HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-01-18 Board of Selectmen MinutesJanuary 18, 1960 - continued: SEHATOR RURAK ~.airman Finck read a letter from Senator James R~rak relative to Bill#197 advocating the construction of a technical vocational school in Essex County. The Senator stated he would give the matter his full consideration. RET~REME~E BOARD - Sgt. Farnham The board accepted a letter from the Essex County Retirement Board advising that Sgt. A. Houghton Farnham of the Police Department has made application to the Essex County Re~Zrement Board ~hr Superannuation Retirement effective Jan. 10, !960. The beard directed the Division of Civil Service be so advised. CZ¥£L SERVICE - Sgt. Farnham The board accepted a letter of approval from Civil Service of extension of leave of absence for Sgt. Farnham for one month from December 28, 1959. It was directed that termination of employment forms advising Civil Service of the last date of employment of Sgt. Farnh~m, Jam. la, 1960, be forwarded %o Civil Service. CIVIL SERVICE - Applicants to position of Sergeant Chairman Finck read letter from Civil Service requesting the amount of hours worked and pay received by the applicants for promotion to Sgt. during their Reserve Service in the Police Department. Mr. Sutcliffe motioned the records be sent to Civil Service as requested. Mr. Finneran seconded the motion and the vo~e was unanimous. ~APTER 90 - Dale Street An estimate in the amount of $1341.00 submitted by the Department of Public Works for payment by the Town forwork to date on Dale Street was umanimously approved upon motion of Mr. Finneran seconded by Mr. Sutcliffe. DEPART~TOFPUBLIC WORKS - Traffic Survey Chairman fince read letter from Department of PublicWorks'relative to a traffic survey made at the intersection of Peters Street, Andover Street and Chickering Road. The department reco~nended i t would not be advisable at this time ~o install traffic signals at this intersection an~ suggested the Town place a polic~ officer at the intersection during the peak traffic hours. Mr. Sutcliffe noted the letter only referred to traffic problems in the afternoon hours and stated there is also a problem in the early mor~+ughours. Mr. Finck suggested a letter be referred to Chief Lawlor ~equesting a report of traffic conditions at this location during the morning hours. Mr. Sutc!iffe made this a motion seconded by Mr. Finneran and voted unanimous. GL~PTER 90 - Dale S~roet CheirmamFinck read letter from th~ Department of Public Works stating it would not be possible to advertise forbids on Chapter 90 work for the current year until Town Meeting had appropriated the money. Mr. Fiuneran statedit 'w~s his impression that approved plans to date stopped at Appleton Street. Mr. Finck stated he thought plans were approved t¢ Salem Street. Mr. Finneran motioned a letter be sent to the Department of Public Works requesting the board be advised on the matter. Ym. Sutcliffe secended the motion and the vote was unanimous. G~APTER 90 - Dale Street The board accepted a letter from the Eo~ssioners of the Departmen~ of Public Works approving the annual ~lottmants for Town, County and State on Chapter 90 work for the current year. It was noted that the article inserted in the 1960 Warrant contained the figure approved by the commissioners for the Town. STREET LIGHTZNG Upon motion of Mr. Finneran seconded by Mr. Sutcliffe and voted unanimously, recom~endatians for implored street lighting in the vicinity of the Town Infirmary were adopted. PLANNING BOARD Chairman Finck read letter from the Planning Board in reference to a proposed ~endment to the Zoning By-Law to include Ap~tmentDistricts. The letter advised it would be necessary for the petitioner of the article to appear at the Feb. l, 1960 meeting of ~ne Planning Board. Mr. Finck suggested he appear at the meeting with Chairman Pehlan of the Industrial Development Committee. Mr. Finneran so-moved. Mr. ~utcltffe seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. PLAN~TNG BOARD - Anderson Bond The board accepted a letter from the Planning Board stating the board had voted to recind their vote of the previous week recommending a portion of the bank book filed ~ththe Selectmen by David~uderson in connection with the Wood- stock Street Extension be released. January 18, 1960 - continued: POLIO DRIVE Mr. Leonard Enaire appeared before the board on behalf of the Polio Committee to request permission to conduct a house to house drive on the evening of January 28, 2260. Upon motion of Mr. Ftnneran seconded by Mr. Sutcltffe and voted unanimously, permission was granted. PLA~ENG BGARD - Acceptance of Heath Rd. & Heath Circle Chairman Finck read reply of the plmm~ing Board to Selectmen's request for a recommendation on the articles inserted in the Warrant for Town acceptance of Heath Road and Heath Circle. The board agreed the planning Board letter did not conform to the request made. The board directed another letter be sent to the Planning Board requesting a more definite comment on ~he articles as set out. AIRPORT CG~MISSION - Dr. Zimny Report Chairman Finck read report of last meeting of the Airport Commission compiled and submitted byDr. T. Zimny, Liaisson Officer to the Airport Cmmaissi~n. The board agreed it was a most satisfactory report and directed s letter be sent Dr. Zimny expressing board appreciation of his efforts and the information submitted. TOWN COUNSEL - Apartment Districts Article The board accepted a letter from Town Counsel relative to the prop.arz~ording of an article proposing the Zoning By-Law be emended to include apartment districts. The board accepted the article as revised by Town Counsel for inclusion in the 1960 Warrant. TREE WARDEN - Tree Warden Upon motion of Mr. Sutcliffe seconded by Mr. Finneran and voted unanimous, a letter from Town Counsel relative to sale of town property was referred to Tree Warden John Connors. CIVIL DEFENSE The board accepted a letter from Civil Defense Director Dewey A. Dyer relative to thc purchase of equipment for the Town departments through the Federal Matching Funds Progrem. The board noted that all departments had recai~ed'a copy of said letter. FJKRE INSURANCE RATING REPORT The board took under consideration for further study a report submitted by the New England Fire Insurance Rating Association relative to grade rates for the Town of North Andover and recommended improvements. TG~N YARD - Removal of Pole Mr. Sutcliffe noted the pole to be removed in the To~m Yard for expansion purposes had not yet been removed. The board directed Mr. Mccomisky of the Merrimack-Essex Electric Company be contacted on the matter. TO~N CLERK- Constables Chairman Finck read a letter from Town Clerk recommending the office of Town Constables become a~pcintive rather than elective since very Little interest ~*~s shown in the position of late years. Chairman Finck stated he would like to discuss the matter further with the 2own Clerk before taking action. This was agreeable to the board. SN~Y RK~OVAL ~2~RG~CY- Bills The board directed a letter be sent to Herman B. Dine, State Director of Accounts, requesting approval of payment of bt!tls incurred during the Snow Removal Emergency of December 28, 1959. DAMAGE The board directed the Police Department and Highway Surveyor be requested to sit, mit a report on the claim for damages in the emount of $32.20 submitted by Mrs. Charlotte Hopping, 27P Winter Street, for damages sustained to her car from icy ruts on Great Pond Road. ARTICLES The board approved an article requesting ~1400. for the instellatien of Flashing Traffic Signals at the intersection of Marblehead and Middlesex Street for~ insertion in the 1960 Warrant. Upon motion of Mr. Finneran seconded by Mr. Sutcliffe and voted unanimously, this meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M.