a project not
piece-meel. Mr. Finneran stated the contractor had conta6ted him to state until
the pole is moved work will be held up. Mr. Finck stated the contractor should
have brought his problem to the board, not one member. Mr. Sutcliffe stated
the con tractor should have at least contacted the chairman. Mr. Fiuneran
stated he does not feel the matter sho~_ld be held up if the condition of the road
would be adversely effected for the winter months. Mr. Sutcltffe motioned the
petition be held up for one week and that the electric company be requested
to contact the abutters on the matter of street lighting. Mr. Finck seconded
'the motion. Mr. Finneran stated he was not voting due to his feeling that
time is imperative at this time of year and further delaywould creame a road
problem during the winter months. Mr. Finneran added the contractor had
merely requested he re!aythe message to the board as he was unable to attend
the meeting. Mr. Sutcliffe repeated his feeling that the contractor should
have contacted the board or at least the chairman.
SCHOOL CG~NITTEE - Emergency Parking on School Grounds
Chairman Finck read letter from Douglas A. Chandler, Secretary of the School
Committe$ containing a suggested progremfor use of the public school gro~uds
byresidents for emergency parking privileges. Mr. Sutcliffe motioned the
progrm~ as outlined be accepted and that a letter of appreciation be forwarded
the School Committee for their courtesy and prompt action in this matter. Mr.
Finneran seconded the motion and the votewes unanimous.
Upon motion ofMr. Sutcliffe seconded byMr. Finneran and voted unanimously, estimate
in the amount of $7,513.83 approved by the Department of PublicWorks was approved
by the Selectmen for payment by the Town.
Upon motion of Mr. Sutcliffe seconded by Mr. Finneran and voted unanimously,
permi~sion was granted the Lawrence Gas Company to excavate in street to repair
gas leaks on H~milton Street and at the corner of Young & Lymun Roads.
Chairman Finck read letter from L. Grossman Sons, Inc. and enclosed assignment
by David C. ~nd Barbara Anderson of the bank book and agreement filad with the
Town for~ubHivision work under the Woodstock Street Extension to L. Grossman
Sons, Inc. Mr. A~derson and Mr. Kypriotis were present. Mr. Finck questioned
Mr. Anderson on the assignment and Mr. Anderson explained he owed money to
Grossmau. Mr. PLuck stated the board would make an independent survey to
determine the work to be done and pay expenses for such out of the bank book.
Mr.'Anderson inquired of the procedure on the release of agreement on water
sewerage and drainage. Mr. Finck referradMr. Anderson to the Planning Board
advising that it is first necessary to have the approvel of the Highway Sur-
-veyer and Board of Public Works. Mr. Kypriotis stated the condition of the
road had caused him to have two newt ires replaced. Mr. Sutoltffe suggested
Mr. Kypriotis retain a lawyer on such matters. ---- Mr. Kypriotis requested
a street light in the area es it is very dark and considerable veldelism
occurred in the area during the hhristmas season. The board agreed to con-
tac~ the electric company and request a sur~ey for improved street lighting.
December 21, 1959 - continued:
APPOIN~4ENT - Special Police Officer
Mr. Sutcliffe requested the appointment of Mr. George R. Mackenzie, 341
Middlesex Street, as a Special Police Officer due to anticipated employ-
ment as a watchman. Mr. Finnaranmotioned the applicant first be invest-
igated by the Chief of Police. Mr. Sutcliffe seconded the motion and the
vote was unanimous.
Mr. Einneran motioned the electric company be requested to conduct a survey
for improved street lighting at the corner of Hodges and May Streets. Mr.
Su%cliffe seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Mr. Finneranmotioned the meeting adjourn with a message of best wishes to
the townspeople for a holy, happy and healthy Christmas. Mr. Sutcliffe
seconded the motion and the vote w~s unanimous.
The board agreed to advertise a c~11 for bids on the printing of the annual
Town Reports. Bids to be received on January 4, 1960 at 7:30 P.M.
(L. NOD.)
December 28, 1959
On this date at 6:05 A.M., Ira D. Carty, Highway Surveyor, declared a snow
removal emergency because of a storm in progress and no funds for expenses
The Board of Selectmen met on this date with all members present and 'Chairman
Finck presiding. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M.
An estimate in the amount of $1,062.00, submitted and approved by the Dep-
artmen~ of Public Works for work performed by Contractor Del Duca to date
on Dale Stree~wasunanimouslyapproved for payment bythe Town upom mot-
ion of Mr. Finneran seconded by Mr. Sutcliffe and voted unanimous.
SECRETARy OF STATE - Application for Incorporation
Upon motion of Mr. Finneran seconded by Mr. Sutcliffe and voted unanimous,
the board certified character of Hildreth Aurar, Winter Street, on application
for such submitted by the Secretary of State. The ~pplication had previously
been approved by Chief of Police Joseph W. Lawlor.
The board accepted notification by the Board of Public Works that ~ewer
construction work on Woodstock Street had been completed.
Upon motion of Mr. Finneran seconded by Mr. Sutcliffe and vomedunanimous,
a letter from the Legislative Research BureaJ relative to census work was
referred to the Board of Registrars.
A Joint petition for the location of a pole on Dale Street upon ~ich a
hearing was held at last meeting of the board and at which time the matter
was tabled until such time as the electric company was contacted on improved
street lighting in the area wes unanimouslygranted at this meeting of the
POLICE CHIEF - Sutton St. at Marblehead St.
Mr. Sutcliffe referred to the dangerous curve on Sutton Street near Marblehead
Street and suggested warning signs be installed in the area. The possiblity of
reflectors on utility poles w~s discussed. The board agreed to obtain a
recmm~andatiun from the Chief of Police on possible safety measures to be
employed at this location.
TG~N YARD - Contract
Mr. Nicholas Ntcetta appeard before the board to sign contract on improve-~'
ments to the Town Yard. The time limit for the performance of this work
was extended to May l, 1960.
The board voted unanimously to adjourn with ~ message of best wishe~ to the
townspeople for a health, happy and prosperous New Year.
(L. McD.